Paid Renegade's Log- Looksmaxxing updates

I wish i could find my meal prepping photos, basically my fridge was a warehouse for tupperware
Paid Renegade said:
The thing that’s bugging me though, and this happened last night, is that I wasn’t able to stay hard for the actual sex. Fully hard for hand jobs, blowjobs, and just messing around, but when the condom goes on and I get ready to fuck her it goes soft. Performance anxiety I’d say, since I’m attracted to the girl and was feeling horny and had no problem getting hard for other stuff.

Like there’s no pressure with handjobs/blowjobs because even if you’re not 100% hard those still work fine. So there’s no performance anxiety. But for intercourse if you start to lose the erection it’s over so I’m always thinking about that, which then results in a self fulfilling prophecy. Has happened a few times now.

I can power through by popping Cialis but feel like it’s become a crutch and now backed myself into a corner where I feel like I need it to perform.

I also think there might be an aversion to intercourse on some level since pregnancy is pretty much my #1 fear. May be contributing to anxiety even though I’m wrapping up
I wouldn't take Cialis. It won't fix the underlying problem. Plus you're young and horny. Cialis is intended for people who have a physiological issue which prevents them from getting hard.

I think your mindset here is problematic. Thinking, if you start to lose the erection during intercourse, it's over, is not a good way of thinking of things. That's absolutely not true.

You are absolutely right about the "self-fulfilling prophecy". The anxiety creates a negative feedback loop which makes getting an erection increasingly difficult.

So, speaking from my (limited) experience, the best way to overcome performance anxiety induced ED is to relax and not put pressure on yourself. My favorite thing to do is take a break and grind, and just focus on enjoying the pleasure and each other's bodies. Eventually you'll get turned on and hard again. When you start saying things to yourself like, "I need to perform well" or "if I lose my erection its over", you're just putting more unnecessary pressure on yourself. Don't try to force yourself to become erect.

And in my experience, performance anxiety goes down a lot once you've had sex even once or twice with the same girl.

I know I'm a newbie commenting on your log, but I wanted to just share my own experience with performance anxiety.
Writing completed.

Picked up more materials for new product testing. Mapping it out.

Dating-wise, appears to be fewer matches with the new photo up but I’ll let it run for a few more days before I try switching it back

AskTheDom Yeah man I’ve gotten so used to Tupperware I forgot what it’s like to always be eating prepackaged food

Squilliam Thanks man, appreciate the insight. When I said “it’s over” what I meant is that when that comes up you can’t simply continue and have to switch gears to doing something else, which I find to be very unpleasant for me personally.

The last time it happened was with a girl I’d seen 5 times, and was easily getting hard when just messing around but found that sometimes when switching gears to actually having sex that can change quickly


On a different note, I wonder if it’s possible to move this log to the hidden section?

When I’d signed up and started posting initially I hadn’t realized that was an option. Mods or anyone who might know how to do this, would appreciate it!
Paid Renegade said:
hanks man, appreciate the insight. When I said “it’s over” what I meant is that when that comes up you can’t simply continue and have to switch gears to doing something else, which I find to be very unpleasant for me personally.

The last time it happened was with a girl I’d seen 5 times, and was easily getting hard when just messing around but found that sometimes when switching gears to actually having sex that can change quickly
It sounds like performance anxiety, perhaps your underlying issue is a bit more deep rooted. If you can get an erection while messing around, you clearly don't need ED meds.

I've had the same issue where I would be totally comfortable with foreplay but when it came to taking off her panties and getting to the actual sex, there was this sort of mental block in my brain saying "no".

I mean, to me it sounds like you are insecure about your ability to perform. But seriously, you find it unpleasant to say, have her grind on you for a bit after failing to fuck in cowgirl?

I mean, I know you're a Chad, but are you sexually experienced? Because I would think with more experience, this type of issue wouldn't affect you as badly.

Also, re: the private section, only mods/admins can move threads, so you should probably tag them. If you type @ and then their name and click the dropdown it'll notify them.
Paid Renegade said:
On a different note, I wonder if it’s possible to move this log to the hidden section?

When I’d signed up and started posting initially I hadn’t realized that was an option. Mods or anyone who might know how to do this, would appreciate it!

It's your log so I'm not telling you what you should and shouldn't do with your log.

But I personally think keeping your log public is a way to "give back" to this community. As in, you probably joined the forums in the first place because you saw all these awesome public logs of guys crushing their goals and hustling. And if you have your log public, you can continue this cycle of positive momentum and inspiration.
colgate said:
Paid Renegade said:
On a different note, I wonder if it’s possible to move this log to the hidden section?

When I’d signed up and started posting initially I hadn’t realized that was an option. Mods or anyone who might know how to do this, would appreciate it!

It's your log so I'm not telling you what you should and shouldn't do with your log.

But I personally think keeping your log public is a way to "give back" to this community. As in, you probably joined the forums in the first place because you saw all these awesome public logs of guys crushing their goals and hustling. And if you have your log public, you can continue this cycle of positive momentum and inspiration.

100% agreed. I out my journey up here on purpose. Multiple people have said they followed my thread before joining.

It's a way of proving to people they can do it too

That being said it's your call.
Pretty sure it can be done. Just gotta DM a mod.
Squilliam said:
I mean, I know you're a Chad, but are you sexually experienced? Because I would think with more experience, this type of issue wouldn't affect you as badly.
No man, I've had a surge of lays from online lately but before that not much experience hooking up.

colgate Incidentally it was the YT vids that got me to sign up here, but I see your point. I'll hold off and think it over some more. Just noticed that other guys were posting in the private section and seemed like a smart idea.

Manganiello gotcha


Writing completed today.

More prep work planning out the new product. Want to mould some prototypes by this weekend (testing out different materials). Will take a few weeks though to see how they weather outdoors (this is in the gardening niche).

Also went to reserve some social media tags associated with the new URLs I bought the other day. Upon grabbing my new instagram handle (was available, luckily) and signing up I was immediately notified that my new account had been banned permanently for violating Meta's terms. LOL. Gotta love social media. No recourse or way to appeal, and now the username is also permanently retired. Instead I picked up an alternative username and didn't get banned. (worth noting there was no profanity or anything problematic about the username)

Met up with a new girl last night and had some fun. I bit older (36) but cute. Texted me on FB last minute that her roommate was out

May be going out tonight as well. Also have a date scheduled on Saturday with a girl I've seen 5 or 6 times.
Writing & web design done for the day

Poured the molds for new product testing

Went out and got laid last night w a new girl @ her place. She was chubbier than I thought though. At first I was thinking I wouldn’t fuck but would prob just let her suck my dick, she made it so fucking easy though and started asking if I had a condom so I went in.

May go out tonight with sexy Asian chick from FB, haven’t worked out the logistics yet though, so not sure. Date on Saturday with hot Latina I’ve seen 5x. Brought up the sexual bucketlist idea w her last night over text and she’s into it. I already sent her mine.

If I do go out tonight it’ll be 4 girls in 4 days

Decided to test the shirtless bathroom selfie on photofeeler for shits and gigs. Funny results, all the votes are either for “not attractive” or “very attractive” with nothing in between (no somewhats or yes’s) Assigning more weight though to #/quality of matches/engagement on dating apps and gonna let it run for a couple more days before I try switching pictures again.

Lost 1 pound this week but gained a little strength on my incline bench press.

Met my investing goal for July - $1000 added. Also bought some stonks today. With the market being in turmoil the portfolio is down to about $113k rn. I aim to buy and hold through it all.
Paid Renegade said:
Funny results, all the votes are either for “not attractive” or “very attractive” with nothing in between (no somewhats or yes’s)
That actually makes sense. I would think photos like that will either turn a girl on a lot or turn her off completely (if she doesn't like fuckboys).
Writing done

Didn't go out last night, so no 4 girls in 4 days. Did do 4 girls in a week tho, which is a 1st for me.

Going to de-mold the new product materials in a few minutes before I head into work, wish me luck

Didn't go flying this week, but did get a photo of me at the beach that’s pretty good.

Considering doing these weekly instead of daily tbh. Haven't missed a day since signing up but right now it feels like I'm just trying to think of interesting things to say each day. The weekly goals I've been setting for myself for years now include adding money to my investment portfolio and getting stronger in the gym - but this doesn't lend itself to daily posting either. As the newness of getting laid from online is wearing off I kinda feel like doing it solely for myself and not necessarily posting about it online each day. We'll, see I'll think about it.
Paid Renegade said:
Considering doing these weekly instead of daily tbh. Haven't missed a day since signing up but right now it feels like I'm just trying to think of interesting things to say each day. The weekly goals I've been setting for myself for years now include adding money to my investment portfolio and getting stronger in the gym - but this doesn't lend itself to daily posting either. As the newness of getting laid from online is wearing off I kinda feel like doing it solely for myself and not necessarily posting about it online each day. We'll, see I'll think about it.

Consider posting HOW you got each of your lays as they happen. Share the texts you sent, how you handled logistics, how you escalated, ect. These may not be revelations to you, but they really help out all the other guys on the forums. Even if you did the EXACT same thing everytime to get the lay, that is also very valuable information because it confirms a battle tested strategy that holds up over time.

This is what the gold standard is for a scientific study, that the results can be reproduced in the exact same manner by another person. Of course all of us are doing this for science. ;)
Not a whole lot to report today, went hiking earlier and gonna hang out with some friends now. Just a chill Sunday. Got some good goals for the week, and looking ahead I can tell it’s a busy week for the e-commerce business, which is good.

Bman yeah I totally get what you’re saying, tbh though I have little interest in doing full write ups documenting every single sexual experience that I’m having right now. Kind of sucks the fun out of it. I know that just saying “I got laid last night” isn’t actually helping anyone, so maybe it’s better not to even mention it, idk.
Paid Renegade said:
Considering doing these weekly instead of daily tbh. Haven't missed a day since signing up but right now it feels like I'm just trying to think of interesting things to say each day.

I agree with you actually. I don't think I've ever genuinely tried to do daily logging and while I've entertained the idea before, I never managed to do it. At most, I did (unintentional) daily logging when I was new to the forums, but I was making a lot of significant changes everyday.

I just like writing logs when I actually have something of value to provide and I tend to bulk-report action over multiple days into one post. It's nice to look at my log and see that the post volume lines up with actually how much action I am/was taking in a certain time period.

I feel like it clogs up the forums otherwise if it's just pure daily and you're not doing anything significant (e.g. omg guys uneventful day but I made my bed again for the 10th day in a row!) .

And writing posts is already a chore even when I do have something interesting. So I see your point here:
Paid Renegade said:
tbh though I have little interest in doing full write ups documenting every single sexual experience that I’m having right now. Kind of sucks the fun out of it.
I guess your goal is to make money, so it doesn't seem all that relevant to even talk about getting laid, unless you want to do it. We're not entitled to you giving us value and at the end of the day the primary purpose of the log is for you to document your own journey and keep yourself on track for your own goals.
Alright, for the moment I've decided to do these weekly so here goes -

This week I:

Gained some strength in the gym (Added one rep to my incline bench press, lateral raise and triceps extension.)

Tried something new on reddit to see if I could earn a little money helping people edit their photos/give advice. Generated some buzz and asked a handful of people for $20 but was ultimately unsuccessful. (Got this idea from watching one of Andy's recent vids where he responded to this thread)

Posted a handful of times on new IG and Pinterest accounts for my ecommerce business.

Started building out a new site for the ecommerce biz but ultimately decided to scrap it. (very doubtful regarding the ROI of such a project)

created a new listing for the ecommerce store (which has already sold several times).

Added a couple hundred to my investment portfolio - valued at 116k as of friday. It's weathering the market recession pretty well and I'm wanting to pick up extra work shifts now so that I can throw some more cash at it and buy more.


Decided to limit my talk about dating stuff, for now, as I want to be focusing on making money & investing. It's where I am currently very discontent. If something really interesting/noteworthy happens then I'll mention it.
Forgot to post last night! Invested a bunch this week, added a new product, 3 dates scheduled for the next 3 days, researched career paths, and just had a super interesting discussion with tommygun95 . Cool guy with a lot going on. Anyway it’s late and I’m going to have to keep this one brief, thanks guys
(168.5lb at 6ft2 as of today)
I set the goal for myself to PR an each of these in 2022 and just recently met this goal.
Weighted chin up - bodyweight + 105lb x 5 reps
Incline press - 230x5 reps
BSS - bodyweight + two 85lb dumbells x 6 reps

That doenst make sense at all. If you incline bench press 230lbs for 5 reps and assuming your other lifts are equally advanced, your muscle mass should be high enough that you should be heavier despite being so lean.
an advanced powerlifter at 170 lbs could do in general a 1 rm 270 lbs on the bench press (that's already in competition territory though) so perhaps he's a genetik freak with a ton of fast twitch fibers :)
Stuff I took care of this week -

Added $850 to the portfolio. Increased in value this week to over $119k. Have been busy picking up lots of extra work shifts.

Tried to go paragliding last night to get some interesting shots for Tinder but the weather wouldn’t cooperate so it was a bust.

Gained a little strength this week in the gym.

Edit: Also this just happened


Hopeless Everyone is different (leverages, fiber type dominance, training style, muscle distribution, prior experience, etc.)

In my case:

I am fast twitch dominant and train accordingly (low volume, heavy weight)

I don’t prioritize squat or deadlift which results in less overall lower body mass than I would carry if I were, for example, a powerlifter.

230lb press is not particularly impressive (315 is a lifetime goal), and on top of this I shorten my ROM at the bottom by about 2” which makes the lift easier. I do this to protect my shoulders.

But above all, most guys dramatically underestimate how much fat mass they are actually carrying which leads to skewed perception of what body weight they should be targeting.

6ft2, 172lb as of Friday.

People consistently guess that I’m much heavier than I really am, especially when the shirt comes off. Having naturally wide shoulders helps with this.

Another blogger I used to follow: about the same height as me and just 8 pounds heavier at 180lb:
View attachment 1
This week ~

Added some strength in the gym (reverse lateral db flyes - increased reps and will now bump up to 60lb dumbbells)

-The passive income portfolio (still not sure what to call it) surpassed $120,000 this week and on top of that I added another $1,600 from my savings (not something I'll be able to do every week)

-I'm going to re-prioritize my investing, which I've let take a backseat during the last 6 or so months. I've jumped in and out of the lot of different projects and have been inconsistent with many of my ideas (as anyone who reads through this log will clearly see) but there are a couple of things in my life that have really shown themselves to be worthwhile, and investing in quality stocks is at the top of that list. Even better, if I lose motivation and deprioritize investing as I have done before then my investments don't dry up and go away; they actually continue to grow without my involvement. Alot of things (like new businesses) are the opposite of that. Paradoxically I have found that this actually makes it much easier for me to stay the course of investing though, as It's like with each deposit I make I am putting more and more wind to my back which I know is just going to make life better for my future self. I have been investing for almost exactly 3 years now, always contributing weekly but often much less than I am capable of.

-I am going to commit to adding at least $2,000 per month to my portfolio between now and the end of the year. I've already far surpassed that amount in August.

-I'm also getting back into the habit of watching educational investing videos when possible throughout the day, such as when I'm sitting down to eat. I watched a great youtube video the other day by 'the swedish investor" , talking about the road to your first million. I think I'll get in trouble if I post the link here but it's easy to find. Anyway according to him I am in stage 3 of 4 (stage 3 being from $100,000 to $1,000,000 and stage 4 being retirement). He made a great point that as your portfolio enters this stage, the roi or hourly wage of researching investments becomes much higher, eventually surpassing that of your actively earned (job) income.

-On Friday I purchased 1 share of 3M (mmm) which is actually below my average cost basis even though it was one of the two first stocks I purchased with my first $1,000 when I started investing 3 years ago. It's been beaten down quite a lot lately and currently offers a pretty attractive starting dividend yield.
Weekly Update -

I added $1300 to the portfolio this week. Purchased some MMM, VOO, and SCHD

Spent time researching options trading and investments in general. learned an interesting stat - the average investor earns a long term annualized return of just 1.9%, before inflation.

Crazy, since the S&P500 (VOO) has returned 10% per year on average. The cause for this discrepancy was down to actively trying to time the market as well as forgoing boring investments with modest returns (like the broad stock market) in favor of riskier investments that have both greater return potential but also greater risk.

I purchased a laptop stand ($90) and a wireless keyboard + mouse for my laptop so that I can finally work online with my screen at eye level, with proper posture.

Gained a little strength in the gym once again.

And, I'm 27 now.