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MakingAComeback said:
I knew that just being a guy from the apps puts me in there with these loser cunts who are simping over an obese chick. Madness

I've seen what some of these guys look like. Trust me, we are wayyy better looking.

There was about 1 girl for every 2.2 girls on tinder (something like that), not too long ago.

Plus guys aren't nearly as picky girls are.

Some girls will only swipe on 1/50 guys they see.

So its honestly slanted against you. But even with those bad odds you can get incredible volume from online.
Excited to listen to your date recording. Feel free to PM me if you don't want to post it publicly.

There's a world of difference between describing an interaction over text and actually experiencing it via audio, or audio+video, or in person.

For example, sitting in on colgate's approaches and dates versus reading his depictions of them gave me a much fuller understanding of where he needed to go with his game, and allowed me to give him very directed feedback whereas otherwise I would just be guessing.

Getting the "no connection" text is almost always a vibe problem. And vibe can only be changed, in my experience, through specific analysis, feedback and modeling of other guys.

Even though I've always had high social acuity, my date game was shit until I started recording and sending it to wings. And only when I started meeting other guys and actually listening to their interactions could I start guessing at how to improve my own vibe. Different worlds!

SAT 05/03/22

(1) DATING: 2 Dates from the online apps (17 & 18) (DONE)
(2) Body: Core / Stretch / Replenish kcal and nutrients post 40 hr fast (DONE)
(3) Others: Life admin - help Vin, light therapy. Get to bed before 11. (DONE)


Really cool day, felt like a movie honestly.

This is called being on your mission and being at the bleeding edge of life.

No cold approach, which is bad, I failed to prioritise it and I helped my friend instead. Other than that, worked hard, no nonsense, no fluff. Just straight grinding from the moment I got up until now, 12 midnight writing this to you my bros.

Get up at 10am, 4hrs later than usual. I check my weight. 196.0. Body is looking LEAN. I will keep doing these fasts 2 x a week. They’re good for the body and also they shred that hard to target fat. End of April, surely I will have abs? SURELY?

My mentor Dr Marcus told me to include ab wheel roll outs to build up the overall abdominal cavity, I am doing these at the end of workouts now.

Ok, so I go to the shops, buy some bits, cook myself a full English to replenish nutrients and get in protein, fats and the building blocks of hormones. It’s important to have a higher kcal day post 40hr fasts LOL. It is important. Cook, eat, have my supplements, hydrate with lots of RO water.

Pushing like mad on my phone to nail down todays 2 dates. Get the text from date 16 saying sorry I don’t see this going anywhere, don’t waste your own time. I thank her and delete. I am legit triggered, EVERY TIME they send me this shit. The cold approach date didn’t tbf,yet…...but from the apps, every time man, either they ghost or send me this shit. It makes me despair. There feels like there is no possibility for anything long term with a woman, they will all, within any period of time, just ghost and move on. They discard you so easily, they don’t care, it is so so easy for them to replace a man they can get another one in less than 20 minutes. Only hope is to become so exceptional you’re the best they can dream of. That may happen for me but I will have to almost kill myself to get there. It will be war. This shit will take many years. I accept that.

So, change clothes, plan my day, and go do my friends errand. His AirBNB was in a cool part of London, on the Albert Embankment in Lambeth. Its a vibe. I get his parcels and bring them home to store them.

Jump straight in an ice bath for just 10 mins today. Change clothes. Right out the door. Run to date 17,


Meet her, I’m a bit late, and also almost get hit by a motorbike LMAO. It is entirely my fault, and the guy was about to get a bit leery, but remember I am triggered at this point so am working through a bit of anger, and I just point to the guys face and say “FUCK YOU”. He craps his pants and I run over to the other side of the road to meet the girl. Not proud of this because I was in the wrong but if he called me out on this I would have knocked him half dead. That text earlier just triggered me and at that moment the rage came up. But it kinda released at that point.

I skip over, she makes a joke about how I nearly got killed, and I just say “Well, that was only a motorbike, it was too small, it would take far, far more than that to kill me”. She laughs. She is so excited to meet me, she is just lovely. Looks-wise, she’s below average, but she is super, super nice and I just need this right now.

We skip over to a lovely spot just down the road from the station for dessert. French spot, really dig it.

So we talk and vibe, and we’re talking personal growth. MY TOPIC. Convo is going well, shes asking me questions, and I am answering with my honest thoughts.

She stops me several times and just tells me this is the best conversation she’s had for a long time and thanks me a lot. She also tells me I am inspiring her, she is just so adorable. Convo goes on, and she tells me that meeting me has really been the highlight of her week, and will be the highlight of this month, and can we please keep in touch?

It is so sweet, she melts my heart man. Really. I am almost feeling a little emotional. SHIT.

We keep talking, she opens up a lot. Tells me her struggles and stuff. Gets my advice. She is very appreciative.

She then says she is moving out, and when she’s in her new place, I should come over and have a beer with her.

In my mind I am thinking, she will ghost, I am sure of it – and then I laugh to myself, damn dude, if this chick legit just ghosts and tells me she isnt feeling a connection after telling me how much she wants to see me again, this is absolutely hilarious.

Wrap the date up. It’s an hour long, I’ve then gotta run to date #18.

We go to the station, I go on the northbound, she goes southbound. I kiss her good bye, we make out for a bit, we’re both quite into it.

DATE #18

Meet her. She was prettier on her pics, but having had an awesome convo on the phone, I must confess I am looking forward to meeting her IRL.

“Sorry, I’m a bit drink, you should know that – I’ve just come back from a comedy club for my friends birthday drinks”

I laugh. We head to a pub. She buys me a drink. We talk for 20 mins. I ask her for a quick kiss, she lets me kiss her very quickly. I just wanted to see if she would. She did.

Both these chicks had like no lips. Ugh, come on dude. First gal is middle eastern, second is bulgarian. This makes kissing basically non pleasurable.

OK, so after 20 mins, she has to get her train! I walk her to the station and we keep talking. She is really funny and has a great personality, really, she is such a vibe. We go on a mission to find her train, theres this funny ting where Kings Cross and Kings Cross St Pancrase are 2 diff stations and we don’t know which one is for her. I ask a member of staff and figure it out. We head over to Kings Cross St Pancrase, and talk, vibe, and she does make reference to “next time”.

We figure out the platform, well, I figure it out. It’s up a lift. The signage is poor!

In the lift, I just say, “great secluded opportunity for a kiss”, and she says “I know right”. We start making out, but more passionately this time, we’re holding each other tight. It feels good.

I then grab her by the hand and take her to the platform, she squeezes my hand. She makes a joke about having to get a hotel if we can’t find the platform, and I tell her “well there’s always my place”. She has quite a devious smile it’s funny.

The hand hold has always been a great barometer. If a girl doesn’t hold your hand, basically, it’s not happening. This happened to me on many dates. Danish girl was the first girl to actually hold my hand, and we smashed.

Get her to her platform, and we hug. She is rubbing me, we bring each other in close, it feels great man. Really, it does. We kiss again, it’s nice. Wish her well and send her a text when I get home, which she does respond to.

I think some girls aren’t too comfortable kissing in public. But some will. She only gave me a quick kiss in the pub, but in the lift, she was game.

So there you are. A whole lot of action.

Back at it tomorrow, hammering like a motherfucker.

Will also aim to eat a bit more tomorrow and keep the body satisfied. Monday will be my heavy day in the gym. I’ll eat at 6pm Monday, and then will fast until 8am Wednesday.

DATE #19 SCHEDULED FOR TOMORROW – 35 y/o from Bumble, again, lookswise not feeling her but if she’s a great gal like these two were then I would love to meet her. These two ladies today made me feel great. I am happy. Even if they ghost, they made me feel better. I am glad I met them.

Also, got a few dates scheduled next week – Date #20 with a pretty 26 y/o from Bumble, providing she doest ghost, and then Wednesday also have a date (#21) with a pretty 29 y./o/ Both of these girls next week have agreed to come to me, so I will take them for a drink at my local spot, which is legit 1 min from my flat, and then will invite them back. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

Thats all for today. Worked hard as hell.

Time to rest. Tomorrow will push hard and also cold approach.



Happy man.

Working my dick and balls off, ran to meet her at 3pm, she's a lovely human. Disclosure: she's 35, the looks are not there anymore, but she is a cool as hell chick. It's great spending time with her, I am happy just talking to her. She's a mixed race lady - kenyan / British heritage. I bet she would have been super cute 10 years ago but it is what it is.

Let me tell ya, the second she sees me, she is giving me goo goo eyes. Like she is very smiley, this happened with all the dates this week dude, they see me and they are beaming. I HAVE lost more facial fat, my face is looking leaner and more sculpted, body is looking better. Hair transplant later this year and the brutal work I am doing in the gym and on my diet and fasting will have my body elite, trust me, I am hammering like a mother fucker. You'll see. Body progress pics next month man. You will see my bros we are getting there!!! We will all make it.

So, yeah, I understand pancakemouse advised I record a date. I was nervous about it today, I bitched out, my fault. Tomorrow I will record the date!!! I won't bitch out. It's like, I will set my phone to record a voice note as I enter, and then just place it on the table and let it roll. I will upload it and tag The Mouse, and would greatly appreciate feedback.

The girl from today's date was into it and she asked me what I'm looking for, and said she'd be up to meet again. Plus she was looking at me with those goo goo eyes man, I am telling you, this shit never happened to me before.


But yeah, there's a lot to it lol. There is also beliefs, game, all that. I am definitely open minded to it. I know we all discussed this on colgates log and I emphasised looks, for context, I think this is for HARD CASES to get some wins and grow as men. Then thereafter I understand they need to calibrate and refine game etc. Just my thoughts, there are many ways up the mountain top and I believe in looksmaxxing and also taking extreme action.

Also, girls from the date yesterday both have responded to texts.

@Radical I will quote everyone who replied and catch up, but I am like pushing on the dates themselves to get the girl to commit to see me again. Basically, I say "I really enjoyed spending time with you, and if you'd be open to hanging out again, let me know what your schedule is like" and often I try to even arrange a day and time LOL. This may be a bit much? I dunno. Today I was nonchalant, and was like "yeah, if you wanna hang out again, just let me know, I'd be open to it" and was yeah whatever really. She did look at me a bit intensely then, it was different from how girls would respond when I seemed more interested. Dunno!

Ok so I am pushing for these dates: I am provisionally looking at dates Mon, Wed, and Thur so far. Will hammer cold approach and apps. Saturday my homie Vin has asked me to help at his next music video. It's a done deal. He is also working on an events venture, will see where he is with that and see if I can help involved somehow. This dude is a fucking animal and just being near him i an opportunity to surround myself with greatness.

Had 2 accountability calls with my brothers.



MON 07/03/2022

(1) Dating: Cold Approach 3hr / Old / Date #20
(2) Body: Gym / Core / Stretch
(3) Content: 2 TikToks, 1 YouTube
(4) Others: Work, Ice bath, energy switch, light therapy

Date 20, she is coming to a wine bar 60 seconds from my place. I will ask her to get the second round at my place. Nothing ventured nothing gained.

She is very pretty, 26, seems like a lovely human.

Smashed gym.

I took the advise outlined by Thrice and Hiesenberg and got more rest last night, I went to bed before 11, and KILLED it in the gym.

INSPIRED BY Zug please go to this mans log and priase him for his discipline and work ethic, HE HAS GOT HIMSELF ABS!!!!!!!! WHat a gift you gave to yourself Zug, I am beyond proud of you.

Burst out the gate and date some women now !!!!!!!!

Furthermore, following the discussion in Colgate's log and mine, especially listening to my trusted sources who got me where I am today (Rags2Bitches, Radical, Crisis, Manga, Pancakemouse) I am going to have to overcome my resistance to game and tweak things.

I have resistance to game because I believe deeply in connection and I would hate myself if I manipulated a girl into liking me that would make me damn near about to explode. I am however aware this is my fucked head talking and in practice it's just subtle tweaks to come across better. I will breathe and process it.

To Lord Pancake, I will PM you the audio of my date and anyone else who wants to see. I'll record 5-10 mins mostly of me, I can't record the girl that would make me feel horrible. I will edit it etc.

MakingAComeback said:
I have resistance to game because I believe deeply in connection and I would hate myself if I manipulated a girl into liking me that would make me damn near about to explode. I am however aware this is my fucked head talking and in practice it's just subtle tweaks to come across better. I will breathe and process it.

To Lord Pancake, I will PM you the audio of my date and anyone else who wants to see. I'll record 5-10 mins mostly of me, I can't record the girl that would make me feel horrible. I will edit it etc.

The idea that "Game = manipulating women" is a misinterpretation generally popularized by, well... women.

Game was created to describe, in explicit terms, the theretofore unseen process of seduction. Women hate making the implicit explicit, because by their nature they want to end up with true alphas and naturals.

Game allows guys like us, who never "got it", a way to learn quickly how to become natural. This should mean a faster way to create that deep connection you so crave, not a set of manipulative tricks.

Instead, could you learn how to be a natural by simply going on 5 dates a week for five years? Yes, probably, but it would take forever. It would be like trying to learn Chinese by listening to a radio broadcast.

It's much more efficient to get out in the field, record, learn, analyze, look at guys who are better than you, and return to the field and apply what you learned. Just like any other skill.

Looking forward to your recording.
Avi thanks man, working my ass off, improving OLD pics helped TONNES. I have gained muscle and will do more pics soon.

Will do a writeup, but smashed gym, core work, 10 cold approaches, have dinner, and then went on date 20.

She declined pull attempt, and then said she had to go home. She nursed her drink for an hour and a half as we were talking, convo felt OK, I recorded it and have sent it to pancakemouse. Ultimately, I could tell she didn't really like me tbh. Her body language and just vibe suggested it. She will either ghost entirely, or send me the not feeling the connection text - this one I am dead certain of.

Looks wise she was about average, not fat which is cool, I liked her tbh. Thought she was nice and also quite pretty.

Not sure exactly where I am going wrong but I am trying man. I am trying.


MON 07/03/2022

(1) Dating: Cold Approach 3hr / Old / Date #20 (DONE)
(2) Body: Gym / Core / Stretch (DONE)
(3) Content: 2 TikToks, 1 YouTube (FAL)
(4) Others: Work, Ice bath, energy switch, light therapy (Half Done)

Cold approach 3hrs
1 - shes just mad / angry
2 - beautiful woman, chats, but has a boyfriend (shes Belgian)
3 - Walked on, deflected
4 - Very sweet American tourist, she had a bf, but she was lovely. Girls in England are never like this. Ugh.
5 - Asian with fat ass, went Colgate mode - she smiled and walked off
6 - Ignored totally
7 - Deflected
8 - Deflected
9 - Deflected hard, she went into the road
10 - Deflected

Getting an early night. It's about to turn 10. I'll leave it there.

Notes on date 20: she is worse than her pics, like a fair bit worse, but she's still nice. And I find her pretty. Sadly as we're talking, there's not really the interest from her, I can't see it. I am trying and actively trying to build some connection. It doesn't seem to quite work. Ultimately, when she finishes her drink, which was an hour and a half, I ask if she wants the next one at mine. She smiles and tells me she has to go home and pack. She is going to the states on Wednesday, which is true. I tell her I can walk her to the bus, she insists she will find it.

Ghost incoming or not feeling the connection text confirmed.

I am going to have to break down how the fuck to do dates. Something about how I am doing it is just creating bullshit outcomes.

I'm going to develop a template or something.

Trust me, this sucks.

I have expressed who I am as a person to 20 women. The outcomes were mostly bullshit. This is not fun.

20 dates man that is solid. Does suck about the catfishes. Thats part of the reason I procrastinate daytime so much is because of the masks. Thankfully end of the month the mask mandate is over.

I think even though it might not be fun. Try to make it fun. I have debated just walking off if they are not great. Or maybe stay 30 min then when I leave say "see you around." Could I hear the recording?
Thanks for your posts bros. Recording is available via PM, as it requires me to share access. pancakemouse you've now been given access. The recording will be deleted by the end of the week. I did protect the privacy of the girl and took measures etc.

Heisenberg, really great post. I am definitely fucking up on several areas. I am becoming perhaps a bit of a cyborg through endless work and that may be impacting me, but I do have hobbies I do like content creation, spending time in nature, guitar, etc. But the biggest thing is, dude, at some level I think women can just sense there is some neediness. There is something not quite right. There are cases where they disagree with something, but then yesterday for instance her posture became defensive as fuck when she disagreed with me and I didn't want to double down. I think things like this are not helpful. Also I am definitely getting into my own value system, how much I care about growth, stuff like that, which honestly seems to be turning these women off. They begin to get skeptical as fuck at this stage and there is an uncomfortable body language tick when people begin to itch their nose. This happens a lot on dates. I think they think I am trying to impress them. I actually am not, I care about this topic.

But I can see how this means I have to change how I approach things a lot. There are areas of my own life I think its best not to talk about because it is clearly putting women off.

Bit lost right now.

Heisenberg said:
3. Date
After the date you get ghosted or you get a text that she "didn't feel a spark" or "a connection"
This is either 2 (boring communication) or 3 (boring lifestyle). (For OLD dates it could also be looks if your photos are way better than you're really life appearance. For CA dates it is definitely not looks and improving your looks won't help you.)
The mostcommon mistake is trying to impress the girl. E.g. You adapt your opinions to avoid conflict with her. Or you tell boastful stories with the obvious intention of impressing her.
The second most common mistake is that there is really not much interesting about you. Routine is effective but boring. If she asks you what you did all week and all you have to say is "gym, work and sleep" then she'll get rightfully bored with you. Make sure to add variety to your life.
Can you really chalk up all failed dates to being boring or bad communication? I feel like there are some instances that no matter what you do, there just won't be a vibe. What your saying does make sense, as since improving my lifestyle & social skills, my retention has improved, but it still seems like some dates not working out would be out of your control.

Or is this advice intended for someone who can't get past this stage at all?

Really good post BTW. I 100% agree with what you said about not changing your opinion to appease girls. That is something I always attempt to follow. The problem is, she might genuinely have a problem with your viewpoint depending on what it is, but I guess in that case she'll remove herself from your life and she wasn't worth it anyways?

Also, I swear to god, London must be full of feminists. The amount of feminists MAC ends up going out with is unreal.

(1) Dating: CA 2hrs 10 Approaches / Old Process
(2) Body: Fasting / Core / Stretch
(3) Content: 2 TiKToks / 2 YouTube


I’m a bit jaded today but will push on and get shit done. There is a lot I need to change about myself.

Better to know this really.

Now starts the deeper work.

Feeling absolutely terrible today but you bet I will hammer like fuck. Today will be an example of moving forward even when it SUCKS.


There is a lot bro but also violence against women does sometimes happen here in bad cases like Sarah Everard so there is a tonne of press and events, work done to promote women safety and feminism.

I understand it. It's justified. But there is a lot dude. Women here are ULTRA sceptical and dating them is a strange experience, I am not sure how I will crack it but it will be done.

No issue with anyone having feminist views of course, I totally respect that and I do like to listen to these chicks, they're interesting.

For a first date girls really don't need to know a lot about you. It's about your overall vibe, not a list of your achievements or hobbies. I actually purposefully blew a date yesterday by talking about my life and making it boring because I didn't want to see her again.

1) Avoid politics and religion and if she brings it up just tell her playfully you don't think it's a fun subject for a first date. If she insists then it's a red flag anyway. I don't agree with the advice to "stand your ground." You can have those discussions when you've been dating for a month and you're laying in bed just shooting the shit. Not on date 1.

2) Talk about travel, adventure ("what's the coolest thing you've done lately"), her ambitions and dreams. Don't get too deep. With the world being locked down you always have an excuse to talk about travel. "I wanted to go to country X but then the world locked down so I couldn't go. If you could go anywhere you want right now, where would you go?"

3) If she's smart I like to talk about books/literature and art in general. Great way to go a bit deeper as the date progresses. Lots of times I'll ask girls about their favorite book and they don't have an answer and I bust their balls for it ("you don't have a top 3 ready??") and then the day after the date they'll send me a top 3 list. It tells me all the right things: that she wants to impress me, that she was thinking about me/the date long after it's over, and that she wants to see me again.
Thank you bro.

I'm going to have to put together a template because I am getting things wrong and need help.

I will do more thinking. Also a few dudes will give me feedback.

I will keep working. Today will be rough as I just am feeling a bit shit processing it all but dates Wed and Thur.

Holden said:
1) Avoid politics and religion and if she brings it up just tell her playfully you don't think it's a fun subject for a first date. If she insists then it's a red flag anyway. I don't agree with the advice to "stand your ground." You can have those discussions when you've been dating for a month and you're laying in bed just shooting the shit. Not on date 1.
I agree with both perspectives to some extent. I think being honest about certain loaded topics (like politics or religion, as you mentioned), can ruin the relationship if it's an issue she feels very strongly about. I also agree that it's not a date 1 topic. I've done it successfully before, but in hindsight, it was a risky move and a bad idea. At the same time, Heisenberg is right, being honest about your opinion is good, because nodding and agreeing with everything she says is not attractive.

MakingAComeback said:
There is a lot bro but also violence against women does sometimes happen here in bad cases like Sarah Everard so there is a tonne of press and events, work done to promote women safety and feminism.

I understand it. It's justified. But there is a lot dude. Women here are ULTRA sceptical and dating them is a strange experience, I am not sure how I will crack it but it will be done.

No issue with anyone having feminist views of course, I totally respect that and I do like to listen to these chicks, they're interesting.

Yeah, the issues that women face are definitely real, and I don't want to minimize that whatsoever. I'm not against the idea of feminism in itself, the issues it targets are real and need to be addressed. As you've mentioned however, feminism has enabled toxic women, and it definitely enables misandry.

However, I'll admit, I've never really met too many crazy feminists in real life, out of the girls I have dated. And keep in mind that I am from a region with lots of progressive feminist girls. I've gone out with girls who were very into social justice issues, but most of them were pretty rational about it.

Now, sorry if this is too much politics, but I really want to say what I would've said to that girl in response if I was trying to argue logically.

I would've pointed out the fact that she's incorrectly attributing their failure as leaders to them being men. The reason why leaders like Putin do things like this is because they are malignant narcissists, aka narcissistic sociopaths, something that women are also capable of being.
Great post and I hear you, I really hear you on this.

When you have dates with misandrists it is very horrible bro.

Sadly I have encountered 2 so far who openly expressed how much they hate men.

Part of the process isn't it, most days I can shrug it off. Some days its like, dude, this is fucked up. If they don't like men at all they should leave us alone! lol.

I dunno. But thanks for sharing because it is definitely a strange experience.

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