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  • Users: Pluto
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  1. Pluto

    Consistently putting a condom while uncircumcised.

    I believe I do why?
  2. Pluto

    Consistently putting a condom while uncircumcised.

    Embarrassing question to ask but I feel like sometimes, I fail to put the condom on in the first time as an uncircumcised dude. I was hoping some of you in here who are also in that situation can share your foolproof always works method for it. My cock is sensitive since I am uncircumcised and...
  3. Pluto

    colgate - High Volume Approaching & Pulling / Pickup Hustle

    Brown guy here. Don't listen to the internet at all, the value of brown dudes has gone straight through the roof in recent years. The only guys going around saying that brown dudes aren't desired are losers with no life experience on the internet or low value/loser brown dudes who cannot own up...
  4. Pluto

    Rotation, what is a realistic number of women a guy can keep?

    Ever since cold approaching (daygame) this year, I have managed to get laid a few times but with two girls in particular, I have built some relationships. One I have fucked more than 10 different times and probably lost count at this point and the other I have been fucking a few times too. I am...
  5. Pluto

    Best advice for boosting sex drive?

    I mean like in that 90 day period, when did you feel most horny to the point that you think you could fuck like a pornstar?
  6. Pluto

    Best advice for boosting sex drive?

    MY GOD that is some top notch discipline. Did you notice an apex? I have heard that days 7 to 14 is when you are the hardest but after that, it sort of goes away or just baselines.
  7. Pluto

    Goals for 2023 - NightRoller's Semiregular Update Log

    Usually Monday afternoons right after the bar opens, the manager is likely to be around from my experience. Dancing is not exactly the most masculine hobby. My point is that if you roll towards certain hobbies, you are likely to find it easier to network and naturally meet guys that work at...
  8. Pluto

    Goals for 2023 - NightRoller's Semiregular Update Log

    I have worked as a bartender in a college town before so I can give some pointers for you. If you are a guy, you will most certainly always start out as a barback before they move you up to bartender. Girls get a pass and can often get the bartending job right off the bat. To a degree it also...
  9. Pluto

    Radical honesty in club game (locked)

    I used to do nightgame a lot pre-pandemic and along with online dating, it was my only way of meeting women. What OP is doing can work but I think that clubs can only be done right if you are there to have fun and not necessarily get laid. I live in Miami where the club scene is very cut-throat...
  10. Pluto

    Cold Approach Log: Journey to Abundance

    I am from Atlanta, just DM'd you, am familiar with the state so might be able to give you some pointers. However, do note that the state of Georgia gets all too wonky about religion and it can be easy to stick out when cold approaching if you are not calibrated. Keep doing what you are doing but...
  11. Pluto

    Cold Approach Log: Journey to Abundance

    I'll chime in as someone who has seen success this year. First of all, we have no idea as to where OP is in the US before we write the entire country off. If you are in a small town or small city, you have to be choosier about how you approach. If you are in a big city, you can do more high...
  12. Pluto

    Is this male enhancement program safe? (Experts get in here ASAP)

    So question about Horny Goat Weed, is the tablet alright or do I need to take it in another way like say a powder?
  13. Pluto

    colgate - High Volume Approaching & Pulling / Pickup Hustle

    Man, this is fucking it, this is the kind of shit that takes you back to the golden days of Good Looking Loser. To see a legend born from the ashes of life that put him through hell previously. It's hard to find this sort of shit these days as the golden days of pickup are mostly gone but logs...
  14. Pluto

    Is this male enhancement program safe? (Experts get in here ASAP)

    Read about it and I actually tried part of it. What I did was take Zinc last night before going to bed, L-Arginine in the morning, and then some Maca powder but did not do the rest. Can anyone chime in to say if the rest (Horny Goat's Weed and Sunflower Lechitin) is safe...
  15. Pluto

    How to get a maxed out Dick?

    Thanks man and tbh, I have thought of doing porn too in the future but that's a goal way off lol.
  16. Pluto

    How to get a maxed out Dick?

    Got it. Is 6 inches erect good enough if I want to satisfy women or will it need to grow bigger than that?
  17. Pluto

    How to get a maxed out Dick?

    When people say cock size, do they mean flaccid or erect size?
  18. Pluto

    colgate - High Volume Approaching & Pulling / Pickup Hustle

    You do not need to be a pro to do improv, its meant for people who are new. I think you are thinking standup but Improv is tailor made to welcome people who have never done it. Although I did look at Improv classes in Nashville for you and ugh, barely as many as I would have thought, looks like...
  19. Pluto

    colgate - High Volume Approaching & Pulling / Pickup Hustle

    Here is the AG Hayden Daygame video, 51 min long but a total game changer: Here is one of Todd V's infields but I recommend his videos forward and back, go through as much of the channel as you can...
  20. Pluto

    colgate - High Volume Approaching & Pulling / Pickup Hustle

    OP, I am kind of going through some of what you are, especially in regards to work and wishing I could focus even more on game, fitness, and hobbies. However, I did have some advice for you after reading this page and the last, particularly around social life and women. I got a lot to say about...