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Dewm said:
MakingAComeback said:
In other news, I bought 2 packs of condoms and when I was buying them a very pretty girl was giving me a nasty look....yeeee...
My mentor calls that “chick crack” when something overtly sexual draws them in and they can’t help themselves. Saw him do it to by accident. He was just saying to me outside as he was smoking “…I never send nudes I have girls sending me topless photos of them all the time but I never send nudes.” At this moment a woman walks by and gives him a seductive look. Then circles back to keep eye fucking him but he didn’t bite cause he has a no mask policy when it comes to hitting on women. Chick crack. Haha.

I love this Brady, lol, and if I could bottle it up and sell it, that'd be a great business for me!

Glad to see you posting, and please when you have a spare moment, give us a life update on your log. Many of us read your progress and want you to have an incredible year!

Early evening check in:

1) Online dating (2hrs) (To do)
(2) Date #12 (To do - 7:40pm)
(3) Looksmaxxing: Shops – Black turtleneck & try on grey woolcoat @ & send to Radical (DONE, couldn't find them)
(4) Core & Stretching (Core done, stretching in a bit)
(5) Others: Work, Read letting go, Mike Mew consult, learn Mewing. (DONE)

-Work, solid.
-Core work, looksmaxxing,
-Shops: went around, couldn't quite find a black turtleneck I liked, or a light grey wool coat for that matter. I will try again next week, in order to complete this look.
-Consult w/ Mike Mew: Went well! Master Mike relayed some great advice. Mostly on posture. He is happy for me to proceed with the predatory work of upper ALF expansion with my orthodontist, and to continue use of the Myobrace at night. Once I have gained some expansion and graduated on to the myobrace A2, Mike would be open to having me as a patient and proceeding onto the retention phase with him.

Mike Mew only takes very few select people. He's willing to work with me because I have done posture and breathwork for 7 years. He wouldn't even have time to do my upper jaw expansion or my myobrace/myofunctional therapy. But he has referred me to his sister for optimising posture.

The posture/Mewing stuff is something I am just interested in, I am interested in optimising health and function, sleep, mental clarity and performance. I do all sorts of stuff. But Mewing has some real chops and I have gotten some interesting benefits so far. It's real.

Gotta keep working boys. Gotta keep working.

Tomorrow will be solid also. Sat / Sun seeing Danish girl.

Date #12

She came an hour on the train to see me, bless her. She was sweet. Cute girl. Very giggly, pleasant. She did like me, and she said she'd like to see me again.

I just wasn't feeling it, didn't really want to be there, but just had a good time and flowed with it.

She is a nice sweet girl. She seems so innocent.

I gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek. Didn't feel like going for more, but she was very nice to me and she also did say she wants to see me again.

Gonna be honest: learning a lot about myself as a man.

Connection is everything to me. I feel so little for anyone physically, it's nuts. The physical just doesn't excite me or move me.

But when a girl just connects with me and makes me feel emotions, that is the sun and the stars and everything out there in the universe to me.

Plenty of dudes just want to fuck. More power to them. I cannot fathom it. I need to feel something.

I will keep learning more about myself and growing as a man. I will ask her to come see me again next week, I may just ask her to come to my place and Netflix and chill to be honest. I don't even know. But I do know that the second a chick shows she is actually interested in me and cares about me, I start to feel some type of way.....and I fucking love that. I think for me, I am a guy who will need to take the chicks I like on several dates so I can build that connection, and take it from there.

I will figure it out. Doesn't Caleb Jones have a 3 date model? That would suit me down to the ground.

Something about fucking someone you just met makes me feel legit cold and dead inside.

I talked to Andy about this, and basically, there are actually low key tonnes of dudes like me out there. We just don't show it because we're afraid of being judged as betas. But it is what it is. You go towards what makes you feel good. And connection is what makes me feel good. Until I feel something, until I feel that connection, it's hard for me to feel excited. So I think my game if you like will involve retention, multiple dates, and then building something physical / casual that's ongoing.

That would be fine for me.

There is a reason dudes get into serious long term committed relationships. My brother is in one, and he probably has the same type of psyche I do.

Growth comes in many flavours.


We pay the price and we suffer for greatness. We grind because one day it's over and you will reflect on the man you never came. Fuck excuses, bleed for this shit!!!!!!!!!!!!! Be willing to die for success. It is literally life and death. Mediocrity is the norm and it WILL infect you unless you aggressively take control of your life, gut up and start HAMMERING.

Today will be a traditional MAC grinder day...............And this ain't shit compared to what will come next week when the big man Andy has me back to cold approaching, and we're back in the motherfuckin gym!

The Phoenix Project Week 11
FRI 04/02/2022

(1) Online Dating 2hrs
(2) Content: 2 YouTube videos and 2 TikToks
(3) Core & Stretching (ATG Zero)
(4) Others: Read Letting Go,

815 Morning Vis
830 Core & Listen to Radical Improvements
9 Dermapen & Listen to Radical Improvements
930 Looksmaxxing / TikTok
10 Work & Chew mastic gum (30m)
11 Work
12 Work
1 Work & Chew mastic gum (30m)
2 Content: Shoot – Hair Regrowth Progress & Skin Care Process
3 Content: Make thumbnail, Edit & Upload 2 YouTube Videos
4 Meditation
430 Read: Letting Go & Myobrace / TikTok
6 ATG Zero & Healing Content (+ Old between stretches)
645 McKenze Ext (15m) & Old
7 Old
8 Passion project: Work on interview with The Bastard
9 Healing work: Affirmations, Prayer
930 Bed (Early night, gotta go pick up my best friend from back home from the station at the small hrs of the morning, and he will hang out with me for a few hrs in my room before getting his train home)

Off to work. No excuses.

Keep Hammering MAC. Love the progress you have made.
Looks to me you could even wear a medium sized shirt? Is it a slim fit?
Coat is looking great and will look even better with some added muscle mass.
Sprezza said:
Keep Hammering MAC. Love the progress you have made.
Looks to me you could even wear a medium sized shirt? Is it a slim fit?
Coat is looking great and will look even better with some added muscle mass.

SUP SPREZZA! Thank you for checking in bro - I appreciate it!

Shit, I am getting laid, and working on the getting paid part haha. Feels good to finally be winning.

It is a slim fit indeed brother. Gotta keep adding the muscle, shedding this fat, and this body will be elite this year my dude trust me!

Hope you're well and out there being successful. Keep grinding king!

Hello man! do you want to do something for your hair? i can give a couple of good youtubers that offer some (redpill) solution, let me know if you needed.

Great weekend.

Worked on the apps, leads are very slow nowadays. Gonna have to get my body way further ahead to make more progress.

Working hard, have a great new accountability partner, an incredible guy who is only 22 and will be very successful in life. Which is exciting for me! We have a daily 5min call. And that's great.

Sat: got some lovin'. Spend the day with Danish girl, was just lovely, art gallery, a hot chocolate in a cafe. dinner, then back to mine for music and sex for 3hrs. Sunday morning, had sex again at around 630am. Then we went for breakfast at a lovely Italian run local spot. From there, we walked across the bridge, across the Thames, and through the park. She then got the bus home, as she's making lunch for her housemates. She is the most adorable woman, she's super kind, sweet, genuine, and after spending time with her it is very healing and nourishing. My life is a fucking GRIND and that it what it takes to become better. But to enjoy happy moments and get your emotional needs met is super healthy and great for the brain and body. And the soul too.

Must keep pushing as I need 9 more lays this year.

Back to approaching next week.

Got a bunch of tasks for today, and then getting the train home. With the parents for a few days, and also gotta work in the office. Back to London Wednesday night I think. Starting my ALF appliance on Thursday and have booked the day off work to get it fitted.

Also, girl from date #12 sent me a WhatsApp at like midnight Friday saying I'm cool but I'm not what she's looking for.

I thanked her and blocked & deleted. I noticed she was still viewing my IG stories. Same principle - unfollowed/removed.

It's such a routine thing now it's just the process.

God bless her either way, she was a sweetheart. But I am a man on a mission and nothing can stop me.

Back in the gym tomorrow. Back cold approaching. Back on the hardcore structure. Back grinding, back doing daily accountability, back trying to make it in life.

If it's just grinding for the next 5 years, with not much results, so be it.

When I'm rich and am on the beach watching my kids play with my hand resting on my wife's ass, I will know I was victorious.

This is the plan. And we make will make it work.


There is evil in this world man. A friend of got stabbed recently. He survived, thank God, but he is going to have to have a year off training. Hard working man, MMA fighter and businessman. Runs several brick and mortar stores, and also a man I really respect for his commitment to his faith. I am personally not religious, I am from a Sikh background, but my belief in God goes beyond that. My friend is a practising Muslim, and through him I learned about his faith, it was a great education for me. This man is truly a kind soul, he taught me a lot he really did. When I heard he got stabbed I fell to the floor, literally speechless. Me and my whole family were crying. But we got the news he survived and I then we were able to breathe. I was in shock for 2 days, which is why I really wanted to see Danish girl this weekend, I was in a LOT of pain. Throughout the evening with her, I began to feel better. She is helping me a lot she really is.

This man was at work, in his store, of which he has 3, and was stabbed by a fucking crackhead.

It makes me sick that this happened, such degenerate filth is not fit to walk this earth, let alone lick the feet of my friend, to tie his shoes with their teeth would be an honour for such a piece of filth.

Victory MUST occur in life. We MUST find a way to rise to the top, and enjoy very different kinds of problems, getting away from people who have not got their shit together. This world rewards competence. End of.

This is why I love doing things that are just pleasant, spending time in the company of ambitious men I respect, enjoying a great meal, enjoying some drinks, spending time in the affluent and regal parts of London, which are a stones through away for me. That is where life is lived.

Like crabs in a barrel, those who are not competent drag each other down. Rats starving in a cage will devour each other.

Rising above everything and putting it all on yourself to try to become someone in this world is where the glory of greatness kicks in. You go to war and grind every day, and know you are living like the most exceptional men in this world, like David Goggins.

Just to have the opportunity to try to be successful is a great blessing.

Sorry for your friend, i hear about knives crimes in the UK beign very high. Congrats for the danish girl, i didn't knew you have found one. You've already achieved one goal! :lol:

There's a lot of danish turists in my area and they are beautifull and they all use tinder even if they're here just for a few days to visit the Duomo they still want dick hahah
Thanks bro! Talked on the phone, he's actually going to make a full recovery. No MMA this year, which sucks, but he will double down on biz. He is a straight up G and he cannot be stopped. Cannot describe this guys mindset he is fucking NAILS. Knife crime in the UK does suck. I've had a knife pulled on me once and it sucked. But MAC ain't stupid, I know when things are getting sketchy, and I ran my ass off. That's why I'm typing to you right now.


MON 07/02/2022

(1) Gym / Core / Stretch
(2) Work (Remotely, 4hrs)
(3) Content: Edit & Upload YT videos & 2 TikToks
(4) Call w/ my friend: Zoom with my boy Carl, we will discuss taking new photos. He’s doing a professional shoot, but I just need some new pics as my profile has improved, for sure, but quality of women is very low tbh. I am atleast getting something, but it’s just weak as fuck. Because there is still a tonne of work to do on me. Gonna get him to shoot a few with me on the weekend.

The grind to be a better man is real. I am not getting nothing, which is great, and I’ve come so far. But I am still sucking shit man. Cannot get a half decent looking chick to save my life! The truth is, you need everthing bang on point – the body, the status, the financials, the job lot. And nothing is guaranteed, that may not even be enough......

That is the cost of admission for many of us dogs from the sewer. If that’s you, welcome to the grind.

Dudes who have the luxury of being able to coast and still get results are ultimately guys with high SMV and who have a solid ass foundation.

Better to just blank those dudes out and not even look at them. It’ll never be me, and if you’re an underdog, it’ll never be you. Why torment yourself?

It’s not a fair world. Many of us have to pay a high price.

You know you’re an underdog, because you will be putting in 80-120hrs a week of SOLID ASS WORK into your self improvement and get, at best the scraps.

If that’s you, welcome.

Naturally good looking dudes who have the goods will never, ever understand the sheer brutality of the underdogs grind. There is nothing like this in the known Universe. It is an epic, epic fucking task. And one I take on with excitement and a smile on my face.

You say to the Universe: FUCK YOU. These are not my limits. You and no one else will limit me.

I am 100% for the underdog in this world. Period.

Time to bleed. Back to work. Evening check in to come.


Had to go to my parents today, gotta help Momma MAC with something, then working in the office tomorrow so that’ll be 4hrs of commuting. Fun.

BACK IN THE GYM! Gonna use my bro’s pass to go to the gym here. Body progress pics will come probably on the 28th of this month.

BACK COLD APPROACHING! I will be in London again Wednesday night, so Thursday, we’re back in business. No AA program, the cold hearted cunts of London will not even tell you the time, so you’re better off just approaching and shooting your shot. AA program is not applicable here.

If I am to achieve my goals, I will need an elite body, I will need to max myself out at every level. Otherwise, it’s done.

Full on, flat out, 7 days a week. Lets fucking GOOOOOOOOOO!

Evening check in:


MON 07/02/2022

(1) Gym / Core / Stretch (DONE)
(2) Work (Remotely, 4hrs) (DONE)
(3) Content: Edit & Upload YT videos & 2 TikToks (DONE)
(4) Call w/ my friend (RESCHEDULED)

Notes: Worked my butt off man. Even got a cold thermogenesis session in. Worked hard. All day was just grinding. I ended up going to the gym at 9pm, yawning in the car on my way down, but attacked it and got my shit done. Then stretched out after. Its now about to turn 11pm. About to hit the hay. Momma MAC needed a fair bit of help and that took about 3hrs of the day. But did everything I could. I am now tired through hard ass work, and that's a feeling I fucking LOVE.

Going to bed fucked because you worked your face off is the greatest joy for me. And tomorrow, I get to do it again!

Gotta get up at 545, smash my processes, and then set off before 645am to get to the office for about 8am. Then gonna put a full day in, head to my parents, do a cold thermogenesis session, have dinner, work on content for 2hrs, get a run in, stretch, squeeze in a bit of online dating, and then sleep.

Wednesday, back to a normal work schedule, and then getting the train back to London in the evening.

Thursday, dental app, starting the ALF upper expander. And back to cold approaching. Might have another date (#13).

Friday, i podcast with Andy, and gonna try to arrange a meal with the boys.

Sat & Sun: grindmode. See plate at some point.

My Tinder has been dead for ages, since I changed my pics, I get no matches ever on boosts. Should I reset my acc?

That's enough for today.

Some extreme grinding is coming boyos.....I must get my body on point, 4-6 more months of hardcore gyming and my physique will be way better. I will also have done a lot more looksmaxxing.

It is hard time boyos, hard times. MAC has been HAMMERING for nearly a year and life is getting a bit better now, looks are getting better, dating prospects getting better, but we're hungry dogs here and we need better and better outcomes. It's only just about to begin for me guys. We're not quite getting started yet. But this has always been the path for me. It has always been like this for me.

And I wouldn't have it any other way.

I will find a way to become successful.

Or die trying.


TUE 08/02/2022

Put in some solid azz work. Had to go to the office. But it was a decent drive. Worked hard. Got a lot done. Took care of some life admin, did some cold thermogenesis, and otherwise hustled. Had to get up fookin' early, so I am tired right now. But that's life. I got my youtube content edited and uploaded today. And all round did my best. Gotta get an early night tonight, need to get a bit of sleep and then gonna smash it tomorrow.

Tomorrow, in the gym, and hustling like fucking mad in life.


WED 09/02/2022

(1) Gym / Core / Stretch
(2) Content: 2 tiktoks & 1 youtube video edit and upload
(3) Online dating
(4) Others: Work, life admin for parents - taking their old fridge to the tip and assembling some small drawer unit for them

Getting the train back to LDN, and then getting my ALF appliance fitted tomorrow. Friday, full hustle mode results. We WILL achieve these goals for 2022.




MakingAComeback said:
Evening check in:


MON 07/02/2022

(1) Gym / Core / Stretch (DONE)
(2) Work (Remotely, 4hrs) (DONE)
(3) Content: Edit & Upload YT videos & 2 TikToks (DONE)
(4) Call w/ my friend (RESCHEDULED)

Notes: Worked my butt off man. Even got a cold thermogenesis session in. Worked hard. All day was just grinding. I ended up going to the gym at 9pm, yawning in the car on my way down, but attacked it and got my shit done. Then stretched out after. Its now about to turn 11pm. About to hit the hay. Momma MAC needed a fair bit of help and that took about 3hrs of the day. But did everything I could. I am now tired through hard ass work, and that's a feeling I fucking LOVE.

Going to bed fucked because you worked your face off is the greatest joy for me. And tomorrow, I get to do it again!

Gotta get up at 545, smash my processes, and then set off before 645am to get to the office for about 8am. Then gonna put a full day in, head to my parents, do a cold thermogenesis session, have dinner, work on content for 2hrs, get a run in, stretch, squeeze in a bit of online dating, and then sleep.

Wednesday, back to a normal work schedule, and then getting the train back to London in the evening.

Thursday, dental app, starting the ALF upper expander. And back to cold approaching. Might have another date (#13).

Friday, i podcast with Andy, and gonna try to arrange a meal with the boys.

Sat & Sun: grindmode. See plate at some point.

My Tinder has been dead for ages, since I changed my pics, I get no matches ever on boosts. Should I reset my acc?

That's enough for today.

Some extreme grinding is coming boyos.....I must get my body on point, 4-6 more months of hardcore gyming and my physique will be way better. I will also have done a lot more looksmaxxing.

It is hard time boyos, hard times. MAC has been HAMMERING for nearly a year and life is getting a bit better now, looks are getting better, dating prospects getting better, but we're hungry dogs here and we need better and better outcomes. It's only just about to begin for me guys. We're not quite getting started yet. But this has always been the path for me. It has always been like this for me.

And I wouldn't have it any other way.

I will find a way to become successful.

Or die trying.


Some of these posts remind me of (an actually productive version of) this video, and I love it:
Hahhahah! Stunningly accurate video and is def my life!!! :D

Day is going well, work was solid, did some errands for my parents (took their old fridge to the tip lol). Scheduled a date with a new chick on Monday, which is valentines day actually. I don't think I will do anything for valentines day with my plate as it would be a bit inappropriate given we're casual? And it's her birthday soon, again, we're just casual - I don't suppose I need to do anything do I? I would like to make a pleasant gesture of course, like I will do SOMETHING, just need it to be at the right level.....

The date I've scheduled I suspect will be with a right fatty, she is totally hiding her bod in her pics like all the way LOL.

Hard trying to get someone with average / above average looks TRUST ME. It is hard as fuck.

I just take what I can get, but one rule is, they HAVE to be nice. No more degenerate women, I am legit sick of those.

Gym was good, uploaded a YouTube video. All flowing well.

Getting the train back to London shortly.

Tomorrow have booked the day off so I can get some ortho treatment (ALF Upper expander).

Evening check in will follow.

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