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  1. Jesseetc

    Feedback for my first online dating profile

    That’s totally fair. As a certifiable fatass, I’d post any abs if I had them, so I don’t really have a frame of reference for that.
  2. Jesseetc

    Kickstarting fat loss

    Thanks man, I really appreciate it. The thought of looking like this for a whole year is absolutely awful, but I guess that’s what I’ll need to do. Typically I do 1500 calories and can lose roughly 2 lbs/week, but was hoping to do a lot less for a month to get a head start. I’ll probably need to...
  3. Jesseetc

    Kickstarting fat loss

    Thank you for this! I’m honestly just impatient and feeling very inadequate overall, and I kinda hate the thought of taking 9 months to lose this weight if I can find a way to do it in 3-4. I’ve just been not hungry the past 2 days and ended up eating <500 calories both days, so my thought was...
  4. Jesseetc

    How do you screen for crazy girls?

    Indeed. I tend to keep a healthy distance. Made that mistake once; never again.
  5. Jesseetc

    Kickstarting fat loss

    Y’all, I have so much fat to lose. Probably 70 lbs. i really don’t want to be dieting forever. It’s possible for me to live at maintenance level once I’m done dieting, but I’m wondering if there are any tips for fastest fat loss. I could probably manage a couple weeks to a month of 500...
  6. Jesseetc

    Weed/Edibles Can Help You Have Some of the Best Sex of Your Life

    This is so true. Weed + sensory play was the best sex of my life. I was orgasming for hours straight and I was so stimulated by the end that I had intense like, phantom orgasms throughout my whole body that were so intense I couldn’t even talk. When you do feel like you’re orgasming, try to...
  7. Jesseetc

    Best advice for boosting sex drive?

    Everyone has great suggestions. I’d really suggest cutting down on porn and jerking off to see if that helps. If you can get an Rx for Viagra or Cialis, that was also a game changer for me. 20mg of Cialis and I’m ready to fucking go.
  8. Jesseetc

    How do you screen for crazy girls?

    Honestly, I don’t screen for crazy at all. Crazy girls are the fucking best in bed. Keep your distance, but go enjoy what will likely be amazing sex.
  9. Jesseetc

    Maestro mastering Tinder

    These new ones look much better! I’m impressed by your improvement. I’d re-take the guitar shot, and as far as your look overall, you’re a good looking dude. Especially in the suit photo. That makes me want to get to know you. My one suggestion would be to shave your head and see how you look...
  10. Jesseetc

    Feedback for my first online dating profile

    In the first two photos you look really awkward and it’s clear you’re posing. Ideally, we want candid shots. Climbing and van photo look great, and for the last two, you have abs, so I’d run with that one and skip the group photo.
  11. Jesseetc

    Improve My Dating Profile

    Okay my dude, we can get these photos better pretty easily, but you’re still going to need to take more. First thing I notice is the sunglasses. Girls want to see your eyes, and many women will automatically swipe left leading with a sunglasses pic. As for the photos themselves, the first...
  12. Jesseetc

    Help with BDSM profile

    So I’m trying to switch my Tinder from “find relationship” to “as much kinky sex as possible.” I have no idea how to do this, and I have no clue how to top. So I really need experience and help getting there. I’ve got at least 60 lbs to lose: from 208 to 148. Also, Andy, since I don’t know what...
  13. Jesseetc

    Olaf fashion thread

    Honestly, man, you can get away with cheap Timberland knockoffs as long as they look like the real thing. I get compliments on them all the time.
  14. Jesseetc

    I'm looking for a stratagey, plan, or goal, for getting getting into photography. Any help?

    I love the correction, thank you bro. I learned on a god damn D3200, so it’s been awhile. I’d heard of mirrorless cameras, but I wasn’t sure if they’d been widely adopted yet. Now I know what to get, thanks!
  15. Jesseetc

    Looking for feedback on current looks

    It’s the hair and the glasses, bro. You don’t have to cut your hair or shave your head, but you need to get it under control and appearing more deliberate. Try contacts or another style of glasses that are more trendy. I am not a fan of brightly colored plain shirts like that, but if you’re...
  16. Jesseetc

    I'm looking for a stratagey, plan, or goal, for getting getting into photography. Any help?

    Generally speaking, you’ll want to buy a less good body and a nicer lens. So do that and get what’s in your budget. If it’s a DSLR, you’re all good. When I was taking photo classes, we often did similar projects related to bracketing, framing, POV (worms eye and birds eye), speed of subject...
  17. Jesseetc

    Anybody in Seattle?

    What’s up! I do.
  18. Jesseetc

    Seeking partner(s) for NMMNG exercises

    I’m Pacific time but I’m so down if I can at all make it work. Shoot me some times and I’ll let you know!
  19. Jesseetc

    My FWB is getting with one of my best friends.

    Take stock of the situation and how you feel. This seems like it was a dick move on her part, but I doubt she was like “I want to hurt Sin’s feelings today”, so talk to her and ask her what she thinks you were feeling/thinking at the time. From there you can decide what to do. If she’s like “I...
  20. Jesseetc

    Could use some tips

    So I’m a submissive guy. I love being tied up and fucked, feeling small, and putting my partners needs above my own. I’ve found it pretty easy to get into a submissive headspace, but I’d like to also explore my dominant side, or at least discover if I have one. That’s been a lot harder...