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  1. Mimbe393939

    Mimbe393939 Progress Log - LAY REPORTS / UPDATES

    No, I'm not dead, yet! A lot to unpack here, will start with the lay reports. Too much to go into FULL detail on every report, some of them recent, some of them a few months ago. BUMBLE - 24 - JAPANESE 2nd date pulled to house without resistance and made it happen. It was her first time...
  2. Mimbe393939

    Mimbe393939 Progress Log - LAY REPORTS / UPDATES

    As the log title writes IM IN JAPAN BITCHES Arrived in Japan on tuesday, FINALLY After 24+ hours waiting at the airport/being on an airplane, I finally arrived to the land of the cat girls Only to do more work buying and waiting at the Japanese airport for my SIM to kick in, and to buy my...
  3. Mimbe393939

    Mimbe393939 Progress Log - LAY REPORTS / UPDATES

    SAYONARA BITCHES IM OFF TO JAPAN, I GOT MY VISA AND MY FLIGHT IS NEXT WEEK Woah woah, before we jump any further how did this journey all begin, how did we get here..? MIMBE393939 JAPANESE ORIGINS This journey starts with an 18 year old Canadian boy in his mothers basement innocently...
  4. Mimbe393939

    Mimbe393939 Progress Log - LAY REPORTS / UPDATES

    Another budget shot with yours truly Rice I planned to get a picture with more fuckboy attire, we did take pictures but I felt like not a lot of them made the cut due to not getting auto focus to work while I walked toward the camera Even with the one I thought was one of the best, I still...
  5. Mimbe393939

    Mimbe393939 Progress Log - LAY REPORTS / UPDATES

    Yet another budget shoot with Rice I wanted to get a front shot, as my old profile and current bald profile didn't have any The lightening was getting super dark, it was already a cloudy doomy day, not the best shoot day. However, I tried to save it in this next picture editing the RAW...
  6. Mimbe393939

    Mimbe393939 Progress Log - LAY REPORTS / UPDATES

    No I'm not dead yet ;) Went out shooting with Rice the other day. I have no hair now, so I wanted to recreate a new profile show casing all the new fashion I have accumulated in these past months and so I don't have women saying Oh WeLl WhY DiD YoU ShAvE YoUr HeAd? also just being the new...
  7. Mimbe393939

    Organdroid's Tinder Crusade

    Your new pictures are super low value, it looks like you just woke up and threw on some household outfit and went outside and shot some pics lmao Your style needs a complete overall Start here, like musashi6511 mentioned, a lot of new guys...
  8. Mimbe393939

    Brandon Builds - 2024 NYC Gathering of KYIL & WW Legends. Join us.

    I appreciate your kind words, thank you for all your support, truly. Bman haha, I remember when we we're logging our CAs in the streets with no tail in sight, before our OLD rampage. It was comical to have another guy coming up with me in a similar position. It feels like we've seen each other...
  9. Mimbe393939

    Mimbe393939 Progress Log - LAY REPORTS / UPDATES

    Another month of Japanese - Language school updates - NEW JOB BITCHES I'd say my Japanese has progressed, but my insecurity which is my BEST FRIEND doesn't give a fuck what we are at, we NEED MORE. I am still studying everyday BARE MINIMUM 3 hours collectively after working a fulltime job, it...
  10. Mimbe393939

    Mimbe393939 Progress Log - LAY REPORTS / UPDATES

    Where the fuck have you been Mimbe??? That's simple. Locking myself away, studying Japanese day after day also doing a nighttime skincare routine religiously It's been a month since I've made an update here, so I think it's due. I also want to monitor my progress and look back on how things...
  11. Mimbe393939

    colgate - High Volume Approaching & Pulling / Pickup Hustle

    Probably one of my favorite log posts in a long time. "rough masculinity" through these sort of rough, rugged activities/career choices with an environment of total animals, ex convicts, immigrants who work their ass off, MEN. Is never talked about. I'm glad it's been brought up To see you...
  12. Mimbe393939

    Goals for 2023 - NightRoller's Semiregular Update Log

    3030/1650 ❌ 2,323/1650 ❌ Calories: 3,602/1650 Calories: 2577/1650 ❌ Calories: 2175/1650 ❌ Calories: 2057/1650 ❌ Calories: 2597/1650 ❌ Calories: 1774/1650 ❌ Calories: 3030/1650 ❌ Since October 10th, those have been your calories.. Surely, a 俺 can do better. See you in the language chat 8-)...
  13. Mimbe393939

    ReachKid's log - Positive focus

    Define your goals, in a realistic manner. Don't try to conquer Rome ALL at once, you'll fail and be slaughtered. Your head will be hung on a stake, laughed at by all the neighboring villages, as you slowly fade into eternal darkness. Start tormenting, raising hell to small villages and...
  14. Mimbe393939

    Tinder profile pics

    You have the same shirt in 3/6 photos, not good I'll let the other more veterans guys chime in for other stuff, as I don't have enough experience to give you concrete advice.
  15. Mimbe393939

    Mimbe393939 Progress Log - LAY REPORTS / UPDATES

    Mimbe393939 MONKMODE LOOKSMAX, RAT -> JAPANESE HAREM 2023 As the title reads, I am going monk mode and hyper focusing on learning Japanese + looksmaxx. Gym, fashion, skin care. I deleted all the dating apps I had on my phone, I found myself too many times swiping and wasting time when I...
  16. Mimbe393939

    Mimbe393939 Progress Log - LAY REPORTS / UPDATES

    Update - Japanese Progression + Thoughts on dating I think it's been a month since I started learning Japanese. I've gone 29/30 days studying, Studying grammar, breaking down sentences, listing down words I know, sentences all on notion/in my notes I have been doing something called Kanji...
  17. Mimbe393939

    _J_'s Daily log

    SHUT YOUR FUCKIN MOUTH ROOKIE, and put on your red shirt WITH ME. Progress and results are not the same thing. Progress happens on a daily basis, results take longer. Results are a culmination of daily progress. Read that article , I hope it gives you some clarity...
  18. Mimbe393939

    Afraid of getting herpes

    I just got out of the docs office, told me I had herpes Just gulf down the pills, they give you Our ancestors we're slicing the heads of saber tooth tiger with a bone knife with their tribes, KILLING other men, putting peoples heads on stakes, breeding with the other tribes women. We are...
  19. Mimbe393939

    colgate - High Volume Approaching & Pulling / Pickup Hustle

    You are truly, one of the most inspiring, dedicated guys in this space. Have not met someone who literally TOOK THE PLUNGE, said FUCK MY SITUATION. Moved out and shipped himself to improve himself without hesitation, no complaints even as a newbie, and grew astronomically from it. They ain't...