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Crisis_Overcomer said:
MakingAComeback said:
No. I have the upmost respect for her, she is a beautiful human being and I cherished every second I spent with her. She ghosted a while ago but she was an angel of a human.

Ah, and I was gonna ask "Did Danish girl ghost your chocolatish bootayh" when I was reading those angry posts. All is good man.

Also laughed my ass with your "Ur mom" reply to Marcin in the approach chat. God bless you 😂😂😂

Haha. She did, bless her. I texted a few times, honestly, I just wanted to know if she is OK. I assume because she did read them, she should be OK. That is enough to me, As long as she is alright, I am very very happy about that.

I promised myself in this journey I will ALWAYS leave any girl who gives me the time of day better off.

I can say DG is better off, I was very fucking nice and good to her, so I did my job.

HAHAHA Marcin is a fucking G, love that guy. I was fucking beyond angry at that time bro, like legendary level shit, it was enough rage to legit fuel the entire city of London's power grid. Not that Marcin will care. Guy is a fucking animal.

Hope ur good crisis, enjoy your recent success, I am beyond happy and beyond proud of you.

The fucking GREEK GOD blessing me today with a post from Mount Olympus itself. Thanks man.

Squilliam said:
seanconneryfan_ said:
I never post on this forum but I’ve been following your log since the first page. These posts where you dive into your anger are normal, regardless of what others might comment. As you said, it’s necessary to genuinely express your pent up emotions to release them and if they can't relate, that's on them. I’m going through a similar phase right now myself. After I fuck a girl, I lay next to her and realize I hate her. I hate that they made fun of my accent as a kid. I hate that I wanted their validation so badly but never knew how to receive it even though it's so easy and feeble to me now. I just hate.

BUT, I notice you are hedging your bet by projecting your current mental models on to your future self. You have to lose yourself in the emotion until you reorient yourself and realize it’s not helpful. The finish line of this process can be a number of things and you have to be able to accept any possibility of the end game. Maybe, after expressing your anger, you come to the conclusion you’ll never be able to depend on a woman the way you want to. Can you accept that?

Basically, what I see is that you have this idea that if you express all this anger you have of women, you’ll eventually be able to love them. I’m saying that once you express this anger, you need to replace your old view of women with something more accurate and up to date. There’s an almost certainty that this up to date view is going to be beyond your current comprehension and definitely not your current view of love— it will greatly impede your progress if you continue trying to fit your current mental model of 'some woman are unicorns' to the world. Accept wherever the journey takes you man. You’ve been working too hard to not shed this anger because in the deepest part of you, you don’t want to hate women. Full heartedly hate women for a bit.
Good answer, but the problem is that logically countering your beliefs often doesn't work very well. MAC's resentment for women is clearly deep rooted and not something simple and surface level. That's why I'm saying that with time, as he meets more women he likes, his view should change somewhat. Ultimately your mind reacts far more strongly to real world evidence than logical affirmations.

I'll be honest, some of his comments did come across as very incel-like in my opinion, and made me feel somewhat unsettled. However, underneath all of that anger, clearly there is a lot of pain and hurt. And I know that while living as a man in the 21st century, it's not easy, and our struggles are often ignored and not talked about enough, because they are often overshadowed by other gender related issues and feminism. As a result, I think I need to show compassion. Since this isn't something that personally affects a group I belong to, I can respond and give advice without my emotions getting in the way.

MAC, you are clearly very determined and persistent. I hope you can eventually shed your resentment, because you will be happier and much better off that way.

Good points man.

I agree bro.

Trust me I did NOT ask for this shit at all LMAO

I will make a video expressing some things that I feel people need to know, but basically I used to have high anxiety and when I used to approach women they would be a bit weirded out so I got put through the fucking GRINDER

Now I am having some success, my brain decided: OK, time to unload all this shit, we don't need to carry it any longer.

Process is fucking mind blowing but I can tell you, many men go through this.

I have to do it for myself as a man. Not even worried about women right now, I will defeat those cunts in my own way, but the process will be the process and it will unfold because it has to.

WED 16/02/2022
(1) Dating: Cold Approach (5 Approaches) + 2hrs Old
(2) Gym / Stretch / Core
(3) Others: Work, go to Dentist and get ALF put back in (this will take a minute – I will have to get approaches in throughout the day)

Tomorrow, back to a more solid structure. But no excuse not to attack it. Gotta arrange date 14. Gal responded to me on WhatsApp saying heading all the way over to me would be fairly long (45mins) so can I head over eastward. I’m cool with that, and will meet her halfway. She seems like a cool chick. I have goals to achieve. Need 9 more lays. I will achieve this and must get another lay fucking soon…..very fucking soon…….They’ll see…..

MakingAComeback said:
But it doesn't matter. I know she'll text me saying she didn't tell a connection. It's just how this goes. Rejection becomes so irrelevant, it's just part of the thickening of the skin.
Opportunity may have already passed but if you honestly don't feel a connection you don't have to try and pull / sleep with them / or ask for a date 2. Why hang out with someone you don't like? Much less sleep with someone you don't like? You can say "had a nice time chatting just didn't feel the chemistry." It's not childish to reject before your'e rejected if you genuinely wanted to reject.

WED 16/02/2022

(1) Dating: Cold Approach (5 Approaches) + 2hrs Old (0/3 approaches – Old in process)
(2) Gym / Stretch / Core (No gym, but core and stretching in process)
(3) Others: Work, go to Dentist and get ALF put back in (this will take a minute – I will have to get approaches in throughout the day)

Busy day, had to run to the orthodontist. Got the ALF put back in. Had to do my approaches between trains. First one didn’t stop, second stopped, smiled and said she needs to catch her train (it was a 2 second interaction), 3rd stopped, was fairly smiley and nice, but then when I tried to chat she was edging to escape away and I just told her to have a good day.

Wanted to bust out 2 more apps but it got dark and approaching in the dark feels sketchy.

Danish girl didn’t ghost bless her, she messaged me saying she doesn’t feel a connection and wishes me all the best and that I’m a fantastic guy. She doesn’t want to see me again, and that’s cool. I just wanted to know she’s OK. I thanked her and moved on. Blocked / removed from Hinge. Still thoroughly happy I met her.

Going to push for a date tomorrow. Let’s see if this one could happen. May have one on Friday.

We’ll see…

Getting over wanting a connection with women now. 13 dates, and without fail, none of them wanted to really know me. It is eye opening because I honestly thought one of them would want to know me.

But it’s OK.

The feeling is honestly mutual.

I no longer even care.

Dewm said:
MakingAComeback said:
But it doesn't matter. I know she'll text me saying she didn't tell a connection. It's just how this goes. Rejection becomes so irrelevant, it's just part of the thickening of the skin.
Opportunity may have already passed but if you honestly don't feel a connection you don't have to try and pull / sleep with them / or ask for a date 2. Why hang out with someone you don't like? Much less sleep with someone you don't like? You can say "had a nice time chatting just didn't feel the chemistry." It's not childish to reject before your'e rejected if you genuinely wanted to reject.

Hey Brady. Yeah, agreed. I will take your advice here. I probably should reject more women tbh dude. I would like to know how it feels.

MakingAComeback said:
But it’s OK.

The feeling is honestly mutual.

I no longer even care

This is the abundance mentality. The self assuredness. You're on a mission, and you no longer take these small things seriously. Excellent my good sir.👍
MakingAComeback said:
Dewm said:
Opportunity may have already passed but if you honestly don't feel a connection you don't have to try and pull / sleep with them / or ask for a date 2. Why hang out with someone you don't like? Much less sleep with someone you don't like? You can say "had a nice time chatting just didn't feel the chemistry." It's not childish to reject before your'e rejected if you genuinely wanted to reject.

Hey Brady. Yeah, agreed. I will take your advice here. I probably should reject more women tbh dude. I would like to know how it feels.


What's really crazy, and I might go into a post on my thread about this, the moment you start rejecting these women that's when all of the sudden the tide turns in your favor. It might have something to do with raised standards or just keeping it in the back of your mind that you are the prize that they should be chasing. If you are the prize then not every girl is gonna win. Thus something about it makes them try harder to get you.

You are a high value man. I want you to see it as much as I do! Be the prize.
Im not a huge fan of his overall but I remember something Rich Cooper said that resonated with me

The most scarce resource in the dating market isn’t available women, its high value men

THURS 17/02/2022

(1) Dating: Cold Approach (5 Approaches) / Old / Date 14 (5-7hrs total)
(2) Body: Gym / Core / Stretching
(3) Others: Work 4hrs, Mewing (Chewing 1hr, Tongue Clicks)

Bros, THANKS A MILLION for lifting me up here. You do not know how much your support means. Trust me, I am so so serious about making it, I can’t even describe it, I am fucking desperate to make something of myself. I will join you all at the winners table that I promise.

Love and respect for every one of you, You know how much I appreciate you.


THURS 17/02/2022
(1) Dating: Cold Approach (5 Approaches) / Old / Date 14 (5-7hrs total) (DONE – 3hrs approaching, went 1/5. old did some work got a fair no of Bumble matches today and Hinge is still consistent. Went on date 14, pretty American lady, 29, lawyer here in London. She was fun, nice person, but not sure we were feeling it from each other. I’d still love to see her but very confident she’ll ghost now)
(2) Body: Gym / Core / Stretching (Gym was 60 mins fasted cardio and hip thrusts, burned 800 calories and then went cold approaching for 3hrs walking man. Killed it)
(3) Others: Work 4hrs, Mewing (Chewing 1hr, Tongue Clicks) (DONE)

Successful ass day. Didn’t make any content as I knew there’d be no time.

Cold approach, man I did 5 approaches! 4 didn’t even say one word, well, one girl kinda said “thanks” but she was edgy as fuck and I wished her well. She was not receptive. Then, after many hours, saw a totally, totally gorgeous woman, and I needed one more approach for the day. Went for it. Said hi, she smiled and said hi back, said hows it going, she said good, then I said I thought you’re attractive I wanted to say hi. She smiled and we chat. I ask for her number, she gives it to me, I then say can I take you for a drink sometime, she says yeah sure. She was model tier gorgoeus, seriously. She didn’t reply to my text, which is fine, she’ll most likely ghost. But dude, I can’t believe she even talked to me. She was Russian, and I am very interested in Russia and have performed a range of traditional Russian practices in my own life for 7 years. I asked her if she knew Porfiry Ivanov. She actually did. That shocked me. I gave her a hug and kissed her on the cheek, her skin felt amazing obv. Surprised by this interaction but as we all know, they typically ghost and that’s the norm. Learning point for MAC. There is a future where I may be able to have women like this in my life. Hell, the girl from date 14 was a pretty woman, she was very cute. Things are getting better.
And they will continue to improve providing I keep working hard as hell. I will remain consistent as I always go. This mountain will somehow be climbed.
I need to be honest, I am going to have to work on my sex drive. I am very seldom horny! I have a call with my wellness advisor next week and will get his help. He knows the game insanely well and the dude is a legit oracle.
Solid day for the phoenix project.

Anger release work was fine, got some out earlier, then it just simmered away. By the time I approached


Cold Approaches: 63 (+5 today)
Numbers: 1 (first number of the phoenix project gained today)
Dates: 14
Lays: 1

Funny thing is if there was a sudden mega-boost of high value men that would lead to it being significantly harder for all of us. That's how hypergamy works

Keep at it MakingAComeback

You do become desensitised to rejection and also the general sense you are non-existent to most women, even ones you go on dates with. Ha, I remember years ago, mass messaging 50+ girls whose numbers were still on my phone who I had met at least once. None of them responded and it damn nearly killed me. Now I barely feel it when I see literally 100 failed numbers on my phone from weeks of tinder sweeping. You just have to watch out that you don't become a semi-jaded fuck like me who hyper-screens girls to minimise this agony as much as possible. Being able and willing to connect with a woman is a resource that is at risk of vanishing slowly over-time if you aren't careful. This is something I have been thinking a lot about lately.

SAT 19/02/2022


(1) Dating: 5 Cold Approaches (Day Game) / Online Dating process / 20 Night Game Approaches
(2) Body: Core / Stretch / Health processes (See sunrise, supplements, hydration, good diet in particular get some good carbs alongside protein intake)
(3) Content: Shoot 3 YouTube Videos / Make 2 TikToks
(4) Others: general life admin, emails, networking, dermapen, etc


Feeling great today. Yesterday (Friday) I was SMOKED tired man. Been grinding something insane. Had a great gym session, and went to work (remotely). Was hard times, focus was not there. Was feeling stressed. Post work, was time to approach. Guess what? Severe weather warnings. Insane wind. No one was outside. I took time to rest. It would have been very unproductive and a fools errand. So I let myself rest.

At that point I realised how smoked I was.

Lay down, said I would make content, stretch, do a tonne of stuff. Legit couldn’t move.

This happens from time to time. Usually when I am not taking full care of my recovery. Often, this is related to my diet, and if I am not eating properly. In particular, long stretches of being on low carbs really fucks me. So, I had some carbs yesterday. Perked up a lot today. Low carb diet also kills my sex drive. This is a pattern I’ve noticed.

I will re-introduce carbs for 2-4 weeks, and monitor the results. If they positively support energy and sex drive, I can work with that. Ultimately, if your body is at the point hormonally where it can handle carbs and you’re effectively fuelled, you’re golden. This can mean periods of fasting for some so they can get their insulin levels down and restore their ability to get into oxidative metabolism.

Best things for restoration: (1) Sunrise / Sunset, (2) Light therapy (clear bulbs, red lamps, UV lamps), (3) diet & rest, (4) supplements, DHA, (5) ice baths, (6) movement & exercise, (7) mind / head work, positivity and visualisation.

Tomorrow is my accountability day, have 2 calls with my accountability partners, also talking to some legends, Ed, and if he’s available gonna try to call The Bastard.

Back to work.

Thrice said:
What's your programme in the gym?

Yo bro hope ur well! Read that u recently got help for your depression. MAJOR PROPS. I am happy for you.

You are a handsome man, your looks are solid, you can overcome bro...you can overcome.

MON / WED / FRI - Weight Training + 2 x 25 One Legged Back Ext
TUE / THUR - 60 Mins Cardio + 3 x 15 Hip Thrusts

Weight Training = Full Body Training

I really enjoy this program, it's based on this very bright dude's research, Nucleus Overload Training.

Mon = Heavy sets of 3
Wed = Stretch focused exercises for sets of 8
Fri = Pump training sets of 30

4 weeks of hard ass training, one week off to lower myostatin and insensitive mTor, then back hammering.

I have to add 10lbs of muscle mass to my frame to be able to get great girls.

Everyone's equation is different. Some dudes are handsome, others are average, so they need to get bodied the fuck up and maxxed out in their appearance.

For a great woman, it's worth it. I had a taste of the magic with Danish girl she was good as fuck to me, then ghosted, because I honestly didn't have the abundance, masculinity and sex appeal. Not that she was the bell of the ball she was 70lbs over weight but she was beautiful inside I can tell you that, she had the type of spirit I am looking for and btw I will find it.....in whatever shape or form it takes.

I'm happy to hear from you Thrice, keep working, please be consistent on the forum. You need to post 3 - 4 x a week bro.

If you wanna ask anything else about my regime, whether it's wellness or whatever, go ahead

Yesterday’s check in.

So, I worked solidly, core work, stretching, dermapen, and then did work on The Bastard’s interview for like 3hrs. Time was getting scarce! Looked at my task list and realised fuck me that’s gonna be a tall order. Shaved, showered, ran out the door to see my friend. We just wanted to catch up as I haven’t seen him in ages. It was hard to put my mind on approaching and once we were hanging out I was just not quite able to switch on approach mode. I thought my and my friend would head around the local bars and smash some approaches, but he wanted go turn in and go home.

At that point I realised my approaches weren’t happening today.

Then got the train home. Was pretty tired at this point. Timmy took action and went out last night, respect to him, I said I’d join him for an hour but I was honestly pretty tired man and had a hard time getting loose. Really did teach me that I need to loosen up a lot. We waited in the queue, there were soooo many amazing looking girls around, but I was frankly not planning on a full night out at this stage so I dipped and went home.

The good news is, I rested up, and also did take a learning point around how I do need to work on loosening up way more. Nightgame is so alien to me now, it honestly felt weird being out, like really weird. That’s what happens when you don’t do it! Shit, when was my last night out, 6 months ago?! I don’t even know…..

I will work on it. I will keep working and start to get myself out there at night, not because I think nightgame is the highest ROI for me, that’s daygame and apps, but it will help me loosen the fuck up socially…..I can do this.

When I used to be into RSD, I remember many dudes would undergo social transformations just being in clubs. High volume social interaction can really open up the brain.

So honestly, yesterday, while I tried my best and got some solid stuff done, was not the best.

At the very least, atleast I’ve got a solid draft done for The Bastard’s interview.

I will tighten it up today.

MakingAComeback said:
not that she was the bell of the ball she was 70lbs over weight

this made me laugh hard xD
MakingAComeback said:
I'm happy to hear from you Thrice, keep working, please be consistent on the forum. You need to post 3 - 4 x a week bro.

i will do it, thanks for the advice

MakingAComeback said:
I have to add 10lbs of muscle mass to my frame to be able to get great girls.

and add some edge, sexy style and you'll be the one ghosting left and right
Haha thanks homie I appreciate you. I will need the muscle, shit thinking a hair transplant will help, and then may get a temporary tattoo (sleeve) and see how that works for me. I will never ghost any girl in this journey, though many hurt me in my life, that cycle will end with me and I will never do anything negative towards woman kind because then I am no better than any of them and I deserve the shitty treatment I got before I went fully down this rabbit hole of self improvement. There will be a girl out there who will be the one for me. But the work it will take to get there, for me, is something I honestly don't even want to think about.....we are just at the beginning bro.


SUN 20/02/2022

(1) Dating: Cold Approach 3hrs / Old Process (DONE, 1/8 approaches in 3hrs)
(2) Body: Core / Good diet / Supplements / Cold thermogenesis
(3) Content Creation: 5 YouTube Videos, 2 Tiktoks (FAIL, did 2 Tiktoks and I now have over 400 followers but I am now typing this at 10:11pm understanding I am now tired and need rest, no YouTube videos today. It’s OK. I hammered hard as FUCK)
(4) Others: Weekly shop, re-introducing carbs for a bit and increasing kcal, Accountability call (DONE)

OK, so as I mentioned, was quite tired Sat, that tiredness stuck with me Sunday morning, usually get up at 6am but I understood the battery is now flagging for whatever reason and where I can get some juice, I need to. Stayed in bed until 10am, then my brain was legit going crazy and I needed to WORK.

Core work, then breakfast, shops, and then cold approach for 3hrs! I hit it and did 8 approaches, and got 1 number.

1 – looked nice from behind, was a bit of a munter up front, I bailed
2 – she said she was in a rush but she was legit sweet
3 – she was on the phone and said she had to take the call
4 – she walked off without saying a word
5 – hard deflection
6 – Absolutely stunning Japanese woman, Goddess tier. Saw her, thought FUCK IT. Approach, she is exactly like the Russian lady, she responds the same way. Big smile, warm, friendly. Stops. We chat. For the first time in my life a woman complimented me, when we were chatting, she said “You’re SO tall, and your eyes are so big, you’re so pretty, sorry” and she began giggling tonnes. It was the cutest thing I’ve ever seen. First time a chick has positively remarked on my appearance in 30 years boyos. I am too numb to feel anything right now but when talking to my accountability partner about it, he said I really need to take compliments and accept them as reality. He is right. Maybe she did think I have nice eyes, maybe to her I may be pretty?! I honestly don’t understand but she may actually feel that way. And that’s awesome. She had to go meet her friend to go to a museum so she said she had to leave. Great interaction.
7 – After this, I did something I normally don’t, approached a chick who was blatantly English. She looked like a typical snobbish Kensington rich kid. I don’t really have interest in this type of woman, but thought, fuck it. She was very rude. Colour me shocked. I laughed and walked on.
8 – Great interaction. She takes off her earphones, and I hear an American accent. I repeat what I said, and she is so happy, laughing, and says she has a boyfriend. I say no worries I just wanted to give you a compliment, she laughs and shouts “you made my day”. Fuck.

We do not grow women like these in this country. You can live her for 30 years like I have and you will not be treated like this, well, unless your looks match what they’re looking for here. Which aint yours truly…..That’s why I will have to grind like a fucking superhuman.

Came back home, 15 mins in the ice bath, cooked and ate dinner, had my weekly accountability call (we do daily 5mins and one 30-45mins weekly catchup). My brother called me for 30 mins which was insane, he caught up with a guy who used to be my best friend. I had a toxic best friend who was a cunt. I dropped him like a bad habbit at age 25 and never looked back. I got my shit together year after year, and my bro told me this guys life fell apart and he looked legit homeless, with a beard down to his knees. Sad. I am glad I didn’t see him myself, because while he was a dick, I always hoped he would get his shit together.

Nothing in life is gauranteed, and if you ain’t getting better, you’re getting worse.

Following the call with my bro, I then caught up with work for an hour and a half. I wrote a bunch of emails and just saved them in my drafts. Will send tomorrow. Had my light therapy devices on.

Now...all done man.

I did my best today. I am sad I couldn’t shoot my YouTube videos, but tomorrow is another day and I will do them tomorrow. Need to rest.

Still worked hard. I did my fucking best today man.


Cold Approaches: 71 (+8 today)
Numbers: 2 (funny thing is the first two numbers I got in my project were from beautiful girls, legit 9s, lol)
Dates: 14
Lays: 1

BTW, on the Japanese beauty, I was 1000000000000% sure she would ghost because she was so, so beautiful.

She didn't. She replied, like 3 times, and agreed to go for a drink with me.

First girl in my life who actually liked the way I look and she was also one of the prettiest girls I've personally seen. Model tier and her pic is some modelling shit, guess she's in that world.

It may not be much for many of you bros, you are beasts and I can never even imagine being like you. But no matter how small, this is a win for little old me. I am so shocked she didn't ghost. It does not process. It does not compute.

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