Goals for 2023 - NightRoller's Semiregular Update Log

9/27 Update:

-Tried 1 perfume
-Went out and approached people in the bar setting. Total approached this night: 23
-Ate over calories by a bit.
-Funny story while out approaching: I opened a group of girls who were at a popular bar in my town, then asked one of them for her phone number... and it turned out she was a lead I'd gotten the number from on Tinder before, and by her lack of record of our conversation, it seemed like she'd deleted our convo before---revived from the dead (except she has a "situationship" now anyway). Playing the long game with some of these girls.
-I need to go get some fruits and vegetables. My diet is suffering from a lack of them... and I'm not helping it by eating a ton of junk. I need more fiber from plants in my diet. But I don't have the time to get to the grocery store... It's a difficult situation.
NightRoller said:
9/27 Update:

-Tried 1 perfume
-Went out and approached people in the bar setting. Total approached this night: 23
-Ate over calories by a bit.
-Funny story while out approaching: I opened a group of girls who were at a popular bar in my town, then asked one of them for her phone number... and it turned out she was a lead I'd gotten the number from on Tinder before, and by her lack of record of our conversation, it seemed like she'd deleted our convo before---revived from the dead (except she has a "situationship" now anyway). Playing the long game with some of these girls.
-I need to go get some fruits and vegetables. My diet is suffering from a lack of them... and I'm not helping it by eating a ton of junk. I need more fiber from plants in my diet. But I don't have the time to get to the grocery store... It's a difficult situation.

23 groups or 23 girls? Generally approach counts go by the set, not the total number of girls in the group. But if you actually approached 23 groups, kudos.
Update 9/27:

-Stayed out far too late and ruined my sleep, but talked to 49 or more people (counting all groups as the number of people I actually talked to, not the group size itself). That brings my total for approaching before October to 72/100. Saw my friend/wing and met a couple of his friends out and about. He gets pretty serious and focused when he's gaming though, so it's harder to talk to him, but it feels good having an ally among the lighthearted "friends" of the night when you're talking with a third of the patrons in a venue.
-Among those, I did at least 3 distinct approaches/opens of sets, with some others sprinkled throughout as I was having quite a fine time. No numbers, but this was the first night where I actually felt like I was actually doing genuine attempts at nightgame, with a decent (nonzero) shot of finding a gal interested and taking her back. This is massive progress from the anxiety-ridden totally-a-weak-nerd approached that used to be all I could muster in a night.
-Thanks to RPD, the KYIL site, Pancake Mouse, and some others for helping me get my fashion on point enough; I was one of few with leather jackets and received many compliments for it and the band shirt underneath (funny to me is how the shirt is actually pretty poor quality, but in the bar setting its color stands out well behind the jacket). Swing dance also helped me get over my worries/anxiety and just dance/groove whenever I wanted to improve my state after a little while. No alcohol for me in the entire night though. See picture for after my return home:

-Ate 2.5 days' worth of calories in a day because I focused too much on "do I want to eat X" instead of "do I feel hungry enough to eat? If not, no need to think about food", and I had stuff in my fridge that "was old" that I "needed to finish". Pish posh.
-Went for a fun 25-minute run and hit the gym.


Sadly, I didn't do some incredible feat like approaching 23 groups that had girls with them. Maybe a third of them had girls, and it was groups of 1-3 people I counted for those approaches, but only one of those approaches was a genuine "approach" of a girl, so to speak. Still breaking my own anxiety ice. We're making progress.
9/28 Update:

-Ate a ton again; prioritized reaching my goal of approaching and getting homework done enough.
-Tried a perfume
-Went out and talked to 18 people in bar settings, keeping it shorter to get enough sleep.
-Made 3+ approaches/attempts on girls. No numbers/kisses.
-Worked a shift of door
Update 9/30:

-Ate 2.5x my allotted calories. I need to seriously focus on learning how to eat reasonably again. Already gaining some pounds as a result. But going to wait until I have the time to deal with it properly instead of stressing out about it at a time I can't deal with it.
-Talked to another 18 people. Made a shot for a number or pull on 3 girls and actually got my first nightgame contact! And that brings me to 108 of the 100 person goal I made to break my anxiety in the nightgame setting.
-Went for a run to feel less like shit from eating wayyy too much.
NightRoller said:
Update 9/30:

-Ate 2.5x my allotted calories. I need to seriously focus on learning how to eat reasonably again. Already gaining some pounds as a result. But going to wait until I have the time to deal with it properly instead of stressing out about it at a time I can't deal with it.

Whether you deal with it now or not, I think some sort of explanation is needed here. What is causing this?
Update 9/30:
-Went to gym and made sure to go to the point where I felt fatigue and was a few reps from failure on everything except squats
-Ate 2/3 of an entire share/family size bag of peanut M&Ms while watching youtube videos, so went over my calorie goal by a mile
-Drove a lot, so didn't have much time

pancakemouse said:
Whether you deal with it now or not, I think some sort of explanation is needed here. What is causing this?
This is a very pertinent point that I want to break down into two questions: First, why am I eating so much/not following my goal so severely, recently (in the past week or so)? Secondly, why am I having such difficulty following my goal/what habits and mindsets get in my way of moving towards this goal of losing weight, while also encouraging weight gain?

To answer the first question: In order to focus on other goals that were more time-sensitive, like finishing homework for this weekend and getting the "talk to 100 people in a bar setting" goal done before October, I put less pressure on myself to focus and maintain healthy eating habits, and at some point stopped having the energy to care about how I wasn't balancing out the days I went over my goal (though I've kept counting the calories).

In answer to the second question, I've been ruminating over it for quite a while, and I've thought of several factors that contribute to it, including:
  • I have the notion that I need to eat lunch and dinner in some set time ranges (even when doing so puts me out of my calorie goals).
  • I want to avoid food going to waste, which has 2 effects: I frequently take free food I don't need, and when food is deemed "junk I need to get rid of" (because it doesn't fit my diet) or "about to expire soon", I tend to eat it myself (often in large quantities) to "get rid" of it instead of throwing it away or giving it to a friend.
  • The thought of eating some tasty food that I have available in my fridge/pantry triggers me to want to eat some, even when I'm full. Especially if it's particularly sweet or savory. My brain bypasses my goals, bypasses checking whether my stomach is full, and goes to the conclusion "I should eat X" up until the point food is gone, or my mind goes away from food, or I'm so stuffed from eating that it almost (or does) hurt.
  • Instead of eating only enough to satisfy my stomach, I have the mentality of "clean my plate" and not wasting food. I'm happy to eat leftovers when I take them home and put them in my fridge though.
  • I have a stockpile of "healthy" but not low-calorie-dense foods stored in my room, which make it easy to rack up calories quick. Now that I'm learning about better options from sources like Greg Douchette (on Youtube), I realize that having things like regular cheese in my fridge is taking up valuable space that I could use for healthier and less caloric options. So what do I do? Ration it out day by day to slowly remove it? No, I binge-eat a bunch of it all at once, adding unnecessary calories to my intake.
  • When relaxing or watching a video or Youtube or otherwise consuming media, I frequently feel the urge to mindlessly eat (again, ignoring my own physical needs and fullness). This may be partly accidental training on my part, as I often open up my phone while eating lunch or dinner to have "something to do" while eating. Around meals too, when I do use my phone or computer, I eat more.
  • My work has next to no vegetables or fruits or options without fried/breaded foods or sandwich buns on the menu. I easily overeat there, with the added downside of the food there being high in calories, and neglect to consider whether I should skip my meal and instead use my allotted free item to buy something to take home for another day's meal.
This might not be all the factors. It is most of the ones bouncing around in my head. As you can see, I've been thinking through them. I've also been identifying ways to tackle them and change the situation, story, or mindset so that I can flip the script to eat in a positive, mindful way where I don't feel like I'm fighting myself or constantly thinking about food or my next meal.
I've done this for porn/masturbation. I can do this for food.
For 10/1-10/2, I will likely continue eating in a terrible fashion to give myself a clear picture of how terrible it feels to do so and physically see the negative effects it has on my body and my progress:
I burp acidic burps more, I feel bloated more often, I rarely have a stomach that doesn't feel stretched by food, I'm constantly flatulent, and I can literally see my belly rounding out with fat. I often feel uncomfortable about how much I ate and feel like throwing up sometimes. It's the worst. And a life like this... after a year or two, I could look like Nickocado Avocado and be one of the most unattractive dudes in the dating market. As I am, I'm about 5 lbs heavier than I was when I started and 7 lbs heavier than a week and a half ago. I eat little fruit and vegetables and constantly look over at the "sugar shelf" of foods I got for entertaining guests, not for my own consumption. I feel my belly when I bend down and when I run. It feels like shit. I hope I'm gaining muscle simultaneously but the likelihood is slim, and I'm not lifting heavy enough for that because I'm supposed to be on a caloric deficit which doesn't allow for much room to recover from a serious hard workout. This is the worst. This is my anti-vision. This is a nightmare. I will convince myself and maybe others of that. It's terrible to let my "ooh, X food sounds delicious" impulses dictate when and what and how much I eat.
No. No more, come Monday. It's going to be refreshing to diet after this. I'm going to go to the store and buy a variety of low-calorie filling foods and recognize portion sizes and the calorie intake thereof, and it's going to be awesome. I'm going to feel so good eating healthy vegetables for snacks. I'll love getting out of my room more to study in places not next to my fridge. It will be an amazing time, because it won't be as terrible as living like this. I don't know why I let myself get here in the first place, to this degree. Maybe I'll even cut back on torturing myself for the next couple days up to Monday. But Monday, I'll look at my anti-addiction toolbox and apply it towards food. I will not quit until I reach my goal, even if I have another detour. Thus, I will not fail to reach my goal of looking decent with abs, even if it takes me a year to do it. But I still aim to have it done by January 1st.
Update 10/1:

-Went for a decent run, listened to some KYIL material on Youtube.
-Overate again, but more on the protein side.
-No approaches, but flirted with some relatives' cute friends
Update 10/2:

-Approached no one
-Worked on homework that's been my main source of stress recently, and brainstormed ideas for how to take this "lose weight" thing seriously. I'm up 10 pounds from where I started on this journey, 150 as of today. But the cool thing is that I can start fresh, and show myself and others that setbacks don't have to be failures as long as you keep working on your systems and don't give up on improving yourself towards your goals. Details on how I'll work on this goal yet to come in typed-out form.
Update 10/3:

-Day approached 1 girl. Took a long time to get myself to actually approach someone, probably because it's been a few days since the last one
-Ate a calorie deficit close to my planned goal

This gets into more of the theory and food mentalities than cold approach, but here's some of the tools I'm going to use to reduce my overeating:
-I will journal each morning about my goal (losing fat/eating less) as well as one aspect of it (a difficult situation to be wary of in advance, or a reason why I'm going towards this goal, or reminders of what would happen if I did the opposite of this goal and how fucking bad that would feel).
-I will avoid eating snacks, though I can allow for one some days
-I will avoid eating large amounts of calorie-heavy food, like pizza, nuts, candy, non-lowfat cheese, etc.
-I will let spoiling food spoil if eating it means I would go over my calorie goal
-I will eat more fruits, vegetables, and lean meats
-I will save leftovers more often and not feel guilty about doing so
-I will not watch movies or videos while eating. Reading a book is fine, or doing homework if I must, but otherwise I want to focus on my food and remind myself that I'm full
-I will focus on my stomach's fullness and not on the thought of food itself when considering when to eat
-I will mainly eat only during mealtimes, and I will plan out what I eat in advance; no continued "I still have calories left for the day", "I still feel hungry/not stuffed", "I just feel like continuing to eat" excuses
-I will exercise when I can, including continuing progress at the gym to become stronger/keep my muscles from deteriorating.
-I will use journaling to "vent" when I feel hungry or feel like eating when I'm not actually hungry. Instead of eating at those times, I will offer myself another pleasurable activity, such as drinking water, going for a walk, doing some homework, talking to girls, playing around on piano, or something that isn't connected to my phone or computer. I will stay outside my dorm room (which is my food storage) more often in favor of using my dorm's lounges to reduce the feelings of "oh, I should eat X because I looked over and saw it sitting there".
-I will aim to eat many low-calorie filling foods, like salads, egg whites, fresh fruits (not bananas), certain veggies, no-fat no-sugar yogurt, and so on.

These will help me to aim high and do my best in this diet, and make it sustainable for me.
Update 10/4:

-Hit gym. Increasing at least a few things each time, and total weight lifted every time.
-Went for a short run, about 8 minutes. I'm finding it easier to keep going while running when thinking "One month from now, this will be even easier, and I'll be able to run faster and go longer." Painting that mental picture of where I will be only a month from now helps fuel me when I'm feeling "tired".
-Went slightly over maintenance calories, I think, when going out for gyros. Next time I want to take half of it as leftovers instead, and skip the beer
-Posted a picture on Instagram that got a decent bit of attention. I think it actually looks more like the kind of vibe I'm aiming for, that of a cool male model. But I take too many pictures just standing or sitting or leaning, and too few of me actually doing stuff. I want to change that, have some pictures of me when I'm talking to someone or walking and holding a cup or a bottle.
-Got a DM from a 17-year-old from my old high school who follows me. Was an example of 2 things: 1. I had an opportunity to practice avoiding any explicit language or even insinuated descriptions of wanting anything sexual with her--though she seems to realize my implication much later than I thought she did, and refuses that offer--because even if she comes of age soon, she's still too young and I want to keep the idea of plausible deniability, given the potential rockiness that could result. 2. it's an example of a girl, who thinks she's hot and "the shit" based on her posts, wasting time on Instagram, who sees an attractive guy and sends him a "hey" and responds to his flirty texts, then seems surprised when the idea of sex is even hinted at... seemed like she wanted attention from a cool guy, like she'd expect from others, as much as she'd like without any cost to her. Kind of makes me wish I'd said something like, "I don't waste my time online with people not interested in hanging out in real life" or something, but I didn't want to cut it off in case she changes her mind when she's old enough. First time I've gotten someone who slid into my DMs though. I'd say that's an interesting sort of "first".
-Had a significant bike ride to the store and back; it's at least 10-15 minutes each way, in traffic forcing me to go quickly, so felt good as a workout.
-My weight has gone down about 5 pounds from 2 days ago. Must have been water weight, but it's still steadily decreasing even with that influx of restaurant calories that one time.
-Journaled in the mornings about my diet!
-Didn't get much sleep because I wasted time watching a movie that I somewhat wanted to watch. But when I compare it to getting laid, I didn't want it as much as that, so I wish I had gone to bed instead.
NightRoller said:
-Got a DM from a 17-year-old from my old high school who follows me. Was an example of 2 things: 1. I had an opportunity to practice avoiding any explicit language or even insinuated descriptions of wanting anything sexual with her--though she seems to realize my implication much later than I thought she did, and refuses that offer--because even if she comes of age soon, she's still too young and I want to keep the idea of plausible deniability, given the potential rockiness that could result. 2. it's an example of a girl, who thinks she's hot and "the shit" based on her posts, wasting time on Instagram, who sees an attractive guy and sends him a "hey" and responds to his flirty texts, then seems surprised when the idea of sex is even hinted at... seemed like she wanted attention from a cool guy, like she'd expect from others, as much as she'd like without any cost to her. Kind of makes me wish I'd said something like, "I don't waste my time online with people not interested in hanging out in real life" or something, but I didn't want to cut it off in case she changes her mind when she's old enough. First time I've gotten someone who slid into my DMs though. I'd say that's an interesting sort of "first".

You should post the DMs here if you're up for it. "I don't waste my time online with people not interested in hanging out in real life" definitely seems a bit harsh and not playful enough, but I don't know the context.
Update 10/5:

-Tried to run for 30 minutes, managed about 23 before I stopped. Working on my running and getting stronger bit by bit.
-Ate maintenance, or pretty close.
-Tried another perfume/cologne, trying to find one which doesn't smell manufactured/chemical to my nose.
-Approached 4 girls, 3 had boyfriends and 1 gave her number. The number wasn't very solid and hasn't texted back (I was late for work and made it short), but if I can make that happen a hundred times, I'm likely to get my first lay from daygame at some point.
-Got some cleanup done from the previous week's mess.


pancakemouse said:
You should post the DMs here if you're up for it. "I don't waste my time online with people not interested in hanging out in real life" definitely seems a bit harsh and not playful enough, but I don't know the context.
Perhaps a bit harsh, but it'd probably be better than what I did:

(For reference: She has "17" and "single" on her profile, and we did talk earlier at one point about how she's from the same high school as I attended.)
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I could speculate (and have already) about what I could have done differently, but I'd like to hear critique from sources besides myself. For some of the messages, I was playing around and saying stuff that sounded funny/fun to me.
NightRoller said:
Update 10/5:

-Tried to run for 30 minutes, managed about 23 before I stopped. Working on my running and getting stronger bit by bit.
-Ate maintenance, or pretty close.
-Tried another perfume/cologne, trying to find one which doesn't smell manufactured/chemical to my nose.
-Approached 4 girls, 3 had boyfriends and 1 gave her number. The number wasn't very solid and hasn't texted back (I was late for work and made it short), but if I can make that happen a hundred times, I'm likely to get my first lay from daygame at some point.
-Got some cleanup done from the previous week's mess.


pancakemouse said:
You should post the DMs here if you're up for it. "I don't waste my time online with people not interested in hanging out in real life" definitely seems a bit harsh and not playful enough, but I don't know the context.
Perhaps a bit harsh, but it'd probably be better than what I did:

(For reference: She has "17" and "single" on her profile, and we did talk earlier at one point about how she's from the same high school as I attended.)
I could speculate (and have already) about what I could have done differently, but I'd like to hear critique from sources besides myself. For some of the messages, I was playing around and saying stuff that sounded funny/fun to me.

"Looking nice and fit for our date" <-- coming on way too strong. She hasn't shown any quality you actually want yet and you're already promising her time and attention.

"Wait wdym could use some spicing up" <-- This is a "comfort test" from her. She's put off by what you said and needs plausible deniability. Instead, you escalate and give her "the ick".

The way you ended it is fine if you weren't interested in spending any more time, but if you were interested in learning, you should practice flipping objections like this. Like, you could have said "what kind of stuff?" and pressed her on not being open to sexuality.

Basically, if you re-read the conversation, you're doing all the flirting, and she's giving you nothing. There's no vibe here, other than from your part. Your texting would work on a "Yes girl", but not a random girl who just DMed you out of nowhere. You'd need to spend a while building up the vibe first before escalating as much as you did.
Update October 6th, 2022 (Thursday)
  • Approaches: 0 ❌
  • Was a busy day, didn't take the time to go out and approach, and weaseled out of the few opportunities I saw about my day.
  • Physical activity: Hit the gym ☑️
  • Calories: 3,609/1650 ❌
  • Ate too much at a party at my work, to "not let the food go to waste". Now I regret it, as the food went to waist anyway.
  • Other progress: prepped some photos to reboot Tinder/Bumble/Hinge, stayed up too late and jerked off for the first time in a long time (backwards progress).
  • Notes: Taking this format from wave, it looks like a good way to get concrete accountability of what my progress is. It seems I need all the help I can get as far as eating on a caloric diet is concerned.

pancakemouse said:
Basically, if you re-read the conversation, you're doing all the flirting, and she's giving you nothing. There's no vibe here, other than from your part. Your texting would work on a "Yes girl", but not a random girl who just DMed you out of nowhere. You'd need to spend a while building up the vibe first before escalating as much as you did.
Thanks for this and the other insights. I had a hunch that I was doing something wrong or suboptimal, but you were able to point to the heart of it--and the things you mentioned make good sense now that you pointed them out.
Update October 7th, 2022 (Fri)
  • Approaches: 4 ☑️
    • Felt super depressed and down before going on my run. Then went out and talked to 4 girls during that run, was either lucky or in a good vibe because 3/4 gave me their contact (1 insta, 2 phone #s) and we made verbal plans to meet. I need to push for instadates more often though, it's rare to get a text back (and the few that do, don't often text more than once). One contact was pretty funny though, got her number right as she was hopping on her bus, almost made her late.
  • Physical activity: Ran a solid 30 minutes, it's feeling easier to do longer runs now. In Greg Douchette's words, I'm becoming a "better butter burner" ☑️
  • Calories: 4,029/1650 ❌
    • Had a bunch of old food in my fridge that "needed using up", plus binged a bunch of videos and felt like eating while watching them, plus felt like I was in a rut, plus stayed up late working on homework, plus I didn't do my morning journaling in a compelling manner. There's several levers I can manipulate here: I can remove the food that I binge on that are high-calorie, leaving only low-calorie foods. I can work on my mental conceptions around food and regulate when and under what conditions I can and can't eat (I seem to struggle with this). Or a mix of both. And I can possibly add more cardio walking and running, though it's more difficult to find the time while working 3 nights a week.
  • Notes: Hovering around 148 lbs, have a stubborn round belly perpetuated by my stubborn eating habits. I want to find a better way of doing this, finding a way that I can stay on a diet and not crash it every time I have a work day where there's food left over, and that I can enjoy feeling full without feeling like I have to eat to being stuffed full.
Update October 8th, 2022 (Sat)
  • Approaches: 2 ☑️
    • 1 number from a pretty "on" girl, should have asked her to go with me to get a drink because it seemed like she wasn't busy (and I was only on a run, wasn't doing anything time-sensitive where I needed to get somewhere).
  • Physical activity: Ran 30 minutes. Loved it ☑️
  • Calories: 2,531/1650 ❌
    • Had one of Greg Douchette's protein shakes, that helped me reduce how much snacking I wanted to do and feel full most of the time. Still was eating high-calorie stuff from the fridge but finished most of it and I think the run will help me keep on top of the extra calories, maybe enough to be at maintenance for the day.
  • Notes: Stayed up very late doing math homework, and quite behind on other assignments because of procrastination involving youtube and watching kid cartoons. What do I actually care about? Do I want to have the time to spend on improving myself, or do I want to be constantly playing catch-up and have no time for dates because of my own procrastination?
  • Likewise, do I want to be full all the time, and eat more than I need to, and have to pay a ridiculous bill for food every week, or do I want to save money and look good by limiting my food intake and exercising more?
  • Finally, I started Tinder, Bumble, and Hinge up again. Already having a hard time keeping myself from checking the apps. Few matches, even with platinum, but I haven't even had 24 hours yet. I must be too focused on the short-term feeling of getting a match--instead of putting in the long-term effort and patience, or choosing to talk to girls in real life instead of relying on tinder & etc.
Update October 9th, 2022 (Sun)
  • Approaches: 1 ☑️
    • Said hello to a cute girl in the gym, was honest about my nervousness, pretty tired but asked her out. She turned me down based one not wanting a relationship/being on a celibacy pledge, but complimented me on the confidence (ironic!).
  • Physical activity: Hit gym for 35 minutes. Made sure to get sore from each exercise ☑️
  • Calories: 2,323/1650 ❌
    • Had one of Greg Douchette's protein ice cream today too. Ate too many nuts and toppings with the ice cream, which sent me over calorie limits BUT ALSO left me feeling super-bloated and gassy all day and for 3/4 of my gym workout.
  • Notes: Stayed up super late setting up dating apps and doing reading homework. Running on 2.5 hours of sleep writing this. About to take a nap on 10/10. Not much seems to be coming from the apps, but I've got one potential lead. I worry about being shadowbanned as well.
  • Been feeling unmotivated and bad recently. Probably has something to do with poor sleep + watching 2 episodes a day of cartoons + procrastinating homework + not feeling like I'm going out and talking to girls as much. In the past few days I've felt better about how much exercise I've been doing and how easy it is to keep going at it now (compared to, say, a month ago), but the scale still says I'm 5 lbs over where I started and I'm going to keep on trying to make improvements so I can feel like I look good for myself, for impressing my family, for impressing my friends, for impressing girls, and in general to feel like a powerful, able guy who is strong instead of following the American trend.
  • Probably should search the forums for mental and habit stuff for losing weight, gaining muscle, and the headspace stuff for finding "what I WANT" as opposed to "what I THINK I want".
NightRoller said:
Update October 8th, 2022 (Sat)
  • Approaches: 1 ☑️
    • Said hello to a cute girl in the gym, was honest about my nervousness, pretty tired but asked her out. She turned me down based one not wanting a relationship/being on a celibacy pledge, but complimented me on the confidence (ironic!).
  • Physical activity: Hit gym for 35 minutes. Made sure to get sore from each exercise ☑️
  • Calories: 2,323/1650 ❌
    • Had one of Greg Douchette's protein ice cream today too. Ate too many nuts and toppings with the ice cream, which sent me over calorie limits BUT ALSO left me feeling super-bloated and gassy all day and for 3/4 of my gym workout.
  • Notes: Stayed up super late setting up dating apps and doing reading homework. Running on 2.5 hours of sleep writing this. About to take a nap on 10/10. Not much seems to be coming from the apps, but I've got one potential lead. I worry about being shadowbanned as well.
  • Been feeling unmotivated and bad recently. Probably has something to do with poor sleep + watching 2 episodes a day of cartoons + procrastinating homework + not feeling like I'm going out and talking to girls as much. In the past few days I've felt better about how much exercise I've been doing and how easy it is to keep going at it now (compared to, say, a month ago), but the scale still says I'm 5 lbs over where I started and I'm going to keep on trying to make improvements so I can feel like I look good for myself, for impressing my family, for impressing my friends, for impressing girls, and in general to feel like a powerful, able guy who is strong instead of following the American trend.
  • Probably should search the forums for mental and habit stuff for losing weight, gaining muscle, and the headspace stuff for finding "what I WANT" as opposed to "what I THINK I want".

First off, CONGRATS on approaching even though you were nervous dude! Those little moments build your courage. Pat yourself on the back!

As for the lack of motivation, I'm looking at your goals and wondering if all of these are realistic by 2023? I see you met your approach goal, but not the others. Maybe it's worth revisiiting those and revise them into something smaller?
NightRoller said:
[*]Notes: Stayed up super late setting up dating apps and doing reading homework. Running on 2.5 hours of sleep writing this. About to take a nap on 10/10. Not much seems to be coming from the apps, but I've got one potential lead. I worry about being shadowbanned as well.

You're not shadowbanned. You just have poor photos, as pointed out by me after the last ones you posted.