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If Scotty changed your life, consider donating (Andy's Log)

Life hack! Get a mask tattooed on your face, walk around with impuity! :)
Or maybe "Danger: no trigger warning"
You should get Chris tatted on your face

In all seriousness the first place my mind went was iced out Llama
Or when you had the horse licorne mask when you had sex.
Don't remember where it was the film on your log on GLL.

Like a screen of this film when you doggied the girl mask on as a tatt.
KillYourInnerLoser said:
I'll have a think - I'm tilting towards a duck right now, because that'd be the most meaningful to me and remind me of my Approach Anxiety Program days

A figure with the body of a porn star and the face of a duck, while getting fingered by GLLs logo.
Lostcause said:
What about you tattoo the names of all your patrons.

Definitely need a new Patreon level for "I will tattoo your name on my body"
In seriousness though you need something that suits the body part you are going for
Forearm should be a bigger piece or somewhat pattern based imo. Ideally you want to work towards covering the whole thing
My inside forearm tattoo is now kind of annoying because i need to plan around it to sleeve the arm up
KillYourInnerLoser Found an artist yet?

I know you have a tattoo already but I gave some advice to playtime that the process of getting a tattoo only becomes real when you actually begin chatting to a tattoo artist and sort the design with them
KillYourInnerLoser said:
I know I look like the guy who has his shit together, the guy who's a strong rock (99% of the time I am) - but I'm still human. I still have moments of frustration when I read one too many negative comments from some dipshit who thinks we're all "using women" or some cretin telling me,

Good on you man. Even the densest rock can be eroded by the constant flow of the tide.
I'd pay for it if you did it.
I'd probably just watch.
Would want to soak up as much knowledge as possible, don't have a specific question in mind at the moment.
KillYourInnerLoser said:
MakingAComeback said:
If you ever want to do one on losing your virginity, I'll be your test subject :D

This is already on the cards mate - a "lose your virginity" course/training/etc is something I've been planning for a while. If enough people are interested in this, I could be talked into doing this one as well soonish.

Cannot tell you how life changing that would be. You absolutely would kill at this and it would be a candle in the dark for a lot of people. I am stoked to here this is in your sights, that is majorly good news. Would be down to help you with this and would participate fully.
KillYourInnerLoser said:
I'll make it damn clear this isn't just for advanced guys who are already getting laid - this is for EVERYONE who thinks a 3some is something they'd love to have in future. Even if you think it's literally impossible for you (something I used to think for YEARS before I finally decided to do something about it and actually try to make it happen).

Lemme know guys. At this point I'm gathering interest and seeing if this is something that's worth it for me to do. If I don't get enough people saying they want this and are willing to be a part of it, then I won't go ahead with it. So if you are interested in this and would definitely be a part of it, reply and tell me.

Hey Andy, I am new here and finally took the plunge to do something to change my life

I haven't read much of your stuff, but the first page of your Tinder guide, where you keep mentioning how you came back in life to win it, really appealed to me because i have been in a similar situation and at one point, i wanted to end my life for being so miserable. Your article really, really pushed me to sign up to your forums and even post my fat belly body here for advice and i am trying to figure out a personalized workout program with the help of all the great mates here

so with that aside, and focusing on the threesomes .. this is the first time i am going to admit something very dark and personal about myself.

I have always had a very urge-powered fantasy of sleeping with a bisexual or lesbian woman. I don't know why but it's been in my mind since a very early age and it arouses me more than usual. The same goes for threesome, i think having a threesome, with women who actually desire me, would be a highlight of my sex life .. it's a deep and dark desire i have had for a long time now, it's something i have lusted after and maybe this platform can help me achieve it

Hopefully no one on this forum finds it weird, we all have our fetishes :D

All i want to say is .. i am interested in your course but i'm a student right now and can't really afford $150. My game is not even basic, it's kind of zero and i am yet to rid myself of my approach anxiety

That's ok though, as long as you're working on such guide and materials, at least there's hope for us 'threesome virgins' haha !

So i really appreciate you doing this sort of novel stuff, i mean this is literally the first time i am hearing about a threesome guide lol

thanks for making this community and thanks for taking the step towards normalizing threesomes as a routine part of a guy's seduction playground

KillYourInnerLoser said:
- On a scale of 1-10, how serious are you about being part of this if I go ahead with it? Will you pay the $150?
- Would you like to be able to ask me questions live while I'm teaching (either chat, or audio, or video - whatever you want), or would you prefer to "just watch"?
- What would you hope to get out of the training?
- What's your ONE biggest question about having a 3some?

- i'd say about 7 , because i am unsure about my game so threesome is a step ahead & above maybe..
- Yes ! asking questions is key !
- Learn how to convince a girl into a threesome, especially one who is a straight arrow. Also, learn how to actually arrange threesomes, e.g if you have two FWB who don't know each other, how do you get a threesome with them etc
- Well, my personal question would be how to ensure a good foundation for the actual threesome. surely there's some work to be done before executing the arrangement of a threesome, right ?
KillYourInnerLoser said:
Alright you horny motherfuckers. I've had at least 100 3somes at this point (if we're counting repeat 3somes with the same girls), so it's time to teach what I've learned.

I'm working out the details for a 3some training course I'm thinking about potentially teaching - as in, a live "seminar" over zoom on how to have 3somes.

If I go ahead with this, it would be super in depth, probably done over a couple of days. There's hours and hours of content I would cover - it would likely be as detailed as my 130,000 word Tinder guide. I would cover all this and more:

- How to have your first 3some (even if you're super inexperienced and have only slept with a couple of girls)
- How to introduce 2 girls you're already sleeping with to each other
- How to meet new girls with your girl (as a "couple")
- How to get your girl to find new girls for you to bang together
- How to sleep with a girl and her best friend
- How to set up your Tinder/Hinge to find bisexual girls for 3somes
- What a 3some is actually like, dealing with nerves,
- Fun things you can do in a 3some that you can't do with normal sex
- A tonne more shit

You guys would be able to interact with me live while I'm talking, ask questions, get me to re-explain something if you need more detail, etc.

Cost would be $150 USD - super affordable because this will be the "beta" version of the training (I'll be teaching it live with you guys, and will go in and refine it/re-record it afterwards). The benefit to you guys is a) It's ultra affordable and b) You get to be a part of it, literally asking me questions while I'm teaching, getting more clarification on a point if you're unsure about something, etc etc. It'll be like group coaching.

Is this something you guys would be interested in? If so, reply with answers to this:
- On a scale of 1-10, how serious are you about being part of this if I go ahead with it? Will you pay the $150?
- Would you like to be able to ask me questions live while I'm teaching (either chat, or audio, or video - whatever you want), or would you prefer to "just watch"?
- What would you hope to get out of the training?
- What's your ONE biggest question about having a 3some?

I'll make it damn clear this isn't just for advanced guys who are already getting laid - this is for EVERYONE who thinks a 3some is something they'd love to have in future. Even if you think it's literally impossible for you (something I used to think for YEARS before I finally decided to do something about it and actually try to make it happen).

Lemme know guys. At this point I'm gathering interest and seeing if this is something that's worth it for me to do. If I don't get enough people saying they want this and are willing to be a part of it, then I won't go ahead with it. So if you are interested in this and would definitely be a part of it, reply and tell me.


Down. Can pay today. Just lmk.

- On a scale of 1-10, how serious are you about being part of this if I go ahead with it? Will you pay the $150?
I can pay right now. Just message me a link.

- Would you like to be able to ask me questions live while I'm teaching (either chat, or audio, or video - whatever you want), or would you prefer to "just watch"?

- What would you hope to get out of the training?
The confidence that I can make it happen.

- What's your ONE biggest question about having a 3some?
How do I screen for girls who are down for 3 somes?
KillYourInnerLoser said:
Is there a friend/family member you can borrow $150 from?

no mate, i can't really ask anyone for money.

I am at a stage where i am trying to build my life and stand on my feet

KillYourInnerLoser said:
Nobody here is gonna "kink-shame" you dude.

thanks, highly appreciate the safe place vibe here !

I really hope to gain something from this place and to actually grow as a person

Cheers Andy !

P.S : a good idea for the webinar, is that you can record it. So for those who can't buy it now, they can purchase the edited footage, which has all the essential discussion of the topic for a lower or higher fee (depends on you) than the original entry cost later on.