Manga: Shisha date no pull

Just my .02, that reads like badly executed banter, not a flake. Wouldn’t have given up just yet
Jake said:
Just my .02, that reads like badly executed banter, not a flake. Wouldn’t have given up just yet


Can you be more specific and give you're reasoning?
While thats true Id have responded to get a more clear answer. I usually confirm if the time is still good when doing those day of texts

They can only respond yes or no, and no response is obviously a flake
Jake said:
Just my .02, that reads like badly executed banter, not a flake. Wouldn’t have given up just yet

100%. i’m at a festival though, leaving this as a placeholder to respond later.
Radical said:
While thats true Id have responded to get a more clear answer. I usually confirm if the time is still good when doing those day of texts

They can only respond yes or no, and no response is obviously a flake

So you're saying instead of

"Looking forward to tonight cutie"

You say

"Just confirming 4pm"

Manganiello said:
Jake said:
Just my .02, that reads like badly executed banter, not a flake. Wouldn’t have given up just yet


Can you be more specific and give you're reasoning?

When I get a questionable text like that I usually read it in a few different possible tones and if any of them seem playful or positive I just assume that’s the case.

I’m sure you’ve flirted with a girl before and had her respond with “Is that right” with a little smirk. That’s what I’m picturing. It could have been meant dismissively but if you assume it’s positive you’ll react positively.

I’d have just responded with
“Playing it cool are we?”
“Shoot me a message later when you’re about to head out”

On confirming: I don’t get a lot of dates, but when I do they rarely ever flake after agreeing to a time/place

Find a day they’re free -> Tell them when and where you’re meeting up -> “Looking forward to seeing you later, shoot me a text when you’re about to head out” the day of

Usually works for me
Sept 17
3 flakes/cancels

Ya so I had 3 dates booked in today and all of them went on to cancel or flake.

Good News

+ 3 new dates scheduled
+ 6 more numbers
+ 22ish matches
Maybe 30 likes?

Boosted twice.
1st was good. 2nd one sucked.

Finally got a Cialis prescription after 3 doctor visits.

I have one more time to book in a girl for a date this weekend. A very good problem to have. But I find myself weighing and needlessly contemplating the dtf-level and hotness of each girl. I don't want to book 3+ days out.

Reorganized my schedule for more date slots. I might start double booking times to insulate against same day cancels.

Probably too many dates but whatever. If anything I want my drive/schedule to be the limit.

Jake said:
I’d have just responded with
“Playing it cool are we?”
“Shoot me a message later when you’re about to head out

That response would've been a billion times better.

Oh well. I'm just gonna fuck shit up and learn as I Go.

I'm gonna do that from now on tho. Just assume the girl is being playful. I did that that earlier this week and it culminated in a date.

This Example:. At the time I legit thought she was rejecting. But I went with it & met up later.

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Yeah don't discredit short/boring responses. Don't count yourself out before they do, for any reason. My best fwb sent like 5 words in total before meeting up but I just kept moving forward and turns out we get along really well in person.
Manganiello said:
Radical said:
While thats true Id have responded to get a more clear answer. I usually confirm if the time is still good when doing those day of texts

They can only respond yes or no, and no response is obviously a flake

So you're saying instead of

"Looking forward to tonight cutie"

You say

"Just confirming 4pm"


Yeah usually i text like 3 hrs before meet up time like ‘Hey, still good for 4?’
I feel like everyone has a different approach but for my own peace of mind I like pushing girls to 'yes' or 'no' answers where i can

To me sending open ended or nothing messages to them like 'Looking forward to our date' accomplishes very little
Sept 18 - Day 11

Date, No Pull + 3 Cancels

Oi, I don't feel like writing this one.
Had 4 dates lined up today. One followed thru, and couldn't pull.
+ No new numbers, and convos that all died online.


Long Story Short
Boring, let the girl decide date plan, pulled 60min in. Nada.
She had an ONS a week or two ago, so I thought she was pullable... idk.
If it was clear she wasn't dtf, I wouldn't feel as mad about this date.

Short Story Long:
20 minutes at Starbucks. Stale convo.

She suggested we go to a vegan place
In my mind: I thought we would walk there, I would suggest a movie as we pass my place or get ice cream at the place and walk back,

Neither really worked. Once we got close to my place she brought up how she used to be an addict. So I'm not sure exactly how to calibrate that topic 30 seconds into it, like say: "Ok cool, drugs and stuff, your life changed. Awesome. Let's go back to my place."

Vegan spot: I order something quick to go. She orders a bowl of food (great). I suggested a walk, she said she had to put her dog out.

I stand up, and she's still eating. I'm like ready to walk off at this point. She finally acquiesces and stands up.

Walk back, I do the movie pull. She immediately decides she needs to walk somewhere else.

Yet says she wants to meet up later. Which I doubt. Felt like a "soft rejection".


Control the date.
Instead of her saying vegan food, I should've said let's watch something first.
Or just agreed to the whole thing, and as soon as she stops talking, just say, cool. Let's go to my place.

The girl I slept with on Wednesday had that exact same scenario. We decided we would go to a bar, but before we got anywhere I suggested my place. And that worked.

Pull faster.
This girl was boring and honestly I would've liked to know where she stood sooner on. And that's on me for not being forward/sexual enough.
When in doubt be aggressive. Then just ended the date if she didn't come back.

I'm gonna miss a few times, but I just hate it when I think I wasn't aggressive with this girl, or I wasn't making it clear about sex at the start with her.

I get killer instinct is like AA, just want to develop it as fast as I can.

Probably a million other mistakes I made that I wasn't even aware of.

3 Cancels

One I saw coming cuz she couldn't get a babysitter for her kid.
One I actually was trying to double book, but she cancelled.
One I booked in after that sucky date (same night date), but she also suggested tomorrow.

New Opportunities

# - 0
New Dates scheduled - 2 (but one is 7 days out, and the other is a past flake)
Matches - 16
Likes - 27
2 Boosts - about maybe 12 likes from that, mostly ugly.

Four Dates lined up tomorrow... I already suspect it won't end up being 4.

Radical said:
Yeah usually i text like 3 hrs before meet up time like ‘Hey, still good for 4?’

Started using this. I like it better than the ambiguous "looking forward to it"
Sept 19 - Day 13
2 dates, 1 Boobjob, 2 cancels

Date 1

Basically textbook pull.
Movie pulled at 20-30 minute mark
Put on some random korean reality show,
Escalated by putting her leg over mine, and pulling her in.
Handjob/boobjob. she didn't want to do anything more.
Got some vegan food.
Date ended.

Nothing special, but makes me feel a lot better than the botched date I had yesterday. Cuz this was the same structure, but I just didn't fuck it up. Helped that unlike yesterday's girl, this one had a personality.

She's bi so I asked her a lot about her fantasies, Andy's right in his guide some of them are hot af.
She's been with like 30-40 guys and 3 girls lol.

Date 2

Catfish, hung out for an hour, ended it.

2 Cancels

First one Korean girl - I really wanted to see. But she said her brother got corona. She gave me a date 2 weeks from now when she's avaialble. So not the worst, but you never know.

Second one cancelled 30 minutes before, which I saw coming a mile away, said something about her brother and prison. So that's a no from me dawg.


Ran out of swipes for the first time. Researched burner phones and 2nd accounts. Might do that, we'll see.

1 new dates scheduled (double booked for tomorrow, but this girl seems more dtf)
2 numbers
13 matches
3 boosts, about 14 of those likes came from the boosts.

So it seems like the profile is starting to cool down a little bit. I'd have to look back at what it was doing before, but it's definitely less.

I still haven't gotten the premium for hinge, so that's another option. I'm experimenting with the premium for bumble ... too early to call.

That's it.

After the 2 week mark, I'll probably stop counting days. My goal was to get 3 lays in the first 2 weeks, and I did that, gonna try and make it 4 tomorrow ;) ... but she'll flake so nvm.
Sept 20 - Day 14

I'll do a full 2 week post in a bit. I'm just tired now.

Basically had a date and a flake.
Date was a catfish. Looked nothing like her pics. She had a weird personality too. Like a screw was loose


Walked around. We couldn't go inside anywhere cu the Vax passport thing.

Had Coffee for 5 or 10 minutes on a patio.

She said no to the first pull.
But I countered and pretty much made the decision for her.

Which was cool. But at the same time I didn't want to fuck her at all...

So about 8 minutes into the wall back to my place she said she had to go. Which was 100% ok with me.

Like I'm just pulling for practics. But next time I'll probably be more blunt about how far off she looks from her pics.


3 boosts
15 matches or so
4 #s - all of which seem low interest btw.


I have a bazillion questions to ask the more senior OLD users. But for now I'm gonna sleep and do the more detailed 2week post I've been meaning to write later.
Why are you wasting time hanging out with catfishes? Just leave its not rude or anthing. Shes not hot, then dip and go approach instead and use that time for something beneficial.
Toast said:
Why are you wasting time hanging out with catfishes? Just leave its not rude or anthing. Shes not hot, then dip and go approach instead and use that time for something beneficial.

I think you're misreading it. I wasn't trying to avoid being rude. I wanted to see how fast I could pull. Cuz last week I had two hot girls where I fucked it up on. It was practice.
Manganiello said:
Toast said:
Why are you wasting time hanging out with catfishes? Just leave its not rude or anthing. Shes not hot, then dip and go approach instead and use that time for something beneficial.

I think you're misreading it. I wasn't trying to avoid being rude. I wanted to see how fast I could pull. Cuz last week I had two hot girls where I fucked it up on. It was practice.
Yah i did misinterpret it. Ok thats chill.

Manganiello said:
Date 2

Catfish, hung out for an hour, ended it.
This was what i was referring to tho.