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  1. Yggdrasil13

    What' s wrong in my dating pictures

    For starters: 1. Lack of variety/excitement: Two of these are you sitting at home in front of a computer. That’s a really boring shot, in general pics of you alone at home are bad idea. A picnic table is a passable setting, but two of you in the same outfit presumably at the same table is a...
  2. Yggdrasil13

    Profile review

    I agree with what other have said. Snowboard pic is cool, but useless because your face is entirely covered. Take it again without anything covering your face. Pic 2 is the best, but imo not good enough. You need a more natural smile, it's hard to do, but just keep snapping pics and...
  3. Yggdrasil13

    Do you text a girl first after the first date?

    Went out with a girl off Hinge. Invited her back to my place but she declined. I think she brought up getting together again but no definitive plans were set. I may have been over eager on that front (but she brought it up.) I didn’t try to kiss her, idk if that was a mistake. I kind of felt...
  4. Yggdrasil13

    Ghosted mid date

    Thanks! Yeah, just made me wonder if I was catfishing or something, but I think my pics are a fair representation. I’ve got other dates lined up, thankfully. But yeah, it shook me a bit. Maybe I made a move too fast? We went back to my place we sat down on the couch I put on a show and then...
  5. Yggdrasil13

    Ghosted mid date

    Went out with a girl off Tinder. Went back to my place after an hour and half. Started to make out with her but she stopped me in the middle and said “sorry I’m really not feeling it” and left. Unmatched me immediately afterwards lol. Has that happened to anybody else? I’ve got other dates...
  6. Yggdrasil13

    Picture Reviews

    My opinion: 1. I agree they come off too posed. A pictures of you sitting alone in an apartment are probably never a good idea for a dating app. The Tinder guide has a shot archetype section, get pics that match an archetype. 2. Your smile is pretty forced/non-existent in most of these. I...
  7. Yggdrasil13

    Bulking, how big a calorie surplus should I have?

    I’m already pretty lean just not that muscular. How big a surplus / how many lbs a week should I gain? I want to stay as lean as I can while still making progress at a reasonable rate.
  8. Yggdrasil13

    How to look like a fuckboy in pics?

    This was the best I could come up with.
  9. Yggdrasil13

    How to look like a fuckboy in pics?

    I feel like my pictures exude nice guy/boyfriend vibe. Any example pics for looking edgy? I’ve read Radical’s guide.
  10. Yggdrasil13

    Feedback on Tinder profile?

    Lmk anything that can improve it. I took a bunch of pics but went with the 4 I thought were the best.
  11. Yggdrasil13

    Pick 1 of 3

    And any feedback would be appreciated, thanks.
  12. Yggdrasil13

    Are any of these pics usable?

    Is my body good enough where a shirtless pic is worth it?
  13. Yggdrasil13

    Charm filter on face app for Tinder pics

    Has anybody tried this out on their pics? Would you get busted or is it subtle enough?
  14. Yggdrasil13

    Are any of these pictures usable?

    Thanks and if not, lmk anything I can do to improve them.
  15. Yggdrasil13

    Trouble with conspicuous day game approaches

    I’ve pretty much beaten approach anxiety at night since I can approach 10+ girls every night sober. However, I want to get into day game too and am finding it hard. I’ve done a few day approaches this week using GLL’s basic guy game, but they all were on the easier side (no one else was...
  16. Yggdrasil13

    Losing girls at the pull

    Let’s say logistics are bad, do you get a number instead? Where do you break off the physical escalation if you’re not trying for a same night lay? Also, how do I ask if the group is protective of her lol.
  17. Yggdrasil13

    Losing girls at the pull

    So I'm starting to get intense make out sessions fairly regularly going out at night. It's basically foreplay on the dance floor, I'm sure I could bang these girls if I could just get them to come home with me. But I'm losing them at the pull. My strategy is usually as follows: 1. Make out for...
  18. Yggdrasil13

    READ THIS - You MUST post here before you can post anywhere else.

    I, Yggdrasil13, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously. Hi. My main goal is to get laid by multiple girls and be a player. Other goals are to put on some muscle and produce good art.