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Well, I'm glad you are not resentful. You seem kinda fixated on the topic, that's all. But I understand the importance of writing down thoughts.
MakingAComeback said:
30 as a male is still prime IMO. Biiiiiiiiig time.
While that is true, if you want younger girls who are not past their prime, their age filter will probably cut off before 30.
MakingAComeback said:
Bumble for me is a lot of older women, 30-40. I ran a spotlight last night and woke up with 20 matches.

The way women age can be BRUTAL. You see some of these profiles of probably lovely women, but they're 35, 38, 40 etc. And you just look at them and think, what? Why are you here? What's your story?

now u see why approach is king
Online dating is such a clusterfuck.

But yes women age differently than we do. It almost looks like they age faster than us. But what it really is is that we value young looking girls and girls value older looking guys. Thats most of it.
Squilliam said:
Well, I'm glad you are not resentful. You seem kinda fixated on the topic, that's all. But I understand the importance of writing down thoughts.
MakingAComeback said:
30 as a male is still prime IMO. Biiiiiiiiig time.
While that is true, if you want younger girls who are not past their prime, their age filter will probably cut off before 30.

I hear ya man. Probably true. If I get one while she's younger, there is the possibility of having something for life.

colgate said:
MakingAComeback said:
Bumble for me is a lot of older women, 30-40. I ran a spotlight last night and woke up with 20 matches.

The way women age can be BRUTAL. You see some of these profiles of probably lovely women, but they're 35, 38, 40 etc. And you just look at them and think, what? Why are you here? What's your story?

now u see why approach is king

Yeah. I have seen this to be the truth bro. It is king. The whole dynamic of the apps is different from the dynamic that's created when you've approached.

Jacobpalmer123 said:
Online dating is such a clusterfuck.

But yes women age differently than we do. It almost looks like they age faster than us. But what it really is is that we value young looking girls and girls value older looking guys. Thats most of it.

You put this BRILLIANTLY.

We value youth and fertility, they value success.

Very insightful and crazy to see how true this is, it is embedded deep into our spirit.

Jacobpalmer123 said:
Online dating is such a clusterfuck.

But yes women age differently than we do. It almost looks like they age faster than us. But what it really is is that we value young looking girls and girls value older looking guys. Thats most of it.

not only that, they do really age faster, less collagen in the skin, lower rates of protein syntesis

MakingAComeback said:
She still ghosted completely, presumably because she's such a Queen? Lol.

MakingAComeback said:
the older you get, our female counterparts are becoming fucking horrifying prospects to be with.

i'm maxing myself out for girls age 18-25 anyway, if i dosen't work and can't get them i go my own way, i'm not going to be the beta bux for post wall woman

SAT 26/02/2022


(1) Dating: Cold Approach 3hrs / Online 2hrs (DONE, terrible volume, legit no girls here lol)
(2) Body: Gym / Core (DONE, beasted it, trained in the gym, drove home, got my headphones on and went for a 60 min run in the sunshine. Did core work. Worked hard man)
(3) Content: Shoot & Upload (FAIL, it’s 8pm, I’m gonna recharge now)
(4) Others: Dermaroller, cold thermogenesis, work (FAIL)

OK, so I did some good stuff: cold approached tho there was NOTHING here, did some work on the apps, worked my ass off in the gym and got a great run in! So that was good. It’s 8pm now, I’ll chill and recharge this evening.

Tomorrow, I will attack it. Have a lot to do……

Yesterday was a full recharge day man. I was going to go cold approach, but my Dad is having some health issues atm and I had to be on call incase I had to take him for some tests. He has taken onboard the suggestions we’ve given him since being made aware of his recent challenges, and he seems to be doing better. But I had to stay with them all day, so couldn’t cold approach.

So, I did a tonne of restorative activities. Early early morning, before anyone was up, went for a 3hr walk in the sunshine. This is very deeply restorative. Used the dermapen. Core work, Infrared sauna for 45mins, hot soak in Epsom salts for 20mins, posted an IG pic, red light therapy using the EMR-Tek Inferno. Bit of life admin, including prepping some stuff for my Mum as she’s going abroad. Ran some errands, did some work on the dating apps, and then relaxed by watching some content. Watched some recent Jordan Peterson interviews, and also watched some great stuff on spirituality.

It stimulated a lot for me on women, and how we as men can find a sacred connection with a woman when both parties are at the right level of consciousness, and how healing this can be. In particular, in a few interviews in the spiritual space I watched, men were only able to really know God and creation when they were able to overcome their ego, egoic desires, and actually were able to find union with woman at the deepest level.

Success is an inside job isn’t it? The law of attraction has been proven again and again. What is burning in our consciousness will come out to the world. Equally, high achievement begins with a mind that is open to it.

I know that any fleeting anger that is sometimes inside will fully dissolve, it already has gone down a lot, but equally, I want to raise my consciousness and get beyond where I may be, because I do know, with harmony and also with true connection to an appropriate woman, I know my life will be 10 x what it is right now.

Sometimes you have to lean into these things, and these challenges are constructed FOR US to grow. Why would I have all this emotionality, if it was not to make me aware there is a buried treasure inside that I will need to dig DEEP to find? My intuition tells me this is true, and I will follow it all the way down.

In sum, yesterday, I couldn’t cold approach as I had an obligation to be mindful of my Dad, and furthermore, it was a great opportunity to recharge deeply so I did so.

Now, back on the attack.


MON 28/02/2022


(1) Body: Gym / Core / Stretch
(2) Content: Upload 3 Videos
(3) Dating: Online dating
(4) Others: Work, Life Admin

Evening check in,


MON 28/02/2022


(1) Body: Gym / Core / Stretch (DONE)
(2) Content: Upload 3 Videos (FAIL)
(3) Dating: Online dating (DONE)
(4) Others: Work, Life Admin (DONE)

Notes: busy day, did my best, but wasn’t the strongest performance. I will be back and will try again tomorrow.

Took my body progress pics. Physique is def. Slowly improving.

I will upload side by side comparisons this week.

Interviewing Andy tomorrow!
Very nice! Hit that neck hard if you're not doing it already, and forearms too. Left biceps needs some extra attention. Delts and back look fantastic.
Dam 185 pounds at your height is gonna be shredded for sure. I think width is a good place to start to get that good V taper then to focus on density 2nd.

INTERVIEW WITH ANDY IS UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We had a great dialogue and it came out very well. Andy has posted it above and I would love you to watch it.

Body wise, I am going to shred hard this month and next bros. I can get to 185 peeled. Then we build back up. Thank you for your feedback it is greatly appreciated. Will hammer it. Jacob did suggest last time I work hard on bringing up my back and trust me I fucking hammered it man. It DID come up. Like I said I'll do the side by side comparisons of the last photo so you can see.

I am doing alternate day fasting to shred the fat boyos, it must be gone. It must. One-two months of hardcore shredding and we build some solid ass muscle. I will shred hardcore this month and honestly I am confident I can go into April with most of the fat burned off....April, if we've got abs, it's time to start the build up.


TUE 01/03/22

(1) Dating: Cold approach (5-10 approaches) / Go on date #15 (cold approach date) / Old
(2) Body: Core / Fasting
(3) Content: 2 TikToks, upload 1 YouTube video
(4) Others: Work.

I interviewed Andy this morning and it was fucking awesome!

You really are a great storyteller, loved to hear you talk about your journey, and I really felt your emotions when you talked about your breakdown and everything else.

Great interview, loved the part where you talked about the processing your deep seated emotions. It resonated with me. That video was inspiring as always and we see the total change from your previous video, in terms of physique (obviously), but also general energy.

Physique looks great, you have wide shoulders which gives your body a nice V-shape.
Thank you bros for your comments I will reply individually, but I truly appreciate you taking the time to comment and it means a lot. I shouted so many of you out in the video itself and the whole community. We are building some legends and true success stories here brothers. We really are.


TUE 01/03/22

(1) Dating: Cold approach (5-10 approaches) / Go on date #15 (cold approach date) / Old (DONE - went out for 1hr15 mins no approaches, after taking a few days off I was shit, but it helped and I enjoyed being out and seeing some fucking lovely women. Date rescheduled, more below. Old leads are looking good)
(2) Body: Core / Fasting (DONE, fasted all day! Gotta shred boyos, abs in 2 months SURELY)
(3) Content: 2 TikToks, upload 1 YouTube video (Half done, no tiktoks but uploaded a YouTube video)
(4) Others: Work. (DONE)

Notes: Japanese girl rescheduled, she was in Paris over the weekend busy being a stunner, I followed her IG stories, shes living life man, big time. She was due to get the Eurostar back today, but it got delayed. So she sends me pictures of her tickets, the delay in schedule, and she follows up by calling me and explaining she is so sorry to cancel can we reschedule. God some girls are sweetness itself. It legit melted my heart. Some women have it in spades. Seeing her tomorrow and I can't wait.

Cold approach, I sucked after not doing it for 3 days lol, but back out and enjoying it.

Had a great wellness consult with my man Doctor Marcus. He gave me advise on bringing my sex drive higher which was awesome. His advice has been helping a lot man. I want to build a raging sex drive and we are working on it. Herbs, lifestyle, wellness processes. They help a lot.

Day was solid. Pushing for dates, got a few numbers in my phone who are receptive. Lets get lay #2.

I also interviewed Andy this morning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was fucking awesome and we dove DEEP into Andy's legendary story. Prepare to be rocked to the core.

Keep hammering,
Heisenberg said:
but why are you then writing this bullshit essays regularly?

I think MakingAComeback has made it pretty clear he is logging exactly how he feels inside so he can vent and work through it - no matter how invalid or irrational those ideas are

Often our internal monologue is completely irrational, it doesnt make it any less impactful on your mindset

I dont think your analysis of his writing here gives him any credit for the fact he is trying to work through the blackpill ideas that still have a grip on him in his lowest moments, that still pull him towards hopelessness

If you listen to the interview with Andy you will hear that logging these inner thoughts honestly is how he broke through his recent AA mental block
MakingAComeback said:
Hit that neck hard if you're not doing it already

Are neck exercises really safe to do?
Heisenberg said:
, if we've got abs, it's time to start the build up.

At your massive height, if you can cut down to full abs @185 you will look thick ad fuck, like a middleweight, you won't need new muscles you'll look sexy as fuck.

Of course bulk, lifting weights is a lifestyle, but someone your height with full abs at 185 can start maxing other areas because body wise you will already look great!

I will watch your interview during my workout tomorrow 💪👍🙂
Heisenberg said:
Mate, I really admire your presitence.
You're very dedicated on this self improvement journes.
You're cold approaching consitently in London, which is a very tough place for cold approach, especially in winter.

But now I have some constructive criticism:
You really need to work on this incel minset that I sometimes see coming though.
Shit like this:
MakingAComeback said:
When a woman's looks have long, long faded, and the fire that once burned so bright has worn down to a flickering ebb, all you can think as a man is WHY didn't you strike when the iron was hot? I can't do anything for you now.....I am curious about going on a date with one of these chicks just to see what they're like, but my god is it scary. You are looking at a legitimately weather beaten, aged, withered form of a girl. It's pretty sad. You see some who are 30 who look fucking 50! That's partying like nuts, drinking, substance use, and just being a total moron and not taking care of your body.

I mean no disrespect, but it really is something I think many men who are in this process at 30 and beyond will go through. You are dealing with wayyyyyyyyy past their prime women whose physical appearance has declined HARD.

My last date was with a 29 year old, and she was a very quality chick, awesome human, and she was even pretty to boot, but looking at her face, I could tell there were hard wrinkle lines forming and age was about to unleash it's attack.

She still ghosted completely, presumably because she's such a Queen? Lol. The delusion of these chicks is nuts. This is how women get to 40+ and are still single, insanely past their prime, and bringing a package to the table that just isn't going to evoke anything from a man - and then they will wonder why there's 'no spark' LOL

This just sounds so much like "I'm a bitter loser who is very angry at women because they don't want me". You'll say that that's not the case, but why are you then writing this bullshit essays regularly?
Were you part of some of these incel/blackpill communities before? Because that is the bullshit that they teach there. And they teach it for the sole reason that it gives them external excuses for not having success with women. This shit has nothing to do with reality.

Look into yourself and lose that judgemental perpective. Women are people like men and should be treated as such.
And they can smell this misogynitic shit miles away. Thinking like this really doesn't help you achieving your goal of getting laid often.

Hey bro. Haha, yeah, it is, but unless it sucks, we don't grow. Winter or otherwise, I will be hammering - I was out in storm eunice, I go out in rain, in sleet, freezing cold. That is what it takes

So, yeah, I actually hear you, and take this on board, big time, but I will need to clarify something:

I don't actually feel like that, overall!

This is journalling, and when I express this in the written form, the emotions are let go of, they weaken, and they just begin to disintegrate and fade. It has helped me a lot. I post daily and there is a reason for it: consistency, focus, and also, it's therapeutic. Healing.

If I didn't write the dark weirdo shit that sometimes floats to the surface, it will stay there, burning away, and will never be dislodged.

It's integrating the shadow, I think, kinda Jungian stuff. I am learning as I go, and it helps. A lot.

But I take your point. It's critical to have a healthy outlook. This is actually helping me attain that.

Thank you for your post, it was helpful, and I appreciate it.

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