Mav's Log

8/14 - 30 Sets

Bi's - 9
Tri's - 9
Abs - 6
Pullups - 6

Treadmill - 30 Mins - 3i - 3.6s

Calories - 1,700
8/15 - Off Day - 9 Sets

Pullups - 9
Biking - 1hr - 10.3 Miles

Calories - 1,900

Girl flaked tonight. Have another lead that looks promising.
Mav said:
Thebastard said:
Can your friends who make big cash from amazon help you out? Perhaps if you emulate closely what they do, it won't be as risky and foolhardy as you think. Though I do understand greatly where you are coming from.

Their business has largely dried up due to Covid. It'll probably come back when things die down, but who knows. I'm probably going to go down the back to school route, even though I'm almost 30 lol. But I can get an AS degree in 1.5 years, which is about 10k-20k pay raise from where I'm at now. Should also help with my social interactions.

What is the AS?
Associate in Science degree... and get a few certs in the timespan it takes to complete that degree
8/16 - Off Day

Treadmill - 90 Mins - 6.2 Miles - 3i

Calories - 2,250

Had a few too many protein bars today, so I punished myself on the treadmill. First 60 mins was HIIT and hit 4.2 Miles. Then walked an additional 30 mins at 3i - 3.7s.

Going on date tomorrow but have a feeling she may not look like her pics, we'll see.

Keep having the never ending feeling that no matter what I do, I won't be good enough looks wise... between hair, face, skin, 5'7. Get so envious of most of the guys at the gym, blessed with good genetics, on top of them being in good shape. Just seems like they're playing on easy mode in comparison lol. This bothers me every single day and just wish I could make it go away lol. Posted pics below of after workout and treadmill.
8/17 - 6 Sets

Abs - 6

Treadmill - 40 Mins - 3i - 3.7s

Calories - 1,750

Missed my leg workout. Didn't have enough time due to date and was too tipsy afterwards. She was cool. Lower calories today, so still on deficit. Will do a double tomorrow to make up for it. Co-workers roommate has covid and I may be coming down with it lol.
8/18 - Might have the #FakeVirus

Pullups - 6 Sets

Calories - 1,800 Calories

More symptoms today, called out of work. Going to skip gym and do some basic stuff at my house like pullups. Will have to reset my workout schedule unfortunately. Will update this.
KillYourInnerLoser said:
If you do - plenty of rest, Vitamin D, Zinc, Vitamin C, echinacea if you can find it. Sleep as much as you can and eat as healthy as you can. Let us know if you need anything mate. I believe @chado had the 'rona before, so maybe he can give you tips on getting through it.

Essentially just do the normal things people do when they get sick - plenty of rest, plenty of good food, and a few helpful supplements.

Appreciate it, it may just be flu but idk. Symptoms are relatively mild so far. I could totally do a full body workout or go to work but will see how it plays out, as I don't want to infect anyone. Usually just binge sleep when I get sick, as well as some supplements, elderberry, raw garlic cloves.
8/19 - Rest Day

Pretty much beat whatever I had, flu/covid... Binge sleeping usually helps me knock this shit out within 2-3 days. At about 90% now.

Pullups - 10 Sets
Walk - 1hr

Calories - 2,000

Going to have to do some doubles to make up for my workouts missed this week. Should be back at gym tomorrow.
8/20 - 39 Sets

Abs - 6
Legs 18
Back - 15

Cardio - 80 mins - 3i - 3.7s

Calories - 2,200

Partially caught up... will finish the week sat/sun. Dropping fat fast.
8/22 -

I fucked up. Went to the gym ready to do a double, to make up for one of my sick days. Went to the bathroom and ended up taking pics and a video to see how I looked. I was so digusted with how unattractive I am, that I walked right back out the door and went home. I'm a three at best... Have a date setup for Monday but this makes me want to cancel.
I appreciate that but I look like total shit (bad genetics) and it's debilitating... how are you supposed to improve this? A haircut and losing 10 more lbs isn't going to cut it...
It's all about the fire in the eyes.
I'm serious.

Focus on getting laid, even with girls you think are below average. It Will show you that you can be enough for some girls, and you'll feel better about it

And then you'll want more and you Will get more.

It's all in your mind, really.
That's the main, back phone camera which is the non flipped version I believe. Andy probably knows more about this. The flipped snapchat version, I obviously look way better and can actually take pics I like with the right lighting/angles, but this is false advertising imo.

You'd think hooking up with girls would make me more confident about my looks, but it doesn't long term. This girl I met last week wants to go out again tomorrow but I still look the way that I look, at the end of the day. Idk why people on here or gll say I can be a 7/8, it just isn't true for everyone haha. I can have a 7/8 body but still stuck with a 3 face.
It's kind of patchy on the sides but using minoxidil every day to try to improve that.

I see. Well even if its patchy at first give it time to grow out, you can always trim it down to make it all even later on. Since you seem to be wearing a mask anyways I'd say now is the perfect time to let it grow for a month or two and then evaluate. If it grows In decently, it'll help a lot with your baby face look
I dont think the baby face is the issue so much as facial structure and my eyes. After about a week, it looks way too unkempt and have to shave it for work. But ill take a video then.
Beards do a lot to affect how your structure looks. Can give you the illusion of a stronger chin

I encourage you to grow one out, if only to show us on here
Mav said:
I appreciate that but I look like total shit (bad genetics) and it's debilitating... how are you supposed to improve this? A haircut and losing 10 more lbs isn't going to cut it...

Do you ever, like, smile? I see no sign of a smile or even a smirk. Its like your face is permanently forming a :( emoticon.

No wonder you feel ugly. I consider myself a pretty good looking dude, but if I walk around, with a non existent smile like I do in my profile, no girl is gonna look at me.