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  • Users: Paw
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  1. Paw

    Critique on 10 Photos - What do you think?

    Some of these are pretty decent. If I were you I'd set up my profile with the pics in this order 1. 7895-7 - This photo is great imo. 2. 7987-37 3. 8143-77 4. 0216 - like the expression on your face better here than in the other pics. Photo is decent, but a better background & angle would make...
  2. Paw

    DAY 8 : Gonna be off a few days | Ovnidos Log, from the deep to the everest (5'5'' bastard)

    Just be careful lol. Having a gf for "a bit" can turn into years. You could end up feeling very attached and breaking up won't be something you just do (if you'd want to). PLUS you just said she's leaving "for good" to a town 2 hours away. Don't do long distance. Just don't. Talking from first...
  3. Paw

    Noself’s AA Program Log Day 46: Milestone Day

    Cool vlog bro, your voice is masculine as fuck bro. Props for going through this program.
  4. Paw

    Tinder pics suggestions

    Yea, exactly what was already said, all the pictures look the same. Same colors too. Also, tell us your settings, sometimes that can limit you as well. Hiking pics sound good. Every single photo should not look posed that will make most girls swipe left. Having some group photo or a different...
  5. Paw

    Manga 🇰🇷: October Update

    Yea, classic. It's like a muscle, but if you've been approaching consistently in the past you got that muscle memory and will get back into it quickly.
  6. Paw

    Second Photoshoot. Any feedback? - Getting Laid + Trying to sell a game

    It's not a big deal tbh. You just got 7 fucking numbers in a day, dude. You will get another date soon enough, even IF you don't go on this one.
  7. Paw

    Second Photoshoot. Any feedback? - Getting Laid + Trying to sell a game

    Hahaha man that's actually funny. Just tell her "Hey, let's we meet at X Place instead" and don't make it a big deal (because it's not).
  8. Paw

    colgate - High Volume Approaching & Pulling / Pickup Hustle

    What do you mean exactly with indiscriminately? Like just approaching any chick? I approached mainly girls I found attractive except for in the VERY beginning first 10-20 where I was sweating and shaking like crazy to just say hi. Actually a friend of mine had to push me like fucking crazy with...
  9. Paw

    colgate - High Volume Approaching & Pulling / Pickup Hustle

    1+2 I basically do the same. Here in Mexico I always say "Hablas ingles?" at first. Anywhere else, I would just say "hey". 3. I agree that you could cut this out and go directly to 4, cold reading - that's what I usually do. Just some observation about her basically. Got this from Mark Manson...
  10. Paw

    colgate - High Volume Approaching & Pulling / Pickup Hustle

    Dude, you did 35 approaches in a day? That's as many as I did the past month basically. You are hustling hard and you will get results from it eventually. You are fucking inspiring, to be honest, and I'm cheering for you. If you are hammering away and not getting anywhere, maybe you need to...
  11. Paw

    Bedroom Escalation Resources/Guides

    This has been my experience as well. If you're unsure, the motto should be "just do something to move things forward". Usually I start off by touching her hand or her thigh. You don't even have to give any reason reason at all, you can just do it and keep talking like normal. If you feel the...
  12. Paw

    Anyone on here posting sneaky nudes of their hookups?

    29 is still young dude. I don't know how many girls the average dude sleeps with, but it's probably 2-10, so you're already pretty damn experienced. It's only gonna get easier in your 30s (from what I have heard, I'm just 26). I don't think we will ever have to stop. Maybe we can't post nudes...
  13. Paw

    Tinder profile feedback

    I would remove the one with the coffee cup and the one shirtless in the kitchen. You're a good-looking dude but in those two pictures you don't look great. I had the same experience with a BDSM pic - I had very few matches with it, so I removed it. You can add something about BDSM in your bio...
  14. Paw

    READ THIS - You MUST post here before you can post anywhere else.

    What’s up, I’m Paw and I’m currently in Andy’s group coaching. I’m 26, European. I’m working on social skills, getting laid, business, fitness and health. I am doing fairly well in all areas but want to improve way, WAY more. I’m not showing my face, I work with a fairly big website and my...