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colgate - FINALLY!!! i get my first daygame lay!!! after 3 years!!!

This is the most colgate update I've seen.

If I just read that WhatsApp screenshot randomly on the web, I would know it's you who typed it.
colgate said:
i got it on tape lmaoooo:
whoops fixed the url. also it literally says sEX

foretelling of things to come............
approached around 10 girls in an hour and a half.

had a great convo with one and exchanged insta where she followed me back later (i dmed myself on her phone)! she was off to meet a friend.

basically it's me rambling about "fast fashion" (h&m, uniqlo) and how it's good (because both she and i have similar-ish clothing archetypes) and then poked fun at her for being from 鹿児島 kagoshima (look it up if ur interested lol)

the archetypes are really easy to understand here lol. i think i know more about japanese archetypes than i ever did in america and am starting to get a sense of how my brown ass can fit in

later i ran into her and her friend and when i told her to introduce her friend she was like "we're on a break!"

"from doing what?"
"from nothing!"
"so yall are having a break from doing nothing..."

japanese girls are so weird

also i was able to stick through a girl completely fucking ignoring me for like 30 seconds before she finally acknowledged my existence and bowed out japanese style in a different direction.

not able to do it consistently yet, but this is a first for me. this morning i basically thought of funny/interesting backdrops to say if she's straight up freezing me out and i think they work.

long time no see! let's forget about our childhood fights and make up <--- the one i used in the audio

wow, we're like already married! i did something so now you won't talk to me...my BAD, sOrRy (i haven't tried this one yet)

here's an interaction where the girl would have been potentially interested but i got into boring info exchange ARGHHHHHHHHHH MY WEAKNESSES TRANSCEND LANGUAGE BOUNDARIES!!!!!

but i did an exercise earlier where i listed 10 traits my ideal girl should have (other than looks). i should be veering the conversation towards talking about that rather than OMG YOU DO PART TIME WORK??? OMG UR A UNIVERSITY STUDENT THATS SO EPIC LOLZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

also i need to be approaching more girls. 10 is nowhere close to enough volume, and i only spent like an hour and a half before excitedly dming my potential future nampa coach.

approach anxiety is more or less gone (though i'm still copping out of some ballsy approaches)

gotta set quotas! next sesh i will approach at least 15 girls. i'm gonna do it on monday since i have some errands/plans tomorrow with my host family.


japanese nampa fucking blows my mind

it is nothing like cold approach in the west. this is like the difference between chess and go囲碁 or something

guys casually having many hundreds, even thousands of instadate lays. (ok the thousands guys all say they have been nampaing for...20+ years!!! thats still fucking crazy dude)

3, 4, 5, i've seen as high as 7 lays in one day.
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sounds like cap, a fucking scam, or whatever you want to call it but then they're posting 3 new pics of different girls in hotel/bedrooms on twitter per day.
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this seems like a japan-only thing. like obviously the same guy goes to europe or usa and he wouldn't be able to do it. likewise, skilled westerners come to japan and are able to replicate this fucking insanity, but only in japan.

but i digress. what the fuck is going on in japan, how is the birthrate declining???????????????

i have to get to the bottom of this...
and then to the top!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


the nampa coach i dm'ed on twitter replied.
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here's a translation of one of the important bits (google translate FUCKED this i might as well just translate it myself lmfao)

"i don't recommend just going ham with approaching in my consulting. if your looks aren't in check you gotta first commit to increasing your value. if you suck at communicating, you gotta improve that. ideally, we will want to squeeze out the maximum results from the minimum amount of effort"

this is straight up what troy told me when i first messaged him. cool that at least the baseline for banging chicks is universal lol

also he'll recommend if i should also start doing online too. i haven't gotten around to setting up my online profiles here again. but now i could actually use most of the japanese dating apps since i have an actual ID here (japanese dating apps require japan-local ID verification to use)

i wonder if he knows i'm a foreigner yet loooool.

he has a 3 month long 1-on-1 coaching program basically which is exactly what i need.

what the fuck is the point of coming to japan otherwise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

TIME TO APPROACH ASSHOLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
also noticed going to the gym before/doing any kind of physically exerting exercise + blasting music while walking around decimates my approach anxiety and hypes me up to talk to girls.

when i was just getting into cold approach in america i would blast a bunch of music in my car while vaping my ass off before the approach session too. my best approach sessions were when i was in that state lmao.

even when i quit vaping, i still blasted a bunch of music in my car on the way to the approach venue and i didn't realize how much it probably helped

other guys here on the forum are doing it too so i'll post whatever song i remembered most from my sesh with my reports

and you can get an idea of whatever "alien music" i was talking about in my last video log lol

colgate said:
guys casually having many hundreds, even thousands of instadate lays. (ok the thousands guys all say they have been nampaing for...20+ years!!! thats still fucking crazy dude)

3, 4, 5, i've seen as high as 7 lays in one day.

Stop it, you're making me want to move to Japan...

But you're also making me excited to read your future posts where you're the one doing this!!!

I believe in you
eyowhatup said:
Hey Colgate! Which book are your japan game exercises from?


good resource because even if you want to arrogantly avoid english, it's rare to find anything of quality specifically for foreigners looking to break into the nampa scene, and it highlights many of the key differences from western mindsets about dating.

but it's also cool to see the similarities!

also this book is quite high-level but it really helps me also navigate through the swarm of japanese nampa content. been noting down high level concepts from the book and then going to YouTube channels like the following for low-level ideas on how to implement them https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=RI_uj5wMs1g (i hate reading long text in japanese lmao, this is much more consumable for me)

funnily enough this guy straight up said the best opener is "konnichiwa" (hello in Japanese) and that you need to get on with it. lol. that actually massively helped me a lot.

also everyone seems to use twitter. i had made an account and basically indiscriminately followed dozens of nampa guys and they'll post tips and whatever in addition to reports
Manly Cockfellow said:
you're making me want to move to Japan...
oh my god dude you need to come here for like a week or two though

15 years from now

new DNA studies show that 10% of kids under age 12 all have the same 200cm american father......
colgate said:
15 years from now

new DNA studies show that 10% of kids under age 12 all have the same 200cm american father......

These lovely ladies need to sleep with someone, why not us? :)

(and I'm assuming you pull your weight and account for a substantial chunk of that other 90%, so don't let me down)
FUCKIN KOE KAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

16 approaches over 4 hours.
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got into the station at around 5:30pm and did like 2 or 3 approaches.

then i kept walking around pussying out on every girl

i was like THIS IS FUCKING RETARDED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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yeah so basically i think i actually experienced my first culture shock of my whole life with my ~6 months of life in japan experience.

the thing is in america, if you approach a girl and she's not interested, usually she'll be cordial about it and tell you she has a boyfriend or that she's "not looking for a relationship" right now.

or say she doesn't straight up say it up front, she'll probably at least put up with you until you ask to exchange contacts and then reject it there, or give it to you and ghost.

even in california where i approached in a mall that was 80% asians, while i indeed got japanese-girl-style frozen out quite often there too, i usually just didn't bother with those and immediately bounced to the next girl because i knew that eventually some girl would actually have a conversation with me (also i had a much thicker skin due to the "potential energy" i had built up from just regularly approaching)

however, in japan, first of all it's not rude to straight up ignore someone that you don't want to talk to.

second of all, a good chunk of girls who are ignoring you are actually gameable and you can "crack" through them. just listen to this:
not going to translate the entire video but basically the chick straight up takes 5 minutes to say a single word, and up until that point based on the things he says her demeanor ranges from literally staring at her smartphone with her earbuds in to taking them out and oscillating in between, her reactions ramping up in a zigzag until she finally starts giggling and talking.

what's funny is the first thing out of her mouth was i'll pass you my line lol. she eventually followed him into a convenience store and i think after that they exchanged.

anyway, the opposite case also happens. it happened to me twice today actually. i got into a convo that lasted maybe like 3-5 minutes and then literally point blank in the middle of the conversation, the girl just puts up her hand and accelerates off. like she doesn't tell me a reason to leave or say "well it was nice meeting you!" just straight up bounces.

it's funny that ppl in the west think that japanese culture is probably indirect and everyone's always putting up a façade, but in reality americans put up their own façades in a different way. and as someone who was raised in america, i took american aizuchi for granted

anyway, even when i get girls who start smiling/giggling here and there and maybe talking a liiiiiiiil bit, it's kinda like i really gotta be putting on a show for the girl. (funnily enough in the youtube video i linked, at one point the guy was like "damn what is this it's like you're watching tv except im the tv")

i have to be putting on a show for the girl, and the show has to be good, and she might decide to straight up non-react for 5 minutes before finally saying a single word

or else she's gonna change the fucking channel lmao
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so i'm basically pussing out on talking to every single female in my vicinity and stalling because i...don't want to take responsibility for progressing the interaction?!?!??!?!??!

yeah, we have a lot of work to do here

regardless i had told myself i needed to approach 15 girls today, and doggone it, 15 girls were going to be approached
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i decided to pull out a trick i used to do in america nightgame, where i would say "okay i need to approach 1 girl in this venue before i'm allowed to leave this place", and i was able to approach many girls this way.

so i did something similar. "go approach 1 girl in the station", "now go approach one girl at the crosswalk" ..etc etc. breaking it down into chunks like that helped me get it done, probably because the location change gave me a slight dopamine hit even if i had a bad interaction

on my 14th approach, i got the most bubbly girl i've run into here! i told her she looks like bubbles from powerpuff girls (lol!!!!) and she obviously had no idea what that is so i had fun explaining powerpuff girls to a japanese girl....................lmao

we chatted for maybe 3-5 minutes when i suggested we bounce to get some tea or something.

my friend is waiting for me tho
wait you said you were going home tf
yeah i live with my friend
ohhh like a sharehouse? lol that's fine let's just go for like 10 minutes
noooo i have to get up early tomorrow
yeah i wake up at 6:30am to go to the gym i aint trying to stay up late either
noooooo i really have to go <<<<--- probably could have just kept the convo/approach going instead of the following
ok let's exchange lines and i'll take you on a date
uhhh...i can't. my manager reads all of my line messages
your what does what now???

ok so the thing is, in japan there are these places called "girls bars". basically guys with a lot of money but no girls go to these places and drink, but the hostesses all act cute and shower you in compliments so your inflated ego empties out your entire wallet on booze

however, these places usually have strict rules not allowing the hostesses to date or otherwise talk to boys. and they usually have "managers" that verify this.

sleeping with one of these girls is basically the forbidden fruit in japan. but guys are able to do it through instadate lays essentially

and one day...

ONE DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i will too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


during my session i spotted a dude flagging down girls and so i talked to him. dude has been nampaing for like 8 years.

he says he does like 100-200 approaches a day!!!!!!!!!! ok now i know what i need to be aiming for lmao

my 16 in 4 hours is me pussing out of like 90% of the girls i actually want to approach tbh.

but i know i'll be able to get to that point again where i enjoy approaching just for the hell of it

colgate said:
I went back to the university around noon and the volume was really high. Immediately started approaching girls but yeah it was 0/17. The only one I really remember is some tall black dude saw me hitting on a girl and he was like "ayyy, you miss 100% of the shots you don't take!"

Even if you live in a small town, if you are determined enough you can find high volume places at certain times. I even rescheduled my weekly meetings with my boss so I could go out at noon.

On the upside, I have my second cold approach date on Sunday, so that'll be exciting (first time was in Nashville)

i did it before!!!


meeting tomorrow evening with the nampa sensei i've been messaging on twitter!!! very excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
met with the coach today for the first time

this log is about to get nuts

i'll let certain events unroll instead of writing a long ass fucking post this time

but goal for this month: get a 100+ session

will approach 15 girls tomorrow

throwback to when i approached 130 girls in a day and got banned from a uni campus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
15 approaches over 2.5 hours
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i didn't approach for a few days because my discipline to my schedule was trash. being disciplined to my day is going to be my biggest struggle and i'm basically slamming my head at the wall with this but i'm going to just keep showing up

i used to just "give up" on my plans if i missed something because i thought it was a failure if i missed the timing. but that's just a FAGGOT EXCUSE TO NOT DO YO SHIT BOI

anyway last night's sesh was pretty brutal, almost all ignored and i don't think i could get a conversation longer than 30 seconds

i think it's because my vibe was off from not being out everyday. if you're not at the stage of "enjoying approaching for the sake of it", you can't afford to skip even a day of approaching. i had to go out 11 days in a row to get over approach anxiety in america.

regardless I'm going to do 15 approaches again today since it's still scary








15 approaches in an hour
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i was fucking pissed at myself for going to bed late and not getting enough sleep, causing me to be tired throughout the day and not want to do anything

a lambo needs premium fuel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! stop filling it up with lighter fluid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i ended up going out at like 8:15pm which is way later than i wanted to. but it turned into a good opportunity to challenge myself to do my 15 approaches in an hour instead of staying out until 11:00pm and then getting like 6 hours of sleep (i have to get up early for school, and even if i dont have school, there's no reason to be out super late when there's plenty of time earlier in the day that i'm wasting)

there were so many approaches that were "scary"/i didn't want to do. girl is walking fast so i spend like 2 minutes following her, being surrounded by a fuckton of other people so they are going to see the entire approach, etc etc. admittedly i still pussied out on half of the girls i wanted to talk to.

but i just thought "every time i make this approach anyway, i am changing my pussy ass brain. neuroplasticity at work. soon my brain won't be working against me but for me. i want a brain that gives me my fucking dreams, not takes me away from them"

still definitely not used to having to actually push through girls that non-react or ignore you. yall in america have it easy lmao (maybe except for new york)

also still not being assertive of what i want, and letting girls just leave and go home/etc mid-interaction. i know the ability to be persistent and stick it out will come over time, i just need to freaking put in the work

i gotta get through my 1000 sets of hell as AskTheDom says. probably in japan since the volume is insane and cold approach isn't even special, it's gonna be more like 5000 sets of hell.

notable interactions
been trying to fake out some girls by approaching them in english and then switching to japanese. there's a strat in here somewhere but i haven't found it yet. regardless, i've been doing it to girls that are dressed in a western/casual/lmao whatever style
[No approach audios on the forum]

told a chick her backpack looks like a zoo cuz it had a bunch of stuffed animal keychains. actually vibed for a bit and when i spoke to her in english, she spoke to me in japanese-accented chinese (which i've never heard in my life). didn't even attempt to divert her absolutely important plans of going home and watching netflix and instead let her escape through the train gate. FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[No approach audios on the forum]




No approach audios on the forum King. Andy doesn't want them here, the mod team has to uphold what Andys says.

AskTheDom said:
Quality beats volume.
If you are doing 15 sets in an hour, something is off

i will find out what the deal is but

1) japanese stations and areas around the station are incredibly crowded and the hot girl volume is incomparable to probably anywhere else in the world (maybe korea)
2) nampa is basically not a big deal, there's no western common courtesy in the culture to acknowledge someone that's talking to you (in america, other than by asian fobs, i've rarely been ignored when i made approaches)
3) guys i've talked to here say they aren't even aware of how many girls they talk to in a day and say vague answers like "100-200 girls a day". same guys have hundreds of lays, even getting 2-3 lays a day isn't a huge deal for the top guys

by "i will find out what the deal is", i am going to be going into a coaching program here next month. will be updating on that

as a side note, it took me 4 hours to do 15 approaches a few sessions ago and that was pussying out on 80% of the girls i wanted to talk to
AskTheDom then ask Fuckboy Aspirant Aspirant how he approached 50 girls in one hour and a half and got laid haha