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If Scotty changed your life, consider donating (Andy's Log)

KillYourInnerLoser said:
[*] I've added one more rule to the 365 Project I'm doing - now I have to mention a sponsor or some sort of affiliate link in EVERY podcast I do, starting in 7 days from now. I don't have any sponsors yet, so I'll mention Magic Wand and maybe also shoutout my Patreon and talk about the benefits. Basically, if you don't talk about what you have for sale, nobody's going to buy. That's been my mistake the last 2 years (because it feels "wrong" selling my shit).

One of the guys who's coming on your podcast - you know which one - sells the best phone flipping course on the net. I used it, turned $4k into $7k in 3 weeks, and then switched to being an affiliate to share his course with others.

I was super lazy. Put his link on my podcast interview with him and maybe 2 other places on the internet.

And I'm suuuuper lazy with my content. I have barely any subscribers because I was never consistent with putting out podcasts and have been dormant for a while.

But every few months someone clicks on my link and buys his course.

I've made about $2k without trying. And since I've tried the course and met the guy in person, I feel 100% ethical in recommending it to others and being an affiliate.

I guarantee he'll be cool with you being an affiliate if you're comfortable with it too. It's a good way to help your readers learn how to make money - a huge part of self-improvement, and to fulfill your goal of making enough money with your website.
KillYourInnerLoser said:
Start working on email marketing stuff - need to build up my email list. I only have 160 people on my email list, because I've never pushed it. Gonna focus more on getting more email subscribers, and then delivering them some useful content (right now I barely ever email people).

You do need to build your list, but please dont approach email marketing with your current "content creator" mindset. You’ll be depressed with the lack of results. When you decide to focus on email, let me know and I'll give you some kickass resources.
Shoutout to Imogen for the day 57! I did not expect this being this difficult story for her. Good job talking about it on a podcast, it's not easy!
An apology for wrecking his thread and making it about how gay everyone is while he was out doing something epic.... much love roger(straight manly love)

Serious question: did you get to that robot state cool guy talked about where there's basically no AA at all?
My questions:

How was your style like?
Where did you approach?
Did the girls understand everything you said with wear mask and viceversa?
How was the girls’ reaction in general?
When did you feel like fish on water, at what approach?

Do you recommend self-medicating prior to cold-approaching to numb the anxiety/rejections?

I'm using the term 'self-medicating' broadly here, it could be taking substances like kratom, or engaging in high reward activities like watching some youtube / porn / eating junkfood etc.

I might add other questions later, thanks for making this podcast episode!

Edit: Second question - Did the AA program play a part in you achieving this 24h challenge? In hindsight, what's your take on doing the AA program versus jumping straight into approaching? The drills in it look more daunting than actual approaches.
Reservoir said:
Do you recommand self-medicating prior to cold-approaching to numb the anxiety/rejections?

I'm using the term 'self-medicating' broadly here, it could be taking substances like kratom, or engaging in high reward activities like watching some youtube / porn / eating junkfood etc.

Might not be related, but my "self-medication" is to get rejected by a hot girl ASAP before doing something nerve-wracking, That way, I remind myself rejection from a hot girl isn't the end of the world, and I am more socially free by then. Dunno if that helps but that works for me
KillYourInnerLoser said:
- Maybe ill make a paid video course; eg turn my Tinder Guide into a video course. Or finish the 3some guide by turning it into a video course.

This is the single most impactful thing you can do. If I were you I would focus 90% of the time on creating a kickass video course instead of spending time creating even more free content. If you spend the rest of the year producing a really good course, I can definitely see you making at least 5k/month just from course sales alone. The podcast and youtube videos are great, but what would move the needle the most for you is a solid product that you can monetize. The traffic side of the money equation already looks pretty good for your business. What's missing is a solid product with high margin that you can use to monetize your traffic - affiliate products and patreon are not it. Once you have created that product, you can go back to driving more traffic with podcasts, blogging and youtube videos.

A paid video course (maybe combined with a weekly group coaching call) would also be the best way to really help your audience. Nobody's life is going to improve just from reading a blogpost or listening to a podcast if they are not taking action and create some accountability. But if they buy your course (=instant accountability because they spent money on it) and combine it with group coaching, daily tasks (just like in the AA program) and an accountability log on this forum - that's where the real change is going to happen for them.
AGF said:
If you spend the rest of the year producing a really good course, I can definitely see you making at least 5k/month just from course sales alone

This number doesn't make much sense in Andy's situation. He doesn't have a big list, he's not driving paid traffic, and he doesn't have JV's or affiliates promoting him. Plus, he has no back end offers, other than his 1-2-1 coaching.

Sure he gets some traffic, but I'd bet its mainly freebie-seekers. You can't go to 5k/month in an information business fast, by relying only on organic traffic.

Only way it might work is if he pulls a Tate_Bros and charges almost 2k for the course. He won't. Not because he can't, but because he doesn't see himself worthy of charging that much. Yet.

So I don't see him making 5k per month, in less than 60 days, with his current business model.

KillYourInnerLoser said:
Or should those be broken down into individual courses? There is a LOT I can say about each individual subject.

You can have one big course covering everything, and then run 4-week challenges each month that cover in deep detail each individual subject. You'll walk them through each step, do Q&A and be in their corner for the rest of the 4 weeks. After that, they can pay a monthly fee for support.
KillYourInnerLoser said:
Ok. I'm going to completely trust you and do this.

I'm thinking I should turn the Tinder guide into a video course - walking people through the whole process from improving their looks to taking better pics, to messaging girls, going on dates, foreplay and sex, and retention afterwards.

Or should those be broken down into individual courses? There is a LOT I can say about each individual subject.

Yea, a course that covers everything about Tinder or Online Game itself. I would not cover foreplay, sex, or retention. And definitely add some kind of mentoring or group coaching element to the course.

I've gotten Facebook ads for this course a lot lately:


That's the guy from SimplePickup. You can tell from the marketing that his course is shittier than your free guide but I am sure he's making good money from it. Which means there definitely is a big market for it.
Crisis_Overcomer said:
AGF said:
If you spend the rest of the year producing a really good course, I can definitely see you making at least 5k/month just from course sales alone

This number doesn't make much sense in Andy's situation. He doesn't have a big list, he's not driving paid traffic, and he doesn't have JV's or affiliates promoting him. Plus, he has no back end offers, other than his 1-2-1 coaching.

Sure he gets some traffic, but I'd bet its mainly freebie-seekers. You can't go to 5k/month in an information business fast, by relying only on organic traffic.

Only way it might work is if he pulls a Tate_Bros and charges almost 2k for the course. He won't. Not because he can't, but because he doesn't see himself worthy of charging that much. Yet.

So I don't see him making 5k per month, in less than 60 days, with his current business model.

KillYourInnerLoser said:
Or should those be broken down into individual courses? There is a LOT I can say about each individual subject.

You can have one big course covering everything, and then run 4-week challenges each month that cover in deep detail each individual subject. You'll walk them through each step, do Q&A and be in their corner for the rest of the 4 weeks. After that, they can pay a monthly fee for support.

I meant if he finishes the course this year, it is definitely possible to hit 5k/m from course sales alone within the next year, not within the next 60 days.

Even if he doesn't because he's not getting enough traffic yet, sooner or later he'll need his own product to sell anyway. I don't see any better way for him to monetize his existing and future traffic.

Regarding paid traffic: once the course is finished, I would definitely give paid ads a try. Will be a bit tricky to get around the Facebook and YouTube policies but I think he could build a strong funnel with lead magnet that tells his incredible story > forum + email list > tinder course for a low price point > big course that covers everything and is a bit pricier
I get youtube ads for dating/lifestyle coaches all the time tbf

If you put a couple of mad intense days into the video course stuff - which i think is a great idea anyway regardless of how actually viable it is - I reckon you'd bash it out pretty quickly
AGF said:
I meant if he finishes the course this year, it is definitely possible to hit 5k/m from course sales alone within the next year, not within the next 60 days.

Even if he doesn't because he's not getting enough traffic yet, sooner or later he'll need his own product to sell anyway. I don't see any better way for him to monetize his existing and future traffic.

Regarding paid traffic: once the course is finished, I would definitely give paid ads a try. Will be a bit tricky to get around the Facebook and YouTube policies but I think he could build a strong funnel with lead magnet that tells his incredible story > forum + email list > tinder course for a low price point > big course that covers everything and is a bit pricier

Agreed with everything. Glad you clarified the timeline.

Frankly, if he has money for FB /YT ads, I'd instead reach out to guys with dating lists or people who might be interested in dating (so for example Fitness lists or anything self improvement related) and ask them to promote him. They won't do it for free, but especially guys who know a thing or two about marketing would say "Yes" if he pays them some money. Just the other day I talked with the representative of a company who sells supplements. They have a 400,000 person list with great demographics (over 40, conservative, buyers of various offers, etc). Total cost to run a promo : $2,200. That's crazy good...especially when compared to DorkBook, BoobTube or Fakegram.

KillYourInnerLoser said:
The ONLY thing I care about is paying my bills in the short term. Is a video course something I should work on AFTER I've handled the immediate looming problem of not being about to pay bills?

Focus first on your biggest money generator. I bet it's coaching so hustle hard to take on as many clients as you want.

From there, honestly you can attack it any way you want. I'm biased but I don't like simple information products. Personally, I'd brainstorm ideas for medium or high or super ticket offers. I really love 3-8 challenges in the Fitness industry and I see them working beautifully in dating as well. Plus no other dating guy uses them from what I know, so you'll stand out.

KillYourInnerLoser said:
Right now, should I focus on building up my email list, using my email funnel to move people like this:
Welcome email > My transformation/my story > talk about Tinder guide and how to get the most out of it > Mention I have a patreon > Give plenty of other free and helpful advice > "I'm offering a 50% Discount on my coaching if you reply to this email in the next 48hrs" > more helpful advice > "don't forget to sign up for my Patreon".

Sign up to these lists:


Those 2 are my mentors and both give kick-ass reports as lead magnets. You'll either hate or love Ben. Terry is more along your style (his book is called How To Sell Without Selling). Also very important is to read their emails for inspiration. You can even sign up to my list to see how I use their teachings. Basic principle : we don't give tons of free advice, yet we email daily. We do this with something called infotaiment.

Regarding the series you presented : It's a good start but realize please that almost nobody reads emails in the sequence we write them. So don't try to do something logical here. Ideally you want to add way more emails and the reports I shared will give you a good idea.

Personally I HATE discounts in coaching. It's your time dude. You only got so much of it left. Instead, I'd give them a bonus. So you could photoshop 5-10 photos. Or shoot a ton of mp3s addressing people's problems and give them for free to anyone who signs up for coaching. Otherwise those bonuses are gone forever.

^ Having said that, I understand you want to hurry up and make $ to pay your bills. So you can test offering a 50% discount and then upselling them to a continuing coaching package / downselling them to email coaching / downselling them to group coaching / etc.

Finally even though we all got ideas, we can't guarantee that there's One Way To Rule Them All. If it will help you get some needed breathing space, it wouldn't hurt to get a part-time job if possible. You got some momentum going so you'll definitely kick ass in the upcoming months. Sure, a part-time might slow you down a bit. But if you have to choose between getting a heart attack from stress and becoming homeless or working for someone for a few months, I'd personally pick the latter.
KillYourInnerLoser said:
Here's my question to you guys: right now my ONLY mission is to get to $2200 USD/month (otherwise I literally can't pay my bills). Right now I'm at roughly $1100 USD/month.

Where does the bulk of your income currently come from?

KillYourInnerLoser said:
Right now, should I focus on building up my email list, using my email funnel to move people like this:
Welcome email > My transformation/my story > talk about Tinder guide and how to get the most out of it > Mention I have a patreon > Give plenty of other free and helpful advice > "I'm offering a 50% Discount on my coaching if you reply to this email in the next 48hrs" > more helpful advice > "don't forget to sign up for my Patreon".

(Those all get sent as separate emails - I've already set it all up. I have about 30 pre-written emails, each sent 2 days apart. Should I change this to daily?)

So - is this email funnel pushing people towards my coaching the best way to solve my immediate problem of paying bills? And once that's handled and I'm not so stressed about money, I can focus on making a sick video course.

It sounds like you already did most of the work there, so it's definitely something you should do. How many daily new email subs do you have? What's the conversion rate of your website currently (what % of visitors sign up for your email list through the popup?)?

What do you mean by focusing on building up your email list? What would "building up the list" include and how much time would it take? Twitter might be an excellent traffic source for you, especially because you can share nsfw videos and pics there too. There's tons of guys in the fitness / make money / pua space that are using Twitter as a traffic source to build their email lists. It seems to be working very well and I am sure you have enough interesting stuff to tweet about.

What's missing in the funnel is your forum. I think you should have 1-2 emails at the beginning of the sequence where you talk about the forum and a few guys who have already made tremendous progress since signing up (SIGMA_1234 for example). Make them sign up for the forum to create some form of accountability.

Also make sure that your emails don't get flagged and moved to spam immediately. I can imagine you're using words in your emails that Gmail and others don't really like.
Andy, if bitcoin counts as money, I'm pretty sure you're good for the rest of the year. So chill out this weekend, let's record a killer podcast, and then I want to see you go mental with all the gold Crisis and AGF are proffering:

I want to see you hit $5k/mo (USD) solely from the paid YT video course (including the add-ons they discussed) by the end of 2021 at the very latest. April 2021 if they think that's feasible.

KillYourInnerLoser said:
Alright, good shit. Did what I said I'd do. Can pay the bills now from Patron + affiliate links + coaching.
Well deserved! I remember times you was afraid to even ask for money for your coaching. It wasn't that long ago and just look now. Kicking ass mate!
KillYourInnerLoser said:
Alright, good shit. Did what I said I'd do. Can pay the bills now from Patron + affiliate links + coaching.


KillYourInnerLoser said:
Here's some titties from one of the virgins, because I love you all:


Didn't know you liked black girls ;)