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If Scotty changed your life, consider donating (Andy's Log)

Loving the podacasts!! Just started reading cant afford the luxary of a negative thought last week, cant wait to listen to that one
I like how you've scheduled these ones but because you love us so much we get them like a week early
Thats some fucked up shit.

Also the first podcast I checked out, because I am not really into podcast format, but the quality is suprisingly good and I really enjoyed it. Spotify is ~8 episodes behind. Will it be updated?
Sorry I was a bit nervous at the 1st 30 mis :cry: Honestly I was nervous I might run out of things to say, so I basically latched on to almost anything for the 1st 30 mins.

But Andy did a good job bringing it to good topics 30 mins. in. We talked about self-improvement, getting laid, and goals. I enjoyed every single minute I was in this episode!

Edit: Ok, listening to my own voice, I can sound very stiff and stilted LOL gotta improve that
SIGMA_1234 said:
orry I was a bit nervous at the 1st 30 mis :cry: Honestly I was nervous I might run out of things to say, so I basically latched on to almost anything for the 1st 30 mins.

But Andy did a good job bringing it to good topics 30 mins. in. We talked about self-improvement, getting laid, and goals. I enjoyed every single minute I was in this episode!

Edit: Ok, listening to my own voice, I can sound very stiff and stilted LOL gotta improve that

I thought it was good interview. I enjoyed this episode. Good job.
That was class Radical

When you were doing the cold approaches with Andy, you said you felt high levels of approach anxiety but you'd done the AA programme a few years before right? Just wondering why you reckon you felt like that? Chris on GLL suggests that the programme pretty much gets rid of AA
The Beast said:
That was class @Radical

When you were doing the cold approaches with Andy, you said you felt high levels of approach anxiety but you'd done the AA programme a few years before right? Just wondering why you reckon you felt like that? Chris on GLL suggests that the programme pretty much gets rid of AA

I didnt make it past week 3 of the programme. Attempted it twice.

I have nothing but respect for guys that made it through but I went a different route in the end.

Whatever gets you to the end goal is a valid method imo. You can do the AA programme if you want. Or you can try and knock out some approaches off the bat. If you manage one a day for a few weeks you will start getting around the AA too.
Whatever gets you to the end goal is a valid method imo

Yeah 100% agree with that.

I've started it now so I really want to finish it, it's like my main goal right now even though I don't manage to get out everyday. Even if it takes me longer than it should I wanna fucking do it. Fighting off the urge to check what happens in week 3 now haha
Good discussion. Its good to hear from guys who are nearer getting started than the others you've had on.

There's a few things i would push back on a bit in this.

You don't need to get your social skills very far to succeed with girls imo, and getting good at social skills also isn't the same thing as learning how to get girls from your social groups.

I speak from good experience here as you know

Chris, and clearly you as well, advise getting social skills to a basic level as a priority. Same with losing weight - its like one of the first things you have to get in check before you can even attempt some of more advanced stuff (ala approching)

Whereas looks and style has a much quicker return on investment if you go all in

Its especially true for online dating, which im surprised you didnt bring up

Also its surprising to hear you agreeing so readily with this idea given you didn't too long ago release an article saying getting lean matters above all else

The way I would concisely summarise my thoughts on that in a way guys can put into action for dating purposes

Looks and style are something you should be trying to max out
Social skills should be something you get to above average and you dont actually need to take further than that
I was gonna suggest a pod

We've talked social circle approaching before. I dont view it as any more than an occasional supplement to online and cold approaching

And I've pushed my social skills pretty fucking far

If what you guys meant is that bad social skills need fixing, then I agree

But there's like a limit to what they will get you in terms of girls if you don't also go hard on improving looks

We all know exceptions to this im sure in our own lives but they aren't the majority of guys