Hydro's Log

If you want to lose weight and get good with women, your social media algorithm (I count reddit here too) should only contain fitness stuff, PuA advice, some funny humor, ... If it isn't, you are not taking it seriously enough.

Block everything that could have a negative effect on reaching your goals.
MakingAComeback said:
Yeah, the social contract that's in our head, and what is actually possible, are poles apart.

The longer I've lived this lifestyle, more I've seen how, you can reallllllllllly push it in life.....

And basically no one cares

Fear is what paralyses people



Can't believe I got the man, the myth, the legend on my log. Going to watch yours and Scottys podcast that you recently uploaded this past week!

Cheers bro.
Zug said:
Why are you reading all this content regarding people debating pill ideology and the videos from MGOTW? You're just sabotaging your level of buy in with that stuff. The negative ideologies are self fulfilling, the more you believe them, the more true they are.

When I was in your position (very overweight and having a long road ahead of me), all I did was read optimization strategies for what I was doing (strength training, cardio, dieting), guides for things I could do right then but hadn't started yet (fashion, improving my home, text game), and motivation related content.

I don't think you have the luxury of spending any time thinking negative thoughts. It is a self indulgent luxury you can't afford. No one can. Cutting out all things holding you back is the real world definition of going all-in.

I agree with you 100% since at the infancy stages of self improvement, whether fitness, approaching girls, having a tribe of guys, business or mental health we all have a fragile sense of self esteem so it's important to really be forward center of mass when it comes to taking action and having momentum.
You just reminded me of one of Andy's recommendation, "You can't afford the luxury of a negative thought".

Thanks for the wisdom man.
kratjeuh said:
If you want to lose weight and get good with women, your social media algorithm (I count reddit here too) should only contain fitness stuff, PuA advice, some funny humor, ... If it isn't, you are not taking it seriously enough.

Block everything that could have a negative effect on reaching your goals.

Yeah I currently have a website blocker (Freedom) that I use and it's great. It's also cross platform to my phone so that way I have certain website and apps blocked for certain hours throughout the day.

Thanks for the suggestion man!
bonzo34 said:
@Hydro how are you doing man?

Doing great man, just been lazy on the logs but have been taking action, regarding to my fitness.

I do appreciate you, for keeping up with me + the logs. Thanks man! :)

Went to the gym in the afternoon time after I made my last post. I benched 175 lbs for 3 sets of 5 but guess what!
I hit a different PR at the gym. At the gym where you bench and have dumbbells there was just myself and another women. Definitely the type of woman that I would be intimidated by just in day to day life, attractive, slim thick (with leggings of course) and a pretty face.

As I did my first 2 sets of bench press I felt pretty confident about hitting all 5 reps on my final set. I didn't really feel that many negative emotions ESPECIALLY anxiety. IDK why but I just asked her
"Could you spot me?"
This is the first time I've EVER asked a women to spot me, and it happens when I'm benching. She says,
No lift off and please don't touch the bar unless I can't get it up
*Unracks the bar* (Wow why does it feel easier to unrack the bar on my 3rd set? I wonder where the extra motivation came from???) :shock:
Does all 5 reps with relative ease, did another one just for good measure.
Told her thanks and then wiped down the equipment and left the gym.

BROOOOO, I'm getting PR's in different dimensions and I'm pretty happy about that. Shout out to me.

That's about it.
I haven't been squatting or deadlifting since my back is still a bit achy, so yeah. It is feeling better as I'm typing this right now (on the 11th).

Did some research about fitness and came across this article: https://www.psypost.org/2023/03/rev...ounselling-or-medication-for-depression-68813

Essentially: 150 minutes (2.5 hours) a week of exercise, whether it's lifting, yoga, taking a walk gives a 1.5 times better effect for managing mental health conditions i.e. depression and anxiety than medications and cognitive behavioral therapy.

THATS FUCKING CRAZY. and you have to realize 1.5 times better effect actually means it's 2.5x more since
0 times better means same (0 + 1 = 1)
1 times better means double (1 + 1 = 2)
so 1.5 times better -> (1.5 + 1 = 2.5)

I do want to get into CBT as that can be a phenomenal framework for my internal state, but I don't want to use medications. I want to work on things holistically without medications (supplements are fine).

Also the more intense the exercise, the better the effects were, which is great. Going to be thinking about using this piece of knowledge with upcoming wrestling club since wrestling is known to be an intense sport (probably too intense for me atm).

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6323334/#:~:text=The data were,97≥52.2%.
Also, top 10% bodyfat percentage for men is < 17.5%. This paper showed body fat for people in BRAZIL. Meaning it's going to be worse, the numbers will be higher in the states. 17.5%, that's fucking crazy. People say that it has never been a time, easier, to be in the top 10%. Chris said it, Andy said it, and I'm starting to believe that maybe it is true...

Went to the gym to do some overhead press. OVER HEAD PRESS, 135 lbs FOR 3 SETS OF 5. 1 PLATE OHP BABY. This is great and I had more reps in the system which I'm happy about. Great work Flozo, you're making it man. 1 plate is a great milestone for overhead pressing strength.

Watched a video by Avery Hayden, one of my fav content creators for approaching / pick up. Here's the video: https://www.youtube.com/live/VipksQnJd38?si=a740YRWqQfxTYejK

I was taking notes for this video since it literally applies to my situation, and I put the notes in the comment section for anyone whose in a similar position, as the title of the video 100% applicable to me, is named, "How I'd Get A Girlfriend If I Were A Virgin With Crippling Social Anxiety
Literally at 6:39 - 6:58 I was meal prepping and had this in the background. I currently live in a basement and spend a lot of my hours looking at the computer screen, and have certainly at certain times spent days if not weeks not getting out of my studio apartment. STOP TALKING TO ME AVERY, STOP IT.
Notes are below.

Today would have been squats and deadlifts but still recovering from the back tweak. Going to do 1 week of squats and deadlifts then I will change deadlifts to power cleans as prescribed in the program.

So technically today would have been an off day but I saw a clip of something tragic. I saw a clip of when some middle eastern guys were on the landing strip where a big airplane was taking off. This one guy hanging onto the airplane in the air (he was literally outside of the airplane) and he fell like 500-1000 feet. Bro these guys are doing anything to get out of their country to have a better life and here I am, doing something but not really putting gas on the pedal.

Felt bad for the poor guy, felt sick to my stomach over what I'm currently doing. I immediately went to the gym and did SOMETHING. I did overhead press again, but 135 for 1 set of 5 and later did some bodybuilding accessories. FUCK man.

Patrick Bet David talked about this and here is the clip for those wondering: https://twitter.com/patrickbetdavid/status/1427833463655313408

Later I was searching up some stuff on Intermittent Fasting. My mom even asked me to do this for weight loss lol.

Paper 1: https://oa.mg/blog/intermittent-fasting-2-days-vs-1-day-per-week-increases-weight-loss-in-overweight-men-and-women/
The results after the four weeks show that participants who fasted for 2 consecutive days resulted in greater body weight and waist circumference loss compared to participants who only fasted for one day, 7.1kg and 4.7kg.
Limitations: Didn't involve lifting weights which is important since body composition of weight loss matters (was it pure fat or did the group that lost weight lose more muscle mass IN PROPORTION to the other group?)

Paper 2: https://oa.mg/work/10.1093/nutrit/nuv041
Basically Fasting helps lose weight and the structure of the fast can be:
1. Time restricted window (fast 6pm - 12 pm)
2. Fasting the entire day (no eating on monday)
3. Having alternate fasting days (~500 calories per day on weekends)

Went to the gym and benched. Goal weight was 180 for 3 sets of 5, COMPELTED. Next bench session will be 185, aka a plate and a quarter! When I was starting my bench workout a guy wanted to work in with me, no problem with that my guy. He and I were on similar working sets and he's doing starting strength as well, + ATG program. I didn't know who it was, but he told me it's about loading stretches and I said the only person I know who talks about that is the kneesovertoes guy and he said yeah, it's that guy.
Continued to do some overhead tricep extensions, 90 lbs for 2 sets of 12. They seemed to move the same speed as the 80 lbs which is awesome since that means I'm making hypertrophy + strength gains. After that, my superset, tricep pushdowns 100 lbs + db curls 20 lbs for 2 sets of 12. They felt real good, tough but real good and sore.

After that I went home and just chilled. Happy that yesterday I didn't eat subway and today I didn't eat dominoes as well. Less junk food and I am eating some pizza at home but it's the pita bread, with tomato sauce and cheese + turkey pepperoni that is hitting it. This as well with a banana bread, protein chocolate cake. Awesome!

Get it!

Did nothing lol. Just stayed at the apartment, gym closed on sundays as always. Just dicked around the computer.

However I did make a lot of new tabs today but have closed a lot of them as well.

Currently have 93 tabs open and goal is to cut 18 tabs by the end of tom to get to 75. Lets go!
Hydro said:

Did nothing lol. Just stayed at the apartment, gym closed on sundays as always. Just dicked around the computer.

However I did make a lot of new tabs today but have closed a lot of them as well.

Currently have 93 tabs open and goal is to cut 18 tabs by the end of tom to get to 75. Lets go!

I see your goal is to make a meal plan. How is that going?
good to see you back
got used to the posts everyday lol

for the tabs- if I got a ton of tabs open it helps to just close the entire window and then if you NEED the website you can go to history
natedawg said:
Hydro said:

Did nothing lol. Just stayed at the apartment, gym closed on sundays as always. Just dicked around the computer.

However I did make a lot of new tabs today but have closed a lot of them as well.

Currently have 93 tabs open and goal is to cut 18 tabs by the end of tom to get to 75. Lets go!

I see your goal is to make a meal plan. How is that going?

Have been doing my meal prep but haven't made a concrete meal plan. I have just been procrastinating on it but I do believe I can get it done by the end of this week (Sunday).

I will make sure to have this as a sense of urgency, but I have been watching some content about this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GEjY6PN3UUo
bonzo34 said:
good to see you back
got used to the posts everyday lol

for the tabs- if I got a ton of tabs open it helps to just close the entire window and then if you NEED the website you can go to history

I appreciate the hospitality my friend!
Did Squats, 3 sets of 5 for 225 and 1 set of 5 on 285lb trap bar deadlift

Did 140lbs, 3 sets of 5 on overhead press and accessory work
Was dicking around and found out that a powerlifter that I used to watch years ago passed away recently this year, sad man.

Did 3 sets of 5 on squats, 230lbs and 1 set of 5 on 295 lbs trap bar deadlift

Did 185 lbs on bench press, 3 sets of 5 and accessory work
Dicked around on the mpmd subreddit and found this post:
Fairly a 'blackpill' on race, the indian dude lifted weights got literally 0 attention (according to him) compared to the other guys who were getting rated. I feel numb / alexythimic about this, specifically because approaching women will tell me whether or not I will get girls, regardless of race. Race is <1% of the reason and it's >99% of my body (obese). Of course, I'm working on this, but it takes time...
Interestingly, I had this vid pop up on my feed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_nvAA-Ba2CI and it talks about south asian genetics, specifically for bodybuilding. Was a nice vid to watch.

Went to the gym twice today, did 20 minutes on the rower machine, then my headphones ran out of battery. I was listening to this podcast by Andy:
Did 3 sets of 5 on squats, 235 lbs and 1 set of 5 on 305 lbs for trap bar deadlift
Note: don't eat a full meal even ~20 minutes before lifting (especially beans lol)
Here's me lifting, doing some squats and deadlifts some time this week.

Don’t waste time stressing yourself about race and things like that man its not doing you any good, people have mentioned this before but you really shouldnt add additional stress on 1000 topics when your goals right now arent about ”race affecting your results with girls” but more about eating healthly, meal prepping

Awesome job on the workouts though keep it up

Went to the gym in the afternoon and did 20/25 minutes of cardio on the rower machine.

Went to the gym again at 4:10 pm since the gym closes at 5 on saturdays. I was scheduled to do 145 lbs for 3 sets of 5 on over head press.
I did it! I'm happy with that since years ago when I did my starting strength training session, I failed at 145 for 3 sets of 5. Happy with this!
Here's the throwback video at the timestamp:https://youtu.be/bCKpICWaWBw?si=gpgp12jrouAi_Ct6&t=81
As I went for the second session, the weightraining session, I wasn't listening to ANY music at all in my headphones. What was I listening to?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=-qvYEjEqmSI from the OG himself. Maybe listening to that stuff made me more motivated to hit 145 for 3 sets of 5 since the last time I did it (years ago) I didn't hit it....
We all have our inner issues mannnnn

Ate 3 tupperwares of chicken, rice and beans. Going for the fourth tonight before I go to bed. Note to self, always have beans with salsa, since without salsa it tastes drier.

I'm closing out some tabs as of now. Goal is to get under 60 tabs and I made this on the app, forfeit. It's basically an app where you pledge to accomplish a certain task, by a certain time, and pledge a certain amount of money that YOU CHOOSE. If you don't accomplish it by a certain time then you forfeit (ironic) the money to the people on the app.
Interestingly I am watching a video on how to fix 'waiting mode' (for ADHD): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kLKdZbQjo7o
And I have already closed out 10+ tabs so I'm more than 50% of the way there. But I am striving for more.

I'll come back before I go to bed (i hope) to see where I am.

Also, todays a Saturday. Will I eat dominoes? The last time I ate dominoes was August 19th, that's almost a month ago. Will I budge? Stay tuned for my last post of the day.