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  • Users: drz
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  1. drz


    Why the nicotine? Ditch it and take up some sort of fasting regimen (e.g. intermittent fasting) and possibly change your diet (e.g. low carb) for a few weeks. MakingAComeback practised/practises it at times. I wouldn't do loads of prolonged fasts though whilst working out, though once every...
  2. drz

    Thrice log. Should i try radicals how to meet girls in hostels?

    Mate I'd be cautious about posting screenshots of what is basically illegally downloading and cracking a file here. Anyone can see this on your post, signed-in or not. Please correct me if I'm wrong of course.
  3. drz

    I really need help

    Some would say that 3 minutes with someone you don't know is actually pretty good going. Nevertheless if things fizzle out after 3 minutes then, what? You're going to be punished? No-one cares, they're not right for you. If you have no friends in where you live then what do you have to lose...
  4. drz

    How do you eat more with a low appetite?

    How often are you eating? How many meals per day?
  5. drz


    Cool stuff. I'm not quite in London, though you had any luck with your band stuff lately?
  6. drz

    Faceapp catfishing? Please help

    @Lema - I can spot the differences but they're not obvious. Maybe some have different hair, colours or lighting fx but what ho. I used FaceApp to spruce up my pictures, and far more than what you've done. Helped me get 20 dates over Winter of last year, and not one of them commented on it...
  7. drz

    Thrice log. Should i try radicals how to meet girls in hostels?

    Rather different from your current avatar, you've leaned yourself into a different dude. Well done!
  8. drz

    Z to A - caffeine

    Not much extra to report on the cold approach front despite keeping on with it. I've had a load of job interviews - 5 in the past 9 days, and 4 more scheduled for next week. I'm starting to feel burnout where I currently work so this' pretty important. Worryingly I got a blood test and found...
  9. drz

    colgate - High Volume Approaching & Pulling / Pickup Hustle

    You're definitely getting some awesome stories from your approaches which I'm jealous of! Loving the cockiness you're putting out too, really works to one's advantage. Wish I could do that haha
  10. drz

    Increasing testosterone/sex drive

    MakingAComeback - I've not heard of this before. I go outside for at least 20 minutes each day, but in my underpants, not outright naked. You're suggesting lose the pants as well? Where'd you get this info from? colgate - on the subject of "testosterone," do you find you're stressed a...
  11. drz


    I know nothing about eHarmony, but I met my current gf via the app "Coffee meets Bagel," which is somewhat more geared towards relationships than say, Tinder.
  12. drz

    Z to A - caffeine

    No updates in a while here because little has actually changed. I went out today for cold approaching but a lot of my time got taken up through distractions - one of which was some dude who I commented on his clothes and we ended up exchanging numbers over potential business ideas. Whether or...
  13. drz

    How to keep energetic while approaching

    If 5 minutes is too long for you in set, wouldn't that suggest that a date with the same woman would be doomed? In an ideal world, the conversations I have in set are as long as possible to the point where they immediately become dates. Collecting numbers I've found, doesn't work that well...
  14. drz

    Manga: Shisha date no pull

    Picture 8 is definitely the best IMO; it's the confident look you have in your eyes above anything else. All the others your face appears either too serious, uncertain, or upset. 3 & 10 I'm unsure on.
  15. drz

    Z to A - caffeine

    Not much of an update, but did 27 (and a half) chin-ups in a row this morning after Wim Hof breathing. That's a new high for me.
  16. drz

    175LB reached! Now where to go....

    Awesome, well done!
  17. drz

    Cold Approach Log: Journey to Abundance

    You've got a similar issue to me - camera anxiety. I feel awkward making eye contact with anything involving a lens and I can't pose well. Not to be rude, but you look rather unhappy in your current photos. I ended up getting various mates/wings to take photos of me out and about. I then...
  18. drz

    Z to A - caffeine

    I had a reiki session last night. It felt very similar to a long guided meditation session at first, and unsurprisingly ended up being pretty relaxed. However, if I really wanted to I could do that on my own. What was more odd, was that I had an anxiety attack in the middle of the night, from...
  19. drz

    Z to A - caffeine

    This thread is of relevance - Last Thursday my sleep was horrible. I was so pissed off that my day was ruined; I've decided just to quit caffeine, in an attempt to avoid this happening so often. I've...
  20. drz

    Z to A - caffeine

    I had a coaching session in central London last night. Worth having, especially as I didn't otherwise really want to be there (was also in a fasted state, 24 hours, and at the time of writing it's now been closer to 40 hours fasted). Most of it was concerning approaching individuals who were...