Manga: Shisha date no pull

Rags2Bitches said:
about a week ago i was ranting about the forum and talking shit to Radical about how @Manganiello has a long road ahead cause that first round of pics he posted was awfullll. i downloaded some of them and tried to edit them and got discouraged.


Next time be more candid. Hiding that stuff and giving me nice + helpful advice is not as good as brutally honest feedback. That hinders my progress. In the end being kind and brutally honest with someone are the same thing.

I had a good idea of what to aim for in a profile, probably why it's been working. But ya you don't need to hide anything. Best things I've done in my life are when people call on me to do better.

Seriously thanks for the help tho.
Radical said:

And you will randomly get top class lays off online, its all numbers

Bear in mind what @KillYourInnerLoser has achieved from online

Let the momentum of this lay carry over into your approaches and double down on the effort

Lol thanks man.

That's encouraging. I'm mostly matching with average girls but every now and then a smoking hot girl gets into a convo. Got 1 # from a girl hyper my type but she dropped off.

Yah. Can't rest on my laurels.
None of this would've happened had KillYourInnerLoser not made his guide.

Makes you wonder how many lays the guy has helped other guys get. I'm sure it's in the high hundreds if not thousands.

Jacobpalmer123 said:
nice work on the online lay. Took a little while but doesn't matter still got laid though :)

You mean the 90 minute delayed escalation?
That's something I really need to work on.
Or just long in general to go online?
Toast said:
Tip to you is to put on LORT Extended trilogy and not make a single move until the very end. That way your
non action keeps her wanting MORE. At the very end she will be extra horny. Works 100% of the time.

Can't believe you didn't insist he mentions his KYIL likes. Over 1,000 likes are guaranteed to make any girl wet.
Manganiello said:
Sept 10

Got laid.

+ 30 matches today

(I'll put today's stats at the bottom.)

First Online Lay

So I got laid, this one belongs to @Radical. He got me to do online, and also got me to push for sex when I'm not feeling it.

- Went straight to her place (no date)
- Watched a movie, drank ciders and MACA (thanks @Crisis_Overcomer ) cuz I wasn't feelin it.
- I hesitated to make a move for 30 minutes, Made a move, but didn't escalate after that.
- 90 minutes in, she escalates, makeout>clothes off>foreplay>little bit of sex.
- Still had trouble getting hard, so I think I'll get some ED pills or something.
- Felt very one night stand-like. Which is 100% ok with me.

How it went down

So this lay was basically handed to me.
I'm not terribly attracted to this chick. We went out for coffee Wed. She was cool.

She wanted to see me Friday, same cafe.

She texted me saying she wanted to go straight to her place instead

Got there.

I wasn't horny, was trying the whole time to think about sex with this girl, but we ended up just chatting like friends.

Put on a movie, she sat close. I hesitated. Nothing happened. She sat far away.

30 minutes in,
I get her to touch my chest, put her hand underneath my shirt.
She likes it but pulls away. I don't bother cycling again.

90 minutes in
She puts her leg on my leg. She's shaking a bit. I tell her that, put my arm around her and then start making out. Clothes come off. And I went down on her. Pretty fun. First time eating a girl out.
Lots of foreplay.
Tried putting it in.
I got in her for like 2 seconds, but I was so limp it was pointless. Got her to ride me.
Then she said "I'm gonna throw up" (guess she drank too much). Maybe or I wasn't all that hard. Probably both.

She was super wet, I was only mildly into it. Honestly.
I had to close my eyes and just let my sense take over,
It was fun, but idk If I'd see her again. We'll see. I'll let her text me 1st.


Not getting high off my own supply
So getting laid after 3 days of using Tinder is pretty cool...
But I don't want to walk into this with false expectations. Sure I'm getting a ton of matches, but I cant get high on my own supply. Hard work, learning from others and playing the numbers game got this result, not some self-aggrandized trait about myself. And I still have a lot to work on.

Dopamine hit from Online vs. Cold Approach
It seems like online is about a billion times easier than cold approach.
But the Cold Approach Lay felt like it changed my world.
The girl in Toronto was fucking hot af. Korean. and it was from a cold approach that was difficult to pull off, plus a date that was hard to pull on + 20 minutes of bedroom resistance. I just felt awesome about that one. Felt like I broke the universe, and did something that should be impossible to do. I realized I was breathing rare air after that lay. This one... ok cool. If this girl was more my type I'd probably feel more enthralled about it.

2 #s
10 ongoing convos
22 Matches
3 Boosts (6pm, 8pm, 10pm) 8pm did best.

0 #s
1 ongoing convo
4 matches

0 #s
1 conversation dead
4 matches
Some girls on Badoo are cute, but most look like crack addicts, it's really fucking weird out there.

Day 4 - Running Total
7 numbers/~90 matches
110-120 likes
6 Boosts used.

Oh ya Plus One approach. Was kinda drunk still, and just finished texting Toast about the lay. Had a BF but still got the number. 2nd day in a row I've had very little AA.

Master said:
I'm mainly on Tinder(#1), Fruitz(#2), Badoo(#3), Bumble(#4), Havent had any luck with hinge but it might just be a quebec thing lol.
Fruitz is a up and coming platform, got 2 lays in the first 2 weeks of using it, def try it out.
Good shit on starting your profile hope you can have tons of success. Your photos are great man!
I also responded to Toast questions he had on your behalf I believe!

I saw that. Thanks for the answers. Dunno how you're converting that well. If I can do those conversions I'll be golden. I'm just focusing hard on numbers.

Thanks man, got lots of help with the photos.
And Hinge is fucking awesome here. Tons of hot girls. Got 1 date setup from it.

I'll try Fruitz. Thank you for pointing that one out.

Any feedback is much appreciated thank you dear Mr. Master!

Yeah boiii! Keep it up!
Manganiello said:
Next time be more candid. Hiding that stuff and giving me nice + helpful advice is not as good as brutally honest feedback. That hinders my progress. In the end being kind and brutally honest with someone are the same thing.

I had a good idea of what to aim for in a profile, probably why it's been working. But ya you don't need to hide anything. Best things I've done in my life are when people call on me to do better.

Seriously thanks for the help tho.

i’m pretty new to the forum and don’t know what everyone’s tolerance for criticism is— would hate to inadvertently discourage someone or send them into a tailspin.

you’re right though. i guess it’s psychologically easier to write a “you’re on the right track, make xyz changes” vs “this is complete trash, start over” post but that’s just me being a little bitch.

i appreciate the feedback
Rags2Bitches said:
Manganiello said:
Next time be more candid. Hiding that stuff and giving me nice + helpful advice is not as good as brutally honest feedback. That hinders my progress. In the end being kind and brutally honest with someone are the same thing.

I had a good idea of what to aim for in a profile, probably why it's been working. But ya you don't need to hide anything. Best things I've done in my life are when people call on me to do better.

Seriously thanks for the help tho.

i’m pretty new to the forum and don’t know what everyone’s tolerance for criticism is— would hate to inadvertently discourage someone or send them into a tailspin.

you’re right though. i guess it’s psychologically easier to write a “you’re on the right track, make xyz changes” vs “this is complete trash, start over” post but that’s just me being a little bitch.

i appreciate the feedback

That's fair.

Giving practical advice is great, you seem good at that. I'm just saying that if someone is miles off, it's better to let them know that vs. giving the impression that they're close.
I've always been harsher on guys not trying than guys getting things a little wrong with the technical side

Rags2Bitches you can nail guys for getting technical shit wrong to balance this out
Manganiello said:
I think just saying someone is miles off vs giving the impression that they're close would be more beneficial is all.

gotta wrap this up cause it got pretty off topic but just to clarify— i only thought you were miles off after that very first blurry round of photos.

i commented in your log after you posted the second round. those pics were much better and i didn’t sugar coat any of that feedback
You're not wasting time! Congrats on the lay.

With some chicks there's more chemistry than with others, and I find that it affects boner quality.
Sept 11 - Day 5

+ 4 #s
+ 11 matches
+ 19 likes today

No new dates scheduled tho. Trying to work it out.

3 #s
8 Matches
2 Boosts (7:15 and 8:30) 5 and 6 likes respectively.

0 #s
Messaged until I couldn't. Still need to get premium.

1 new match
Convo didn't really go anywhere. Still might.
2 other conversations from yesterday that went absolutely nowhere. They live too far away.
Lots of time wasters here. LOTS

1 Number
1 Match (er I guess convo)
I think I like Bumble. Girls seem a bit higher quality here.
Still don't know how it works, like is there a point to paying to see who likes me?

Lolz Master, theres less than 20 girls on Fruitz here.
Somehow got 1 match
Bought a premium monthly subscription, so that's a very expensive match.

Vegan App
It's a small base here. I messaged every cute girl in close distance so who ever that like is doesnt fit the bill.
Got 1 like, but no match. So whoever it is, it didn't meet my swiping criteria.

Cold Approach
1/1 (not including this in the online number count)
Cafe approach. It was basically me telling myself I can (A) approach this girl or (B) sit here and be a bitch.
Anyway for now I'll put non-legit approach sessions here. Last 2 days were me just approaching while doing other stuff.

Day 5 - Running Total
11 numbers/~100 matches
130-140 likes
8 Boosts used.

Had 3 dates lined up this morning, but one just texted to reschedule. So 2 now.
And then 4 #s I'm trying to schedule.

Seems like I'm running into an availability problem.
Work and then holding down a time while a girl waits to respond.

I'm tired. Felt like I've been doing nothing but texting and referencing Andy's guide the last 2 or 3 hours. and I have less dates scheduled at the end of all of that.

Rags2Bitches said:
i commented in your log after you posted the second round. those pics were much better and i didn’t sugar coat any of that feedback

Ok awesome. Appreciate that.

Relentless thanks dude
Reservoir chemistry was actually good. I just wasn't super attracted to her.

Weighed in at 164.8 this morning. Lowest weigh in ever. Need to be able to say that each week.
Manganiello said:
I'm tired. Felt like I've been doing nothing but texting and referencing Andy's guide the last 2 or 3 hours.
I know it's kinda obvious, but make sure your keyboard has good predictive text. I don't even have to type half the time, saves me so much time. I'm on android and use swiftkey fyi
jackBruh said:
Manganiello said:
I'm tired. Felt like I've been doing nothing but texting and referencing Andy's guide the last 2 or 3 hours.
I know it's kinda obvious, but make sure your keyboard has good predictive text. I don't even have to type half the time, saves me so much time. I'm on android and use swiftkey fyi

Yeah, this is just my .02 but I think this is a good way to keep things efficient. For messaging girls online, I have the whole tinder/hinge script from Andy's guide copied on my phone. I just copy/paste where needed and add in a sentence or two. For texting numbers I got online, I just ask text them one or two messages before asking if they want to meet up for drinks/coffee on "X" day.
BDG-95 said:
jackBruh said:
I know it's kinda obvious, but make sure your keyboard has good predictive text. I don't even have to type half the time, saves me so much time. I'm on android and use swiftkey fyi

Yeah, this is just my .02 but I think this is a good way to keep things efficient. For messaging girls online, I have the whole tinder/hinge script from Andy's guide copied on my phone. I just copy/paste where needed and add in a sentence or two. For texting numbers I got online, I just ask text them one or two messages before asking if they want to meet up for drinks/coffee on "X" day.

That's pretty much what I do as well.

I think it's just deviations where the girl will say something odd. And I think "wait what did Andy do here?"

It will get quicker.

Thanks jackBruh , I'll check it out.
Sept 12
Day 6

Date cancelled, unmatched.
Bummed about it. I was excited when she confirmed cuz she was fkn hot. Definitely my type.
So it makes sense I'm bummed. There's a relationship between excitement and disappointment.

4 dates scheduled. 1 pending. They're far off... 3+ days away.
So I'm not expecting a whole lot. Tried to book sooner, but nothin worked out.

Just like Cold Approach, rejection is the majority of the experience.
Same range of hotness in the net. Mostly average girls with a few ugly ones and a few hot ones.
Need a quicker Way of writing this stuff up

46 likes and a bunch of matches (12 of those likes came from a 9pm boost, and no ones responded yet)

Likes - 24
Matches - 15
# - 1
Boosts - 2

Likes - 2
Matches - 2
# - 0

Likes - 13
Matches - 9
# - 1
PREMIUM for 1 Day to see what it does
THOUGHTS: Bumble still kickin ass. Seems like most girls talk once you match them. Premium may not be the worst idea here. One Number I got was looking for something ongoing. Which is fine. So long as we don't LTR. But this might be my noobish perspective thinking this.

Hilly - New One
Few likes, from people across the country...
Waste of time imo.

Badoo - Still sucks
Likes - 7
Matches - 6
# - 0
The conversations go nowehere on Badoo. Absolutely nowhere.

Running Total - Day 6

180 or so Likes
130 or so Matches
13 #s
2 Flakes
1 Girls gone on Dates with
1 Lay

EDIT: Here's some pics of the convos

getting flaked
View attachment 1

Dumb Match
View attachment 2

Trying to go for something quick.
View attachment 3

I'm tying to be a bit quicker cuz all of my dates are scheduled 3+ days away. Which isn't good. And I had this conversation from Bumble yesterday so I'm thinking I could probably just suggest a time faster.

Rags2Bitches said:
MakingAComeback said:
Well done man :)

I think OLD will work for you, so you should dive RIGHT in and get the most out of it. Your stats are encouraging. Do you know I used it for 3 months, did 2 boosts every day, 300 messages on Hinge a day stuff like that, and you already have 10x the matches and traction I got. As such, I think you need to make OLD a staple. Some guys it works for, I think you are one.

Keep hammering,

lol fuck offff. i have a lot of respect for you and you have 5x my work ethic, but come on. “some guys it works for” 😂

about a week ago i was ranting about the forum and talking shit to Radical about how @Manganiello has a long road ahead cause that first round of pics he posted was awfullll. i downloaded some of them and tried to edit them and got discouraged.


note, i didn’t talk about you cause i thought his situation was harder. then he took 10x better pics, edited them, got laid and is killing it online.

sending ____ number of messages may feel like work but it’s not actually getting you anywhere. what moves the needle in OLD is taking new photos. get after it

Thanks man, this is an important point, and I totally understand.

I will shred more weight, which I have been doing believe me pics this week, and then I'll take another round of pics. We'll see what happens with the new ones.

I'll keep improving them too, but yeah I put OLD on the backburner about 2 weeks ago and now just focus on cold approach. I have 15lbs to lose now, which is bad ass because it was 50lbs when I started here :)O), so when the scales show up at 200lbs, we'll go through the process again - I will make it work.

Keep hammering,
Good fucking job Manganiello! Fucking Proud of you! Tons of lays ahead! Sucks that fruitz isnt so popular where you are at, it prob is a quebec thing lol. I got the same problem with hinge here. Keep grinding!
First Week Done

7 Days
210 likes or so
150 matches or so
17 #s
2 flakes
1 date
1 lay
4-5 dates scheduled (high flake risk tho imo).

So not bad. I never expected it to go this well this fast. So thanks for everyone's input. It took a village to get that profile to a decent enough place.

I'd write more. But I got to go to work soon.
I might not boost tonight as I'm already scratching my head when to schedule stuff. 5 or 6 girls I haven even texted yet.

Master said:
Good fucking job Manganiello! Fucking Proud of you! Tons of lays ahead! Sucks that fruitz isnt so popular where you are at, it prob is a quebec thing lol. I got the same problem with hinge here. Keep grinding!

Thanks broseph. Ya man I had my hopes up. No Facebook dating either :( ... I think a few cities in Canada have it. But not this one.

Hinge is great.
Bumble seems good too.