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MakingAComeback said:
I work hard on biz, which is a primary focus, and also, as a secondary focus, date.

Dating, is cold approach 7 days a week, online 7 days a week, night game 2 nights a week.

This is split properly into focus 1 & 2, in alignment with how Chris from GLL advised. I am literally doing this just as he would suggest.

The problem is that you don't have much time to reflect on what is going on and if you could improve things. I had this issue when I was cold approaching regularly. It took me almost a year to figure out how I was fucking up. I think my situation could be similar to yours so here's some feedback:

My issue was that I was approaching a ton but I wasn't getting laid as much as I'd like. I'd compare myself to my chad friend who approached and banged a new girl almost every single day. Also, my conversions from back in 2019 were so much better and I had no clue what the problem was.

Here are the two big mistakes I was making, that nobody could confidently point out as mistakes:

1) I was going for the # close but my friend was going for the IG close. My friend tried going for the # and the number of girls who gave it to him dropped immediately. I used to think that IG didn't matter since Voldemort was getting laid exchanging just #. But when you compared his results with my friend's, my friend was kicking his ass. So you should figure out the optimum media to exchange with girls. Just because some guys can get laid by exchanging # doesn't mean it's the best solution. Since we might be intimidating to girls, we make our lives harder by exchanging #. Your IG has pictures of you being social and not a threat so that's good. Now, I am not saying that IG is the way. For all we know, maybe in BP the best social media platform to use is FB. You need to figure that shit out somehow.

2) I was in a crappy environment for CA. I no longer take seriously anyone talking about CA conversions after this realization. In 2019 I was approaching in a less busy area and street. In 2021, I was approaching in the busiest street in Athens. Not only are there other guys approaching there, but there are also people trying to sell/promote stuff. So girls automatically put their guard up. My friend was also approaching there but most of his lays DID NOT COME from this street. His brother pointed out that approaching near their area was easier and girls were more likely to stay and talk. Even worse, I didn't live near the center. So if I invited a girl to my area, she could easily counter with, "But we talked in the center. Why not meet there?" My friend also had the same problem and would lose girls this way. In 2019 I had better results because I was approaching in a less busy area that was also near my place. Most girls were living around there so it was easy to pitch a meeting that was 5-10 minutes away from my home. So this could be an issue with you. Maybe the area you approach is busy? Maybe girls don't visit it often? Maybe a combo of both? In your case, I'd find the favorite spots of CA dudes and try my luck there.
Yo bros

Feeling better having vented!

It is what it is, it is going to be a lot of action, hustling, change, and trial and error moving forward.

I was feeling quite confronted by it all, obviously it's a long road ahead and god knows how deep down this rabbit hole I still have to go.

Commitment means you go all the way, no matter how badly it hurts or how impossible it may seem.

Key word here, is seem.

Stressing about dating, women, relationships and so on, is a cognitive error. It's not worth it, at all. The return on investment for this activity is close to nil. Best way to go about it, is to just go through the motions and stick to the process.

That aside, lets get back to WORK............

Will be a grind day. Jumping in the car shortly to go to V's house and push things forward.

In other news, have a basic placeholder set up for IronWill's landing page. This is just a draft:


Of course, the video is a placeholder, and the page needs work.

I am not a perfectionist. Will tinker more and will just use that.

Focus with IronWill, will be:

Blasting content daily (AM)
Networking & Relationship Building (PM)

That's it.

Otherwise, Gym, Dating, Learning/Study.

Nose to the grindstone. Put in the work. Wait. See what happens.

Putting dating / woman stuff out of my brain and not allowing myself to fall into the trap about thinking of it too much. It is a pure time drain fo no rewards, a waste of life, and should just be treated like activity you do like brushing your teeth, showering, etc - just do it each day and move on...............

Oh, thank you all for the posts, and of course I will reply.

Doing about an hour's work on the project w/ V and then I am driving to see him

i feel for you Mac, we have this weird fucking life, still we have the balls to try to improve while normies our age are married, so weird but why not embrace it?

i don't know what archetype you're looking for, but th beard makes you look older and less edgy because it's too serious, i'm brown, 3 years older then you and without beard i get mistaken for 25yo, yesterday got a number from a 16 i was like WTF
if you're trying to appeal to older woman in their 30's and 40's i'd say keep this archetype andthe beard, but for younger girls i don't think it works to be honest

Firstly, I am sorry for not replying. Fuck me, I've been busy!

I'll tell you what I've been doing. After a few huge work sessions, started a new project with a mentor of mine in biz.

Has a bit of earning potential, which is good, makes life easier, and if it works man, I will just put the little extra that comes in (if it works) into more self improvement :-)

Yeah I was feeling a bit bummed out on the dating front, guess I just got triggered because I am going back to BP and made the commitment to hustle a lot. It was a day or two that was mentally tricky, with me thinking, dude, this is going to be a lot more insanity are you OK with that?

Truth is, that is part of life, and I too am guilty of being a whining bitch at times and throwing my toys out the pram.

And I rightly got called out by you guys and I accept it.

In my defence, this has been endless, endless, endless rejection, near misses, and so on - nothing has gone right for 9 months and it is quite comical at this point!

Year started with the debacle that was L. Next, a few no shows, flakes, and such with online. Night game date, which was lovely, ghosts. Bristol intensive trip, lots of grinding, lots of nothing. One near miss, which was killed dead in the water by some dude. Krakow, was fun, another near miss, chick asked me to hang out, that night, and literally sent me her address - then ghost. Online photos come back, and the blow of these not improving anything. I was shattered by that. Well, the account was shadowbanned. Sorted this out, and then got some matches in. Got 2 dates out of it, both quite shitty. At this point learned helplessness had set in and I was pretty cynical. Kept going, kept approaching, and then moved to Budapest. First few weeks in BP, were actually pretty good, and whilst nothing significant happened with women, it was clear that the deeper inner work & game that I'll need, can be developed here.

That said, when it is such a grind, for so long, you definitely enter this state of jadedness and cynicism.

That absolutely is life. Absolutely. Consider how Alex Hormozi lost all his money, THREE TIMES, back in the day, and was sleeping in Leila's parents spare room. That is nuts man. Consider how Andy just bitterly clawed his way up. That guy has seen some shit, believe me. He just kept showing up. Andy is unbelievable in this regard, he is like a juggernaut, once he is in motion, he is literally unstoppable. We love Andy, but some people hate him, some people resent him, some people think he is a right bastard. And that, is to a guy who cares so deeply about making the world a better place. Some people will talk shit on him. Fucking unbelievable. Andy is 100x the man I am, nicer and more positive in every way, and yet still people will conduct themselves like that. That's the human animal man. You don't become ANDY THE GREAT, without ruffling some feathers lol.

You can achieve a lot in your life by showing up, busting your ass, and staying with the process. The above two examples did it that way.

It does not mean you won't suffer and it won't be ugly at times IMO. That's part of it. It's a dance I think, expansion, contraction. Each cycle, you learn more, and heal more.

I am OK now. Vented a bunch, talked to my friend V a lot, and I'm now going to go out and go for a run.

I think something we should highlight, is that to take action, to assert yourself, and to stand for something: you will evoke complete rage in others and it can border on totally pathological.

Inspired by Holden's recent post, on the 'friend' who revealed his true colours, I find that just so amusing. Holden has done the work, for years, and is genuinely smart, talented, good looking, and there is no world where he does not succeed. How could he not? A lion is always going to be a lion, and a sheep, always a sheep. Better for guys like Holden to just connect with other lions and kill bigger imo. Let the sheep just bleat, that is all they can do. "Lions do not concern themselves with the opinions of sheep". I also have people who don't like me, to whom my existence triggers hatred and resentment, some just do not like guys who have the balls to rise up and get ahead in life. Believe me, as you start to find your balls and make bigger moves, you will see some shit you just didn't expect. I've had people talk shit about my biohacking ideas, about my ideas on human nature, about my ideas on project management The job lot. It does not register. I believe in my core values and I will stick to them. In some things, you must be ferocious. In some things, you must be unwavering. There are some things, you don't back down on, and you are willing to go to war for. That is part of being a man. You'll piss some off - fine. That is a question of heart and soul and deep spiritual strength. Staying firm, and just rising to the top. Sheep are ten a penny cunts. They don't matter. You forget they exist very fast.

I just thought I'd reflect on that, because IMO, those experiences and moments are crucial and are signs you are becoming more successful. Some people will hate your f**king guts believe me. This is good, they are filtering themselves out. This gives you the opportunity to say "FUCK YOU", and just rise to the top. It is better to offend some people so badly, they just stay away from you. I am a very strong character, and this is why, within my small circle, we are fucking rock solid. I think they have a sense of my own boundaries and understand certain lines will not be crossed. Quality attracts quality. Everyone reveals their true colours believe me. They filter themselves out, you don't even have to do it for them.

Comes down to one thing:

Staying with the process.

Especially when it hurts.

At the darkest times in this journey, following that, there have been wins.

There will be some wins at some point. I'll just endure. It could be another 6 months, 9 months, hell I may end up on a 2 - 3 year dry spell and talk to 10,000 women. Yes, it can happen.

In the end, these silly things don't even matter. What matters is that you lived, stood for your core values and beliefs, and for those who matter to you, you made their life a little better.

jakeD said:
I really still refuse to believe that you can't get hot girls. Maybe not through cold approach and online dating though.

But that you can't be rich and successful and banging hot chicks? Don't believe it.

I'd also be careful with crafting so much identity and pride out of grinding. Is it good to work hard? Definitely. But you need to let yourself win and relax too. If all you are is grinding, it's almost like you're teaching yourself you are worthless and don't deserve success, just constant masochism and pain and hard work. Don't take it too far or get so wrapped up in it you can't see the forest for the trees, you know?

You are more than just some masochistic work horse whose only value is that works his ass off 24 / 7.

Ha ha, man I am persistently blown away by the deep spiritual wisdom you have Jake. Sometimes it shines through.

Reading your log, is like very stream of consciousness.

You definitely are an interesting man, a complex character not unlike myself, as you know, I am fucked up in some ways, good in other ways. Like all humans if they were being honest ;-)

Occasionally, you post things that have a deep substance and I have to stop for a moment and just think to myself......fuck......I think he nailed it

jakeD said:
What you say about low SMV is also true to a good extent. Although I do think there are solutions for low SMV men. That is where we would differ.

But guys like me and you, we are just naturally not meant to fuck hot girls. It's just how it is. Other dudes it comes either naturally and easily, or they can push themselves some and then get lots of success.

Anyone saying diff, is full of shit.

We got shafted bro. Just the way it is.

I think this post, actually has a grain of quite deep spiritual truth and whilst Jake is being quite raw about it, he is kinda piecing it together in a certain sense

I don't know how you feel Jake, but there are times this has kept me up at night staring at the ceiling. Thinking, what part of me is missing? What part of me is so wrong? Is it my face, my body, am I that ugly, is it the way I speak, the things I say? In a calm, rational state I think it is a mix of all the above, which is to say bro: yes, some get shafted. They just don't fit the mould.

I think we both drew the same conclusion on that one.

The quality of women I personally attract, has been quite low, and most of the time, they're not even freakin interested! That is the thing that gets me. It's not the sex - I will be honest with you, it's not that I am really looking for. I kinda just want a girl who will be nice to me, reply to texts, just ask how I am, that sort of thing. Can't seem to crack it and it can get to me at times. It's like, it seems so effortless for other guys. I just don't understand why no one sticks around, why the dates feel so dry, there is no spark, attraction, often it's just like talking to stone.

The conclusion I came to, is similar to your own: there are men who, in the minds of women, are just not desirable, and they are not going to get decent treatment. It's hierarchies: at the upper end, there is a pleasant, decent, positive dating experience. At the lower end, it is just dante's inferno. Dating, is supposed to be two people who are on the same team, coming together and adding value to each other's lives. Andy highlights all this, and is a very intelligent, thoughtful, and positive man who has a better take, and healthier one, than I do, and again, he is ten times the man I am trust me he saved my life and asked for nothing in return. He is always going to be my idol. But I just couldn't tap into the kind of experience and get it working for me.

Much of what I write these days, Jake is about acceptance, and finding ways to be OK with this.

Anyway, I don't mean to take more of your time up reading my long rambling posts. I hope you are well brother, and just want to see your life go well. Neither of us need to suffer or have pain. Why do it to ourselves.


To make sure this post is not a sombre and sad one, I will state that I am properly committed to learning Game, and will do it, daily, for 2 years bro. This, I believe in my heart of hearts, could help me. Now, that puts it in context I hope? I am doing something about this, and I am not sat here being negative. Maybe things improve, it could happen. I hope you can see, that I am just trying to organise things in my head, process and deal with things, because it is a particularly rough patch in my journey. In 6 months, we may not be here at all, life could be better. It's important we stay positive and proactive and not be miserable. Remember what they say, misery loves company, if we both harp on about this stuff, where is it going to get us? We know that though don't we bro.

How do you think you come across to women in a daygame scenario, honestly? How do you think they perceive you?
Renton said:
How do you think you come across to women in a daygame scenario, honestly? How do you think they perceive you?

Hey man

I think, they seem me as quite chill, nice, pleasant

I get day game dates, chicks reply to me and are quite cool with that

Sticking point is, converting, sexualising, and creating a man to woman vibe

But working on it!

In the UK, it was legit impossible. Moved to Budapest, it got better.

Definitely have a big issue with attraction & attractiveness. I think I need to hit the gym for like another year hardcore, because facially and overall attractiveness wise, it's a right uphill battle.

But that's cool, no excuses being made here dude

jakeD said:
I think honestly it's still what I've already told you. It's a nice guy thing with you. And vibe + game. Looks is part of it, but I don't believe it's 100% your looks that is causing this.

Problem is, that is deeply who you are as a person, and changing it will be very difficult and weird / incongruent. Both to yourself and to women combined.

The question isn't just can you get girls, it's can you get girls without having to become some sort of fake character that isn't remotely you. The natural you is not a person that women, especially hot ones, find compelling. As you've already discovered.

People limit their thinking alot. This community is largely about getting girls with cold approach / OLD. But there is tons of ways to get girls and those are more like unusual niche ways to do it that most guys don't practice nor care about and obviously plenty of "normal" guys fuck attractive girls and more importantly get attractive girlfriends. And don't participate in communities like this. I think the red / black pill gives itself too much credit. I think most people and society in general are intuitively aware of SMV and the social hierarchy and etc. It's not like some fucking secret that only a few guys on the internet have figured out and everyone else is just a moron.

Getting girls is not fucking rocket science. Including hot girls. I'm pretty sure I understand exactly why it is I don't fuck hot girls. I'm not really confused about it. The only thing i'm confused about is if I can somehow supercede that through very unconventional means such as pure vibe with cold approach. Not really cause it's even practical, just out of pure fascination and curiosity about it that I for some reason have an obsession with and always have. I've always been obsessed with girls and pick up and fucking them and sex etc for whatever reason. I'm sure most people don't really care that much. As you said though, we are obviously both strange people in our own ways.

I see tons of "normies" all fucking day with attractive girlfriends. Maybe they don't fuck 100 hot girls off cold approach or whatever, but obviously (some) normal men score attractive girls all the time. That's why the blackpill is also pretty ridiculous to me. At least at the levels some people have taken it to.

In "normal" life the girls you get are pretty simple. They are a function of similarity really. Basically you get girls that are similar to you in terms of looks level, income level, status level, lifestyle, interests, career, etc.

Like where I live it's simply like have a cool car, some money, a place, dress good and look good enough at least and have modern style. And at least have basic competent social and sexual ability. Like that's it. I see stupid generic guys all the time who do that, while looking down my nose at them by the way, all the time and guess what, they have hotter girlfriends than me too.

Even on here there is like a KYIL fuck boy style. Certain level of fitness. Certain level of looks. Pretty much nail that, take good pics with a good camera or hire someone, and as long as you can get your dick hard and are at least relatively socially normal and capable, you can probably nail at least attractive girls from OLD. Or cold approach if you have the balls. But cold approach isn't even necessary. Most guys can do pretty well just dressing right, taking good photos, and reaching a SMV threshold. Which plenty of posters on here do.

I think your looks aren't great, not horrible either, but you've improved them alot. But I think you both are lacking in SMV to some extent but also this is still a vibe / game issue.

If you were more aggressive and dark triad and evil so to speak (don't laugh) I think you could totally nail tons of hot girls at your SMV. Especially if you like got rich or something and stacked other stuff onto it. And if you're already grinding this hard as it is, why the fuck not?

There is more to getting girls than just walking up to them at the mall. Get rich, get status, social circle, etc. This community is more about just hitting the SMV threshold though or far surpassing it then hitting OLD primarily but also cold approach for some people. That is a legitimate approach. But it isn't the only one.

And every dude who does it so far and is pretty successful with it also tends to be pretty good looking and already somewhat socially capable generally.

Either way though I think beyond just your SMV is just the way you are with girls is limiting you. Even if you get more money or status whatever I think it will still hold you back too.

I'm different than you in the sense that I'm pretty good with women already in alot of ways and they are very into me, just not the hot ones. I do really good in my little niche but women outside of it won't even touch me. To get them, I'd have change that thing I just talked about. That similarity issue. Up my looks, my style, my car, my place, my pics, play that part basically all those "normie" guys I despise and hate do and join them. Either that or become so overwhemingly stacked in vibe and swagger that somehow i can do it off pure cold approach alone combined with the fact too that I'm pretty fucking good at sex. Those are my two options.

I self sabotage really. I already know all this, I just keep ignoring it and instead stay the same and keep fucking trashy weird chicks and being a scumbag lol. Even though I need to move past it and dislike it alot, I also enjoy it and am pretty attached to it in a way.

Even though I do a bunch of drugs now and am broke and fuck a bunch of weird crazy street girls, I'm actually a upper class white kid by nature. I grew up near cherry creek highschool, my dad had a good job making over 120k+ per year, I lived in a wealthy upper class white neighborhood although we weren't super loaded, but definitely upper middle class. I grew up with a bunch of hot high status girls. I know how they are and how that world works. Those were my friends growing up. Idk if I mentioned on here before, but I was homeschooled from middle school until I dropped out in highschool. From the 8th grade til 10th grade i went to this school for like 2 days a week and was home schooled the rest of the time. And it was other kids in the same program so it was like 10 ppl in each class or something.

My issues naturally are that I'm not that good looking. And also and even more importantly, I was super socially awkward and weird. Very mentally ill. And porn addicted. And had terrible ED. And etc. I was lame as fuck for the longest time. I'm just highly emotionally intelligent so I taught myself out of it over many years. That plus all the biohacking I discovered of course.

Even though my results still suck, I've actually come insanely far really. Sometimes I forget to give myself credit for that. Compared to my starting point.

My fuckboy cousin is also wealthy and higher status and good looking. And he fucks all the girls I wish I could. Is he any better than me? Is his game any better?

Not really. He is just young and "matches" with these girls in similarity like I said. For him it's as easy as it is with me with all the average and less attractive girls I hit from OLD. He only does OLD too. Although he absolutely fucking crushes with it. He is insanely good with women. He learned from me from a very young age lol.

But that's literally it. That's what is holding me back and I'm just stubborn and refuse to change it. With you I think it's a bit different but what I already said. If I was in your shoes I'd get rich and get status and also become alot more dark and aggressive and less "good". I'm literally being serious. At that point I'd think you could get some pretty smoking hot girls. Will you actually do that and do you even want to and is that even you or what you want is another story.

Sorry for the long rant but just wanted to share this. I could go on about this for a long time. But i've been thinking about it alot lately.

Sick post ^^

Printed that one out

Bros, we've done our venting now, it was good

We have to work now

We CANNOT give in

We have to keep going

I'll fly back to BP tomorrow and I will work

Underdogs can win, we absolutely can

We don't have to settle, we don't have to accept this fucking BULLSHIT

We too can make it

MakingAComeback said:
Renton said:
How do you think you come across to women in a daygame scenario, honestly? How do you think they perceive you?

Hey man

I think, they seem me as quite chill, nice, pleasant

I get day game dates, chicks reply to me and are quite cool with that

Sticking point is, converting, sexualising, and creating a man to woman vibe

But working on it!

In the UK, it was legit impossible. Moved to Budapest, it got better.

Definitely have a big issue with attraction & attractiveness. I think I need to hit the gym for like another year hardcore, because facially and overall attractiveness wise, it's a right uphill battle.

But that's cool, no excuses being made here dude

You say you get dates but exactly how many dates do you get? What is your approach-to-date ratio?
Can you upload an infield recording of one of your sets? Have you ever done that?

I wonder whether you come across as too intense / have a heaviness / seriousness about you or something else off about your vibe the girls can pick up on and you can't see yourself.
Renton said:
MakingAComeback said:
Hey man

I think, they seem me as quite chill, nice, pleasant

I get day game dates, chicks reply to me and are quite cool with that

Sticking point is, converting, sexualising, and creating a man to woman vibe

But working on it!

In the UK, it was legit impossible. Moved to Budapest, it got better.

Definitely have a big issue with attraction & attractiveness. I think I need to hit the gym for like another year hardcore, because facially and overall attractiveness wise, it's a right uphill battle.

But that's cool, no excuses being made here dude

You say you get dates but exactly how many dates do you get? What is your approach-to-date ratio?
Can you upload an infield recording of one of your sets? Have you ever done that?

I wonder whether you come across as too intense / have a heaviness / seriousness about you or something else off about your vibe the girls can pick up on and you can't see yourself.

Yo Renton,

Umm, so I will be honest I have never broken it down to an approach to date ratio! Gonna be transparent about that, but to answer your question in the best way I can, I got to Budapest June 3rd, approached 7 days a week, talking to at least 5 girls a day. Night game I do crazy numbers. Overall, lets say I talked to roughly 50 women a week. From that, over 3 weeks, I got 2 day game dates.

Regarding heaviness and such, I will be honest, in the UK I did have a touch of that because I got quite depressed at one point as the women were just so hardcore unreceptive and after a lot of that, I started to get so bummed over it and I would head out to day game and just not want to be there, at all. I noticed that happening at around Jan/Feb of this year, and just decided to draw a line under any form of approaching in the UK. Was this a failure or some type of weakness my end? Yeah, probably. I should have done the inner work to not be worn out by it, but in my defence, that was happening to me after 1.5 years of daily approaches. Everyone will get sick of things going nowhere for that protracted length of time. Very human.

I did break that cycle, and now, I do not feel like that at all. Which is good. I do genuinely enjoy just milling around chatting to different women, it's fun. I am generally approaching or socialising/chatting, all day man.

Regarding infields and such, this is outside the scope of the forum man. Yes, I've recorded both video and audio. But this is not allowed on the forum and if I see people posting infield video or audio, I will warn them first, and then it's a ban.

Andy/Radical, advocate a very ethics and honesty-based approach, whilst they are open to guys experimenting with game and such, generally, they don't advocate tactics or any of this stuff at all man. We HAVE to respect that 100%. No debating Andy/Radical here. I will not tolerate it and will rip it out root & stem. That is one thing I am immovable on.

jakeD said:
One other thing I'd add is also what is your "thing". For me for example, it's drugs and being a scumbag and strangely and for whatever reason, that is my archetype right now. Even though I'd say I don't remotely look the part. But those girls have always been drawn to me. It's so fucking weird. It chose me really I didn't chose it, although now I've kind of like embraced it and become it.

But like what about you is your "thing" that girls will like? Biohacking? Your business? No offense but those are things girls just don't really care that much about.

Other posters on here who do well also have a "thing". I know it's often called archetype too or whatever. I'm kind of talking about the same thing basically.

Basically how I've seen it work is there is a bunch of different niches or "archetypes" or whatever you can occupy and then there is a hierarchy within those archetypes. With the top guys of whatever archetype fucking the top girls in it.

What is your "archetype" or thing though? I don't see one. "Wealthy dominant dark triad brown guy" is actually an archetype and the one i was encouraging here.

This is a solid post man, and if I was to lean into an archetype, it would be the dominant badass business type for sure.

do you think one year of lifting would make a difference? i think not to be honest, unless you take aas. Why not lift heavy in a deficit to get the leanest you ever been and see what happens?
MakingAComeback said:
Renton said:
You say you get dates but exactly how many dates do you get? What is your approach-to-date ratio?
Can you upload an infield recording of one of your sets? Have you ever done that?

I wonder whether you come across as too intense / have a heaviness / seriousness about you or something else off about your vibe the girls can pick up on and you can't see yourself.

Yo Renton,

Umm, so I will be honest I have never broken it down to an approach to date ratio! Gonna be transparent about that, but to answer your question in the best way I can, I got to Budapest June 3rd, approached 7 days a week, talking to at least 5 girls a day. Night game I do crazy numbers. Overall, lets say I talked to roughly 50 women a week. From that, over 3 weeks, I got 2 day game dates.

Regarding heaviness and such, I will be honest, in the UK I did have a touch of that because I got quite depressed at one point as the women were just so hardcore unreceptive and after a lot of that, I started to get so bummed over it and I would head out to day game and just not want to be there, at all. I noticed that happening at around Jan/Feb of this year, and just decided to draw a line under any form of approaching in the UK. Was this a failure or some type of weakness my end? Yeah, probably. I should have done the inner work to not be worn out by it, but in my defence, that was happening to me after 1.5 years of daily approaches. Everyone will get sick of things going nowhere for that protracted length of time. Very human.

I did break that cycle, and now, I do not feel like that at all. Which is good. I do genuinely enjoy just milling around chatting to different women, it's fun. I am generally approaching or socialising/chatting, all day man.

Regarding infields and such, this is outside the scope of the forum man. Yes, I've recorded both video and audio. But this is not allowed on the forum and if I see people posting infield video or audio, I will warn them first, and then it's a ban.

Andy/Radical, advocate a very ethics and honesty-based approach, whilst they are open to guys experimenting with game and such, generally, they don't advocate tactics or any of this stuff at all man. We HAVE to respect that 100%. No debating Andy/Radical here. I will not tolerate it and will rip it out root & stem. That is one thing I am immovable on.


Understood - I won't be posting any. The only reason I asked about an infield recording was because you can learn a lot more by actually just listening to a few sets from a guy than by conversing with him over text about what he thinks his sticking points / issues are. I'm sure you understand that. I frequently get feedback on my sets from my wings and I've had the same from coaches. It's an important part of learning, because we don't really know how we actually come across in-set.

I've had many sets where I felt there was magic happening, but I listen back to it several months later and I can quite evidently hear: 1) There was no hook point, 2) She didn't sound keen, 3) I was being too serious, etc etc. I asked a coach to listen to 3 sets of mine recently and he spotted a lot of errors I hadn't really thought much of.

Best of luck
Thrice said:
do you think one year of lifting would make a difference? i think not to be honest, unless you take aas. Why not lift heavy in a deficit to get the leanest you ever been and see what happens?


Don't worry about this, I have got this. Trust me.

I will fly back to Budapest tonight. From tomorrow, I will put in totally insane level work, and I will not stop, and not back down for 90 days.

I will turn this around, I will go out there, and I will get the job done.

It is people like you who I do this for. Just stay with me, I promise you I will get the job done.

We'll celebrate together. It won't be long now.

Ok bros, off to the airport now. All packed.

Will land in BP, and go on the f**king ATTACK

Just process, hitting the actions, and staying completely positive and living in alignment with abundance

Success is inevitable

If you just DONT QUIT


On the train to the station now.

Will fly to Budapest.

I am grateful for being:

-An exceptional hardcase success story
-Super confident, highly intelligent, absolutely mentally unbreakable
-Ferocious drive, a literal lion
-Completely comitted to never giving up, and persisting way beyond the limits of 99.9999% of the planet. I am the motherfucker who can get his head smashed in for 12 rounds of the first, come back in the last 10 seconds, last a knockout blow and win the whole damn fight

I was wandering around my home town and just cannot believe how far I have come

I almost wanted to cry

I am a business owner now, with a thriving company that supports agency owners, entrepreneurs, executives, and ambitious people with their performance, consistency, and scaling of their businesses or personal projects

Former obese, agorophobic, mentally ill, virgin at 29 incel, roombound for 2 years, huge list of health problems, turned it the FUCK around

I must become a legend

I must go to levels that inspire others

I must do it for those who have invested so much in me

I must do it for the people who mentored me

I must do it for the one who changed my life in the first place

For my first coach and mentor, and the guy who took me from Ravi, and created MAC

Andy The Great.

Look how much respect and love everyone has for him.

Look how people talk about him, how other savages and legends have such appreciation for him, how much he has done for people in this world, how much he has given for free.

Standard bearer.

The last in the lineage of the true Greats, after Chris (GLL).

The King.

The Greatest Of All Time.

They will write books about this man. Hell, I may be the one who does it.

We will be telling stories about him when we are old and grey.

He is the reason I will never stop, will become great, and I will make sure KYIL is a positive, loving, respectful place, where anyone can come and recieve help, be they man, woman, gay, straight, black, white.

Anyone, from anywhere, can come here, and we will help them be the best version of themselves.

We will all make it.

We will all become inspirations to the next generation.


The Godfather of the Grind. Good to see ya positive mang

Oi maybe you wanna say you get to do all these amazing things