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hush said:
MAC I'm saying this because I like you and want you to succeed, I hope it doesn't come off as mean: you come off as really really judgemental sometimes

To you most people are shit

I am literally never a dickhead to people and always super patient/kind, you will never see me act like an ass in the world, I am a professional person and a responsible member of the community, reliable service provider, and serious about success! ;-)

How can you say you're never a dickhead to anyone and then say women are trash, you only want to be around men who make 6 figures and are top 1% and blablabla?

You say everyone is trash and yet treat everyone with kindness?? There's a serious disconnect between what you think you do and what you really do

Your niceness is conditional. You're nice only if people act in the way you want - the girls are nice to you, the men are successful...
You're nice only until you realize the girl is not into you, the man isn't grinding 7/7 or doesn't fit your vision of success ...
Genuine niceness means you're nice to anyone: the elderly, the ugly dude, the fat girls... and except nothing in return.
Real nice guy syndrom here. "I am so nice to them, why don't women accept to suck my dick?? they're all trash!!"

MakingAComeback said:
Women, are not worth it dude. Trust me on that.

What an awful thing to think.
+ you attract what you think about, you get shitty women because you talk about how women are shit all the time.
You think they're trash, why would they be attracted to you?

You're not doing anyone a service by being "nice", stop being nice, start being you, please

We decided, I am going to back away from night game. It is not supporting my body goals, and also, is just a waste of time.

As far as I remember you've been in a new city for something like 2 months and you're already giving up on night game there?

Well, that was an example of a post after a brutal few weeks dating, several ghosts, several flakes, and endless harsh rejections. In those times, I can be a bit angry. I appreciate your post, your thoughts are welcome, and I understand you are a well-intentioned commentor.

That is what this works looks like sometimes.

I got a late start in life, I have a big gap to close, I can't afford to be around those who will slow me down. I am not where I want to be and it fucking kills me. I generally get on very well with people, am socially adept, popular, and very likeable. But I will not invest in people who will not be fruitful.

Wanting to be around elite men only - no! and I have never said that. That is actually quite off base, but I see where you are coming from and this feedback is useful for me. Evidently, I am giving off the wrong impression. So, anyone who reads this knows, I am a guy who loves the grinders, the underdogs, the guys who have to go through shit and suffering to become successful. I am one of those guys. I am from a terrible background and from the bottom. I love people who climb up, just love them, they make me proud and my heart is filled with joy when they succeed. Many of my friends are. Some of my closest friends, are flat broke, not successful at all, but have other solid abilities (intellect, sporting ability, humour, friendship, etc) and are just great fucking people. So, we are great friends.

Being around men, who are better than me, enables me to learn, become more successful, and then allows me to help those who need me to be the best man I can be.

That is how I see it.

All the info I get, all the shit I learn, just goes straight back into KYIL, and into my other groups.

Money, is not everything. I always say, life is about people and community.

I understand, this is hard to sometimes discern from the log, so I understand your take, and I am open to feedback.

I must say, that I cannot back from success. I refuse to be a loser and just get my head kicked in. I do not accept average and do not accept mediocrity. I will get in the ring and fight. That will piss people off. Oh well. They can take a ticket and get in line with 500 other people who don't like me, and they can suck my fucking dick.

Not sure I agree with the disconnect, this feels super simplistic, and does not look at nuance, does not consider my driven personality, and also, ask anyone who knows me, and they will attest to my warm and engaging personality and likeability. You don't get ahead in life as a male without being legit. Statements like, you think everyone is trash, are quite harsh and also, just FYI, make it hard to take feedback onboard as they are boarding on abrasive. I know this isn't your intent, and in general, I am good with feedback and encourage free speech. Evidently, my posts as of late have featured some anger and aggression.

I have to be better. So, I will work on that.

Your niceness is conditional. You're nice only if people act in the way you want - the girls are nice to you, the men are successful...
You're nice only until you realize the girl is not into you, the man isn't grinding 7/7 or doesn't fit your vision of success ...
Genuine niceness means you're nice to anyone: the elderly, the ugly dude, the fat girls... and except nothing in return.
Real nice guy syndrom here. "I am so nice to them, why don't women accept to suck my dick?? they're all trash!!"

Not so cut and dry.

Again, your take is very simplistic and lacks nuance, and you deliver your feedback in a way that makes it hard to take seriously, such as implying I am a dick to the elderly and such.

I am in fact a very community centred person, and am very warm and engaging with people of all walks of life, especially children and the elderly, I've volunteered with old people and those on intensive care units for many years, serving my local community. I have a solid reputation here, because I am legit as a male.

Overall, I am struggling to see the utility in this post, honestly. I can't see anything practical or actionable for myself, other than "be nice, bro". Which is not usually good advice.....

People who have genuinely done the work, will know there are lows in the journey, and will recognise when my post is a by product of me having my psyche beaten in. The experienced members and guys who have done the work, tend to ignore my posts which are obviously angry, because they know I am working hard and getting my head smashed in some days, and just venting.

I feel like, I have had to use my own precious time to address things in this post, because they paint a fucking awful picture, and this is very far from the truth, and also just doesn't show proper appreciation for the realities of the self improvement journey. There are ups and downs.

Do I actually think women are trash?


I have liked them a lot in the past, but over time, you do lose faith in them, they do let you down so much, and as time goes on, yes I have lost my faith in them and no longer feel like I did. For a good, solid year, I really loved women a lot and would roll with the punches. Now, I do not feel like that anymore. Some are good, some are bad, most probably fall somewhere inbetween. Overall: they're nothing to write home about. It is what it is.

Just how I feel, right now, maybe I will meet one who changes my mind.

Killing inner niceness, and being more of a bastard, are actually things that are supporting me. This is inevitable, and a part of the process. The world and reality will hammer the male until he can recalibrate his psyche and kill his niceness. You become more like stone, and part of that, is that you start to like women less, and see them differently. You change your frame, and start to have some damn respect for yourself. That can be ugly.

Holden said:
The last thing MAC needs is being more nice.

His core problem isn't being an asshole but still having resentment towards women.

I'm always polite and respectful towards people but I'm not "nice", in fact many people think I'm arrogant. But when I'm cocky/arrogant/assholish towards women they (and everyone else) feel that it comes from a good place fundamentally.

"I'm here to meet you and to have fun together and this behavior is part of the mating dance."

If you have your own spiritual goals that's fine but this forum is about getting laid.

Do you think coke dealers and club promoters score women by being empathetic and "loving everybody"?

MAC needs to fix his resentment issues (how -- I honestly don't know) but he does not need to be more nice. He's got that covered.

^ Thanks man

Holden, does know his shit very well, and I generally agree with how he sees the SMP, and the best way for the male to navigate it

You do have to become colder, more stoic, less loving in the front end, and more of a beast she can tame

If my log is not proof of this, I don't know what is

The resentment, is going to be a longer term thing man

Those scumbags, those guys who don't give AF, who don't even concern themselves with women, for whom chicks are an afterthought - they are the one's who are winning.

I think about my brother. He gives 0 FUCKS. Negative fucks. Women just flock to him. It's energy. It's caring about them so little, you simply don't even know they are there. Crazy to witness.

Helps that he is a legit CHAD ofc.

A belated happy birthday MAC! Hope all is well with you.

And to anyone reading this log looking to optimize their life that hasn't done coaching with MAC yet, give it a thought. Helped me conquer the impossible (achieving decent progress on two radically different goals at the same time).
such as implying I am a dick to the elderly and such.

No this is not what I meant.

I genuinely think you're nice. But you're resentful. I understand where it comes from, life has been hard on you, I also was resentful and know how hard it is.

Overall, I am struggling to see the utility in this post, honestly. I can't see anything practical or actionable for myself, other than "be nice, bro". Which is not usually good advice.....

?? I literally wrote "stop being nice" and encouraged you to be more you.

You said earlier "Sex, intimacy etc, sure it's fun here and there, but it isn't much, and is just a small part of life."
I do think intimacy is in fact a huge, huge part of life and you'd benefit more from intimacy with a woman, with all the imperfection it entails than 3x'ing your business or growing bigger muscles.

There are no direct actionnable advices, I'm giving you feedback, I hope your mindset towards women will shift, I think it is needed for success.

People who have genuinely done the work

... ;)
I think anyone that hasnt met Ravi IRL and only knows him from reading this log should hesitate before jumping in like they actually know how he is and acts in person

A lot of this log is venting - and he consistently labels it as such - and some of the more memorable moments were written in his darkest hrs
Thebastard said:
He needs to up his SMV further. That will comprise building his physique to the highest possible level which will take several more months of consistency. [...] He can look into tattoos.

Oh god.
MAC is a tall and large guy, with a square jaw and he dresses well.

Why does everyone here nurture the idea that if he had an elite looking physique he would suddenly be successful with women? How does that help?
Does he plan on approaching women shirtless?
Does building muscle also gives you a charming personality?

Same about the tattoos. Unless he plans on tattooing his face, how would that impact his interactions with women?

MAC is good looking enough to get laid tonight. The idea that he still has to improve this and that is, to me, an endless excuse. He could stop improving on his physique and get laid a lot, improving his physique will only marginally improve his results with women.

When you have this mindset that you must improve and you keep setting the bar higher, you're never happy and confident about who you are. "I must improve" means "I'm not good enough". And as you don't feel good enough and not worthy of love you stop approaching. MAC has decided to stop night game, the easiest game there is*, in order to improve his physique. I'm 100% convinced doing the opposite would lay more results in terms of dating.
Nurturing the idea that you're not good enough BUT you will be successful when X (get muscular/get tatoos/get rich...) is just an excuse not to act because you'll never feel muscular enough or rich enough. Once you're muscular not much changes I guess, you still have to go to the gym and people don't magically fall in love with you. Yes at some point, after years of bodybuilding, you get a body that most people respect. You're not supposed to abstain from meeting women and having sex until you get that body though.
Same about money, there's never a point where you feel it's enough and you can now plainly be yourself and focus on more important things. You just want more and set the bar higher.

Tons of people get sex without having an elite body.
The "I'll get muscular and then I'll get laid" mindset is sterile.

*: I believe night game is the easiest because bars and clubs are one of the last place where it's socially acceptable to hit on women, where women intentionally go out to meet men, where they dress sexy and want to be approached. I believe thanks to night game you can meet women who'd swipe left on you on apps.

SMV isn't based on appearance only, you can't throw away the social status, social circle and attitude parts. Can't throw away that relationships are based a lot on emotions and feelings.

Radical said:
I think anyone that hasnt met Ravi IRL and only knows him from reading this log should hesitate before jumping in like they actually know how he is and acts in person

Point taken, this is my last post in MAC's log for a while, I wish you well Ravi. I hope you understand that I think you're already good enough to get women and that your body or financial situations are not what's preventing you from getting relationships and happiness.
To all of you who know him IRL, I hope you won't nurture the idea that an elite body would magically fix his dating life.
You see the MAC version that's 1000x better than the guy he was 5 years ago and you want to say "stop doing this"? Come on.

Everyone would've loved to be born a good-looking high IQ charismamaxxed rich model. Some people are born 0% of that. Others 50% of that. And some guys win the genetic lottery and get it all.

I agree with the peril of magic pill thinking that "do X and everything will be okay" is a dangerous mindset.

On the other hand, here's what's proven to attract girls:

- dark triad traits
- muscles
- money (if you buy status with it)
- tattoos

I've never held a high opinion on all the "inner game" bullshit that got peddled in this space (not this forum specifically, the wider PUA world) because my great breakthroughs didn't happen because of meditation or reading The Power of Now but because I got a hot girlfriend. And then a few years later I had my first harem of 3 girls and that's when your brain chemistry just changes, no "inner work" required honestly. And guess what, it's only when you get results like that that you really think "now I'm good enough" instead of constantly gaslighting yourself in an effort to try to make those thoughts real but secretly realizing you're just fooling yourself. Confidence comes from results, not the other way around.
Great great discussion above and I value it

My biz mentor is here we are going to take over the fuckin world

We are BLASTING old school Giggs mixtapes (UK grime) and just slaying




WEEK 30: WED 19/07/2023


(1) Money:
-IW Client Work (DONE)
-Coaching Calls
-Networking: 50 Comments / 500 Adds
-NBD: 50 DMs
-5 LF / 5 Reels

(2) Muscles:
-OMAD, DHA, Supps
-CT (5m)

(3) Mindset:
-Cold Approach: 10 Sets
-Online Lead Gen

-Life admin
-Meeting w/ V & his mentor
-Mindset work






IIRC MAC has a lay count of 9, Thebastard has over 100 btw.

9 is still beginner but it's proof of concept.

"For other dudes it's just easier"

Yeah man that also goes for making money, building muscle, playing poker, any sort of skill in the universe.

Anyway, I'll stay out of this log too, don't want to pollute it too much, and it's up to MAC do decide on his course of action. I do remember something that he promised AskTheDom a few more years....
Bros I get it

This mofo right here has been grinding his whole life

I dont sweat it

I will just FIND A WAY


Y'all forgetting the golden rule





Hey Ravi, I made a post recently about some advice I loved from Mode One (which I found after seeing natedawg mention it in his log and colgate and Zug praise it), and I can't help but to keep thinking if this worked for Alan Roger Curie, it will definitely work for you, because you are way better looking and probably even more articulate than him.

Literally the only thing this guy might have on you is that he might be more openly sexual, and possibly less reactive or apologetic when women hit him or curse at him or scream at him after he says he wants to fuck her, usually by whispering in her ear exactly how he wants to do it.



Have you ever tried being quickly and directly and openly sexual like this with a woman you approach, and then not apologizing or backing down no matter how she reacts?

From the interactions you describe where women are hitting you and otherwise reacting very strongly to your approaches, I think a lot of women are actually very intrigued by you and are just testing you to see if you really are a sexual guy who isn't ashamed of his desire to fuck them, or just a whimp who will hide his desire and apologize for being sexual the minute someone tries to shame him.

You have nothing to be ashamed of in terms of your sexual desire my friend.

You are a handsome (a beautiful woman's word, not mine), intelligent, strong, successful, loveable, articulate, competent, helpful and loving man that many women would love to fuck right now, if you show them that you are not ashamed of your sexuality and will not apologize for expressing your desire to have sex with them.

I swear to God nice guys (I include myself in this category) that want to sleep with a bunch of women act just like closeted or desperate gay men sometimes.

For example, years ago I had a gay guy, who right when we met I told I was straight, offer to buy me drugs and then ask me to drive him back to his house.

When we got there he kept trying to do all this sneakily sexual shit like offering to show me his shoe collection and then turning off the lights, and trying to get me to watch porn with him, all without ever saying he actually wanted to fuck me...

It was the creepiest thing anyone's ever done to me and to this day I hate thinking about it.

Compare that with the gay men who have occasionally approached me in a bar and were very direct and sexual and open about their desire to sleep with me.

Not once have guys that approached me directly like this made me feel creeped out.

Instead they usually make me laugh (one guy bet my girlfriend I would be going home with him) and feel very, very pretty

Anyway, hopefully you see my point.

Both of these groups of men wanted to sleep with me, but only one of them made me feel comfortable and desirable by being unashamedly honest about it.

I bet for the women we approach it feels the same way.
*As Radical wisely advises, I'm not going to assume I know very much about your style or that this applies to your approach.

Just wanted to pass along something that I found helpful and that I found in it's essence to ring true

Maybe it can spark a fruitful discussion or help someone who reads your log*
It’s funny how a lot has been said here.

Considering that:
1) people actually consistently gets laid in the same way he is trying to achieve things
2) knows the person in question IRL
3) has seen the game of the mentioned person
4) had experience in coaching game and analyze sets
5) take a set of entry points in a log and draw a comparison to someone else.
MakingAComeback said:
Great great discussion above and I value it

My biz mentor is here we are going to take over the fuckin world

We are BLASTING old school Giggs mixtapes (UK grime) and just slaying




WEEK 30: WED 19/07/2023


(1) Money:
-IW Client Work (DONE)
-Coaching Calls (DONE)
-Networking: 50 Comments / 500 Adds (DONE)
-NBD: 50 DMs (DONE)
-5 LF / 5 Reels (DONE)

(2) Muscles:
-OMAD, DHA, Supps (DONE)
-CT (5m) (DONE)

(3) Mindset:
-Cold Approach: 10 Sets (FAIL)
-Online Lead Gen (FAIL)

-Life admin (FAIL)
-Meeting w/ V & his mentor (DONE)
-Mindset work (DONE)








I didn't CA or do any dating work, so the 90 day of focus mini project resets to day 1!


Why was CA missed?

The meeting with V's mentor, went on for 2 and a half hours, and was honestly mind blowing.

He praised what I've done in biz so far, but told me to start thinking bigger.

His advice was, given I have an excellent service and am producing very good client results, consistently, was to:

-Create a high ticket offer $1000 a month
-Secure 10 high ticket people
-Start running FB ads to bring qualified leads into the top of funnel once I am making legit money
-Think about SCALING
-Mindset: This is KING. He recommends 2 hours of mindset work alone a day. He told me to start with a MindValley subscription.
-Thinking Time & Strategy: He has various slots throughout the day to stop and check in with himself and just THINK about where he is, his current problem, and the next steps.
-Complete FOCUS on high leverage actions ONLY. He actually has a very balanced life, and doesn't believe in hustle. He just does super deep work, and then spends the rest of his time with his wife & kids.

He is ofc a savage, with very big dreams. Like all extremely smart people, he is a bit insane, and he told me I need to have 100 active clients by the end of the year.

Well...time to WORK.

The convo was extremely inspiring and I am grateful I have these sorts of people around me.

Writing my action plan now, which he has offered to review, revise, and help me nail down.

I share all this shit, legit all the deep stuff I get access to, on my own chats. Which were invite only, and then I closed down for life. Guys who saw the potential in me, got in, and we've built such good relationships I am happy to share all. This sort of shit. I don't share on the forum, my boy V paid this guy over 50k the past year or so for high level mentoring on scaling massively. I will give this kind of info to my inner circle only. That's how it works. They pay me back all the time.

You need a SMALL, EXTREMELY HIGH QUALITY circle. With that, you can get to elite, if the guys have legit solid AF skillsets, you pool them and win together.

Just some ideas on how I operate and get access to this sort of shit.

Todays check in will follow the gym.

Thanks all for the thoughts, comments, and discussion.

I will keep raising SMV via GYM, keep working on game, and hey, I may get lucky here and there. I understand some of you guys may be finding my log frustrating these days, due to the lack of succes with women, and I feel you. Just stay with me man, I will keep working and somehow things will improve OK?

Thanks for keeping the faith and trust, I appreciate it

A reminder for y'all


You gotta be CRAZY to make it man

I hear you Jake, I see the pain in your words, and I understand you wanted to vent. You are also possibly in this state of mind due to also seeing the legend, The Bastard, who you also have an appreciation for.

We just HAVE to be irrational and say FUCK IT, push on, and keep going bro

We have to say, FUCK IT, I WILL SUCEED

This was shit I learned from Andy so I have linked the video above as it is relevent to the discussion above and I hope it enables us to draw a line under this now

I sense guys who are regular and important members of the community are getting a bit frustrated and pissed off now

Remember, this is a COMMUNITY

That means, we can't be alienating guys or pissing each other off

We are in this together - this is brotherhood

Life is war

We are warrior poets

We have chosen to band together and win together

So we've vented now, I appreciate it

But boys, back to work, is that fair enough?


We got Monkey D. Garp fighting for his life and y'all mental masturbating about dating. Freaking nerds.

Here are my productive thoughts about this conversation:

hush said:
Why does everyone here nurture the idea that if he had an elite looking physique he would suddenly be successful with women? How does that help?
Does he plan on approaching women shirtless?
Does building muscle also gives you a charming personality?

One of my hottest lays ever DM'ed me herself after I posted a topless pic in my bathroom. I was pumped and you could see my 4-pack. This girl had ignored me in the past whenever I tried setting up a date. All it took was a crappy pic and boom.

I'm not even sure what's the point of the shirtless question. Ravi is lean but his arms are small. I've seen videos of him approaching and his arms make him look a bit underwhelming. Of course he would do better if he was packing 17-inch guns. Feminine women are attracted to muscular guys.

You seem to forget that most women decide in a split second whether they want you inside them or not. Personality is good but the whole point of communities like GLL was to make their pussy tingle with your *appearance.*

jakeD said:
I had a huge argument with the entire GLL forum about this in the past too.

The purpose of it never was about hopelessness or saying stuff is hopeless or that you shouldn't try. Cause that is bullshit. I think if you're low SMV, you still have zero excuses and need to try as hard as you can.

What pissed me off though was people just acted like it didn't even fucking exist. Like there was no difference between me and them and I was just bitching about it for no reason.

That's your fault.

It says it in the freaking title:

Good Looking Loser

Chris wanted to attract GOOD LOOKING guys. That's what the entire website was about.

So of course members there would behave as if low SMV wasn't a thing - it's not part of their reality. They probably also hang out with other good-looking guys and they create relevant echo chambers.

It's like buying a digital marketing course that says you must spend $5,000/month on ads to make it work. Meanwhile, you can only afford to spend $1,000/month. It makes zero sense to complain about it when it's clearly stated.
hush said:
Why does everyone here nurture the idea that if he had an elite looking physique he would suddenly be successful with women? How does that help?
Have you had an elite physique? Can you speak from experience?

hush said:
Does he plan on approaching women shirtless?
Losing fat affects your jawline massively as well as vascularity on your arms, and the shape of your torso. It's easy to see with clothes on.

hush said:
Does building muscle also gives you a charming personality?
Nope. Doesn't need to. Charming personality is great, and no reason not to develop that too, but having to lean on it is exhausting.

Leaning on looks is something you can do without constantly trying to be charming. That's why all the guys who preach "game is the most important thing" are fat or unnatractive. If they were attractive, they wouldn't need as much game, they just never put in the reps at the gym or in the kitchen.

They get girls, but they have to be in their head playing games the whole time... not a fun time in my opinion.

hush said:
Same about the tattoos. Unless he plans on tattooing his face, how would that impact his interactions with women?
Arms are a thing.

hush said:
MAC is good looking enough to get laid tonight.
Agreed, but he isn't.

hush said:
Tons of people get sex without having an elite body.
True. But if you're not getting laid, it's the easiest and surest way to get results, hence why we usually suggest this move first on these forums. Developing "game" or "personality" is something you have to constantly turn "on" to have any benefit, and doesn't come quick. I'd say developing game is at least as hard as developing an elite physique - but the steps are more murky and less clear, in addition to being a constant effort you're never able to let go of.