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Paw said:
low SMV guys have to love-bomb"

Paw slap him as hard as you can with a flogger on the ass and make him beg forgivness.

I'm beyond infuriated by reading this.


Low smv guys have to become high smv guys, end of story.

As I told you in Krakow the second time when approaching the model, you are being nice to girls because you are covertly hoping to get the pussy.

You had Paw coming back on the forum as a positive thing.

Can't wait to kick your ass in two weeks
Lordy lordy

As ever, the MAC log remains a tale of twists, turns, and epic slaps to my handsome mug

Thanks bros for the thoughts

Paw's post has smashed it out of the park, the return of the Viking, in true swashbuckling fashion, damn. Solid points made, and I am working my fecking arse off to improve SMV and Game. You know me too well and know I am a stuborn bastard who cannot quit. I am TOO hard headed to give in and will grind to death. Because I am not willing to give up on my dream. And will not. Ever.

I know you asked me yesterday about how I wrote I'll stop logging. The guys who read this, whom are 523,128 in number, have read that exact statement many times.....

I then return the next day and work even harder lol

Just part of my psychology. Most ignore it these days. They know I will step back in the arena because I am one pissed off motherfucker when I have a goal.

I have taken a lot from it, as well as recent convos

Yesterday was a good return to momentum

Quick summary:

1/9 (1 fake no, 1 IG, she didnt follow back)

Hit and runs: 4

Session starts
1 her bus arrived
2 she was nice, Bf
3 she was waiting for her date, I forgot to record, but I got her to exchange. This was a fake number.
4 hard deflection
5 she was eye fucking me as I was crossing, so I headed over and we had a great convo. Exchanged
6 good convo, logistics were absolutely not happening, so I let her go - first legit Latina I have food approached (chile)
7 really hot girl, she was into it, felt a bit it chemistry - boyfriend objection
8 hot, hooked, but she had a bf

Post session:

Did I work on my current sticking point?

Tonality: Yes. But, there were times I totally faltered, and spoke over the girl.

What did I do well?

Stopping: Man, to get the girls to stop, I had to give them quite a big smile, really good eye contact, and then I sucked them in. However, this pre approach, put me slightly in nice guy frame.

Tough. I noticed, during my warmup hit and run compliments, I was getting very bad blowouts. So, this was what I did to calibrate.

I did, however, hook a few sets. They were not invested today. Many of them, got to where they were telling me they were in a rush, which was the point at which I applied the advice above in the Smellman video. And this was solid. Kept the set going, and enabled me to push for an exchange.

Calibrated Persistence: I think I did this well!

What could I have done better?

Eye contact, and some sexual energy.

Not enough teasing, disqualifying, breaking rapprt. In the one who exchanged, I DID disqualify and break rapprt, by saying pschologists are trouble. She did tell me that is not the case, and that was cool.

Not sexualising at all, sets feel platonic....FUCK......

What will I improve tomorrow?

Voice: Needs to be better tomorrow. Today, it was not there!

Sexual Intent: Need to bring SOMETHING.......I was kinda edging into it, with some sexual energy here and there, some gazing into the eyes....

Stopping: I will keep the eye contact and smile, as I scare girls when I don't do this. When I do it well, the girls really get sucked in and then I can be VERY close when talking.

Got feedback from the gang

Back gg-g-g--g-gg--g-g-GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRINDIN

I wrote this a few days ago in a rage after I read your ridiculous ready-to-give-up post, but wanted to cool down before I sent it

Since then Paw and AskTheDom gave you some truly excellent advice, so now I'm just posting this to basically second what they said

~ Start of Angry Post ~

Ravi, I love you to death brother, but fuck you for acting like one of the most impatient and ungrateful bastards I have ever seen in my life

First, Who the fuck are you comparing yourself to???

Because you have already had sex with more women than I (and 99% of other men) did at your age, and I was a fucking D1 athlete and the runner-up for homecoming king at another college.

Second, you haven't worked nearly as hard as you think you have, because hard work takes effort AND time, and you've only been at this for a few years

Right after college and right before i joined the army I married the second girl I had ever dated, but she cheated on me while I was at boot camp and we got divorced a little over a year later.

After my divorce (and a few quick rebounds with easy army girls) it took me 5 years to sleep with another woman.

And it took another 3-5 years after that to get a sex life I am starting to feel excited about.

So, and I say this with love, fuck you again for acting like a spoiled baby and like you're ready to give up after only putting in a few years of effort.

You are making excellent progress and you have plenty of time

Another thing that you should stop doing is talking about how many approaches you did or how many dates you've been on while you were still in the first few years of improving yourself, because it is literally insane to expect to get laid a ton simply by approaching thousands of women and spending a bunch of money and time on Tinder and dates, without first putting in the years of work it takes almost all men to reach the top 20%.

I didn't start cold approaching until I'd been improving myself for at least six years (and this is not even counting the decade I spent becoming a top 20% athlete which definitely helped me get my first several lays).

I guarantee if I had started approaching right at the start like you did my results would have been similarly abysmal.

Third, how the fuck can you expect women to want to sleep with you when you spend so much time saying such ugly things about the world and especially about yourself?

Just once I'd love to see you post a list of all the high smv traits and gifts you've been blessed with, instead of this self-defeating low smv/black pill shit.

I hope some blind, disabled, retarded, 3-ft tall guy with cleft-pallet and albinoism who was born in the worst slums of India kicks your ass and steals your girl some day, just for thinking about giving up so early and for being so ungrateful for the gifts you've been given
(and that many men would kill for).

Fifth, I say all this with love, because I used to feel super bitter and pessimistic and angry that women prefer top 20% guys, but I promise you all of that goes away when you become one
(and it starts getting better when you start believing that you can).

And as Thebastard wisely pointed out a few replies ago, if you will just stop pretending you're still some weak, overweight, socially retarded, despicable low smv incel for two seconds you might actually start enjoying the fact that you will soon enter the top 20%...

Please for God's sake start acting like it

Top 20% men are grateful, not bitter

You are going to have a great sex life

Because you have the drive of a mad man,

an enormous number of gifts that you somehow keep ignoring,

and plenty of time

All you need now

are patience and faith

and to heal the connection you lost/repressed when you were younger, to your beautiful, masculine, unashamedly sexual self

Last thing is, you talk to yourself too much and spend far too much time fitting your pessimistic models onto the world instead of seeing reality for what it is...
(you are not unique here, we all do it)

Paw nailed this as well, but it's worth repeating that women don't enter an apartment of a guy they are on a date with or text him that goofy "good mooorning" shit the next day if they don't want to sleep with him dummy.

That girl wanted you to fuck her, but as Paw also said, you were probably too nice and probably quit too soon
(obviously I'm not saying rape her, but at least be assertive and sexual enough that she either ends up naked or leaves instead of you always spending hours being so nice and polite that it gets late and you have to walk her out)

Basically stop trying to get her to like you and start being honest about wanting to cum on or inside her!.

Hell, you could even start stroking your cock in front of her like ScottyGll and jakeD do sometimes
(I'm serious, try it out, because my partner loved it and gave me a great bj when I did it in front of her in the kitchen for the first time a few weeks ago)

From what I've heard you say that would be a great way to show the woman you are with another gift of yours

Give her a chance to agree!

(and if you are a little nervous, tell her, because it's actually a very confident thing to admit)

~ End of Angry Post ~

Try to focus on what you're grateful for my friend, because you have been blessed with so much

You can even name a few things you're grateful for every time you post on your log, and every time you are about to approach

I'll help you get started:
(although Paw and klondike already got the ball rolling here as well)

You had sex with a woman you consider stunning

You had a fuck buddy you really enjoyed your time with

You are living in Budapest, one of the coolest cities I've ever been in
(i LOVED the "ruin" bars and all the foreign students and German stag parties, because foreigners are easy to meet/talk to)

You had the massive, massive balls to start your own business
(something I've wanted to do for years, but haven't had the courage to yet)

You have a big dick

You are super tall

You are in good shape

You were born a heterosexual man and thus largely control your own fate and SMV
(and you don't have to spend hours every day putting on makeup!)

You are surrounded by people who want you to succeed

You help thousands of men believe they can succeed

You are tough enough and smart to become a top 20% man
(and well on your way to becoming one)
A lot to process but a very very valuable post and I appreciate you taking the time Manly

I will reply but its late now I will go to bed, work hard tomorrow, and will reply but ofc I agree, we all agree, its not good that I do write some negative shit on here. Honestly I know it's bad, however, I am trying to improve in this regard and be more positive about things. I hope, in time, with more improvement, I can get a better situation. We'll see man.

I do have to vent sometimes, it is something I've always done. But I think I may need to find a way to do this, that isn't as negative. Perhaps, as you say, instead of writing out how I feel (this actually works well, I don't know why, it just does) perhaps I should practice some form of gratitude.

The negative posts towards women, I used to do back in the day in rather ugly fashion, as it was horrible back then when I was living in nightmare mode. Now, I do not have that feeling of hatred, not at all. However, in it's place, there is instead, a feeling of jadedness. I care struggle to care for woman now, unfortunately. Thisis a two way street, and men know when they have been treated so poorly and discarded in inhumane fashion. Whether it's right or wrong, when one's humanity is treated as disposable, for a protracted period of time, and rejections stack in up numbers that boggle the mind, for no acceptable reason, it is normal to become dead inside. I still have compassion for woman and am genuinely hurt by their suffering, such as human traficking, that actually made me cry the other day to read about horrible things that happen to women and girls, for no reason. My heart does brake for them. However, another part of me sees no solution and no way man and woman can collaborate in a meaningful way in the modern context. How are you supposed to love the people who reject you all the time and ghost you every fucking time? It's not their fault, they have the right to go for whoever they want. I don't blame them.

It will be a LOT of improvement to enter the top 20%, if I am able to at all, and this is realistically years and years more work.

All a bit nuts.

When you are trying to love someone and add to their life, and are outright rejected enormously because of this, then sadly part of you does die. Action taking has a dark side. This is the side of the dating game and self improvement, we really must be conscious of. I think I must make this clear, these are feelings I struggle with and it has been tough to deal with. I recall, last year, when I saw a girl crying in London, I was quick to go out my way to check if she was OK and make her laugh etc. She was just having a bad day and you are supposed to do this for anyone, man or woman. I will do small favours for both sexes, all the time. Dude dropped his groceries yesterday and I ran to pick them up etc. This is something we all need to do. I was a bit disturbed, when not too long ago, there was a woman of about my age in a store, crying on the phone to someone. I should have asked her if she was OK when she hung up, but I noticed, I didn't care anymore. This was a moment when I realised my heart has become closed off and hardened. I sat in my car for some time and thought about it.

I will reply tomorrow.

Today, was so so in terms of work. Slow start. Gym has been fucking solid lately and I'm feeling strong. Muscles were looking better. Scale was at 190lbs so that is solid.

I will keep training hard, going to failure, and just work so hard on my body and getting ripped.

Dating wise:

Yesterday, got 2 matches on Tinder. 1 exchanged, agreed to date, and then didn't confirm and stopped replying. The other talked for a while and then asked me to pay her rent.

Another lead, chatted, pitched date, and she told me I should instead come to her hotel room and purchase a bottle of champagne. Bottle scam. Already seen the Top G video on this.

Day Game:

1 blowout, probably due to then trying to get the train
2 she stopped, in a rush objection, came super fast, so didn’t feel calibrated to Persist
3 she wouldn’t chat, just started asking me for directions
4 she was eye fucking me even after locking eyes. So I approached. She was nice and gave a strong ioi. Husband. I actually saw the wedding ring after.
5 she was totally melting and really into me, I was running decent game imo, smirking and giving tiger eyes; she waited for like 5 mins and then gave me the boyfriend objection. Very annoying. She was super hot.

The girls clearly enjoy talking to me and feel attraction this one was full on swooning but they keep on engaging with me despite their BFs

This is a sticking point

6 long set, again, I didn’t record this, but she was very attractive and talked for 10 fucking mins before telling me she had a bf

Every time they do this I am just like WTF

What can be done about this? I need to filter them out sooner

7 chatted but refused exchange, and really wasn’t investing at all, I’d say this set just wasn’t happening

8 Chatted for AGES, she missed her train to talk, and then...."I have a BF"

They are ofc enjoying the validation, but not wanting to know me.

The other girl who IG exchanged, didnt follow back. Ashes and dust. The set was solid. Oh well.

My day game, is not quite working, I am barely exchanging, and the numbers are not solid.

The girls, unless I am very smiley, will NOT stop. They are legit terrified. Being a massive man hurts you in this regard (remember I am 6ft5 and have an enormous frame). This is an issue, as to stop them, you have to be super safe, but then, your set is DONE unless you can immeditately calibrate into bad boy. Maddening shit.

Self analysis:

Todays day game was a dud

Every set that hooked and vibed had a bf

And importantly, there was no intent and there is this strange platonic energy that is quite maddening

This means the interactions just go on and go and then they just depart

What can be done about this?

I am trying to gaze into their eyes, get closer

Sometimes when I take a step into them, they immediately take a step back!

I think what factors were bad today were:

Tonality being off adds to sucky vibes

Stopping, is getting way better

I have found I annoyingly have to give them a cheesy grin to get them to stop

Otherwise they are so so scared

Sadly being a huge man hurts you in day game unless you can open like a very safe person

And then immediately switch on bad boy

This is very hard to do in practice

Online Hustle:

I am using Tinder, Hinge, Badoo, Feeld, FB Dating.

No leads right now.

Budapest, is super rough for dating. The women, frankly, are not open to getting to know me - I can respect their preference, but I am still hopefully going to meet atleast one lady who will show me some form of decency.

I enjoy approaching, day game makes my day better. Not for the interactions with women. During my session, I enjoy the work. Post session, as it's another lonely night, you do feel your heart continue to harden. But for the art form, it's good to do the work. To become a better technical day gamer, is quite cool. I will keep working on it.

MakingAComeback said:
4 she was eye fucking me even after locking eyes. So I approached. She was nice and gave a strong ioi. Husband. I actually saw the wedding ring after.
5 she was totally melting and really into me, I was running decent game imo, smirking and giving tiger eyes; she waited for like 5 mins and then gave me the boyfriend objection. Very annoying. She was super hot.

Do low-SMV men get eye-fucked?
MakingAComeback said:
The girls, unless I am very smiley, will NOT stop. They are legit terrified. Being a massive man hurts you in this regard (remember I am 6ft5 and have an enormous frame). This is an issue, as to stop them, you have to be super safe, but then, your set is DONE unless you can immeditately calibrate into bad boy. Maddening shit.

MakingAComeback said:
Sadly being a huge man hurts you in day game unless you can open like a very safe person

Ever heard of Wilt Chamberlain?!?

If you don't start putting "I am grateful for my tremendous height" on evey post, and saying it before every approach, I am going to hire that 3-foot guy with cleft pallet to break your fucking knee caps, so he can steal your bones for his leg lengthening surgery

MakingAComeback said:
What can be done about this?

You've given the pickup route a good go, but have you ever tried something like this?


View attachment 1

Pics are screenshots from the video

I have been telling guys like Aspire2Greatness, Squilliam (I said borderline, but it all comes from the same place), and Rice that we have ADHD, but now I've come to believe that ADHD is just a symptom of something much deeper...

What most of us on KYIL really have in common and are really struggling with is insecurity driven by attachment issues:


Luckily, someone recently wrote a book about fixing broken attachment in adults:

Listen to Attachment Disturbances in Adults by Daniel P. Brown, David S. Elliott on Audible. https://www.audible.com/pd/1666126845?source_code=ASSOR150021921000V

And if you're really impatient, both of the guys from the videos I linked are attachment specialists who offer coaching that can probably speed up the process of developing a secure sense of self


And for anyone who's ever read No More Mr Nice Guy by Robert Glover, the guy from the second video, Adam Lane Smith, interviewed him recently and during that interview it was the first time Robert Glover realized his book was about attachment
AskTheDom said:

We aren't letting you off the hook this time.


MakingAComeback said:
Low SMV men, have an entirely different journey. We've already seen how most of what we expected SHOULD work for me, didn't work. Why? SMV. KYIL didn't know, I've been here since the early days, when it was me and 4 other dudes posting regularly, we had a lot to figure out and now we ofc know the Race Pill (basically, white, black, and Asian guys will be OK - Brown guys, like, properly brown guys who look blatantly Indian, have an entirely different journey if they are also facially unattractive!)

This low SMV/underdog trope has gotten old, dude. Really old.

First, let's start with the facts: Tall, white men have the broadest appeal across every race except black women. Even then, most women still date/marry intraracially. This is likely due to centuries of conditioning that won't change anytime soon. We can not control this. Even then, they still have to work for results like the rest of us.

Next fact: You will never be a tall white male, so putting your SMV in that bracket makes ZERO SENSE. The only SMV comparison you can make is to others who are just like you.

Next, I love how this makes it sound like me, Adrizzle, Mindset, Crimson, Rice, and other black/asian men here are just getting more ass than a toilet seat right now. Like we're just throwing up lay update after lay update. Meanwhile, in reality, we're busting our ass to take care of our mindset, get our bodies right, take better pictures, build a business, approach women, get more matches, get rejected & try our best to find our win conditions in life.

You're not the only one struggling here. Nor are you in some special situation that no one else can understand. We all have our own challenges, and it is up to us to find our own unique win conditions.

Lately, I've been wondering something: Why is it when I read colgate's log, I get a rush of motivation even when he doesn't post a lay update... Yet lately, when I read your log, it makes me feel bad? Why does he manage to seem so driven to get better for the sake of the game, while it seems like you've made women your idol?

I have a lot of respect for you brother, and that's why I'm commenting here. I'm not saying you don't have a right to vent (obviously you do, and you should) but when I see things like this that downright degrades yourself or others, I have to say something.

I'm glad to see you rebounding, and shaking back but I'm worried that a lot of what you're doing is for the sole purpose of getting more ass & nothing else. How can you build your frame when you've made free, independent-thinking women the source of that frame? Instead of all the compounding successes you acquire in every part of your life?

I don't have any solutions, as I'm still young in the game myself. However, when AskTheDom comes to visit you, I hope he punishes you by having you do nothing game-related with women, and making you focus strictly on improving your mental.

We're all in this game together, brother. The universe is not conspiring to bring you failure. You're not an underdog. You're MAC. A living, breathing individual who deserves happiness like everyone else. You will never be anyone else, so drop the comparisons. Women are a byproduct, not the means. Drop the importance, and give yourself permission to build the life you want.

Thanks bros.

I appreciate the tough love, I will have to reply on the weekend now, replies are lengthy and will require me to set aside time. I’ll do this over Sat/Sun.

All solid points being made, I get it.

I don’t dispute that I have to work on my mentality. I am trying. It ain’t easy (lol), but I am working on it daily.

Otherwise, having reviewed the posts, generally they are very much on point and I thank you for taking the time to make thoughtful and meaningful contributions to my journey.

It is what it is man. It’s a tough game at the end of the day.

I get I may be frustrating guys right now.

Thing is, those who are living and breathing this experience alongside me each day, guess what?

Their tone is very different.

Paw sees me GRINDING far harder than anyone he’s ever met, daily.

The outcomes are what they are.

Those in my chat, who see me putting in hours of work daily, don’t blame me.

Those who have loaded my photos into dating apps, and tried to get me dates, and seen how brutal it is, don’t blame me.

Those who are close proximity, who see the work I’ve put in on myself for 10 months straight, and see what this is yielding, doesn’t blame me, not AT ALL.

The lived experience, hits different. Believe me (lol).

But I do agree, it’s useless to be in paint because of it.

Re. doing nothing Game related and dismissing Low SMV:

Lord have mercy..........That is not cool man. Surprised by that part Nate I won't lie,


1 really weird set, had to repeat myself 3 x in the opener, threw it off. Bad
2 she didn’t speak English…..
3 set was weak, she was just staring at me, not investing, she had a really weird vibe and it threw me off. I tried to spike a little but this situation felt uncomfortable for even me.
4 refused exchange, 3 times, and on the fourth attempt I got it (fake number, I refused IG)
5 took the compliment and RAN off
6 didn’t record, but vibe was better, she just told me she had bf right away
7 chatted for a while. bf objection
8 stopped, confused, left


Sets not really investing and not wanting to commit, nobody really hooked

Saw a girl I went on a date with. She aggressively avoided eye contact. I laughed out loud at this.

Online dating: No leads atm. I get 1 match on Tinder a day if I do 500 swipes. They often do not reply to the opener.

Self Analysis:

None hooked

None invested, asked questions at all

Voice was better (imo)

Used some teases, which seemed to make them laugh. Good.

I think today was slightly better than yesterday. I did t feel good and sets didn’t feel congruent. Felt a bit awkward and clunky due to in most part a lot of girls who were obv not into me.

All good.

Back tomorrow.

MakingAComeback said:
Thing is, those who are living and breathing this experience alongside me each day, guess what?

Their tone is very different.

Paw sees me GRINDING far harder than anyone he’s ever met, daily.

The outcomes are what they are.

Those in my chat, who see me putting in hours of work daily, don’t blame me.

I don't think this is totally accurate. I believe I have said in the past, and I will say again, that these ungrounded breakdowns need to be journaled privately or in a private chat and not broadcast to the whole world (literally, because your log is public), thus influencing the opinion of guys that may not even be posting here. You are looked at as a leader on these forums for better or for worse, and you have some responsibility to represent reality accurately.

I have also opined multiple times that you need to give your log a more balanced view of the work you're doing and the feedback you're receiving from others. Otherwise people that are not corresponding privately with you will waste time writing long screeds on something you may have already moved past.

To that end, I will share that I am reviewing audio recordings of each of MaC's daygame sets every day, and then I provide feedback on the notable ones. Here was the feedback from the most recent day:

1. The set was weird probably because your accent was quite weird, probably because you are trying to force the voice.

3. Her vibe didn't sound weird at all at least at first. If anything, she was reacting to your quite fake voice and vibe which sounded incongruent. THEN she got sussed. If it never happened to her before don't argue just own it: "First time for everything! I'm just a social person I don't do apps or anything".

4. This was a great set, man. I know you didn't get the outcomes you want, but for your CURRENT level you did almost everything right. Your teases were quite good here. I like the new ones. Keep using these. Again the voice sounds weird and unnatural (but I'll stop repeating myself). "you're very tall" "yeah I am, do you normally date 130cm guys 😉" Was probably just a validation set but you did a good job overall. "I'm only here for a short period" "doesn't have to be a long thing to be a good thing :)" Overall you needed a bit more comfort and commonality seeking.

5. Call out the running off?

7. Need to call out the frame when they aren't asking you questions back. You need to get to the boyfriend objection sooner.
Aside from Pancake comments which I would trust 100%

My main concern is still the "low smv" mindset and belief that springboard bullshit ideas such as "low smv guys have to love bomb"

Your body ain't the issue, Idk about your fashion these days
I have NO IDEA where Paw got this low SMV guys have to love bomb from.

I said nothing of the sort. This obv caused some confusion. Paw clearly misinterpreted or got the wrong idea.

I sent ONE text that was an attempt at comfort building, which may have been a little too much, fine. I am not sure why she ghosted, but it wasn't me love bombing.

Otherwise, all valid points.

Out again shortly just back from the gym, doing some reading and study atm, then hustling work


FRIDAY 28/07/2023

-Daily Client Work / Calls
-DMs: Reply to all
-Network Like A Beast: 50 Comments / 500 Adds (Facebook)
-Content Machine: 5 Reels / Draft 1 Quality Post
-Offer Work: (1) High Ticket, (2) MasterMind, (3) Info Product

-Gym: Arms (DONE)
-OMAD, DHA, Supps (DONE)
-Ice Bath (5m) (DONE)
-Stretch (FAIL – not doing them today)

-CA: 10 Sets
-Daily Debrief w/ my chat
-Study sticking points & work on myself
-Read & Watch Game


-Bootcamp: Will be helping ScottyGll run a killer bootcamp in NY. Working on this.


Tomorrow, shooting content, and will study all recent posts, and note down key feedback and study this.

Sunday, will watch the videos Manly Cockfellow linked, and read, work on mindset, letting go, inner healing….


IT’S NOT OVER (Thebastard )



FRIDAY 28/07/2023

-Daily Client Work / Calls (DONE )
-DMs: Reply to all (DONE)
-Network Like A Beast: 50 Comments / 500 Adds (Facebook) (DONE)
-Content Machine: 5 Reels / Draft 1 Quality Post (FAIL)
-Offer Work: (1) High Ticket, (2) MasterMind, (3) Info Product (FAIL)

-Gym: Arms (DONE)
-OMAD, DHA, Supps (DONE)
-Ice Bath (5m) (DONE)
-Stretch (FAIL – not doing them today)

-CA: 10 Sets (DONE - did 8, didnt see 2 other I wanted to approach)
-Daily Debrief w/ my chat (DONE)
-Study sticking points & work on myself (DONE)
-Read & Watch Game (FAIL)


Gym was great. Was feeling good in body and mind. BW was 188lbs. Progress being made.

I did have some waves of very, very depressive state and total hopelessness. The sense that it is f***king over, keeps washing over me. An awful feeling. In these times, I practice letting go and sinking into the experience.

I was fully depressed for a portion of the date, feeling hopeless to the core of my soul.

I still worked. I still put a smile on my face, a brave front, and pushed hard all day.

I will be compassionate and chill over the weekend.

Wager w/ Pancake:

Looking a bit worrying. We're 2 months in. 4 months left. Yikes.

We made that wager as I was genuinely convinced this is a scam at this point, and was having a serious discussion about stopping this and trying to find another kind of life.

I accepted it's not yet over, and committed to 6 more months.

Well..........we will know soon enough.

I'll soldier on for a bit longer. Hey the good news is in 4 more months you will never read another saddening post from me, or any other post on that matter, ever again lol.

Day Game notes:

1 - ‘had to go’
2 - she wouldn’t stop, kept ploughing forward
3 - wasn’t stopping, thanked me , and kept ploughing straight forward. My stop was firm, she just r wasn’t having any of it

Saw a chick who gave me a fake number. Laughed to myself.

It began to rain during this time of my session.

4 - bf objection came, I like when they drop it, saves my time

5-she was super scared, I had to calm her down, she wouldn’t invest and I could see she was aggressively trying to escape. Just amused myself. She dipped.

6 - she was not investing and I could feel something was off. She went to adjust her headset and I noticed the wedding ring. Bailed. This set felt strange and awkward in my core.

7 - she told me right away she has a bf. I love this and it makes me happy. I like when girls don’t waste guys time and milk our validation. This set actually made me feel a lot better.

I was going to approach but the lady kept looking back at me very suspiciously it felt very weird so I backed off.

8 - didn’t record this one, but she was talking about how she gets approached a lot, how everyone likes her, and how she goes on a lot of day game dates lol. I asked her ‘are you a wine or coffee girl’ and she said ‘I would like to reject’ (lol)

Went home

Pancake's feedback was very useful. I made notes and will apply tomorrow.

Hope all others on the journey are doing well.

And if others are, like me, having an awful time and getting genuinely shit results from self improvement, stay positive, stay strong, its worth giving it a go for a few years and if it doesn't work, you atleast made yourself a better person and tried to solve your problem. Not trying to solve it is just coping. Better to face the dragon head on. My sense is, this problem in me is very deep rooted, is deep inside and is due to faulty wiring, and cannot be fixed.

I have never, in 13 years in this space, seen a true hardcase who was also low SMV, suceed.

If I do it, I will be the first ever.

But sadly, I will not be the one.

However, someone else who has read my log, and in the pool of so many people, there will be ONE, I hope, will somehow find strength inside them to see if they can solve this problem.

If I am not dead at that point, you must find me, and share.

Until then, will keep pushing for these final 4 months.

Amazing progress Ravi. I recently watched the podcast that you had with Andy, it's the one where you're currently in Hungary I believe.

You might not know it, but you're motivating guys that you might not even know, like myself.

Keep it up big bro!