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Pussy_Inspector said:
Hello Mac,

I have been following your blog since the beginning. It has been an impressive journey. But the most important thing is that your blog helped me reach my goals. Its rather difficult to express my gratitude to you and how much seeing you suffering and going through things inspired me to push myself.

I think you are an exceptional human being, and I hope you will never give up. And I hope you are able to continue your journey with the same discipline and vigor but with a little less unnecessary suffering.

Thank you!

Thank you bro for taking the time to make this post, it is very wonderful to hear this, and I am happy you took action and made your life better. That is what KYIL is all about and the space that Andy & Radical wanted it to be.

I hope you achieve a lot in your life and become a success story.

The fact there are guys, who have read my journey since the start, blows me away, there are people who know so much about my journey and my background, my life, my dreams, my hopes, and the unstoppable drive I have inside to make something of myself in this world and obtain the outcomes I want in life: my own family & financial abundance.

While I am still breathing, I am going to gut up, and grind until I am fucking dead.

I appreciate the compliment, but I am a very normal man, just old school, working class or blue collar guy, hard, hard work is all we know. That is what I embody. You look up hard work in the dictionary you will see me in there with a bunch of other guys with sweat on their brow, eyes engaged with the task, and nothing but hope and a dream inside their heart to try to make it, or die trying. That's how we're bred and that is enough for the underdog to have the opportunity to suceed.

Will keep working & not give up bro, and in time, this old dog will get his day in the sun too.

Crimson said:
I second pussy inspector, you’re the man Mac

Thank you bro for your ongoing support and encouragement it means a lot, and when it gets really tough, I think of the guys like you, who have read my stuff and want me to succeed.

There is no reason we should not win at life.

None that I will accept.

We will do the work for it. We will put the time in.

And we will find ways to suceed.

Hope you are well.

Hey bros.

I have been back in the UK for 6 now. Sat night, went out with one of my best friends, Dave. I arranged for us to have a chill meal. This fucker is 0 to 100. It ended up becoming an intense, hardcore night of partying that went on until 7am the next day.

I hadn't seen him, in like 8 months, so I will forgive it. But fuck me, these nights of insane partying, cannot continue. This will be nipped in the bud.

Of course, I approached here and there. It was nuts. UK girls, are brutal. Lots of blowouts and very steely, cold unreceptiveness. One girl, however, was majorly into me. She was gross. Like, she was in the "fuck no" category, but it was an interesting experience. She would approach me here and there throughout the night and tell me I am a beautiful man. Towards the end, I thought, fuck it. Left with her at around 6am, tried to make something happen, logistically I was fucked as I was with my friend she was with hers. Made out and just walked off. Plus, she was.....not attractive at all.

Fun nonetheless.

Sunday: I was DESTROYED.

Mon: Woke up at 5am and got in the car to grind with one of my mentors in biz for 3 days.

Hope everyone had a good weekend.



WEEK 26: Mon 26/06/2023


(1) Biz:
-Landing Page: Finish this
-Outreach: 100 touch points
-Content: Catch up

Check in with you tonight & we’ll send through things I learn from V.

He did mention, he wants me to 5 x my income, my creating an offer that targets executives.

Back from grinding w/ V for 3 days.

Dude is a legit genius, but a bit insane. We were working until 5am each night. He didn't even flinch.

Back in the flow.


Earthbound Mystic (Ep#1): Ice Baths & Dating In The Most OPENLY RACIST Country In Europe? (Hungary)


I fly back to Budapest on Tuesday, the hustle will continue.......

Back on Tue to resume the grind of grinds

Will work hard on biz & money



Did some online dating while back here. 0 matches. Online wise, not impossible to get the odd match but close to it.

Still have day game I geuss.

The day game dates I had, all ghosted. Lol.

No leads. No lays for almost a year!

And guess what?

That is just the way it goes!

Nothing you can even do about it.

I have been working away here in England, and I have not been worried about dating or anything, it kind of slipped away. I was with my mentor and working so hard, life was full, it felt epic, like a movie.

Going back to Budapest, my heart is heavy, because I will have to continue with my mission in life, which is one which I do not fit the mould for. It is like pushing a square peg into a round hole. It just doesn't work.

And you want to know the worst part?

It doesn't work, because it cant.

What I write in these logs, is actually just objective reality, and how dating as a low SMV male / unattractive person is.

Increasingly, I think the only real solution is stoicism and deep acceptance.

Dating as a low SMV/unattractive person does not get better. I do not wish to offend people by saying this, I get that people generally can improve their dating life to SOME extent, but I think managing expectations is important and it is unethical and dishonest to lead low SMV men astray, and bad for their wellbeing.

The sort of outcomes I get, which are absolute dog shit, are likely to be what you can expect if you're on the other end of the SMV scale.

If you are OK with this, fine. But if you're not, the only solution I can think of, is deep acceptance. Learning to be OK with this.

This does mean that you have to learn to endure loneliness. This does mean that you will need to learn to embrace rejection completely - it's 5000+ approaches and no lay for me. I may never get an approach lay. That's life.

What I think is unacceptable, is men being sold dreams.

Part of me finds that totally unethical and I do not understand what makes people who do this tick. It may be some Dark Triad type traits. Or delusion. I don't quite know.

Whilst it is sad that many will be sold a pack of lies, there are atleast a few who read my log, and I will become successful in life and will have my own following soon enough (we have big plans) so atleast I will tell the truth on this subject and be able to reduce the suffering of others in some small way.

There is no one, or no thing, that can stop be from becoming successful, and in time, I'll have my own platform.

I am not a liar. I tell the truth and do not break my values.

There is no alternative timeline where it gets better - I will be the one who atleast brings honesty to the fore here in a sea of a lot of delusion.

Trust me, trust me, trust me: before you put years of your life into this like I did - it is just a huge grind, and for the most part, for absolutely nothing.

Self Improvement, while good for us as men, will after a while teach you where you stack up in the competitive marketplace.

If you're not able to get better outcomes or improve your results despite many years of ass busting, this is not due to you, but rather, is just reality. You can still, though it is rare, have success if you're a low SMV / unattractive dude. All you can do is:

-Grind to god tier levels
-Rarely, once in a while, you will get lucky

Most of these women you get the odd stroke of luck with, will be ugly as sin.

Funnily enough, when we are sold on the idea of building a dating life as low SMV men, no one tells you this, do they?

I wonder why..........

Not so pretty a picture, is it?

I don't blame them.

But MAC is here to save those who I can, from a hell of a lot of pain, because I put myself through it for a damn reason, to help other human beings avoid suffering. If this shit kills me, so be it, if a few men have been able to escape a life of suffering, I will sacrifice myself for that happily. Some people will need to be warriors in life.

The occasional stroke of luck & ghost, is not enough to build a dating life.

Why do people not tell you this? Why is it just you MAC speaking in these harsh terms?

Because delusion and self-deception is a profoundly powerful force. These people are not stupid, nor are they telling lies or being deceptive.

They genuinely believe it.

Because it is their reality.

You will never, ever get these concepts through to them, they literally cannot understand it, process it, or make any sense of it in any way. It's legit like talking to a crazy person.

Leave them to it. They're just not bright enough to see a perspective that is not their own. It is a sign of an educated mind to be able to understand a world view that is not their own, and understand how it could conceivably be reality. Few are smart enough to do this, and this is just reality. It is your job to understand this, and be able to navigate the world and people's cognitive biases effectively.

Heuristics I look at to judge whether someone is legit in knowing their subject matter:

Can they produce outcomes in very difficult situations?

As a Project Manager, the PMs who can produce serious change and transformation, in organisations which were FUCKED, were the ones who had a fucking masterful understanding of the deep inner game.

Think about turnaround CEOs. These guys are fucking KILLERS. Their understanding of biz is elite. Think Lee Iacocca reviving Chrysler, Steve Jobs, etc. These guy are so exceptional, they can get results in situations 99.9999999999999% could not. These guys, know their fucking shit. This is who you study, to learn the deep inner game.

People of this calibre use their mind and talents to contribute to far more significant problems than dating. With dating, we get some smart people, but not too many. As such, you end up with thinking and understanding that is at an incredibly low level of sophistication, including paradigms that are built upon assumptions that are not replicable at best, and at worst, completely obscure the ability of males at lower levels of SMV and attractiveness to build a dating life for themselves. These are the guys that get FUCKED OVER.

Whilst difficult, in this log atleast I have done the work and put pieces of the puzzle together, and will always root for them and continue to push the utility of (a) hardcore self improvement, (b) extreme numbers game and (c) acceptance and stoicism.

On (c), this is one of the most important things.

Not everyone can build a rewarding dating life.

You have to be attractive, and women have to like you.

If you've tried very hard, for years, and still cannot make anything happen: it is legit not even you. It's a brutal hand you were dealt by nature and I am so, so sorry. Your looks, are not good enough, and your inner being, is not in alignment with what women find attractive.

I myself, am a nerd, a workaholic, and use my brain for things that, to me, make the world a better place. I like to be productive and to solve problems.

The combination of: unattractive + low SMV + nerd, when it comes to women, is pretty much a death sentence sorry to tell you.

There is still extreme grinding, and now and then, it could take YEARS, you can get lucky. But that is all you may get, the odd, fleeting moment, and poof, it's gone, for years. This isn't a great approach I will be honest: I've not had a lay for about a year, but this is the best I can come up with.

If you are OK with that, proceed. If it's not going to be acceptable for you, IMO, try anyway because you could run into the odd gal who likes you, but just understand a satisfying decent dating life probably won't happen.

We need more people in this world telling THE TRUTH.

I am glad I log here, to provide some realism and balance. My truth to you is this: it does not get better in a meaningful sense.

I will keep logging, consistently. At least for 1 more year. My suspicion is that I will not get anywhere with dating now, online had gone to pot, can't get shit anymore, and that was how I used to get the odd lay (back then, I just slept with anyone, so settled for absolute dogs). Never was able to make anything happen off approaches and don't think I will.

At the end of the day, this will only be a small chapter of my life. Following this, I am pretty certain there is a future of travel, wealth, success, and all sorts of positive experiences. Some, will have to go through this life alone. I have no idea why this is, but nature does this for a reason. If I really think deeply, the only possible conclusion I can draw is that nature does not want certain people in the gene pool. That happened to be me. I suspect this is due to being a neurodivergent person. The less said about this, the better. It is not good to brood on these things, it evokes victimhood, which I have no time for. Better to proceed, work hard, and be a useful person, than a whining sack of shit. No one is promised a rose garden. You can do the work, and get nothing. You can get invested in Self Improvement and believe it will improve your dating life, for this to be a concept that is completely wrong. This concept breaks down entirely when it is challenged in the case of more difficult situations. Can you see why the heuristic above really matters? Where are the guys who can produce results for tough situations? Yeah, exactly. Crickets. The reason being, that is truly tough and goes so, so, so deep, it is far beyond the scope of what most know. My own thinking, is that a quite extreme version of the numbers game may be necessary, and then just coming to acceptance and being stoic. With large enough numbers, you can get lucky. That's it. Notice how that is not building a dating life? I don't use such terms, because I am not an irresponsible piece of shit.

You can't argue with nature. It just takes you out.

One's finite, short time on this earth, is best spent trying to be happy and enjoying the experience. It is a basic human need to want companionship. But this does not mean you will get it. This, whilst incredibly unfair, is a brute fact of life, and IMO we need to think more about how to just accept this, how to end the struggle, and possibly, for those who really cannot fucking make it, a way to end the journey in a manner that does not create resentment or embitterment. Perhaps a solution may be to understand this more as an acceptance of nature and biology doing what biology must do, which is to weed out the undesirables. There may be some noble good in this, in not reproducing if you're just going to pass the problem on. "Genetic filth", whilst a harsh term, carries with it a powerful truth. Nature is telling some of us something. Perhaps a smart man sees this, understands it, and finds a way to maximise his utility and happiness before the gig is up. I am prepared for this and will appropriate measures in a year or so. This statement, I suppose, comes from a place of delaying the inevitable - I got to understand how this works, because I kept showing up and did it for long enough. Unlike some who have deluded themselves into their own bullshit, I am glad I am transparent and honest here. That, I know, makes it just a little harder for some men out their to have the wool pulled over them. That is good enough for me.

Brother I can see you’re in pain and I just gotta get this out. Hopefully you take it in the spirit that it’s meant (to help) and consider this carefully even though my own personal viewpoint on the matter probably won’t mean a lot to you. (I’m not you, and I’m not denying your experience)

Regarding women:

Can you take your look/brand to a whole new level or have you really done everything that can be done?

Can you get truly BIG and RIPPED, to the point where you own every room (and photo) that you’re in? (You’re already tall)

Can you build wealth, an envious lifestyle, travel in luxury and flex this through your photos?

Can you build an elite social circle of ultra high value guys and show this status off?

Is it possible to become better looking or more valuable to women in any way at all?

Is there any way you can look at the numbers side of the equation - for example building a platform/following where you are in front of 1000x as many girls as you’ll ever approach on the street

Is there truly no way to improve at all in any of these areas, or through some other means? No way to become more attractive to women? Even if you had all of these categories nailed down, could you not find a way to become twice as good somehow?

If not, then acceptance and stoicism may be the only healthy “solution”, but if there’s anything left in the table at all then I’m not sure if you’ll be able to find that peace

What I do agree with is that you can’t go on indefinitely the way things have been, and just holding on for another year won’t make a difference unless there is a major change.
Ho, hum. This again?

Ya'll, he goes through these cycles every few weeks. One week he's grinding killer on top of the universe and crushing dating, the next week it's hopeless and over and he's unattractive.

I encourage everyone not to waste words responding to this.

It doesn't matter what a man says, it matters what he DOES.

And the fact of the matter is, MaC is going to continue approaching, dating, and improving his Game, and will continue to find greater and greater success.
Paid Renegade said:
Brother I can see you’re in pain and I just gotta get this out. Hopefully you take it in the spirit that it’s meant (to help) and consider this carefully even though my own personal viewpoint on the matter probably won’t mean a lot to you. (I’m not you, and I’m not denying your experience)

Regarding women:

Can you take your look/brand to a whole new level or have you really done everything that can be done?

Can you get truly BIG and RIPPED, to the point where you own every room (and photo) that you’re in? (You’re already tall)

Can you build wealth, an envious lifestyle, travel in luxury and flex this through your photos?

Can you build an elite social circle of ultra high value guys and show this status off?

Is it possible to become better looking or more valuable to women in any way at all?

Is there any way you can look at the numbers side of the equation - for example building a platform/following where you are in front of 1000x as many girls as you’ll ever approach on the street

Is there truly no way to improve at all in any of these areas, or through some other means? No way to become more attractive to women? Even if you had all of these categories nailed down, could you not find a way to become twice as good somehow?

If not, then acceptance and stoicism may be the only healthy “solution”, but if there’s anything left in the table at all then I’m not sure if you’ll be able to find that peace

What I do agree with is that you can’t go on indefinitely the way things have been, and just holding on for another year won’t make a difference unless there is a major change.

Hey bro,

This is a really good post.

All of these avenues, I am systematically exploring. It is very challenging cognitively, because where focus goes, energy flows, and you can lose the thread.

These sorts of sincere attempts at problem solving, are good, and are generally where we should be putting our time and focus, but I must stress, that when it comes to women & dating, nothing is guaranteed, and when you are talking about the above, which are goals that will require a monumental effort to obtain, there is one thing I must stress above all:

You must strive for great heights for YOU, not for women.


Because you can have all of the above, and still have a terrible dating life.

If one desires greatness, this is positive in and of itself, for the person you become which is the real reward. But this is unlikely to improve outcomes with women. I'm going to be honest: I have big hopes and dreams. I will most likely get there.

That ain't likely to do much for my outcomes in relationships. Why? The intangibles are what matter most, subtle internal things.

That, if you let it, will just drive you crazy.

Hence, the conclusion I came to, is to explore more stoicism and acceptance.

The basic premise that underpins the Self Improvement process:

With effort, consistency, commitment and sacrifice, one can "solve" their dating problem.

Solving here = Create positive experiences and outcomes in alignment with one's core human needs in a manner which, at our core, we know we can repeat.

This, is complete bullshit.

This a core assumption that starts the Self Improvement journey for many, and is why some (not many, but some), are doomed to fail.

This is not an end destination that all can arrive at.

Attempting to arrive here, when it won't happen, is what creates unnecessary suffering.

That, is what I am trying to fix here.

Do you see what I mean by stoicism and acceptance now?

I am saying, a better operating premise would be to say:

-Test your product hardcore
-Change markets if needs be
-If no improvements or progression after years of work: acceptance.

What acceptance looks like:

Doing the work, consistently, whilst accepting that all you have is the element of occasional luck. Nature will not be cheated, it holds all the cards, and cannot be defeated.

With large number, while rare, I did get lucky. Most of my lays, happen within the same month. It was then months of nothing. Then I'd get lucky again. And then, again, months of nothing.

That is just how it goes.

Stoicism is about accepting, dating is going to be a total shit show and a miserable experience for some. There is going to be loneliness. There are going to be endless rejections and ghosting. And this is normal, this is how it works, and how it always has, and always will. Stoicism is about learning to be OK with that.

There is no easy way to tell guys that the experience they are looking to avoid, and sacrificing in the now for, never will abate. But how else can we develop a philosophy that allows the guys who are not going to get much going for them to be able to put their time investment in, in the time they have allotted for this, and be OK when things just don't pan out?

Just my own thoughts.

I thank you for a well written and thoughtful reply, I appreciate it.

MakingAComeback said:
objective reality, and how dating as a low SMV male / unattractive person is.

Honestly Ravi.

I know you've for awhile.

And this post is a summation of a lot of observation. So this isn't regarding one post you've made but several.

I want you to take this post with some weight and gravity. Because sometimes outsides can see shit you can't. You have a blind spot. And I'm going to tear into it a bit.

This is coming from a place or love. You know I got your back in this journey. And whatever you need you can reach out to me for at any time.

So take this message that's going to be harsh in tone with an seeking the truth, and appreciate it as coming from a caring place.




For all the courageous action and stuff. And grinding.

These thoughts are a major red flag.

And I have trouble excusing them from you.

Even if you are being "honest" about 'the way it works'.

C'mon youre 2 years into this. You've been incredibly distracted with business hustles. Dating has been a backburner thing. One of many plates you spin in your life.

You've been sooo busy. But it hasn't all been dating. You've made progress because you've problem solved shit. Yes or no?

Stoics don't bitch like this.

But Manganeillo you're white!
And all the guys commenting are white.

Sure, and Im not arguing about that.

What I am saying is that it's your responsibility to find the brown guy role model you can emulate. And if you don't know who that is. That is actually 100% your problem to solve. Not mine. Not the universe's. It's yours.

The cavalry doesn't come.

Some problems you have to figure out on your own.

Some problems are harder to solve than others.

And that's just how it is.

A stoic would've spent that time problem solving instead of writing a long thread about how unfair the universe is.

Your setting a bad example for people trying to follow your footsteps.

I ask that you become more of a leader and focus on problem solving.



But it doesn't exist!

If he did exist, where would he be?

This is your duty to answer this question.

I grew up in an ethnically diverse friends.

I have 3 Indian friends.
One of them has an 8/10 gf.
The other does better than me online.
And the other has always had hot fuckbuddies, sometimes multiple.

Theyre 100% Indian.

Seriously dude. You have to figure this out.
This isn't ok.

Not solving this.
Not solving this SOON. isn't ok.

Take that as you will.

I'm saying this with your best interest at heart.
Solid points.

I did find a brown role model: he completely agrees with me.

Despite getting in contact with him, what, 2 months ago, he arrived at the same conclusions.

He advised: whilst it isn't impossible, it is close to it, and he was also transparent about the fact that it is not likely to be a very positive experience for me. This is normal and nothing can be done about it.

Regarding being distracted by business and such:

Not true.

I work hard on biz, which is a primary focus, and also, as a secondary focus, date.

Dating, is cold approach 7 days a week, online 7 days a week, night game 2 nights a week.

This is split properly into focus 1 & 2, in alignment with how Chris from GLL advised. I am literally doing this just as he would suggest.

Your points about friends who look like me doing well: market decides. Their looks level is probably far above mine. My brother, a good looking guy, has no dating problems.

These are moot data points and do exactly 0 for someone who is not in that reality.

I know us as men, are problem solvers, and want to fix things, solve things, and attempt to find resolution.

Furthermore, I am not sure where I am bitching. I am actually OK with this. What exactly can I do? Fuck all.

That, is stoicism. it is about accepting the way the world works, and just getting on with it, no expecting any different.

Whilst I understand that my posts may be frustrating to read, understand I have devoted so much cognitive effort to try to fix these things and resolve them, and have already tried everything that your brain can muster 10 x harder than anyone you know, 10 x anyone here, and these are the conclusions I have come to.

All one can do is embrace the suck & it is just the way it goes.

This, is not bitching. This is something one has to work on internalising and just accepting.

Thank you Manga for the post but you need to know that I understand the above well & have been down that rabbit hole to the fucking depths
Furthermore, if we cannot even replicate outcomes, or have any concept for how to do this, we are kidding ourselves and at best are engaged in guesswork.

Intangibles make or break the male in dating.

No one cheats nature.

People who do well, do well due to their design, how nature constructed them, physical structure, psychological makeup, and so on.

People who, despite their best efforts, consistently fall short, do so, not because of a lack of correct action or focus, but due to intangibles in their being that mean they just can't make it work.

This is nature's filtering mechanism.

I don't expect those who are not subject to this, to really be able to parse or understand.

Ok fair.

It's just that your reply shut down any possible meaningful discussion. Do you see that?

There was no follow up questions or curiousity on your end.

You just told me how it works, and sort of thanked me for my concern lol.

But you realize that your current conclusive stance is preventing you from solving anything right?

Can you atleast see how that could be a thing, where if you conclude it's "it's close to impossible". It's not really a great viewpoint for moving your life forward.

Ideally, if your friend was exactly like you, you could follow his exact recipe and have what he has.
MakingAComeback said:
Furthermore, if we cannot even replicate outcomes, or have any concept for how to do this, we are kidding ourselves and at best are engaged in guesswork

Exactly my point.

You need to find this person who was exactly where you are now. But moved beyond it.

Get his strategy.
I don't mean to be difficult man, I am not trying to be a dick.

I don't make these statements without having poured countless hours into thinking and analysing this, and breaking it down to a level of detail that is, admittedly, slightly insane.

Your point, is that essentially, it is possible. Someone who looks like me succeeded.

This is an argument that is at a super, super basic level of sophistication and is not sufficient in depth to provide much meaningful explanatory power. I say that, not to be a prick, but because, of course dude I have thought about this and spent more time trying to fix this than anyone you will ever meet in your life (find me someone else who put 13 years in for this sort of situation and I will tip my hat to that nut case). That is a Level One argument and is fine to get a newbie started, but when we're not getting anywhere year after year, that requires us to think at a certain level of rigour.

The hard part, is in decoding what produces better outcomes, and understanding how that can apply to oneself.

That, I am working on, and have been for almost a year.

Observing trends, and looking at the overall data and outcomes for myself as an individual case, I came to my own conclusions and they are not optimistic. This, as you rightly elude to, is upon myself to resolve and be at peace with. Accepting that we don't get the fairy tale ending, is part of life dude, that is not bitching, that is just brute fact.

So, as you rightly say, it is about following their recipe and seeing if it improves things. I am doing that, and give it 6 more months to see if it works for me or not. Right now, it's early days, no signs of progress yet, but too early to tell.

All I can do right now for my mental processing of this shit, is roll with it, take time, and allow it to be what it is,
Manganiello said:
MakingAComeback said:
Furthermore, if we cannot even replicate outcomes, or have any concept for how to do this, we are kidding ourselves and at best are engaged in guesswork

Exactly my point.

You need to find this person who was exactly where you are now. But moved beyond it.

Get his strategy.

Yup, working on it, being coached by him.

He may be able to help. We'll give him 6 more months.

It's not good to put undue pressure on the guy, he is doing his best, and he knows his shit. Maybe it'll come, maybe it won't, but the guy is trying and I will be grateful either way.



WEEK 26: Friday 30/06/2023


(1) Money:
-Content: Write & schedule 5 FB posts
-Landing Page: Just launch
-Niche research
-Read: $100 Million Dollar Offers

(2) Muscles:

(3) Mindset:


Working away.

Few hours of client calls which was awesome.

I am so strong with service delivery, business operations, project management, and am great working with people.

Set up a new project with one of my mentors, we will give it a good push. Let's see what happens.

Will get an early-ish night, as I have to get up early to drive to my mentors place, to hustle all day Sat and move things forward.

Money loves speed. We like to move FAST.

Ofc, as you can see from my latest posts in the log, I am getting a bit worried about dating and relationships again, I fly back to Budapest on Tuesday. I like being in BP, for the focus and total fucking dedication to work and self improvement.

Of course, I am a bit frustrated. It happens from time to time. It's been NINE MONTHS of bs with dating. Soon, it will be a full year. Tough, but it is what it is.

Only thing you can do, is double down and keep working.

Do I feel as if any progress is impossible at this stage?


I think I basically made a stupid error and continued the journey, and have gone too deep now. There was probably a point a few months ago, when it was clear self improvement was not working, that I should have been smart and stopped. Instead, like a retard, what I did instead, was put structure in place to go even fucking harder.

That was me signing my own death warrant, therein begins the journey into hell.

No one is to blame apart from own retarded fucking ass.

Now, I will fly back to BP on Tuesday, and grind this shit for 1.5 years.

I will be the one who will have to endure an endless streak of many more months of complete god damn rejection ;-)

Maybe there is no light at the end of the tunnel at all.

Very easy for others to read my life online and have their own take. I am the one who has to live this experience and I promise you it will drive you to the very limit of your sanity. It's not even like it's worth it, my results up to now have been HORRIBLE, mostly obese and gross chicks who treated me like trash. There is no sign of hope or any god damn logical reason to continue.

If I continue, if I board that plane and go back to Budapest, all that comes, and the disappointment that I will feel as 2023 closes and we are still on shit street, is entirely on me.

I accept that.

And will continue to persist anyway...........


"𝑾𝒉𝒆𝒏𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝑰 𝒈𝒆𝒕 𝒕𝒐 𝒂 𝒍𝒐𝒘 𝒑𝒐𝒊𝒏𝒕 𝒘𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝑰 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒌 “𝒘𝒉𝒚 𝒅𝒐 𝑰 𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏 𝒃𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓?” 𝑰 𝒋𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒕𝒓𝒚 𝒕𝒐 𝒓𝒆𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒅 𝒎𝒚𝒔𝒆𝒍𝒇 “𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒊𝒔 𝒘𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝒎𝒐𝒔𝒕 𝒑𝒆𝒐𝒑𝒍𝒆 𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒑, 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒊𝒔 𝒘𝒉𝒚 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒚 𝒅𝒐𝒏’𝒕 𝒘𝒊𝒏.”
-Alex Hormozi

One of the things I am famous for is staying with my goals for a legendary duration of time and being so persistent it is borderline insane.

Who else has tried to get their first girlfriend for fucking 13 YEARS?!

And I don't mean, yeah try a bit here and there.


Yes, even I question myself.

There are times I question my own sanity.

And then.....FINALLY....a breakthrough

I wish it wasn't like this because god dammit the world will test you

This is how it is and it's the journey of journeys

The strong survive

Currently, I am on a NINE MONTH period of grinding for my secondary goal (develop Game - stop the cycle of an awful dating life)

I just keep showing up.

Many times, such as today, I just want to throw in the towel.

What stops me, is the memories in my own brain from 10 years ago

From all the times I used to quit and throw in the towel when it got really, really hard

When sometimes people tell me, there is something particular about me that allows me to keep going

I just want to f**king laugh

No. It was because I saw the pattern and decided if I fix NOTHING ELSE in my life, I will just become someone who is:

(a) Painfully consistent, able to show up day after day, week after week, year after year, and just endure. Who does not care how much it hurts, who does not care that things do not seem to be working. I will just outlast any and all excuses my own brain generates.

(b) Will make the 1 second decision to continue when all hope is lost and it is simply inhuman to continue. These are the moments where we have psychologically shattered, they happen to everyone who truly pushes the limits believe me, and how you become a legend is, in these moments, when no sane person would continue, you find something inside to keep going

That was what I was looking for, and after screwing up just so many times, I decided this will be the hill I will die on, if nothing else every works in my life, if nothing else ever comes together, if I never realise my potential and I suck at things for the rest of my life.....

If I can JUST crack total high performance and consistency

Then I will breathe my last breathe with a smile on my face

Yes this sounds a bit mad, I assure you procrastination and performance issues back in the day drove me literally to the limit of my sanity

Turning this around was a legendary achievement

Becoming a very good project manager, and then a solid business operator

Proving myself time and time again, year after year

What is crazy to me, is now I can't even remember what having those problems is like

There is no trace of it left, I can barely remember it, if I really strain my mind I can remember some bad experiences, but I can't quite remember how I used to feel and what that experience was like

Even though it is hard, even though I suffer, even though I see no rea way out or can imagine a different reality

The only thing I can say I truly know in this world, is work ethic and persistence

Persistence is written on the walls of my heart

If there is nothing else I can embody in this life, it will be that I persisted until the bitter f**king end

You do not let the world crush your dreams

You do not let the absolutely f**ked modern SMP which is borderline satanic possessed poison you or embitter you

Only option there is, is to grind.

I don't even want to do this anymore. I never wanted to in the first place. I literally hate it.



Only way, as ever

