DAY 8 : Gonna be off a few days | Ovnidos Log, from the deep to the everest (5'5'' bastard)

ovnidos said:
pancakemouse said:
Big problem for a lot of guys. The personality is the hardest thing to change but at 22 and with a more moldable brain you should be able to add some "edge" to your dates and subcommunicate that you're a more casual kind of guy.

I was thinking that I was enough edgy in our convo, being very cocky & narcissistic. Also the fact that I was ending my studies and working and she was just beginning (22 vs 19yo). But your right i think

Shit dude, good profile.

Personally I found the less you talk the better. I have literally 3 modes:

-Ask a question. Nothing too serious. Like chatting with a buddy "So how was your week" etc

-Bounce off a word or theme from that question to ask another question, or make a funny assumption/tease. Just remember everyone's favourite topic is themselves.

-If all else fails say something random. Look around the room and make a random observation or tell a story. Who cares. The god of conversation is not going to reach down and punish you.

I find the less you talk and reveal about yourself the better. She'll fill in the gaps with your appearance, body language and where you take her. Reality will NEVER be able to compete with the potential you she invents in her head.
DAY 79 & 80 :
Gonna do a photoshoot this weekend, jacuzzi and nature and sport, I'll upload you the pics guuuuys
DAY 81 :
Tomorrow morning is street workout shirtless pic with my wing, if some of you guys got some inspiration pics I would be glad to get them !
I saw your first post with your blackpill thoughts about height and I thought i'd share something cool.

My dad is 60 years old, poor, bald, no style at all and about the same height as you.
He dated a 6feet tall, slim, 23 year old for 4 years. She was decent looking too. 6/10 on a good day. They even had a baby. So i'm a brother now at 27, haha.
Dad is a gigachad at DIY though, and has a very don't give a fuck attitude. If you told him that he's too short to get women he'd laugh at you.

I've been on a few boards who are blackpilled about height and it sad to see young men believe they can't get women when my own dad was dating a young cuite.
Olafsmash said:
Dad is a gigachad

Dammmn bro, your dad is wildin', glad to hear that, I don't think I'm blackpilled tho, this very night when i talk about my insecurities i makeout with 2 girls so I guess it's just dumb of me.

DAY 82 :
So the street workout photoshoot didn't went well at all, I had trouble to pose, and my wing, (sorry man) was very bad at taking pics lmao. But the spot is nice, at 9am there's nobody. So we will progress from there.

The issues I've got :
Bad facial expression
Bad lighting on face and torse
Head not well shaved
Also very bad setting, making my pale skin so bright. I don't know if i can solve that in post prod
I'll change color setting if one is worthy using

And the worst i badly trimmed my bear so i look like i've got a goat

I'll drop my fav ones letmme know what you think, but honestly I don't think even one is worthy. I need to work on myself to get that proper professional look.
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I wouldnt use any of these. Good try man.

Colour can be fixed in post but it’s not worth it.

Learn to pose. Most of the time posing with your mouth closed us best or lips relaxed and slightly parted. I did a whole set of images very similar in my log somewhere
I second the comment above. Keep up the practise. Remind yourself photography and modeling is both learned skills that will take time to master and that there's no reason you can't get good at it too!
Olafsmash You're right man, I went out today to take more urban pics, I'll post it now :)
Adrizzle I'll check thanks man

DAY 83 : I think some of them could be cool

Went photoshooting again on a rooftop parking, I think we did better than the street workout. These 2 spots are ideal, because they're empty in the morning, we can improve there without stressing of ppl looking at us.
So here they are in low quality :
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ovnidos said:
Went photoshooting again on a rooftop parking, I think we did better than the street workout. These 2 spots are ideal, because they're empty in the morning, we can improve there without stressing of ppl looking at us.
So here they are in low quality :

I think the smile in nr 3 is the only positive thing in these photos. But IMO, if your gonna have a set with a jacket like that, a more "serious" face fits better.
The style is also all over the place, too many colors. For this jacket and the pants, I think a well fitted black T shirt would be best and silver color necklace. The jacket is also a bit baggy and too long, but I think you can overcome that with correct poses. Also, the cap doesnt not fit in at all.
Lastly the lighting is terrible. Compare your profile picture lighting to this one. It's night and day difference.
Olafsmash Ok man thanks for your comment, I'll implement your advices for the next photoshoot.
Olafsmash said:
Lastly the lighting is terrible
But about the lighting, as it was a cloudy day, what can I do to improve as it's natural lighting ? Is it only ps editing ?
ovnidos said:
But about the lighting, as it was a cloudy day, what can I do to improve as it's natural lighting
I am not good with lightning, you'll have to research how to get the correct lighting for the desired sets you are doing. Also learn your camera settings in and out. You have to adjust the camera settings based on time of day, where the sun points, if there is no sun etc. Plenty of knowledge on youtube about this.
ovnidos said:
But about the lighting, as it was a cloudy day, what can I do to improve as it's natural lighting ? Is it only ps editing ?
Put the camera in Av mode, and then set it to the lowest f stop number. It'll help with lighting.
DAY 84 :
Damn date flaked, and the supposed one tomorrow seem.. unresponsive, I guess it's cancel also.

Used 3 or 4 boosts since the weekend, and that shit work, I'll message all girl tonight lets see what happen
DAY 85 :
Didn't messaged all the girls. I've defintly have this behaviour that i've got on other area of my life :

While confronting to too many failures, I just delay the failure, so i act like a coward, and don't send texts, don't do the shits that should be done. And guess what, the result of this behaviour is MORE failure. I really need to alter that, rn it's a turning point of my journey
Olafsmash said:
Lastly the lighting is terrible. Compare your profile picture lighting to this one. It's night and day difference.

Seconding this also. The sky is washed almost to complete white, which combined with the white wall you're standing in front of, give the whole photo a very washed look.

Some suggestions:

  • Finding a background that's more textured and darker
  • Stand back further from the background, so it's less in focus (actually all your photos have a deep "depth of field" -- foreground and background are in focus -- see Andy's example here. You should be shooting with as low a f-stop as possible, so you're in focus but not the background)
  • Take the photo closer to the "gold hour", so the sun isn't as bright. You are right about the cloudy day, but it's still too bright in this instance
  • Take the photo under shade, if there is still too much sun
ovnidos said:
Didn't messaged all the girls. I've defintly have this behaviour that i've got on other area of my life :

When I started Online Dating, I would wait a week to message matches due to anxiety. What helped me was I realized I was insecure and using my "number of matches" as a measure of my attractiveness. Messaging the girls would mean a chance they don't reply or unmatch me. After a few weeks I gave myself a deadline to message them anything, so I would just send a copy paste pickup line if I didn't know what to say. It sucked because most of them didn't reply but it helped me internalize that no matter what individual girls do, it doesn't affect the outcome of future girls. And having girls sit in your queue is no different than having them ghost you since u aren't meeting them.

I don't cold approach consistently because I don't enjoy going out at the moment, but I also found trying to cold approach can help here because it forces you to confront your deepest insecurities. In my case I was scared of 2 things: getting laughed at by the girl for having the audacity to express sexual intent (because I am supposed to be nonmasculine), and getting laughed at by men for being rejected/unattractive. The former is silly because why would they match me if they didn't see me as a potential partner? The latter I realized a good friend would never do that.
Rice said:
When I started Online Dating, I would wait a week to message matches due to anxiety. What helped me was I realized I was insecure and using my "number of matches" as a measure of my attractiveness. Messaging the girls would mean a chance they don't reply or unmatch me. After a few weeks I gave myself a deadline to message them anything, so I would just send a copy paste pickup line if I didn't know what to say. It sucked because most of them didn't reply but it helped me internalize that no matter what individual girls do, it doesn't affect the outcome of future girls. And having girls sit in your queue is no different than having them ghost you since u aren't meeting them

Man that’s exactly that, I always said I’ll to it tonight then I skip etc etc. But we’ve got the same feeling that I’ve got surpass
MakingAComeback thank for thinking about me, brother! I’m deeply touched. Here’s the big news :

DAY 94 : 2nd lay of the year which lead me to 3 lays ever

What happened since last post:

Damn boys, sorry for not updating you. I did use my boosts since last time, I had like 50 matches.

But facing this quantity of work and possible rejection I was stuck. like I described in my last post. But at some point I said enough is enough. So I went on tinder on my computer, did a spreadsheet and messaged all the girls at once. And try to analyse the data. As I did it three days before, I will not publish them until lays, or dead leads/dates.

Only think I can say rn, is that a personnalized text, will get me on average 4x the reponse rate than the “hey, your cute…”. But it take more time. Also the girl that answer the template are perhaps more DTF than the girls that answer the personnalized text, i don’t know yet.

the lay :

She’s a girl from Bumble, 6/10 thin waist, nice ass, cute face but not a model

As the messages she sent me were showing her as really dumb (she was), I wasn’t really interested. But she kept pushing for meeting up on Thursday. As I wanted to know if she was DTF, I sent her my fizeek pic that I did post on the forum few posts above. Which she answered : “Why are your hands white ?” (because of the shit I use at the gym for get my hands non-slippery). few hours or days later, she sent me a video of her in a tight dress.

Until the last moment, I didn’t want to meet her. But my roommate and Rice hype me up to do so. As the planet aligned this night, none of my roommates were at the flat which isn’t very frequent, I said “Hugo, stop fucking around and lets go”. She asked me to come and meet her at her bakery. Which I answered, “yeah, and then we go take a drink at my flat?” and she said yes.

But as the girls sometimes tend to be really naive, I knew it could mean nothing..

I went to the bakery.

Here I’ve got to mention that she was taller than me, like 2cm. I was prepared to this eventuality. But thanks to Thebastard log, where he mentioned that he fucked taller girls, and to Rice who also mention it, I went with confidence.

we walk 10 minutes on my flat, I made her a tour of the flat and then we went sitting on the coach. We talk for like 20 minutes, her body language was awful. Leg crossed in the opposite direction, not even looking at me. I used my rings to put them on her finger, to get some physical touch.

And then, at some point, she talk a bit about her eye or some shit, she turn at me and BAM, I kiss her, we makeout, I take her to bed, a bit of foreplay. My dick was rock hard, then I put on a condom.

And boom flat dick, like last time. We makeout a bit again but my dick stopped working… So I remove the condom, and my dick went back rock hard. So I guess my dick isn’t the issue but the condoms. I’ve got an average size dick. But some condom, perhaps squeeze my dick without me noticing it. I talk the issue with my roommate, and he said to buy king-size, I will and try them first time alone.
Tho, at the end I managed to put another condom with an hard dick and fuck her.

We showered, and went out eating a delicious kebab.

end of today story boys I’m so happy and proud, like last, time none of this shit would have been possible with your precious support shoutout to my bro Squilliam !.
Congrats bro.

Have you tried using a thinner brand of condom? Pancake recommended me Okamoto 004s and I've found them to be great