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DAY 8 : Gonna be off a few days | Ovnidos Log, from the deep to the everest (5'5'' bastard)

Well done brother. It has barely been a month and you got your second ever lay! Just keep up the effort. Consistency will make sure you succeed. There will come a point where those feelings of neediness will subside, the more success you have - the more that you prove to yourself that 'yes - I can get laid.'
Thebastard said:
Well done brother. It has barely been a month and you got your second ever lay!

Thanks bro !! Tbh honest I’ve been on OLD since October. But my new profile pic (my actual avatar) changed the amount of matches I’ve got drastically.
DAY 23 :

Last exam and last day of uni... don't have the time to deep down into my feelings for now. Tonight will be my last party at my uni.

I don't even plan to night game, because we can't dance or move in the restaurant. You should sit at anytime, or mask-up to go to the toilets.

Fuck this I'm not a robot : Sit there. Mask-Up. Don't dance. Don't try to have fun to much it spread c-19.
ovnidos said:
DAY 23 :

Last exam and last day of uni... don't have the time to deep down into my feelings for now. Tonight will be my last party at my uni.

I don't even plan to night game, because we can't dance or move in the restaurant. You should sit at anytime, or mask-up to go to the toilets.

Fuck this I'm not a robot : Sit there. Mask-Up. Don't dance. Don't try to have fun to much it spread c-19.

Europe sounds mad rn come over to America for some real night game.
DAY 24 :

Got my new camera! It's the Canon E05 550D with a 18-135mm lense. Is it a good pick ? Should I buy another lens?
Good job on taking action with the camera king!

Your kit lens will be fine for much of our purposes, but if you do want to get further thoughts on lenses, we have a photographer here who is brilliant and may be willing to give you some advice: MILFandCookies

ovnidos said:
DAY 24 :

Got my new camera! It's the Canon E05 550D with a 18-135mm lense. Is it a good pick ? Should I buy another lens?

Congrats on your first camera!

A solid choice for portraits is on KillYourInnerLoser's DSLR buying guide: https://kyil-extra.com/dslr-camera-guide/#recommended

Get the Canon lens recommended under Option #2

If you want to get an even better one, I've since upgraded my 50mm to this one: https://www.amazon.com/Canon-Standard-Medium-Telephoto-Cameras/dp/B00009XVCZ

Keep practicing. It took me a while of consistent shooting to get good. Also shoot on full manual all the time. Some photographers prefer Aperture Priority when they get good, but if you're just learning Full Manual helps you learn much better.
Thanks bros!

MILFandCookies What's the key parameter for a portrait oriented lens like the focal length ?
DAY 25 :

It's been 2 crazy days, I got wasted twice. Tbh I know this behaviour is kinda toxic, but once in a bluemoon I like to be drunk af on the dancefloor not caring for the next day. But don't worry, I'm no alcoholic, I never drink on a daily basis or something.

I know it's not new year resolutions. But I'm actually at a turning point in my life. I add my last exam on Friday. I own my school to do an internship until September, then I will be a real adult lmao. a Mechanical engineer.

Reflection on the past 4 years :

I've been in this uni since 2017, I spend a lot of time there, and I regret a lot of things. Because of the comfort I've got with my ex-gf I never invested my self into the campus life.

So during the 1st and 2nd year I was doing nothing, just study and watchin' netflix dumb shit with her.

3rd year, I went to Erasmus in Poland, this shit was wild, the best moment of my life. Still got my eyes wet when thinking about this part of my life. Then covid hit us, we spend few months in total lock-down, I kinda liked it at first it made me reflect a lot on my life, I read a lot. But covid also hit when I was truly ready to have a real social life. Too bad.

4th and 5th year: All the campus life have been put on hold since. We did a few parties at the uni club, but that's all... I'm really sad I think I wasted my uni time.

Don't get me wrong I've made friends, I'm in a group of a few really solid guys, and we all got each other back. What stress me is actually the fact that I'll not be surrounded by peoples of my age 24/7. I'm afraid that I won't make new friends. I'm afraid that my life will be fucking boring.

But that's a good thing, I'm so afraid to have a boring life, that I cannot not grind. I can't see myself behind a screen doing a job I hate for 40years. The fear is driving me and motivate me, idk if it's healthy tho.

I've got a few options in my head :
-Continue studies into a phD 'cause I research, I think it's my favourite field or engineering
-Double master in business engineering, I don't like business, but I can do a lot of shit for good money (11k€ for a year)
-Double master specialization in Welding, (6k€ for a year)
-Get the fuck out there and find a job abroad in some sunny place (Florida, Mexico, or some relax south-east Asian country)

So what's the plan until September ?

-Gym on a PPLPP split every lunch break, I'll do my exact workout plan on Monday when I'll see how's the gym near my work.
-Slight calories surplus for continuing gaining that mass.
-When I'm at work they barely ask me anything so I'm free on internet almost all day, I'll use that time to dig down into crypto market, side hustle, and reading some pdf.
-So cause gym and research would have been down earlier in the day, all my late afternoon and evening can be spent : socializing, taking pics for OLD, fucking girls...

I'm excited and stressed at the same time by my new life.

Monday back to the real grind
ovnidos said:
Thanks bros!

@MILFandCookies What's the key parameter for a portrait oriented lens like the focal length ?

If you're super serious get a few of them. a 24 or 35, a 50 and an 85.

If you want one lens to rule them all, get a 50 - one of the ones I linked in my other reply.
DAY 26 :
Did contact my 1st OLD lay after the convo went dry. Me want to fuck + she has a flat, so it's nice logistics to get my dick wet on a weekly basis while I pursue other's goal. We agreed to meet again on Thursday. I think she'll flake..

Tomorrow after work I'll try to take a fizeek pic for OLD, like the one pancakemouse sended me. I won't achieve first try tho, but I'll start.

Went to my daily gym for the 1st time and its fucking HUUUUUGE, and the amount of ppl is manageable.

Did grocery for a 2000kcal week, let's see how my weight evolve.
Did the workout plan, with the main goal : get these fucking lateral delts POPING.
I'll attach my workout plan there. The sheer amount of work for delts is huge, I don't know if I can handle it, we will see.

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DAY 27 :

Did buy a remote and took some insides pics. This is my better attempt, I think. I don't have that studio look. I've got photoshop and I kinda know how to use it.

So questions :
-Is the pose good ?
-Is the edit good ?
-Am I enough muscular/lean to post this studio look pics?
-Is the studio look achieve? and if not how to achieve it?

pancakemouse any tips ? (Thanks!)

other pics : unedited

Gym :
Push workout was so fine, I even got soreness in my back lmao
Huge potential here dude, just huge.

The tat and muscles are major, low bodyfat, so much positive here.

MakingAComeback said:
Huge potential here dude, just huge.

The tat and muscles are major, low bodyfat, so much positive here.


So happy that i've started this gym journey 3years ago, way before the difficult times
The lighting is hurting you. Check this out: https://www.wikihow.com/Photograph-Bodybuilders

You don't have to go that professional, but you can replicate the basic concepts with lights at home.
pancakemouse said:
The lighting is hurting you. Check this out: https://www.wikihow.com/Photograph-Bodybuilders

You don't have to go that professional, but you can replicate the basic concepts with lights at home.

Thanks, I'm also gonna change all the manuals settings thanks to the guide!

SpongeBob said:
Looking good dude!

No good enough to get my fair shit ton of matches.

DAY 28 :

Did change my pics for these :

Saturday, I'm going to take outsides pics with my rings, I'll also plan to go do a climbing photoshoot w/ flatmate.
Perhaps I'll also ask my mom to take portraits of me. I know it's kinda weird, but she's cool, so why not asking.

I hate my work as an intern, I've got like 0 tasks to do, all the task I've got are on old bc I need some informations and my superior don't bother answering my emails, even when I go to ask them face2face.

So fuck this, tomorrow I'm gonna go with my own computer, pretend to do some school related stuff and instead do whatever the fuck I want. Don't get me wrong they're nice and everything but I feel fucking invisible, the intern which no one talk to.

Thebastard I'm reading your GEP all day, currently at p405! Can't wait to see you success
Looking fairly lean, now to add some lean mass to really get those muscles popping out.

What would you be doing in place of nothing at the internship? Working on the passive income?