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colgate - FINALLY!!! i get my first daygame lay!!! after 3 years!!!

i had made a 20 minute long video, but (maybe for the better) it refuses to upload, so time for a text post

as i've said previously, i started nampa coaching this past week. we did a fashion overhaul (~$500 for 3 shirts, 2 jeans, shoes, and some accessories).

i've also gotten hair straightening (~$200) and laser hair removal on my face (~$600 for 6 sessions over the next 9 months) in may

after a quick photoshoot from my coach and 1 billion filters, here is the result of that:
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note that i'm only posting these photos on kyil because you have to be logged in to view pics here. i was scolded by my coaching group for posting even a bottom half fashion pic on twitter bc it would potentially reveal the group's identity. so if u want to show someone this for whatever reason, pls keep it within kyil members only and just send the kyil post. ok thanks bye

wow colgate, you look like a total FAG!!!!!!!!!!!!! are u trying to date guys?????????????????????? i could knock yo ass out with ONE PUNCH!!!!!!!! what happened to roided out bulldog?????

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i've gotten ~25 matches from roughly ~200 swipes so far and it was my first day. also i didn't boost or anything and still don't know all the ins and outs.

here is the dating app: https://tapple.me/

i've seen it advertised everywhere here and my coach told me to use it (tinder has a reputation for being the "foreigner dating app" and filled with bots)

tapple is only in japan. and you need to verify yourself with a japanese ID. so you literally cannot use it unless you actually live in japan. so basically tourists are banned.


ok colgate. why the fuck were you not busting your balls with this shit months ago? you are FUCKING RETARDED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you could have been fucking killing it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i hate you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

to answer that, we need to dive back a bit deper

the blackpill cure
as you guys might know, i struggled quite a bit mentally over the past winter, to the point where i didn't even want to use this log and started a different log

back in october, some KYIL peers and i decided to test out our dating profiles in asia before actually moving there. Manganiello and lacroix set their bumble profiles to korea, while Mimbe393939 and i set ours to japan

Manganiello and lacroix got INSANE results. they were getting 100 and 30 matches a day, respectively!!!

meanwhile my brown ass was getting 2 a week. i don't remember Mimbe doing too great either (though he did better than i was doing).

i was pissed. i spent hundreds, if not thousands of dollars on fashion and photoshoots, in addition to slamming the weights in the gym for the better part of the year, and i was still getting jack shit?

(though ironically this was the impetus that finally pushed me to book a flight to japan. SAYONARA BITCHES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

but i had arrived in japan with the mindset that "white guys just have it easy, i don't get any advantages for being a foreigner despite being american, whine whine complain". no longer did i read lay reports from other guys with joy and inspiration like i once did. any time i saw a white guy with a hot japanese chick i coped and seethed. there were a couple times i stared some of them down with a grimace of disgust.

it didn't help that my housemate at the time was a total player, despite being some lanky ass mfer with stick arms. he was a white dude from europe. normally i would have jumped on the opportunity to hit the clubs every night he went out and i probably would have had some awesome experiences.

but no, i decided to mope in my room like a retard, despite moving to my teenage dream country

(hey it did help me with my workouts tho. i was going hard af in the gym lol. i went from 67 to 72kg from november to february)

the thing that initially got me out of this deep down was MakingAComeback's biohacking tips. after turning myself into a depressed emo fag from also staying up until the morning and being on the computer all day, his stuff really got me feeling good again and ready to actually take some action.

i think the best thing you can do even if you're absolutely blackpilled and full incel mode is biohacking. even if you think it's completely fucking over for you, and you will never be able to have the dating life of your dreams, the least you can do is focus on your physical health. being in a state of hopelessness obviously leads neglecting your body. and there's no fucking way you'll be able to recover out of negative mindsets and being blackpilled if the literal vehicle of your existence is broken.

so i am now convinced the #1 priority for hyper-blackpilled dudes is to biohack their way to the point of at least feeling physically good.

MakingAComeback obviously started far lower than i did and made his way as an established member in this community from his biohacking.

even before i joined the forums and was aware of the term "biohacking", in 2021 i had been focusing on health for about half a year. that resulted in me "organically" deciding i wanted to start getting into dating and ultimately finding KYIL. it happened again here in japan, once i started feeling healthy again from MAC's biohacking tips, i gained the desire to go to local social events and do things other than sit in my room all day seething.

if your body isn't healthy, you do not even have the physical capability of resolving your blackpill situation (whether it's looks or mindset/attitude on women, anything). on the other hand, if you are healthy, you will just want to start dating and being social again.

so if you're in a situation where you have a very negative attitude on dating and your action isn't helping you achieve results, i would strongly suggest spending 3-6 months doubling down on improving your physical health over anything else, and then come back to direct dating action (this would also help you build a habit of daily discipline, which is obviously also invaluable).

the asiapill
back to me getting "jack shit" on the apps in asia while my peers had more pussy than they knew what to do with.

i have realized now that i had two fundamental misunderstandings when it came to dating asian (and specifically japanese) girls:

ARCHETYPES ARE IMPORTANT. guys who naturally fall into an archetype do not realize the importance of it until they meet other guys who did not naturally fit an archetype.

the androgynous, k-pop, feminine style is the MOST ATTRACTIVE ARCHETYPE here. at least as of 2023.
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^ i swiped this pic from a JAPANESE PICKUP TWITTER account. i have no idea who this guy is nor do i have any interest in kpop

pickup guys in japan who look like this + approach like mad can get minimum 2 lays a week from just chilling, and if they push the limit and approach 5-7 hours every day, they can get 50-70 lays a MONTH. btw that's the coaching group i joined.

the degree to which this is true could not be demonstrated further than by simply looking at what points japanese pickup guys decide to invest their self-improvement in:


yes, for every rep in the gym, for every tub of chicken and rice, for every tattoo, for every beard hair growth application a western pickup guy does, a japanese pickup guy will do yet another procedure to adjust the smallest asymmetry in their face, they will add a little more makeup here in this little spot, add yet another filter to their dating and LINE profile picture.

and it works...!!!???

my coach said he has spent tens of thousands of dollars in plastic surgery and has written a whole $200 guide on what a guy might need to do. i went out to dinner with the group the other day and my coach was seething at some handsome high school boys for being naturally good looking, while he had to get a bunch of procedures to look the way he does now.

(side note: i personally do not have to do any plastic surgery because apparently i have a naturally attractive face. ironically i might have to get some kind of botox or chill on the lifting because my jaw muscles have "overdeveloped" apparently. i'm holding off on this for now but it was a comment i received)

i don't think this has ever been made aware to western pickup communities, because the second most attractive archetype is being white. furthermore, i think many foreigners who come to asia look down on japanese guys since they steal their girls (which is not entirely false lol). and this kind of feminine appearance is looked down upon by guys who have likely fucking busted their balls to become masculine.

the only reason i was able to have this awareness is because
1. i'm not white and brown people are kind of still a mysterious alien race here (people are surprised when they hear i'm american and that english is my native language)
2. i have been diving headfirst into the japanese side of pickup, rather than joining the foreigner pickup community here

FORTUNATELY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i have a very young looking face!

holy shit...looking younger than my age is going to help me for the first time in my life!

i also have naturally very good and glowing skin, so i don't even need makeup. all i needed was laser hair removal on my face and hair straightening.

wow this was accidentally a geomaxx!!!

the moment i changed my LINE pic to these kpop-idol filter ones, i got messages from three different japanese female friends i knew, and of course my 18yo classmate gf, saying how it's her type (but only the style!!! not me yet of course!!! because she's a tsundere!!!)


i'm going to give myself slack for this misunderstanding. this kind of knowledge is only the type of knowledge you could gain from actually living in a place for a while and trying to understand what's going on. admittedly i resisted it for 3-4 months because of my ego and wanting to be some FUCKIN JACKED BODYBUILDER! but i mean, you have to do what gets results lol. girls dont care about what you like at the end of the day.

(quick side note: i have actually seen incredibly jacked japanese dudes with a very specific type of tanned bimbo japanese girl archetype called "gyaru". so it's definitely not over for the jacked dudes, and if anything it's still attractive, but it's just far more polarizing. i would actually say being a gym bro is the third most attractive archetype here, provided you're still generally neat and clean looking)

on the other hand, this next misunderstanding is FUCKING RETARDED. and i wallowed way too hard in being blackpilled instead of doing my research, and it honestly should not have happened


when i talk about bumble to japanese nampa friends, they have never heard of it

Toast did get some success on bumble here. but it's literally the white guy app that probably only foreign fetisher girls know about. i remember running out of girls often while swiping on bumble.

so i basically developed an entire doomer depression mindset over results on a dating app nobody uses in the country i was targeting
^ the power of negativity. lmfao

and a side note about a key difference between korea and japan:

the english proficiency/giving a shit about% for japanese people is extremely low. i have approached maybe two girls out of ~300 who said they had any english proficiency. and very few of my japanese friends can speak english.

on the other hand, the english proficiency of korea is likely over 80%! especially if you go near university and high-class areas. furthermore, there was a time Toast and i approached a duo together. they were asian and i had approached in japanese, to which they retorted in a perfect american accent:
"you guys know we speak english right?"

we vibed with them for a bit, and they had not only perfect english, but it had a tinge of california accent and slang use. but they were 100% korean-born and raised, never been to america. what!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i didn't hear a single note of korean accent. after relaying this to lacroix, it turns out that this isn't even rare, and koreans are going hard with english, harder than anyone else in asia.

so if you are a white dude with an american accent, korea will be your playground. i might even consider checking it out myself for a gamecation.

i only elucidated on this tangent, because this helped me fully understand the bumble passport results and the disparity between mine and the korea dudes'. and it would make more sense that bumble is not only viable but excellent in korea.

anyway yes so im gonna hustle the apps blah blah etc haha ok bye
colgate said:
i've gotten ~25 matches from roughly ~200

Damn man. That's really good.

colgate said:
so if you are a white dude with an american accent, korea will be your playground. i might even consider checking it out myself for a gamecation.

Retracting most of my comment cuz I was too drunk to read lol

But Bumble is fine l, but you get super limited to a subset of girls. I was exploring new Korean apps (for Koreans) and the girls were crazy hot on there... But fuck. They all speak Korean. English level drops off the cliff.

So I'm limited there. cuz I basically run a text convo for 5 lines til I'm lost.


Idk the Korean archetype. I just know it's different than me. Entirely. And that it might not matter. Because there's a big enough niche who are ok with white dudes

But the elite girls. Who are too hot to care about school (which is like 11/10 on the hotness scale), have no English ability. And the foreigner guys here who actually day game seem to do 100% Korean speaking approaches. Cuz they're approaching those chicks.

Thos is a super first world problem
An average Korean chick is an 8/10 in North America. I'm not even kidding.

Koreans have their shit together a top looking Korean guy could put the top looking white guy to shame any day. Any fucking day. It's just nobody gets exposure to how fucking serious these guys are about looks til they're here.
colgate said:
(side note: i personally do not have to do any plastic surgery because apparently i have a naturally attractive face. ironically i might have to get some kind of botox or chill on the lifting because my jaw muscles have "overdeveloped" apparently. i'm holding off on this for now but it was a comment i received)

I wouldn't do that--as it is, your face has harmony. One part of the face affects all the others. If your jaw muscles were smaller, it would make your nose and mouth seem bigger; then you'd want to get a nose job to make your nose smaller, and it would cascade from there into a plastic surgery doom loop. Girls getting procedures lose sight of that harmony and end up looking worse than they did before.
Congrats for you colgate for finding a style that give significantly better results. And I'm glad that you're able to pull it off without plastic surgery or anything invasive.

Two things jumped out at me from your exciting Japanese adventures:

colgate said:
pickup guys in japan who look like this + approach like mad can get minimum 2 lays a week from just chilling, and if they push the limit and approach 5-7 hours every day, they can get 50-70 lays a MONTH. btw that's the coaching group i joined.

These pickup guys must be pulling your chain here. 70 lays a month would be two or three a day, everyday of the week. When would you have the time? What guy has the sex drive to pull that off?

colgate said:
the degree to which this is true could not be demonstrated further than by simply looking at what points japanese pickup guys decide to invest their self-improvement in:


yes, for every rep in the gym, for every tub of chicken and rice, for every tattoo, for every beard hair growth application a western pickup guy does, a japanese pickup guy will do yet another procedure to adjust the smallest asymmetry in their face, they will add a little more makeup here in this little spot, add yet another filter to their dating and LINE profile picture.

and it works...!!!???

my coach said he has spent tens of thousands of dollars in plastic surgery and has written a whole $200 guide on what a guy might need to do. i went out to dinner with the group the other day and my coach was seething at some handsome high school boys for being naturally good looking, while he had to get a bunch of procedures to look the way he does now.

Coming from my view as an American, this is such a bizarre culture. I can't imagine an American guy with a dozen plastic surgeries and an intricate makeup routine getting laid more than a guy with an average looking face who's in great shape (six pack muscles, etc.). Not defending the values of American women in the dating market, but it's very interesting what seems to work in Japan.
thanks everyone for the support and comments!

klondike said:
I wouldn't do that--as it is, your face has harmony. One part of the face affects all the others.
in my dating journey, i've learn that this is yet another one of those things where you hear it, and then 8-10 months down the line you end up seeing all the dots connect in the grand scheme of things, and then you may end up doing it. or maybe not.

here's a short list of similar things i've done that fall in this category during this journey:
- roids (heard in november 2021, started in april 2022 and it helped quite a bit, but since changing markets, considering PCTing possibly)
most of the really jacked instagram looking dudes that girls fall for use roids, the side effects of test e alone (tren is another conversation lol) are overstated (guys on roids still get chicks pregnant), and PCT exists
- escorts (heard in october 2021, bit the bullet in june 2022, got actually laid for real less than a month later)
you need to know what sex is like, get over your ego, it's safe because if an escort had stds she would literally lose her livelihood
- online dating (heard before i joined the forums from kyil in 2021, finally took it seriously july 2022 and got more date experience and sexual experiences)
another "drop the ego" thing, and get over your "hatred of the internet ruining the world even though it also actually massively fucking improved your life in a way that would otherwise be impossible you doomer"

Ed_ said:
These pickup guys must be pulling your chain here. 70 lays a month would be two or three a day, everyday of the week. When would you have the time? What guy has the sex drive to pull that off?
as i said in the same sentence, they were trying to push the limits and were approaching for 5-7 hours a day

https://www.youtube.com/shorts/v1WVDbUpiiM this is the kind of place they were approaching

and yes they were getting laid 2-3 times a day. it's actually interesting because somehow getting laid 3x a day here is common enough that they even have their own slang for it

my coach said he was literally not coming on purpose in a tweet. this is like the most advanced form of nofap of all time lmao.

i will not post their profile links in my public log for identity reasons, but i've posted the links over in my private log if you guys on kyil want to see it for yourself:

scroll down a bit on both profiles until you get to may. they both challenged themselves to get as many lays as humanly possible in that month, and posted lay reports + pics for every lay they got.

since then, they've been taking a bit of a month-long break and chilling since being out for 6+ hours a day approaching is obviously insane. 50-70 lays a month isn't meant to be an average, it's literally meant to be world record type shit. i'm not even expecting to ever be able to pull that shit off and the coach even told me i probably wouldn't be able to pull it off (i told him i want to get laid on average once a week from slamming the streets and he said that is probably possible). i've never heard such blunt honesty in the west haha.

you can decide if you want to believe it or not. "omg well all the photos are just generated from AI". as for me, this is the kind of insanity that i want to be a part of. i would literally rather take a risk and get duped on this and provide more value afterward to everyone than "play it safe and not believe something that doesn't sound true" from limited life experience.

sometimes the decisions that end up being the best are not the ones where you "logically evaluated from every angle and are 100% certain that it is good", but the ones that you just gambled on off of wild fucking dreams. the former assumes that you even have the experience to do such an evaluation in the first place.

FUCK IT! TAKE THE PLUNGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i think pancakemouse may be one of the few people who can maybe fathom what i'm talking about since he actively does daygame in new york, which is another "insane daygame place" on the level of tokyo.

Ed_ said:
Coming from my view as an American, this is such a bizarre culture. I can't imagine an American guy with a dozen plastic surgeries and an intricate makeup routine getting laid more than a guy with an average looking face who's in great shape (six pack muscles, etc.). Not defending the values of American women in the dating market, but it's very interesting what seems to work in Japan.
this is the exact same culture shock i had, and as i mentioned, even i had a lot of mental resistance to it until i finally was here for long enough to see it for myself, as i've said in previous posts

i think the ultimate lesson here is understanding the wants of the girls you want, and then trying to make yourself into that as much as possible (which i had not done for the longest time, especially the former)
also just had my 18yo classmate over again. she basically invited herself over

tbh there's almost zero game value from me writing out the actual story this time, so i'm not going to write a long fucking novel even though i definitely could. last night and this morning were so special that i actually would rather not explicate it all out in a public text log lol. it's going to be my secret forever, and only my experience 🥰🥰🥰 sorryyyyyyy get ur own technically legal virgin gf

random maybe value points:

pushy colgate is over, time to PULL WAY THE FUCK BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!
pulling waaaaay the fuck back and giving her space actually is making her hyper lovey-dovey to me.

i basically hardly do anything at this point because i've already proven that i have the balls to escalate on her as i please. also i know she likes me. at this point now, if i do "push hard" on something, she completely turns cold and our dynamic turns into stalemate.

framing everything i actually want to do as her idea and even straight up asking what she wants to do next has not only gotten me things i want out of her, but she's opened up about things she wants from me and given me experiences i couldn't even imagine.

deliberately going to limit how often i see her
the experience from last night was so good i told her that we should not meet next week under the premise that she needs to study for her exams and i want her to ace them.

one cool thing she had done while we were spending time together is that even tho she brought stuff to study after we fucked, she stopped in the middle of her studies and said "u know what, i can do this when i'm by myself. i want to focus on you when i'm here".

as for me, this is my fucking side project. my current goal is to bang a japanese girl!!!! this girl is chinese!!! not all asians are the same!!!!!!!!

and obviously i have more goals beyond that. i think i 70% align with pancakemouse's blog post about why he does game for all the self-improvement reasons, with the fundamental difference that i still want to chase girls for the sake of girls lol. but once i "get a girl" or whatever, even if we are a 100% perfect match and she literally tells me she loves me in a high pitched anime voice on purpose that is actually accurate (partially because she's doing it in japanese) while riding my diamond hard cock!!! over my clothes (because i still haven't completely broken into her yet), this shit is literally a drug at the end of the day and i don't want to steer this down the path where she wants to see me everyday.

so gonna limit seeing her to probably 4 times a month. we also keep the "relationship" a secret at school because it's more fun that way. i would be wasting my time if i tried to just settle into her for a while. let's just fuckin go man. i'm not ready to fall off the forums and this ride. i just got fucking started bro. i got MakingAComeback and the nampa coaching group on my ass about this because i dont know if i trust myself to be accountable on it lol

the only additional game-related goal i have with her at this point is getting her to dress up in slutty japanese high school girl clothes and looksmaxx out of her plain college asian look (she's already changed her hairstyle, avoids wearing glasses, bought dresses and skirts, and bought lingerie because of me). god to have the looksmaxxed version of her walking around with me in the city and then heading off to a love hotel would be a fucking dream.

then have a pic of us like kyil_andy's homepage
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When you fuck a girl twice you get into "relationship mode" and things change a bit. Different skillset than the "trying to fuck" phase of courtship. New territory.

Seeing her once a week is good. Don't tell her this explicitly, just let it happen. If you saw her once this week, then you're always "too busy" to see her the rest of the week.
what a day

took fucking 3 hours but i bought an iphone specifically for dating-only use (tapple android is buggy af and i also couldn't verify my line profile)

then my 18yo gf agreed to looksmaxxing for the greatest possible reason of all time:
i'm gonna wear it everywhere. to school. on our dates. you are going to have the cutest girlfriend ever and make everyone jealous

also she sent a photoshopped pic of herself with my suggestions

how the fuck did i hit the jackpot on my 5th lay ever

now i just need to do it again. several times

fuckin CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


i brought a chick all the way to my house

and then she didn't freakin ENTER!!!!!!!!!!!! FUCK YOU FUCK ME FUCK THIS GAY FAGGOTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

lesson learned from my coach: in japan, never try to instapull to your house. always instapull to a hotel.

i went to my house out of habit. now i learned my FUCKIN lesson......................................

i also learned a lot more about stops and the general stack i need to be doing, but i want to write it up more comprehensively later and i just wanted to type a bunch of exclamation marks right now. there were obviously a lot of things i was doing wrong earlier but also a lot of things i was right about

the main misconception i had is it's not quite rocket approach and focusing on the number of approaches is probably bad because then you get penalized for actually vibing with girls. still, 30-50+ approaches over 3-4 hours is not rare

and i learned it's not even instadates

it's freaking instapulls

it's literally, talk in the station, go to the convenience store, and instapull to a hotel (hotels in japan have e.g. 2-3 hour rates, lmfao they know people do this shit)

if you can't instapull cuz of the girl but the vibe is good, you can exchange contacts and try for a date that way. in that case pulling to your house is ok. but not for instadates/instapulls

wed 6/14: 15 approaches, 1 contact
thu 6/15: 13 approaches, 1 failed instapull
Omg. Instapull too. Bummer man.

Lesson for next time.

Would've been a sick lay report.

What's the logic with the love hotel pull?
I thought that would automatically be higher last minute resistance and antislut defence.
Manganiello said:
Omg. Instapull too. Bummer man.

Lesson for next time.

Would've been a sick lay report.

What's the logic with the love hotel pull?
I thought that would automatically be higher last minute resistance and antislut defence.

yeah, actually that logic is completely backwards in japan

somehow going to your house is scarier

i think with hotels, there's staff and it's a predictable environment for the girl. it's not like you'll have a freaking knife collection in a hotel and if something goes wrong, the girl can probably just loudly scream or press some emergency button idk

this is also the second time this has happened to me. and i didn't realize the pull location itself was the problem

probably will try to convince my gf to go with me to a love hotel one of these days to check it out
Honestly even in places without a love hotel culture, there is a general psychological block for girls to come to strangers' houses. I've had my fair share of failed pulls that fell apart right at my front door, very frustrating.
Interesting. I've always felt that bringing a chick to a hotel is sleazy. My reasoning is that there's no possibility of being discrete as it's clear as a day what's going on, and the girl is going to feel like she's getting judged as a hoe by the hotel staff. I've only pulled to a hotel once (my first lay) and didn't really like the experience. I've banged in my car several times out of necessity, but if I don't have my car, or my place isn't nearby, I set things up for later. A hotel never crosses my mind. The culture is different in Japan, I guess.

I always ensure a girl is sufficiently comfortable with me before pulling to my place. This is really an ad hoc judgment call. Sometimes the girl is ready to go from the get-go, but sometimes I sense she needs some more warming up for the pull. My pretext is always to grab another drink, or to smoke a cigarette.
Honestly, back in my country we have the same love hotel culture as Japan and since I didn't have a place my only alternative was hotels. I can say I struggled way more than I do now to pull girls.

I mean there's not much to say here, that's a clear implication that ''sex is going to happen'' there and even if we pretend it's not important, many girls if not most will be put off by that alone, even if they're DTF. And trust me, I was very pushy.

Hell, even the ones that did pull and hooked up were vocal about it.

That's completely different from ''just chilling'' at your place or ''watch a movie''. It's a no-brainer. I don't get where is this coach coming from honestly.

My humble opinion is that this is simply normal and expected. Guys here have this fantasy that somehow just because a girl went on a date with you she's 100% guaranteed to fuck you. It's not how it works. But when you do this enough, it's way more clear that, yeah, not all girls will enter your house (and yes, some will enter and not have sex with you).

This is normal. Just keep going and eventually, one will not only enter your place but also have sex with you.
Fuckboy Aspirant said:
Honestly, back in my country we have the same love hotel culture as Japan
you had the love hotel culture perhaps, but your country also wasn't japan, where the most attractive archetype is a guy putting on lip gloss in the middle of the sesh (this is NOT hyperbole)

Fuckboy Aspirant said:
That's completely different from ''just chilling'' at your place or ''watch a movie''. It's a no-brainer. I don't get where is this coach coming from honestly.

again, i tried to think of the logic here, i might actually dig into it later and find out what japanese people's reasons would be. but this is what i gleaned: https://killyourinnerloser.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=59032#p59032

i basically have to drop my brain out of the picture and follow instructions from someone who knows his way in and out of the country...and hundreds of girls...from this exact method

also i shouldn't have said "love hotel" because that's not the only type of hotel here lol. also most guys don't pull to straight up love hotels haha. i think i just mixed up wanting to go to a love hotel and having a convenient person to go to one with, with the hotels that would be used for nampa

yes, love hotels exist, but there are """regular""" hotels that aren't "meant" for sex. the rates are hourly, not daily (they have "break" and "stay" rates). i guess the "target audience" for those outside of fucking, are probably the same audience as manga/net cafes. except it's more comfortable. if you have a long commute or otherwise want to just take a break, you can check into one of these hourly hotels.

so i think there is actual plausible deniability on the girl's part even if you pull to a hotel.

but idk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i hate theory discussions when we haven't really executed anything yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i will post a lay report and then we can wank each other off about theories!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
colgate said:
i basically have to drop my brain out of the picture and follow instructions from someone who knows his way in and out of the country...and hundreds of girls...from this exact method

So much wisdom in one sentence.
hey, next post from me (in this thread and on other threads) will be when i get another lay

posting for accountability

Oh damn, nice that you got a girlfriend now, congrats as well. You’re resilience so far has been so inspiring to see, man. Your posts always make me enthusiastic and want to work hard

Sensei Colgate😎