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That 1st picture looks like you're the "nice" guy from the IT department that stays home on Weekend nights, not to grow your business, but to binge anime while eating potato chips and drinking the largest bottle of Mountain Dew the store sells.

The last picture looks like you're the guy that just sold his 1st company for tens of millions and is now in Dubai meeting with investors for the Next Big Thing.

Here's to another year, even better than the last.

Bros thanks for the love. It was a hell of a day, and it felt awesome to take a day off, I think I was getting a bit burned out.

Now I feel good!

The Bastard being here, is a lot of fun, but does mean I am not as insanely focused as per. We are training hard, I am approaching, working on biz a bit, but not as much as I'd like!


Gym (killer sess with The Bastard)
Biz (Client calls and client work)
Day Game: 0/5.

2 of the girls I approached, were very hot, and 1 kinda hooked. She was gorgeous man, but on her way to work.

Night Game:


Blowout city mostly. No one would hook, chat, vibe. No receptivity. Due to summer, mostly UK tourists around. UK women, are basically demons, legit hate my brown ass so you can imagine how this went. Lots of harsh blowouts, super bitchy chicks, one girl I approached, she totally ignored me and moved right on, and her friend walked up to me and slapped me super hard on the arm. I immediately slapped her back on hers, but a lot more lightly. She scurried off. Typical behaviour from English women - lol. Hitting women, is not OK, but self-defence is justifiable IMO. I have had chicks in clubs engage in pretty insane behaviour as you all know, and if you let them, they can really get out of hand and unload their anger on you for no reason. You cannot allow them to do this. So long as we are not doing anything wrong or initiating, it is OK to stand one's ground imo. Saying "Hi, how's it going?" does not warrant physical assault.

Women, stay classy,

Jheeze. Lol.

Online dating: 1 or 2 matches, very unattractive chicks. No leads. Tinder, Hinge, just netting f**k all.

Is what it is man. Been slow for a long ass time now. Trying to not get to where it's a year long dry spell but not sure what I can do now.

The Bastard just suggested I bodymaxx hardcore, he thinks that would help raise SMV, and atleast someone will take some form of interest maybe.

Is what it is. Back to work today. Will keep working. I am OK with it. I accept it more and more as time goes on.

MakingAComeback said:
and her friend walked up to me and slapped me super hard on the arm

you are a saint, a super nice guy, and you must LOOK like a super nice guy for them to find the courage to that that to someone that tall

i wish i had your patient, if something like that happened to me i'd be in the news probabily

I wish you were also a metalhead Mac. Some songs just hit hard.

But I'm still right here
Giving blood, keeping faith,
And I'm still right here.

But I'm still right here
Giving blood, keeping faith,
And I'm still right here.
If there were no desire to heal
The damaged and broken met along
This tedious path I've chosen here
I certainly would've walked away by now.

And I still may, I still may be patient, be patient, be patient.

I must keep reminding myself of this.
I must keep reminding myself of this.
I must keep reminding myself of this.
I must keep reminding myself of this

Thrice said:
MakingAComeback said:
and her friend walked up to me and slapped me super hard on the arm

you are a saint, a super nice guy, and you must LOOK like a super nice guy for them to find the courage to that that to someone that tall

i wish i had your patient, if something like that happened to me i'd be in the news probabily

I wish you were also a metalhead Mac. Some songs just hit hard.

But I'm still right here
Giving blood, keeping faith,
And I'm still right here.

But I'm still right here
Giving blood, keeping faith,
And I'm still right here.
If there were no desire to heal
The damaged and broken met along
This tedious path I've chosen here
I certainly would've walked away by now.

And I still may, I still may be patient, be patient, be patient.

I must keep reminding myself of this.
I must keep reminding myself of this.
I must keep reminding myself of this.
I must keep reminding myself of this


Yeah bro, my parents raised my right, I am literally never a dickhead to people and always super patient/kind, you will never see me act like an ass in the world, I am a professional person and a responsible member of the community, reliable service provider, and serious about success! ;-)

With women, IMO, many of them are pieces of shit.

That is human nature. Many men, also suck. I honestly love men who apply themselves, who work hard, and who suffer for greatness. I respect these people. I admire and respect the underdog in life. I am an underdog. I am David, in the arena despite the odds, bravely holding his sling, off nothing but blind faith. I don't care about the jeers of onlookers, let them laugh. We know how the story ends. David defeats Goliath.

We as men, IMO, make a choice to just decide to be the bigger man.

Not everyone can be a piece of crap. There will be no goodness left in the human animal if we all give up. Some must fight for principles, and be willing to endure.

If I allow the way women treat me, which is like trash, to impact me, and how I conduct myself: guess what, mass consumer society has won.

Something that most in this journey won't tell you:

If you do not fit the mould and are not a physically attractive person in the eyes of society, you are going to be treated like crap a lot and most of the journey is going to be a whole lot of nothing. Women, are very superficial people. Unlike men, they make their decisions to align with the crowd and just go with what the collective unconscious tells them. They are NOT worth it. So don't sweat it. We're missing nothing - some demon who will just treat you like a second-class citizen? No thanks.....I will find other ways to be happy in life. If I didn't want children, I would have been done with this a long time ago. If I could breed without a female, I would do it, and you would never see another post from me. I'd be grinding biz and living happily wirh my family all day, I would have no care in the world lol. Many low SMV men, are going going to spend their life pushing a round peg into a square hole. Not an easy position to be in.

How you win, how you beat these people in life, is take their negativity, take their anger, take their pathetic world view, take the awful ways they will treat you, for no reason, and turn it into strength and drive to be a good person and go high in life.

Furthermore, I am also not mad, because you get way more jaded the more time you spend struggling trying to find a partner. Eventually, you just see so much, your heart hardens. I used to have a lot of love for women in my heart. I don't have any left now. I feel legit nothing for them anymore.You accept it, and still live a full, rich, engaging, interesting life, of growth, passion, and success.

BTW, I have a wide and eclectic music taste. Metal wise, I like Disturbed, Metallica, Killswitch Engage, Staind, and plenty of emo type bands, like Bullet for my Valentine, Funeral for a Friend, Enter Shikari, stuff like that.

Music wise, I have listened to a lot, and appreciate many genres. Enjoy techno, 60s rock, soul, jazz, r&b hip hop, ambient, a lot of stuff man. I will go to diff festivals throughout the year, some rock, some hip hop, some techno. I am an open minded man and want to get the most from my life.

MakingAComeback said:
How you win, how you beat these people in life, is take their negativity, take their anger, take their pathetic world view, take the awful ways they will treat you, for no reason, and turn it into strength and drive to be a good person and go high in life.

to be honest, i am the one with nergativity and anger issues, there are woman who has angers issues too,but they never dare it doing something like that to me, i don't know i'm just 6ft with no muscles but i don't think i look like someone you can shove without consequences

I like your attitude, i will never be like that, there's no way i don't get an extreme adrenaline rush if a girl pushed me like that, noway, i don't control it and can't do nothing about it
MakingAComeback said:
Furthermore, I am also not mad, because you get way more jaded the more time you spend struggling trying to find a partner. Eventually, you just see so much, your heart hardens. I used to have a lot of love for women in my heart. I don't have any left now. I feel legit nothing for them anymore.You accept it, and still live a full, rich, engaging, interesting life, of growth, passion, and success.

i dont want kids but i want sex, intimacy, friends, unfortunately for me there'sno way i can live a rich life of passion and success without woman. I just can't lie to myself, even if i "hate" woman i want them. I don't care about buseness and stuff like that, i feel incomplete without woman and intimacy and a social circle so my brain is always distracted, i can't concentrate on anything

if i don't get woman and the things i crave i will be a big fat failure in life, i am not able to move one and enjoy life as a lonely sexless loveless man, i just can't. Its very ugly to say but i would end up offing myself
Thrice said:
MakingAComeback said:
How you win, how you beat these people in life, is take their negativity, take their anger, take their pathetic world view, take the awful ways they will treat you, for no reason, and turn it into strength and drive to be a good person and go high in life.

to be honest, i am the one with nergativity and anger issues, there are woman who has angers issues too,but they never dare it doing something like that to me, i don't know i'm just 6ft with no muscles but i don't think i look like someone you can shove without consequences

I like your attitude, i will never be like that, there's no way i don't get an extreme adrenaline rush if a girl pushed me like that, noway, i don't control it and can't do nothing about it
MakingAComeback said:
Furthermore, I am also not mad, because you get way more jaded the more time you spend struggling trying to find a partner. Eventually, you just see so much, your heart hardens. I used to have a lot of love for women in my heart. I don't have any left now. I feel legit nothing for them anymore.You accept it, and still live a full, rich, engaging, interesting life, of growth, passion, and success.

i dont want kids but i want sex, intimacy, friends, unfortunately for me there'sno way i can live a rich life of passion and success without woman. I just can't lie to myself, even if i "hate" woman i want them. I don't care about buseness and stuff like that, i feel incomplete without woman and intimacy and a social circle so my brain is always distracted, i can't concentrate on anything

if i don't get woman and the things i crave i will be a big fat failure in life, i am not able to move one and enjoy life as a lonely sexless loveless man, i just can't. Its very ugly to say but i would end up offing myself

Most important thing for a man, is to find meaning, purpose, and to deeply apply oneself to pursue Greatness.

Sex, intimacy etc, sure it's fun here and there, but it isn't much, and is just a small part of life. You also don't control this - this is the issue.

There is so little you can do in order to improve your dating life and obtain these things - one must develop a great life above all else.

Women, are not worth it dude. Trust me on that. The more I dealt with them, the worse every aspect of my life got.

Men need to find meaning.

Thank you all for the bday wishes, I appreciate it!

Have had a really good time hanging out with the boys.

Day game yesterday:

0/2 - Was in a horrible mental space, and just didn't want to go out and take shit reactions and rejections for ages. Went home and chilled.

Instead of night game, me, Paw, and The Bastard just chilled, went to a cool outdoor bar, had drinks, and laughed our asses off. Came home and had a convo until late af. 1/2am. We decided, I am going to back away from night game. It is not supporting my body goals, and also, is just a waste of time. Mostly, my experiences there, are pretty crap! It's not worth it.

Instead, just day game and apps for me.

I've only had about 4hrs of sleep. Day gamed, did my best!

Pre session checkin:

-Confirm focus/sticking point: Opener & Vibe – Slow it down, be more masculine/cool, use the “Chad voice”

-Will I bring a 10/10 attitude today? YES

-Will I bring the best energy I can bring today? YES


1 - had to go home
2 she was leaving shortly, but a fun set. Part of me was thinking, ask her for a drink before she leaves, but I didn’t. She was cool with touch.
3 - she was cool
4 - she ‘had to go’
5 - bit of a bitch, took the compliment and walked off

Post session:

Did I work on my current sticking point? I think so!
What did I do well? Hit some sets despite Sunday volume
What could I have done better? I suppose I could have tried to push for something with the one girl who was flying home shortly or something? Didnt have much to work with tbh
What will I improve tomorrow? Just keep working on voice

Self Analysis:

Voice, I think sounds a bit better.

Pros: Some were stopping, chatting a little. My stop, was better today.

Focus was just on being positive, being social, and enjoying being out there!

MAC I'm saying this because I like you and want you to succeed, I hope it doesn't come off as mean: you come off as really really judgemental sometimes

To you most people are shit

I am literally never a dickhead to people and always super patient/kind, you will never see me act like an ass in the world, I am a professional person and a responsible member of the community, reliable service provider, and serious about success! ;-)

How can you say you're never a dickhead to anyone and then say women are trash, you only want to be around men who make 6 figures and are top 1% and blablabla?
You say everyone is trash and yet treat everyone with kindness?? There's a serious disconnect between what you think you do and what you really do

Your niceness is conditional. You're nice only if people act in the way you want - the girls are nice to you, the men are successful...
You're nice only until you realize the girl is not into you, the man isn't grinding 7/7 or doesn't fit your vision of success ...
Genuine niceness means you're nice to anyone: the elderly, the ugly dude, the fat girls... and except nothing in return.
Real nice guy syndrom here. "I am so nice to them, why don't women accept to suck my dick?? they're all trash!!"

MakingAComeback said:
Women, are not worth it dude. Trust me on that.

What an awful thing to think.
+ you attract what you think about, you get shitty women because you talk about how women are shit all the time.
You think they're trash, why would they be attracted to you?

You're not doing anyone a service by being "nice", stop being nice, start being you, please

We decided, I am going to back away from night game. It is not supporting my body goals, and also, is just a waste of time.

As far as I remember you've been in a new city for something like 2 months and you're already giving up on night game there?
hush said:
Your niceness is conditional. You're nice only if people act in the way you want - the girls are nice to you, the men are successful...

Hush man this post is spot on for me. I wanna be a “good” person but it is very conditional. I’m only good to people that are good. Fuck in my head I still judge people who don’t dress or look cool.

I think I am empathic but a part of this is fear/selfishness. I help people because I would like to be helped

I don’t really know how to get over this. I’ve started to filter myself a lot less. I’ve started to remove the “should” from my thinking. Do you have any other tips?
Adrizzle said:
hush said:
Your niceness is conditional. You're nice only if people act in the way you want - the girls are nice to you, the men are successful...

Hush man this post is spot on for me. I wanna be a “good” person but it is very conditional. I’m only good to people that are good. Fuck in my head I still judge people who don’t dress or look cool.

I think I am empathic but a part of this is fear/selfishness. I help people because I would like to be helped

I don’t really know how to get over this. I’ve started to filter myself a lot less. I’ve started to remove the “should” from my thinking. Do you have any other tips?

Might want to start reading the bible - haha. It has great wisdom and teaching on this. Or at least look into the writings that cover this "topic". I've "studied" the bible for a long time and the concept of being good to those who are not good to you, struck me on a deep level.
"if you do good only to those who are good to you, what reward do you have?"

32 "And if you are loving those loving you, what thanks is it to you? For sinners also are loving those loving them.
33 And if you should be doing good to those doing good to you, what thanks is it to you? For sinners also are doing the same.
34 And if you should ever be lending to those from whom you are expecting to get back, what thanks is it to you? For sinners also are lending to sinners, that they may get back the equivalent.
35 Moreover, be loving your enemies, and be doing good, and be lending, expecting nothing from them, and your wages will be vast in the heavens, and you will be sons of the Most High, for He is kind to the ungrateful and wicked.

Pretty cool stuff and this is definitely an aspriration and way of lifee i'm learning to live myself, but it's hard.

Olafsmash yeah thanks mang. I’m a bit of a Jesus boy already.

I’m actually moving away from it because I wanna get to the point of doing things because I want to do it and not worry about people. Sounds a bit selfish but it’s where I am. I want to let go of my ideas of being, good, correct, right, moral etc. The things I want to achieve will be my guiding star.
The last thing MAC needs is being more nice.

His core problem isn't being an asshole but still having resentment towards women.

I'm always polite and respectful towards people but I'm not "nice", in fact many people think I'm arrogant. But when I'm cocky/arrogant/assholish towards women they (and everyone else) feel that it comes from a good place fundamentally.

"I'm here to meet you and to have fun together and this behavior is part of the mating dance."

If you have your own spiritual goals that's fine but this forum is about getting laid.

Do you think coke dealers and club promoters score women by being empathetic and "loving everybody"?

MAC needs to fix his resentment issues (how -- I honestly don't know) but he does not need to be more nice. He's got that covered.