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A few months ago I got robbed at gunpoint. I was walking right outside my apartment at midnight; within the span of about five seconds, two cars had pulled up next to me, and two black guys in masks and hoodies with Uzis had jumped out, sprinted to where I was, and pressed their guns to my head. I had something like an out-of-body experience, and in that moment I was sure that that was how I was going to die.

They didn't kill me; they just took my phone, and its passcode, then ran back to their cars and sped off. The next day when I told a good friend, who I'd known for 12+ years, about this, the first thing he said was: "Were you wearing headphones? If you were, it's on you."

I ghosted him. We haven't talked since, and never will. Why did I make this decision? Because he would not have said this, or even thought this, if he did not harbor a boatload of contempt for me.

How this relates to MAC:
Why did MAC lose weight? For women.
Why did MAC start a business? For women.
Why did MAC move to Budapest? For women.
Why does MAC do anything? For women.

Everything he does has the subtext of: this will help me get a woman, or this will help me get women. He does not do anything for himself. If he did---he would be overjoyed with his achievements over the last year: losing 80lbs, dropping the wagecuck life and starting a business that sustains him, leaving home and moving to an entirely new country by himself. The average guy could not achieve a single one of these three things that MAC's accomplished. And if he did--he would probably walk around radiating with pride and confidence, that he wanted X and he got X and so he's the man, and thus he'd manifest 'good game' organically and spontaneously.

But instead of being happy with how far he's come, because MAC did it all for women, and because there are no women with him at present, he whips back and forth from states of elation to despair within the span of a minute of an interaction.

In the same way my friend concealed his boatload of contempt in his interactions with me, only for it to all slip out in a passing moment--MAC must also conceal his boatload of neediness in his interactions with women, and be on constant guard that it does not slip out and reveal itself in a moment of carelessness. This is why he can't be loose enough to be properly charming over a a long enough period of time. It's not just, how can I get her to like me, it's also: how can I get her to not know how much I care, how life-or-death this is. How can I act and talk in a way that she can't read me. How do I make sure to both say the right things and not say the wrong things.

All this is a terrible cognitive strain, and accounts for his frequent neurotic downturns.

Until he fully unlearns his habit and mindset of doing things for the sole purpose of women, and replaces that with doing things for the sole purpose of himself, he'll continue getting the same results he's been getting, and he'll probably lose ticks of his sanity along the away.

This is why I've recommended taking a step back and figuring out what he wants for himself without women, or the prospect of women, or the imaginary women in his head.
klondike said:
All this is a terrible cognitive strain, and accounts for his frequent neurotic downturns.

Until he fully unlearns his habit and mindset of doing things for the sole purpose of women, and replaces that with doing things for the sole purpose of himself, he'll continue getting the same results he's been getting, and he'll probably lose ticks of his sanity along the away.

Thanks man

I've been telling this to Macdaddy for a while, I'm not sure I wrote it as good as you did here and in general, it's why guys become so resentful of women, they do all these things to get some and when they don't get it, they feel betrayed.

Again, the same quote for the 1millionth time

"You are entitled to the work but not to the fruits of it"

I want every single guy in this forum (and I know few personally that I chat in pvt) to reflect on this quote and understand the base of their motivation to why they are doing the work.
AskTheDom said:
"You are entitled to the work but not to the fruits of it"

That's lame. I wanna take a couple of bathroom selfies, swipe 5 times, and get laid. Can't you offer me something like that???
Crisis_Overcomer said:
AskTheDom said:
"You are entitled to the work but not to the fruits of it"

That's lame. I wanna take a couple of bathroom selfies, swipe 5 times, and get laid. Can't you offer me something like that???

Sure man, I have dark secrets in my only 99$ pdf “5 secret easy steps to get laid like a rockstar”
But only for today is 180$

Coffee & Planning content

Shot 5 Long Form

Day Game: 15 sets - was hell on earth, until final gal exchanged. Ghost incoming.

Now, going for food. Will do a few more apps.

And then curl up and lock myself in my room for the rest of the day.

1 she just backed away confused.
2 sorry I need to go

I was going to approach but this chick was so awkward, seemed to be very scared of me, so I just abandoned. I really dislike when this happens and women totally clam up and feel such levels of fear from
Me just walking around. Sucks. Please miss me with the bullshit examples of tall celebrities with huge status who have success. This is a very uncomfortable thing to go through daily.

3 wouldn’t stop she kept edging away, I felt awkward as fuck

4 Türkish woman, she seemed really jumpy and scared, I called her out on this and she got calmed down a lot, but she was so edgy it was awkward. I told her this and she got suoer offendsd

5 she was not stopping, she kept edging away, she then had a phone call

6 she wasn’t investing and really keen to get away, I did call it out quite hard, but this was a very lame set I just didn’t enjoy it.

7 she took the compliment and ran off (I go to work’

8 ‘heading to work’, fast deflection

9 I don’t have time, sorry

10 sat down on a park bench, reading. I will not write about this interaction. This was too sordid and vile for words. I have had some bad reactions, but this was outwardly cruel and an attempt to be hurtful.

I remember when I started, people told me I should learn to approach, because girls are nice.

[REDACTED: this was very strong diction from me and I am ofc having a bad time dating]. Several thousand later, this experience is so twisted its like living in a nightmare.

My faith in they human female was below 0 when this happened. This was genuinely evil.

I sat down, had my head in my hands, did some deep breathing, and kept going.

11 won’t invest, chat a little whilst edging, ran away

12 this set was insanely platonic, I just bailed, I cannot find anything inside me I am totally crushed tbh. She did tell me Hungarians are very racist people which was honest of her at least. I am super sad I came to this place.

13 had a bf

14 no English

15 Exchanged. She was not investing. She was trying to leave. Chances of ghost = super high


The Hungarians are a special kind of evil

These people will put hate in your heart


Soul has left the building.

Going to just chill and go to bed. Will head out and have dinner, and then just sleep and forget the world for a bit.
Jeeezzoo I remember Budapest being brutal beyond words but I figured it was just me as there were obviously other places where I was better received.

But damn. That trip you made last year certainly made it seem it would go way better than it did so far. And that is with your SMV clearly being superior to back then. I really should have accounted for the racism pill clearly hanging over the heads of the general populace there.

You know my thoughts on the whole 'girls are nice' thing.

While girls are indeed 'nice' as a rule for guys who are clearly good looking loser archetypes, they do treat guys they don't perceive as attractive as peasants. For me it turned out to be a good thing as it teaches you reality and to never fall into that trap of thinking girls are all spice and all things nice. Which has the effect of toughening you up and developing boundaries which can only be a good thing. It is hard to see it that way when you are getting crucified of course.

At this point I am not really sure what to say. I know you will keep going because that is who you are but I can't deny that the notion of perhaps canceling your contract there and moving to another place seems like a really good idea to me, as much of a mighty ballache as that would be.

What does Paw think about this? I would perhaps recommend he accompany you for let's say one session a week (not sure if he does this already?) and see if perhaps he can 'fine-tune' those small little things that could make a difference? Assuming his schedule allows of course and if you are willing to give that a bash in the off chance it can work.
Showered off.

Checked in with the chat. Got feedback from Crisis, Arcade Fire, and Pancake.

Good discussion. I was fucking RAGING. So, so angry. But I could see their points, were all good. Despite me being fucking livid, and also pretty fucking miserable today, there was not much I could say as the points were very solid. I am making errors, Pancake's point on how women do not see masculinity in me, and do not respect me, is 100% accurate. Also, Arcade Fire rightly called me out for shit vocal tonality. I was not doing my job.

And part of that was, due to being in the worst mental space of all time.

But....I expressed some massive rage, read the feedback, interestingly, Crisis and Arcade Fire said that one of the sets I just bailed on, I should have exchanged with as she liked me. I didn't feel this AT ALL. She was also smoking hot. She was a Hungarian, and I am starting to fucking despise the Hungarians, so I just dipped.

Today, was different..........

I have not exchanged contacts in over 200 FUCKING APPROACHES.

The numbers I've been getting, which were 2 in number, were FAKE.

I just refused to lose today.

The Hungarians, have really gotten to me, and made me question the decency of the human animal. I am cold and dead inside at this point but these fucking people are turning me into a zombie. So numb.

I do not yet believe the human animal is so evil, so sick, so fucking twisted.

So, I showered, and went back out.

I just refuse to believe women are as awful as this. This cannot be the world we live in.

Headed back.....

1 UGH, as expected, she didnt want to talk, called her out, hard, she agreed that Hungarians are peices of shit and kept moving. WOW. LOL
2 Wouldn’t stop, in a hurry, and she as not stopping for shit!
3 Wouldn’t stop, called her out two times, just nada. She was not giving me the light of day. I walked off

4 POLISH woman! As soon as I heard the accent, I knew it would be the interaction I needed. As usual, absolutely lovely. If you want to engage with professional, very good people, go to Poland. An excellent location, an improving economy, and I am impressed by the professionalism of these people and their humanity. They are also, it must be said, very physically beautiful people. God clearly smiled upon the Polish people and gave them, it would appear, the best women on earth. I say that, as a man who generally does not have a favourable opinion of women. I actually respect Polish women, they were very mean when I was still a subhuman, but when I improved myself, they treated me like a human being. Unlike the Hungarians. You have to respect these people's opinion, they are entitled to it. I accept their views.
5 Exchanged. Super HOT Danish chick. I had to be insanely ballsy, it was pouring rain, but I persisted hardcore and was not willing to back down. She had several objections but blasted through them and took her away to the side out of the rain. Chatted for a while and went on a little adventure.

So, for the day, it was 3/20.

Also shoutout the Lizard King Crisis Overcomer whose posts in my chat made me fucking lose it and laugh my head off in a Budapest underground walkway.

God I needed that.

Today, I was in Hell itself.

The only way, is THROUGH

I grinding in the streets for 9hrs.

Parts of it felt like a true nightmare, and was the worst pain I have suffered in my life. But I kept feeling it, not fighting it, just accepting it. It felt fucking mind rending.

Stayed with it.

Kept approaching.

Hour after hour, as my own mind pulled itself apart.

I cannot tell you how scary this is. Your own mind implodes, and it tortures you. You will want to blow your brains out. There are no words to express this pain.

I have lived like this my whole life man, I came from a horrible background, and it should have been impossible for a person like me to make anything of himself.

And yet...........I just fucking refuse to give in.

I am proud of myself today, not for my outcomes, they are fucked man.

But for not giving in.

Most, I know for a fact, with this level of hardcore bad reception, and being treated like trash EVERY DAY, by people who are, frankly, allowed to have their own preferences...............it is fucking OK for them to prefer to only speak to their own people. You CANNOT judge them for this. It is their country, if you don't like it, FUCK OFF.

Good news is, there is a whole world out there, and in many parts of the world, people will not treat you in this manner for no reason at all. LOL. I'll chat to Paw but no fucking way will I stay in Hungary for much longer. I'd rather go back to my parents house and be an incel to be honest. I don't think I will ever find a girl here. I am starting to dislike the Hungarians quite strongly, and I do not think I would want to date a Hungarian woman to be honest. Fucking demons.

Staying with it, and rolling with it, getting horrible reactions daily and getting nowhere, being treated like a peasant and second class citizen, and just walking tall, proud, and staying with it regardless.

Thebastard said:
Jeeezzoo I remember Budapest being brutal beyond words but I figured it was just me as there were obviously other places where I was better received.

But damn. That trip you made last year certainly made it seem it would go way better than it did so far. And that is with your SMV clearly being superior to back then. I really should have accounted for the racism pill clearly hanging over the heads of the general populace there.

You know my thoughts on the whole 'girls are nice' thing.

While girls are indeed 'nice' as a rule for guys who are clearly good looking loser archetypes, they do treat guys they don't perceive as attractive as peasants. For me it turned out to be a good thing as it teaches you reality and to never fall into that trap of thinking girls are all spice and all things nice. Which has the effect of toughening you up and developing boundaries which can only be a good thing. It is hard to see it that way when you are getting crucified of course.

At this point I am not really sure what to say. I know you will keep going because that is who you are but I can't deny that the notion of perhaps canceling your contract there and moving to another place seems like a really good idea to me, as much of a mighty ballache as that would be.

What does @Paw think about this? I would perhaps recommend he accompany you for let's say one session a week (not sure if he does this already?) and see if perhaps he can 'fine-tune' those small little things that could make a difference? Assuming his schedule allows of course and if you are willing to give that a bash in the off chance it can work.

Hey bro,

Honestly, we were not to know.

This is beyond shocking.

None of us knew this would happen, and it is so shocking to me that people are like this here. There are no words.

Twice, I was just outright refused service in bars. For no reason. They served V, but just refused to serve me. I have had a crazy old dude off his head scream something or other at me unprompted, given the Hungarians, I expect it would have been something racial.

Paw, will not understand. He thought, due to there being chicks from all over here, I would get some form of success.


Budapest is a dead zone for dating. If your skin is brown here, you are basically fucking done and dusted.

We will approach together tomorrow. Paw, as you know, is a jacked white guy, has solid SMV, and will never understand the Low SMV experience for shit. He, for instance, thought I'd be OK dating in Budapest......he won't get it man.

I will get the visa sorted, and I will complete my wager with Pancake.

If we cannot get 1 lay in 6 months, I am cancelling my contract and leaving Budapest. I will go back to my parents place, work hard, make money, and go to another location where I am not treated like a 2nd class citizen.

I just kept reading and thinking the same thought you (luckily) expressed at the end of your post: just get the hell out.

While your concerns are valid (esp. regarding the racism - I know white Europeans who moved there and even they deal with racism as soon as the Hungarians find out they're not native) keep in mind that this shit is random at the end of the day. I had my "worst" episode with a woman while I was in Poland (maybe you remember, if not, it's cool, it didn't bother me but it would've bothered/traumatized a newbie) so don't go to Poland thinking everything will be fine and dandy and then you get a rough rejection and you change your mind again.

Being Indian I'm not sure where, globally, you'd thrive. Probably the US? All you have to do is escape the stereotype of the geeky techie and with your height (and soon to have musculature) you've got that covered already.
Thebastard said:
Brazil makes the most sense for me just thinking instinctively.

Being the most racially diverse country in LatAm, makes most sense.

I'm afraid though that MacDaddy isn't equipped yet with the latinas attitude and to deal with the barrage of flaking and their game, requires an iron clad frame.

Regarding Budapest, I think I told you or at least Paw, it's kinda shit for dating, even though when I spent a summer there I got my fair amount of daygame notches, I would consider it an overall bad place.

I had my dose of hungarians refusing service to me too because "a tourist" - reality is that most of them are racist rednecks that always feel threatened by the foreigners ( how they got F**d up after ww1 might have to do with this )

Funny tho when you meet hungarian girls living abroad they trash talk about their country big time.

Mr. White, a daygamer from London that is very good, is packing up and moving to Warsaw, to give you an idea...
Holden said:
Being Indian I'm not sure where, globally, you'd thrive. Probably the US?

Oof - environment makes such a huge difference. I'm from Louisiana (deep south) and I lost out on several potential relationships because her dad didn't want her dating a black man.

If I can make a suggestion here, I'd strongly consider Seattle due to demographics if the US is in the mix. It's insanely diverse but the Asian/Indian communities here are enormous. Like new asian/indian girls moving into the city daily. The women are also more professional with good paying jobs, and kind of align with what I think MAC would ultimately look for in a wife.

To build on this, I've been here for the past 4.5 years and I've still haven't seen any Indian men as tall as MAC (or soon to be as muscular) so there are definitely some competitive advantages. The one downside is that there are considerably more men than women here (one of the few reasons I'm not staying much longer). I know there's a lot to consider, but I wanted to throw this in the ring.
Date-onomics: How Dating Became a Lopsided Numbers Game https://g.co/kgs/u9GZbf

For anyone thinking about moving for dating reasons I recommend at least skimming the first chapter -titled The Man Deficit- or two of this book.

It was written to help women avoid areas where women outnumber men (particularly college educated women), because female majority sex ratios lead to more casual sex and a more relaxed dating culture, but obviously areas with more women than men and more casual sex are exactly where you want to be as a man!

Apparently on some campuses where women greatly outnumber men, the men have so much casual sex they develop "golden cock syndrome"... I will never forgive my high school guidance counselor for being ignorant of this fact 😤

Another takeaway from the book is that as you get older the ratio of educated women to men only gets better, because a slightly skewed ratio (driven by more women than men getting degrees) balloons into a much bigger one as people from the smaller group start to pair off.

Also, the hottest and most impressive women are the ones who hold out the longest for mr perfect, and are therefore the most likely to still be single, especially in places like New York City with way more successful, college-educated women than men.

The author actually wrote the book because he was trying to figure out why so many of his super impressive and attractive female colleagues (in NYC) were still single.

Basically, in terms of auction theory, the hottest and most educated women are the softest bidders (i.e. the least likely to be married).

The book may scare a lot of women, but it should fill men -especially college-educated men in their late 20's and early 30's- with lots of hope if they can move to one of these female-biased cities.

In my own experience, part of the reason I do so well when I am up north is that even though the city I am in only has 50,000 people, it is within 30 miles of four different college campuses that all have heavily female-skewed sex ratios.

And MakingAComeback, if you ever want to have a conversation about anything you hear in the videos I shared, or anything else attachment related or otherwise, I am at your service.

Hang in there man, because your problems are fixable

Lets get back into the flow.



Shoutout camera man Paw lol

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BW: 188.0

It was lower at one point, the lowest I ever had it was 187, but that was after like a 48r fast. This is just my regular weight right now, the range I am in. And I am def. stronger in the gym than I was.

Plenty of work to be done.

Sticking to OMAD.


No real gains yet. Will need to shred a lot for features to pop more. Jaw looks OK. Not the best,

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Pretty consistent with skincare.

Hair transplant looks good atleast.

Stretchmarks, look bad. I barely dermaroll them. I must resume. Will do 2 sessions of it a month. I think this helps, they totally looked worse before.


Day Game

-Watch all videos Manly posted / Read forum posts on my log the past week & reply

Will hustle all day. Jump in the ice bath at some point. And take it easy today. Just day game and mindset. Tomorrow, back to work.

You're looking great,MakingAComeback!

At this point I truly believe that 99% of your dating struggles are coming from internal issues that are fixable.

If all that attachment/build-a-secure-sense-of-self stuff from the videos I linked seems too spiritual or mystical, there's another more scientific book that might help called The Master and His Emissary written by a British psychiatrist named Iain Mcgilchrist:


The book took me at least a year to read, but if you want to scientifically understand your brain on the deepest level possible, this book is the best I've found by far

And if you like the Peterson/Mcgilchrist conversation, here's another relatively short video that sums up the hemisphere thesis very elegantly:


To bring it all back around, basically attachment issues cause a disconnection from other people and from your own body via excessive inhibition/disconnection from the right hemisphere

Only the right hemisphere can see other people AND OURSELVES for the omnipotent, one-of-a-kind, truly awesome, ever changing beings that we all are, instead of some stereotype/lifeless category or static object to be manipulated.

The right hemisphere also processes and produces all of the nonverbal communication that must be there to truly see and connect with someone.

Finally, being hyper verbal -like so many of us on KYIL are- is a sure sign you are living in a left hemisphere world, because only the left hemisphere sees the world through the lens of language.

The right hemisphere is more of a felt and intuited and nonverbal, "just be" type of sight (which is one of the primary goals when we set about fixing our attachment issues), and is more like how most women see the world, because on average their brains are less lateralized than ours.

Less lateralization means it's probably much harder for women to live in this abstract, hyperverbal, stereotyped world full of lifeless categories that so many men easily fall into - a great example of this is how we try to fit ourselves and all women into archetypal categories, instead of trying to become, and get to know each woman for, the unique being that each of us actually is

Basically, you and me and many other guys on KYIL are trying to run this beautifully challenging race we call life without using the most powerful, intuitive and intelligent parts of ourselves!

(because we are still repressing and inhibiting those parts of us as a result of attachment issues we developed when we were helpless infants)
MakingAComeback said:
Day Game: 15 sets - was hell on earth, until final gal exchanged. Ghost incoming.

I want everyone in here to know the epic line you dropped during one of the approaches

Ravi: So what is your name?
Girl: Zilla
Ravi: Zilla? Like Godzilla?

MakingAComeback said:
4 POLISH woman! As soon as I heard the accent, I knew it would be the interaction I needed. As usual, absolutely lovely. If you want to engage with professional, very good people, go to Poland. An excellent location, an improving economy, and I am impressed by the professionalism of these people and their humanity. They are also, it must be said, very physically beautiful people. God clearly smiled upon the Polish people and gave them, it would appear, the best women on earth. I say that, as a man who generally does not have a favourable opinion of women. I actually respect Polish women, they were very mean when I was still a subhuman, but when I improved myself, they treated me like a human being. Unlike the Hungarians. You have to respect these people's opinion, they are entitled to it. I accept their views.
5 Exchanged. Super HOT Danish chick. I had to be insanely ballsy, it was pouring rain, but I persisted hardcore and was not willing to back down. She had several objections but blasted through them and took her away to the side out of the rain. Chatted for a while and went on a little adventure.

Surprised by this. I'm in a group chat with some other daygamers and from what I hear daygame in Poland is hell - chicks will not hook up easily. These are seasoned daygamers that were doing well in other countries. It's just a small reference set of daygamers though so I'm not sure.

I sometimes feel like whenever one meets a person in a different country, they seem to be nicer and more open to daygame. Like there is obviously the tourist effect. But even people living there for a bit longer than just visiting are more open to meet new people. So polish girls in Hungyary might seem nice to you but not because daygame is good in Poland, but because these Polish girls are in Hungary.

As to the racism. I am too late to read what happened. Must have been some crazy fucked up stuff for you to delete it. I feel so sorry for you man.

Interestingly, it can be a curse and blessing in disguise in way though. I have some black friends (I honestly thought u were black until I read the last few posts in your log where a guy mentioned u are indian) and they keep telling me how girls in Prague and Bratislava hook up with them on the regular in rich-guy-nightgame settings (buy bottles, have fun, invite girls to your table every once in a while). I chalk it up to some degree to their exoticism, with black guys being more rare in much of Eastern Europe than in Germany. On the other hand these guys experience crazy racist shit on the daily. When they were visiting me in my city in Germany, a hotel worker ran and stopped the elevator in the lobby because he didn't think they were hotel guests. Companies offer them absolutely shit contracts. Mercedes offered my friend a junior positon althought the guy has 5 years of work experience and an MBA. Ridiculous. He's planning to go back to Africa now, he's fed up.

That being said, I don't know how that applies to Indians.

And generally, you're a beast for pushing through these frustrating experiences.