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  1. ImChuckBass

    Looks feedback: Manbun vs shorter

    They both look really good. You should rock one style for 6 months, take a ton of photos with it and see how you go online dating. Once you've gotten a feel for the results after 6 months, change up the hair style, shoot a new batch of photos and see how it goes. It would be super valuable...
  2. ImChuckBass

    Rate my tinder pics and give me advice on new ones

    Hey man, I personally would delete the 3rd one. It's just not doing you any good. The first photo is fantastic. Very impressive. The middle photo isn't really doing you any favours, but I guess you should probably keep it for now so you can have at least two photos in the meantime. Looking...
  3. ImChuckBass

    Which shirt should I get?

    Black and white
  4. ImChuckBass

    Thinking of omitting “im not looking for anything super serious” here’s why

    Warning to all - this is going to very 'theory heavy'. I just think that these types of discussions about The Pros and Cons of different approaches can be beneficial to people who are trying to find out what works for them. One of my mates is a 6'4" natural. He lacks technical skill and...
  5. ImChuckBass

    Photo feedback please, new pic

    Hey man, great work getting started! You're in the right place. Have you ever been given feedback on how you come across socially? Ask your friends some of these questions (ideally, friends who are very social and have a lot of social/sexual experience): On a scale of 1-10, how socially...
  6. ImChuckBass

    Can You Get Erections Without Direct Contact? (Eg, from Kissing)

    Hey everyone, Slightly hesitant to make this post, but I really do feel you will all be honest about your experiences. Do you often need direct contact (hand stimulation or blowjob) to get an erection? Or can you get an erection from making out/kissing only? I know there's no right or...
  7. ImChuckBass

    choose 1 of 3 photos

    Option #2. The one of you walking front on. Had a quick look at your profile and I was impressed by the photo with the girls. Very fun preselection photo, showing you already have women in your life. Well done. Keep grinding. Keep taking photos every week, getting a little better everytime...
  8. ImChuckBass

    Brandon Builds - #38 Poly Girl

    I have exactly the same experience. The reduced sensation helps me to last longer, but sometimes it's so reduced that I lose my erection. I find my mind sometimes wandering during sex because the pleasure through the condom isn't good enough. If anyone has any tips or insights please do share.
  9. ImChuckBass

    Brandon Builds - #38 Poly Girl

    Really simple question but it hasn't been asked. Are you using condoms? I find for myself, they reduce pleasure, allowing me to last a lot longer.
  10. ImChuckBass

    Tinder Pic Feedback

    My picks no particular order: 16 - Awesome photo man. Jaw line looks sharp. Facial pose is good. Amazing body posture and you look in shape. Good style. Well done. Must use. 9 - Overall good photo. Good pose. Serious face, but in a mysterious way, not a cringey way. I must say though, I think...
  11. ImChuckBass

    Feedback on my Tinder/Online Dating Pics

    Hey man, Great work. You are seriously on track to building a killer profile. I will be real with you - I don't really like any of the photos (except one). I like the 'idea' behind them, but I feel like with more tries you can do a lot better and come across as more sexually attractive in...
  12. ImChuckBass

    Who has therapists?

    It's recommended to have 3-4 sessions with a new psychologist, before assessing whether or not they are a good fit for you (as it may take some time to build the relationship). Mine helped me through my break up. Helped me a ton. I have a close circle of mates who are always happy to listen...
  13. ImChuckBass

    Erectile Dysfunction

    Very informative post, but this made me laugh. Very poetic!
  14. ImChuckBass

    Invisalign - worth $9k?

    Update: Appreciate everyone's input, I investigated all of the options you mentioned. I was most attracted to the idea of just getting new teeth like Hedon recommended (crowns). I was planning to go to Turkey so I got some free advice from local Australian specialists first. Turns out, my...
  15. ImChuckBass

    Thrice log. Should i try radicals how to meet girls in hostels?

    Baby steps are under-rated. My life is seriously starting to turn around, but I only focus on baby steps. Jordan Peterson has always been a believer in baby-steps. "Aim Low".
  16. ImChuckBass

    Goals for 2023 - NightRoller's Semiregular Update Log

    Hey bro, If you look at the weight loss progress pic linked in my signature, you'll see I have made a lot of progress in this area of my life. I'm still improving, but I feel like I can give you some really solid advice on how to adjust to eating a lower caloric intake. I used to be a binge...
  17. ImChuckBass

    Need some honest feedback on photos

    Respect. It is clear how much work you have put into this. 5 - This photo is insanely good. Like, perfect. Please use this. 22 - Pretty cool photo with a good outfit. The pose is slightly awkward, so I am 50/50 on this one. X22 - Looks like you are a traveller/backpacker which is cool. Use...
  18. ImChuckBass

    New pics improvement?

    Ok so, you're ticking a lot of the boxes with this photo. Outfit is great and you look fantastic. BUT.... Compared to some of your other photos, this one seems a bit 'square'. A little bland. Some of your original photo's have the following vibe: THIS GUY FUCKS. I'm just not getting that...
  19. ImChuckBass

    Tinder profile pics

    I like the coloured photo of you carrying the dog. None of the others really stood out in my honest opinion. Keep hustling, it's a grind building up a good batch of photo's. You're doing great, just keep going.
  20. ImChuckBass

    Invisalign - worth $9k?

    I'm 26 years old and my parents never got me braces... Thanks Mum and Dad! My teeth are crooked and yellow. I'm finding that with night game, it's not affecting me at all. I guess it's dark in the bars/clubs so it isn't as relevant. However, if a girl was sitting across from me on a date...