Manga 🇰🇷: October Update

Jacobpalmer123 said:
Ok this shit was eye opening I need to step up my daytime approach numbers. Nicely done

Ya it's a lot easier to do in a big city.
But even in Calgary I typically do 15 or so each session.

TimmyTurner it's hard to keep track without it. I barely remember any of the girls after I'm done the day.
Manganiello said:

That's awesome! Your dedication to approaching is really impressive, keep it up and don't quit. I'm just curious (and ik this is probably too outcome oriented) but how many of the numbers that you've gotten have responded and eventually gone out with you? The only reason I ask is just to get some realistic expectations. I've never had anyone respond to me who I cold approached (even though I've gotten numbers) except for one girl who turned out to be a lesbian. But obviously my sample size is extremely small.

I wouldn't rely on anything I say here.

I know you probably still will look for a ratio. So I'll just give it to you and advise you to take it with a massive grain of salt.

So in Calgary I got 30 #s over 6 weeks. 1 date. The only thing we did was kiss.

Most girls do not respond to any texts.

Here in Toronto I've gotten 16 #s. 5 or 6 are talking in text.
1 confirmed a date.
1 said yes. But haven't confirmed timed and place yet.

It's still a very small sample size. I'm not even relying on it.

I've seen multiple things in Mike's chat.

1 out of 10 #s will go on a date.
But I've also seen Marcin say 1 # out of 20-30 will meet.

I think the lesson in all of this is to approach a lot more.

City may be a factor in girl's willingness too. Calgary had much worse numbers.

In Calgarg I was getting 1 out of 5 or 6 approaches into a #.

Where as Toronto it's closer to 1 out of 3 approaches convert.

But again small sample size.
And I'm still extremely new.
July 31


I haven't updated really anything from Toronto or July.

Toronto was awesome and yes got laid from cold approach. See my lay report thread.
July was me working a lot and contemplating where I want to move to.
I'm in Vancouver this weekend.

- Mostly approached because I was feeling insecure about the low volume from the last 2 weeks.
- I also wanted to see how Vancouver venues compare to Calgary and Toronto
- I don't expect these to go anywhere. I might leave Vancity tomorrow.
- Felt awesome to do a real session again.

notable interactions
- Girl blatantly ignored me. Pulled a shirt up to look at it. Blocking me out as I was talking to her. Then she walked away without eye contact or saying anything. First time I've been ignored that obnoxiously.

- After I talked to another girl in the same store. I screwed that approach up hard. Like one of the worst approaches ever. I probably couldve gotten her number if I wasn't being so unsure. She was Korean. And I was trying to like throw Korean sentences at her but it ended up making the conversation really weird. Its really funny comparing that approach to the one I did with other Korean in Toronto that resulted in a lay. In Toronto I was like peak of my game. And then here I was rusty af

It got better tho.

- first number was a girl from Osaka. That was cool. Probably cuz she was from Osaka. I talked to her for maybe 3 or 4 minutes about English vs. Japanese.

- 2nd number was from another Asian. I don't think she had an accent. Pretty negative reception and she refused to exchange twice. But at that point I got rid of the rustyness and was approaching like my normal self.

- One of the last approaches was with a girl who was giving me good eye contact. From Ottawa, she was going hiking tomorrow with her cousins who were meeting her like any second. That was interesting because I said: Well I would say we should meetup but we're both leaving. And then she made like a direct reference to her place. Saying if we met all of her cousins would be there. I feel like a more experienced of myself could have a chance there.

So that's it.
Felt great to have a real session again
Asians Represented all but 2 approaches. I guess I have a thing for them now.

Vancouver's great but not as good as Toronto. I'd say.

CainGettingLaid there's your update.
Manganiello said:
- After I talked to another girl in the same store. I screwed that approach up hard. Like one of the worst approaches ever. I probably couldve gotten her number if I wasn't being so unsure. She was Korean. And I was trying to like throw Korean sentences at her but it ended up making the conversation really weird. Its really funny comparing that approach to the one I did with other Korean in Toronto that resulted in a lay. In Toronto I was like peak of my game. And then here I was rusty af
Yooo, i admire you trying to talk Korean. Honestly that's pretty dope. Best way to learn is to fail and try again. Now u know what not to do. u say something like 이제 섹스하자?
Toast said:
Manganiello said:
- After I talked to another girl in the same store. I screwed that approach up hard. Like one of the worst approaches ever. I probably couldve gotten her number if I wasn't being so unsure. She was Korean. And I was trying to like throw Korean sentences at her but it ended up making the conversation really weird. Its really funny comparing that approach to the one I did with other Korean in Toronto that resulted in a lay. In Toronto I was like peak of my game. And then here I was rusty af
Yooo, i admire you trying to talk Korean. Honestly that's pretty dope. Best way to learn is to fail and try again. Now u know what not to do. u say something like 이제 섹스하자?

Ya it was really broken Korean. Just words

I think I accidentally said
나는 당신의 형제를 엿
Manganiello said:
Toast said:
Yooo, i admire you trying to talk Korean. Honestly that's pretty dope. Best way to learn is to fail and try again. Now u know what not to do. u say something like 이제 섹스하자?

Ya it was really broken Korean. Just words

I think I accidentally said
나는 당신의 형제를 엿

Damn and she wasnt orgasming on the spot from you saying that in korean?
Toast said:
Manganiello said:
Ya it was really broken Korean. Just words

I think I accidentally said
나는 당신의 형제를 엿

Damn and she wasnt orgasming on the spot from you saying that in korean?

Oddly no.
Harsh rejection instead.
Well just gonna post a short update here.

No intention to approach today. Just a chill day in Vancoucer.

I ended up approaching another Japanese chick. Couldn't resist...

She was older up close. But really cool nonetheless. Rejection. Didn't really care tbh. I just wanted to learn about Japan vs. Canada.

And then I ended up talking to maybe 6 Koreans and 2 Japanese just about moving abroad and learning another language. As well as trying to speak korean to native speakers. I definitely suck at it. But it's fun to challenge myself.

Gonna meet up with a Japanese guy I met today. No homo.

It's funny cuz I used to live in Vancouver before I cared about approaching or going to East Asia. I had no idea how awesome this place was.
Aug 4

Technically 8 approaches but I'm not counting 2 of them.

So basically today was me pulling myself out of low volume hell. (I've barely done any approaching the last 4 weeks)

Fast early session.
Then a brutal midsession.

I saw plenty of girls but no easy ones. Then I caught myself being a bitch and started forcing hard approaches. Then I started to feel better.

"Hard" approaches were three duos and then a silent crowd approach. I didn't count 2 of three duos as an approach in my countbcuz I didn't ask for the number (Which is dumb... Especially for me).

So 6 or 8 approaches altogether. Which might be not-bad for some people reading this. But I know I can do much much much better than that.

The real lesson here is that your never really done with AA. It's a constant fight (that gets easier over time). But your never fully done with it it seems.

Maybe after 10,000 approaches I'll feel done with it.

The next approach you do earns you the one after. And the next approach you skip, makes you skip the approach after.

Toast and I were paying attention to situations we skip. And it seems like there's actually quite a bit of money left on the table when you start looking at every possible girl you could approach.

Happiness = Approaching
Approaching is integral to my happiness if seems. Like I dreaded going to work today. But as soon as I started approaching all was well with the world. I think I've formed an identity around it, and it's like an expression that needs to come out. I feel like something is "missing" when I'm not approaching.

Like I actually feel profound sense of something being wrong when j don't approach.

the focus for the next phase

I went to Vancouver to clear my head and write my goals down.

What became extremely apparent is that I'm not willing to forgo approaching even if it's just for a period of time in order to go to Korea.

My main goal is be living a life where I can be doing 300 to 400+ approaches a week. Thats almost certainly not feasible in Calgary. But the city I do it in doesn't matter. So long as I'm doing it.

Going to Seoul is just a really cool objective. Aim for the moon and land amongst the stars sort of thing.

Understanding how I can move to Korea is my #1 goal right now.

Once I have a well informed strategy on how to do it then I'll just execute it.
Aug 5

Might've been more approaches... Or less. But I think it was 13.

- Went out of my way to do 5 hard approaches today
- Still rusty af. But it's getting better.
- 2 different malls. And the normally bad mall was actually really solid
- Quick start. Build some serious momentum.
- lost that momentum during the drive. And had a hard time going again at the other mall. But did some hard approaches there.

notable interactions
Talked to a shy girl in H&M and while I'm talking shes preoccupied looking at this other guy standing close by whose just staring at me with a big smile. And j thought that must be her boyfriend. I ejected. And then the 2 ignored each other. Like what?

Hard approach 1 - Asian duo
Asian duo. Fuckkng hot. Had a boyfriend. Only for 4 months. Normally I would push on this girl to exchange anyway. But the friend their made me second guess it.

Hard approach 2 - super hot girl. Silent crowd
Hot as fuck girl. Like she had the nicest body ever. Probably one of the hottest girls I've approached. She was in a silent crowd waiting for bubble tea. I skipped it. Then came back and approached. She was pretty receptive. And I got her number. Im like 95% sure she'll ghost.

Hard approach 3 - escalator
Actually not too special. Super hot girl who went down the escalator and o had to follow. Boyfriend.

Hard approach 4 - Duo with a weird angle
Duo. This one was toufh because it was a duo sitting in a way where you couldn't actually approach where they saw you coming. It had to be from behind. And I had lost all my momentum from the earlier mall. Anyway i did it. And pushed twice in front of her friend. no dice. She was only in Calgary til Sept.

Hard approach 5 - mom and daufhter.

First time I did this one. I've been meaning to do a mom and daughter. The girl was cute and Asian. And as I got closer I started understanding some Korean words they were using. So now I had to approach. No dice. Girl was (CENSORED). If you know you know.

- Next time I need to start earlier. Which means getting to work earlier so I can leave earlier.

- having a more direct/aggressive and sexual energy. This worked really well in Toronto but I haven't really used it or tried it again since.

- Get more volume in. And do more hard approaches.

need to focus on Korea too
The other thing to is it feels like im neglecting my Korea goal. I still have no idea if I'm going to move to Seoul or Toronto first. So I need to
Prioritize that and actually take action on contacting more people in the know about work visas and approaching in Korea.
Manganiello said:
Im like 95% sure she'll ghost.

Manganiello said:
Hard approach 5 - mom and daufhter.
First time I did this one. I've been meaning to do a mom and daughter. The girl was cute and Asian. And as I got closer I started understanding some Korean words they were using. So now I had to approach. No dice. Girl was (CENSORED). If you know you know.
These still give me trouble. Haven't broken the barrier. Gotta just throw ur self into it and do it. Good stuff. Idk y but now that u have done it i feel like i need to.
Toast said:
Manganiello said:
Im like 95% sure she'll ghost.

Manganiello said:
Hard approach 5 - mom and daufhter.
First time I did this one. I've been meaning to do a mom and daughter. The girl was cute and Asian. And as I got closer I started understanding some Korean words they were using. So now I had to approach. No dice. Girl was (CENSORED). If you know you know.
These still give me trouble. Haven't broken the barrier. Gotta just throw ur self into it and do it. Good stuff. Idk y but now that u have done it i feel like i need to.

I think what made this one a bit easier was that I wasn't 100% sure of their age. Like it could've been friends. Could've been mom and daughter. But I reached that point in my head where I had to approach no matter. So I just walked over there and opened.
Manganiello said:
But I reached that point in my head where I had to approach no matter. So I just walked over there and opened.
I need to get to this point. There have been several smokin chicks I've passed cuz their with their mom

Have to be something i deliberately think about while out approaching. And take action on