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Yep. Lesson learned.

The last two dates were at a local wine bar (2 min walk from my place) and a local pub (10min walk). Both are just walk in.

This one, I wanted to make it super convenient for her.

Flaking is the rule and I will not repeat this mistake.

Still going to get my deposit back, walking down in 30 mins lol

MakingAComeback said:
The last two dates were at a local wine bar (2 min walk from my place)

Literally go here every date
I had one bar in Manchester that was similar distance from mine and i more or less never went anywhere else
Good to see your on the grind MacDaddy!

Photo tip and this is a formula I use all the time.

Good photo = cool location + subject + action/point of interest.

There’s heaps of cool spots around London, your the subject, action is the posing but this can also be you doing something looking back, holding a camera etc.

Tower bridge + Mac + looking over the edge
Big Ben + Mac + taking a photo of Big Ben.

Adrizzle said:
Good to see your on the grind MacDaddy!

Photo tip and this is a formula I use all the time.

Good photo = cool location + subject + action/point of interest.

There’s heaps of cool spots around London, your the subject, action is the posing but this can also be you doing something looking back, holding a camera etc.

Tower bridge + Mac + looking over the edge
Big Ben + Mac + taking a photo of Big Ben.


Hell yeah Adrizzle we're both working out here! THANK YOU for this I will take your advice on board and try this on Sunday



(1) Dating: Cold Approach 3hrs / Old process
(2) Body: Gym / Core / Stretch / Fasting
(3) Content: 2 TikToks, YouTube video backlog upload
(4) Others: Work. Haircut. Copywriting study 2hrs.


Yesterday I took a few hours to recharge, lay down and listened to the great Dr Gabor Mate. Did the Old process (400 profiles liked on Hinge, 2 Bumble boosts). Relaxed and recharged. Today, back on the attack and also fasting all day ripping through bodyfat.

MakingAComeback said:
@nipple-flip soon I will hit the 1rm of our challenge bro. Hope ur good and working hard. Come back and post when you are ready. No judgement. We're here to work when you are ready to get back.

appreciate the callout B

you best believe i've been grinding behind the scenes. had a mock meet last week where i tried to hit the 1RM challenge, but fell a bit short. I managed a 198 bench, 341 squat, and 440 deadlift at a bodyweight of 147.3 lbs. so about 5lb short in all 3 lifts. still, I'll take 135 out of the 150 pounds that I wanted to add to my total

I won't have another mock meet for 6 months or so, so unless I hit the requisite PRs organically in the gym, which is unlikely, I'll concede defeat on this challenge. I came close, but just don't have it yet.

i have a lot to catch up on in your log and in mine :)
CHECK IN FROM LAST NIGHT (FRI). Typed up but didn't post!!!!!


(1) Dating: Cold Approach 3hrs / Old process (DONE)
(2) Body: Gym / Core / Stretch / Fasting (DONE)
(3) Content: 2 TikToks, YouTube video backlog upload (FAIL)
(4) Others: Work. Haircut. Copywriting study 2hrs. (DONE apart from copywriting)

Raining and windy in London, hard day in the grit for a cold approach newbie. No free lucnh around here. Umbrella is by my side and I get to work!

1 – totally ignored

2 – I was in AA hell today, I legit just gave this woman a compliment and walked off. She was very happy to hear it and she was stunned/shocked. Bless her. I wanted to give her a compliment because she was a tall girl. She was about 6 ft. Made me happy that she appreciated it. Have a soft spot for these girls…..
3 – OK so this one was the same, I felt like literal hell on the front lines today. Its hard when its rainy, windy and they all have umbrellas. This is what I need. I just went to compliment this woman. Thing is, she was looking at me with the nastiest dirtiest look you ever will see. Some women love very tall men, to look at, but that’s about as far as it helps. I approach her, she fucking freaks out. She is legit scared. Not gonna bother. Compliment her and move on. She appreciates it.

Then bailed a few times.


Very tough day.

Guess what? Back tomorrow. And I’m hammering again. Will be with my friend tomorrow, all day until 2am, filming and shit. And I will hammer approaches while we’re doing our thing.

After approaches:

Came back home. Got a haircut. Will need a hair transplant in August.

Gonna book July off to probably spend a month approachng 8 hours a day. I’m not kidding. I will do that 7 days a week. 10Am – 6m for a month. Will try to hammer 500 approaches that month 7 days a week.

August, gonna fly and get some work done by a good hair trainsplant surgeon. Following the HT, ALL your hair falls out. August, Sept, Oct will be hat wearing time. After 3-4 months it gets better. It is what it is.

Went to the shops and picked up some supplies for the house.

Swithed over our gas and electricity. Brutal prices. Just brutal. We’re in a deal with no exit fee, and summer is around the corner. We’ll make it work.

Then did stretching for 30 mins.

Hammered on the dating apps for an hour. OLD is still solid. Decent leads, and some girls do ask me out. Last chick asked me out. Cute chick asked me out just now. May have a new one for Sunday morning, coffee date. We’ll see.

OLD can be powerfu but you need a solid ass profile, I will get into the habbit of just taking pics once or twice a month, Rags2Bitches told me this a while ago, Andy also drilled it into me.

Hammering on the apps, gets to about 930pm.

I call it there.

No content uploaded/

No copywriting.

Worked hard ALL day, and also, because I went to the gym it was fucking brutal to fasr. I went with OMAD. So I had one meal post gym, and then fasted all day It will still help me and will be effective. This still counts as fasting, if you consume around 500kcal post gym and leave it at that, this still can be considered fasting, but for me I prefer to do legit no food. Tip for this is you do it on non lifting days. Lifting days make you ravenous.

Day was not bad. Not the best. But not bad.


Cold Approaches: 112 (+1 yesterday)
Numbers: 3
OLD Dates: 20
CA Dates: 1
OLD Lays: 1

Back in the grit today, shooting content with my friend from 12-12! Renting a zipcar and driving his ass home at 1am. Will be a late one for MAC. Then gonna see what I can make happen for Sunday, at the very least, we'll do pictures.

nipple-flip said:
MakingAComeback said:
@nipple-flip soon I will hit the 1rm of our challenge bro. Hope ur good and working hard. Come back and post when you are ready. No judgement. We're here to work when you are ready to get back.

appreciate the callout B

you best believe i've been grinding behind the scenes. had a mock meet last week where i tried to hit the 1RM challenge, but fell a bit short. I managed a 198 bench, 341 squat, and 440 deadlift at a bodyweight of 147.3 lbs. so about 5lb short in all 3 lifts. still, I'll take 135 out of the 150 pounds that I wanted to add to my total

I won't have another mock meet for 6 months or so, so unless I hit the requisite PRs organically in the gym, which is unlikely, I'll concede defeat on this challenge. I came close, but just don't have it yet.

i have a lot to catch up on in your log and in mine :)

Happy to hear from ya man! SOLID ASS WORK YOU BEAST!

Nah I need like 5-6 more weeks to hit the target 1RM, honestly. Will keep you posted!

Keep jackhammering and let's see where we're at Dec 2022.

Holden said:
For a first date girls really don't need to know a lot about you. It's about your overall vibe, not a list of your achievements or hobbies. I actually purposefully blew a date yesterday by talking about my life and making it boring because I didn't want to see her again.

1) Avoid politics and religion and if she brings it up just tell her playfully you don't think it's a fun subject for a first date. If she insists then it's a red flag anyway. I don't agree with the advice to "stand your ground." You can have those discussions when you've been dating for a month and you're laying in bed just shooting the shit. Not on date 1.

2) Talk about travel, adventure ("what's the coolest thing you've done lately"), her ambitions and dreams. Don't get too deep. With the world being locked down you always have an excuse to talk about travel. "I wanted to go to country X but then the world locked down so I couldn't go. If you could go anywhere you want right now, where would you go?"

3) If she's smart I like to talk about books/literature and art in general. Great way to go a bit deeper as the date progresses. Lots of times I'll ask girls about their favorite book and they don't have an answer and I bust their balls for it ("you don't have a top 3 ready??") and then the day after the date they'll send me a top 3 list. It tells me all the right things: that she wants to impress me, that she was thinking about me/the date long after it's over, and that she wants to see me again.

This is really good advice.

MakingAComeback from reading your entire log and listening to your interveiw with Andy; I get the feeling you are talking about yourself too much on dates or keeping to safe topics. Ideally it should be 70%+ her talking & 30% or less you talking. I get the feeling the ratio is probably at least 60 or 70% you talking. Ask her open ended questions that generate discussion about fun and exciting topics.

Asking stuff like "What's the most exciting thing you've done this week (or month)?"
what's been your favorite adventure in the last year?
Favorite memory?
favorite trip in the last 5 years and why?

stuff like that will help get you to more lively topics.

I also get the feeling you are not creating the right level of sexual tension. The way you do this is by broaching the sexual topic with her and owning it. Ask her when her last relationship was like (just obviously be careful if she says something traumatic happened) but that will open up opportunities to ask about how the sex was and then onto what she likes and doesn't like in the bedroom (saying something like "what's the wildest thing you have ever done?"). It's scary to try the first time but being polarizing and sexualizing will get you more wins then you are getting now long term.

Be flirty / direct about saying you think something about her looks sexy and make sexual innuendos (That's what she said line from the Office in the US is something I use all the time and it still works great after all of these years.)

One other thing I would highly suggest is concept of "seeding the next date" Or even "seeding the pull". Essentially when yours like 30-45 mins into the date and you think its going well you want to either seed the pull by saying something "My friend just got me into this really funny TV show (pick something light and funny, I like Impractical Jokers as an example but UK is probably different); you should come check it out with me after this." Then towards the end of the date you say "alright you ready to check this out with me you're gonna love it."

Or if you want to just seed for the 2nd date. Just say something like "What's your favorite type of food, desert ect?" start talking about foods you like for a couple of minutes to get to your "seed" of saying "I know ABC restaurant has amazing tacos (or whatever food you want), you been there before? Oh you need to it will change your life, we should go there (insert day later that week) then work through schedules. That way you don't need to wait until texting the next day to start planning your date you lock it in while being in person so you can answer objections. Obviously only do this if YOU WANT TO SEE HER AGAIN. That's most important, once you decide you do you should be going for that and it will help you a lot with flakes. This is also assuming she is enjoying the date which it sounds like based on your recent convos and advice you will get more girls wanting to have a second date with you.

Above all you gotta change your mindset and be more positive. Remove "she will flake" from your vocabulary. Even if she does look at it this way, what can you learn from it.

There are no losses. There are only wins and or lessons. That type of attitude will go a long way. keep your head up!
countingsheep7878 said:
Holden said:
For a first date girls really don't need to know a lot about you. It's about your overall vibe, not a list of your achievements or hobbies. I actually purposefully blew a date yesterday by talking about my life and making it boring because I didn't want to see her again.

1) Avoid politics and religion and if she brings it up just tell her playfully you don't think it's a fun subject for a first date. If she insists then it's a red flag anyway. I don't agree with the advice to "stand your ground." You can have those discussions when you've been dating for a month and you're laying in bed just shooting the shit. Not on date 1.

2) Talk about travel, adventure ("what's the coolest thing you've done lately"), her ambitions and dreams. Don't get too deep. With the world being locked down you always have an excuse to talk about travel. "I wanted to go to country X but then the world locked down so I couldn't go. If you could go anywhere you want right now, where would you go?"

3) If she's smart I like to talk about books/literature and art in general. Great way to go a bit deeper as the date progresses. Lots of times I'll ask girls about their favorite book and they don't have an answer and I bust their balls for it ("you don't have a top 3 ready??") and then the day after the date they'll send me a top 3 list. It tells me all the right things: that she wants to impress me, that she was thinking about me/the date long after it's over, and that she wants to see me again.

This is really good advice.

@MakingAComeback from reading your entire log and listening to your interveiw with Andy; I get the feeling you are talking about yourself too much on dates or keeping to safe topics. Ideally it should be 70%+ her talking & 30% or less you talking. I get the feeling the ratio is probably at least 60 or 70% you talking. Ask her open ended questions that generate discussion about fun and exciting topics.

Asking stuff like "What's the most exciting thing you've done this week (or month)?"
what's been your favorite adventure in the last year?
Favorite memory?
favorite trip in the last 5 years and why?

stuff like that will help get you to more lively topics.

I also get the feeling you are not creating the right level of sexual tension. The way you do this is by broaching the sexual topic with her and owning it. Ask her when her last relationship was like (just obviously be careful if she says something traumatic happened) but that will open up opportunities to ask about how the sex was and then onto what she likes and doesn't like in the bedroom (saying something like "what's the wildest thing you have ever done?"). It's scary to try the first time but being polarizing and sexualizing will get you more wins then you are getting now long term.

Be flirty / direct about saying you think something about her looks sexy and make sexual innuendos (That's what she said line from the Office in the US is something I use all the time and it still works great after all of these years.)

One other thing I would highly suggest is concept of "seeding the next date" Or even "seeding the pull". Essentially when yours like 30-45 mins into the date and you think its going well you want to either seed the pull by saying something "My friend just got me into this really funny TV show (pick something light and funny, I like Impractical Jokers as an example but UK is probably different); you should come check it out with me after this." Then towards the end of the date you say "alright you ready to check this out with me you're gonna love it."

Or if you want to just seed for the 2nd date. Just say something like "What's your favorite type of food, desert ect?" start talking about foods you like for a couple of minutes to get to your "seed" of saying "I know ABC restaurant has amazing tacos (or whatever food you want), you been there before? Oh you need to it will change your life, we should go there (insert day later that week) then work through schedules. That way you don't need to wait until texting the next day to start planning your date you lock it in while being in person so you can answer objections. Obviously only do this if YOU WANT TO SEE HER AGAIN. That's most important, once you decide you do you should be going for that and it will help you a lot with flakes. This is also assuming she is enjoying the date which it sounds like based on your recent convos and advice you will get more girls wanting to have a second date with you.

Above all you gotta change your mindset and be more positive. Remove "she will flake" from your vocabulary. Even if she does look at it this way, what can you learn from it.

There are no losses. There are only wins and or lessons. That type of attitude will go a long way. keep your head up!

I am always so humbled when I get these posts from guys who have read my WHOLE JOURNAL. Bro, THANK YOU for taking the time, and for your amazoing advice here. I love it.

It echos what pancakemouse told me and broke down following my audio. It's great advice and helps me a lot.

Happy to have you here & lets get it.


SAT 12/03/2022

(1) Dating: Cold Approach & Apps (Approaching during video shooting day)
(2) Body: Core / Good diet & Recovery
(3) Others: Dermapen, Light, Cold Thermogenesis, Supplements, Video shooting day.


Off to shoot videos with my friend all day, 12 til 12, we’re gonna get into some shit! Will approach throughout the day.


SUN 13/03/2022

(1) Dating: Cold Approach 3hrs / Online Dating Process
(2) Body: Core / Stretch / Supplements & Good diet
(3) Content: Edit & Upload 2 Videos

Notes: Yesterday with my boy, fuck it was amazing, we worked super hard all shot content for his project 12-10pm. We stopped for a hot chocolate at the end but otherwise non stop. He doesn’t even get tired. Dude barely eats and just is obsessed with biz. Was wonderful to be around greatness and to see how a high level dude operates. Grateful for this friendship.

Just being with him and doing his influencer type shit with him, 2 girls gave us their numbers. I deleted them. My friend always emphasised how clout gives you access to the most stunning women on the planet. He is internet famous. And that is a way for him to have girls approach him. I am gonna go in that direction in the future I think. Gotta become somebody.

At one point, we were shooting shit in Selfridges, and a lady working there was ALL OVER US. It was nuts. Looking us up and down and she just gave us her number. She was actually going for me but I deflected and told her she should hit up my friend. He takes her num. I try to pish her onto him but she says at the end we should all get together and see what comes of it, while looking at my chest. WHAT THE FUCK. This is a new one.

There’s levels. I am not working my ass off to the extent he is. This dude is a SAVAGE and its normal for him.

If I am to become someone, I will have to do the same.

Lets get it.

I am not on my friends level I would be lying about myself.

He is a baller, straight up, he has the clout and really lives it.

I would be benefiting off him which is not honest.

When I build my brand I will be fine with it. But I am not lying about myself.

One actually took my number, I didn't mention this. She said she's an actress and wants to be in videos.

If she texts me I will reply.

But I am not faking anything about myself. I will be honest I am growing my brand.

21 / 21 not feeling the connection or ghost

Text yesterday. Week in & week out, same shit, different day. Lol.

Gonna be honest: have lost all my hope now.

Don't actually care. I will try this year & then I will leave it there.

The griding I put in to lose my weight, gym, diet, supplements, making myself hammer on the apps and cold approach daily...lol...at least I will know I did my best.

After that I am gonna have to come to terms with it. I will probably just move to the developing world and try to do something postive for me fellow man, build something or do something for some other people who can benefit from my skills and extreme work ethic.

Some dudes aren't for it when it comes to women. Tha sadly is me.

I am good at other things and that is enough for me.

Options are what they are. I will work in the extreme this year and then after that I will never torture myself trying to play a game I am not good enough for.

9 more months and that'll be me done.

MakingAComeback said:
I am not on my friends level I would be lying about myself.

He is a baller, straight up, he has the clout and really lives it.

I would be benefiting off him which is not honest.

When I build my brand I will be fine with it. But I am not lying about myself.



The self-sabotage is strong in this one
He's there with 3 gold chains and diamonds dropping hundreds on designer goods while I'm taking pics / videos, it would be misleading man.

Today I am going to really push in cold approach

On the apps, I think I may have date 22 on Monday and another Friday, maybe.

Self sabotage may happen with me but I also do my best on many instances so trust me it's not always me fucking myself, I am doing my best

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