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Picture Feedback Megathread

kratjeuh said:
Feedback would be appreciated.

Things that I’m not 100% sure about

Is paragliding cool enough as a adventure pic + it’s posed but does that matter here
Would you say I overedited myself?

The standing group pic is overlit but I tried to save it, is the light ok
Also, are the girls considered hot enough?
Also also, should I cut out the guy or is it fine

Sitting pic
Is it too obvious that I only edited myself, I don’t think I overdid it
Is it a problem that I look the smallest because I sat a bit lower?

sorry but no to all 3

1) It's the paragliding instructor that is "The man" in the photo
2) Bad shadows and weird angle
3) Try hard photo
Hey guys, could i get a quick feedback on this pool photo? Unfortunately the light is what it is but I'd like a bit of posing feedback.

In response to kratjeuh

AskTheDom and pancakemouse said all the things I would have said.

When I get back to my laptop I’ll post a social photo pose I like to take that solves all the issues group photos often have, it’s more candid and without fail makes you seem like “the man” in the photo.
Slurp Except for the obvious editing that your picture needs (especially for the noise omg), I think it's fine. I don't know if someone else has something to add, but to me it would be usable if edited properly.
BTW, if you send me the RAW file I'd like to edit it for you because I can't stand seeing all this noise haha. :lol:


Okay guys, my turn. I need a new drone pic for my profile, so help me choose between these two. BTW, thanks to NightRoller for shooting me these while I was landing my drone on my hand. :)
View attachment 1
Lord Rey Thank you for the offer man!
In regard to your photos I kind of prefer the second one, looks more like an action shot where the first one feels slightly posed. Take my opinion with a tablespoon of salt because I'm still noob-level.
Slurp It seems we can't send pictures trough PM, so I'll just post it here:

About my drone pic, yeah I prefer the composition of the second shot too, it's more about my facial expression that I'm not really sure which one is the best.
Lord Rey said:
@Slurp Except for the obvious editing that your picture needs (especially for the noise omg), I think it's fine. I don't know if someone else has something to add, but to me it would be usable if edited properly.
BTW, if you send me the RAW file I'd like to edit it for you because I can't stand seeing all this noise haha. :lol:


Okay guys, my turn. I need a new drone pic for my profile, so help me choose between these two. BTW, thanks to @NightRoller for shooting me these while I was landing my drone on my hand. :)

First of all, amazing editing on Slurp's photo. I was about to comment that it's unusable but you completely turned it around!

About your question, I'll challenge two things here:

1. The frame of "needing" a drone photo. What about flying a drone makes you look like a sexual threat, or overly appealing to women? What does this add to your existing photos? You are in a very high-difficulty area, every decision like this needs to be analyzed.

I would say that it's very hard to make flying a drone look like an attractive or high-value activity.

2. The two photos to choose from simply aren't acceptable, even if a drone photo was absolutely needed. Your fashion isn't good. The facial expression is off. And you're sticking your hand out in a very stiff, posed way.
pancakemouse said:
1. The frame of "needing" a drone photo. What about flying a drone makes you look like a sexual threat, or overly appealing to women? What does this add to your existing photos? You are in a very high-difficulty area, every decision like this needs to be analyzed.

I would say that it's very hard to make flying a drone look like an attractive or high-value activity.

Fair point. I don't actually need a drone pic, but I'm thinking that it would be a cool addition to my profile as flying this little thing has become a big hobby of mine. It would help displaying the photographer archetype I'm going for.
Furthermore, it's something different than most hobbies shown in dating profiles like the usual hiking/gym/guitar/book/etc...

As for the value of the activity itself, I believe it's high value enough to be worth showing. I mean, I don't see how it can be lower value than a billard pic for example...

pancakemouse said:
2. The two photos to choose from simply aren't acceptable, even if a drone photo was absolutely needed. Your fashion isn't good. The facial expression is off. And you're sticking your hand out in a very stiff, posed way.

Noted, thanks. I needed feedback on these because I always suck at judging pictures of myself. Maybe a drone landing on my hand isn't the best thing to show from this hobby haha. :D
I will think how to get better drone pics.
Lord Rey said:
As for the value of the activity itself, I believe it's high value enough to be worth showing. I mean, I don't see how it can be lower value than a billard pic for example...
Tbh I don't see what's high value about that. Anybody with a couple hundred bucks can buy a drone and fly it and take some pictures with it. In my eyes, high value would mean it's not something easily attainable for the average person, like for example, pictures on a yacht.
The drone photo probably has a better case for inclusion if you're looking for a girlfriend, in which case screening for long term compatibility matters a bit. Maybe you can do something difficult or impressive with it and get a good shot of that, and you soak the panties of the 3 girls who are really into flying drones. Those are the girls you'd want to date long-term anyway.

But for general getting laid I think it doesn't have a place.

edited to add: not everything in life has to be about maximizing sexual success. but a dating app profile probably should be. I think flying drones is one of those hobbies that is really cool to your bros, but on average probably not to female strangers

if you really must have a drone pic, the way to make it "high value" is probably by somehow including other people being impacted in some way by it. I don't know what this would entail for drones, but maybe having the drone with a nice camera attached taking a really awesome picture from a difficult angle. kind of how pictures of photographers using their cameras can be attractive. but it sounds very difficult (likely impossible) to get you, the drone, and the *insert subject matter here that necessitates the drone and demonstrates obvious coolness and impact of using it* all into the same shot. and then there is the difficulty of making sure that that resultant picture is also a good picture of you. it seems like a very tall task.
Squilliam Lol what kind of argument is that? If a high value activity is only defined by its cost then we would need to be millionaires to get laid… I really want to see your yacht pic now. :D

You can use this argument against almost all activity pics: "Anybody with a couple hundred bucks can buy *item needed for activity* and use it and take some pictures with it."

But seriously, I'm sure I can get a cool drone pic sooner or later. :)

Edit: nipple-flip Interesting points. I actually already used two drone clips in my profile this summer. On Tinder, it was just two very short loops as the app doesn't support video clips for now.

One clip was showing my friends (both males & females) waving at the drone and the other was me and a Korean girl holding our flags (hers Korean and mine Polish) on a beach in Spain, with a nice background of palm trees and the Mediterranean sea.
I bought the gear Andy recommends about half a year ago. Since then, I've done several photo shoots. I took about 1000 photos of myself and I'd like to get feedback on some of them. Specifically:

1.) Of the ones below which one do you think is best? (Least bad?)
2.) Do you think any one of them is Tinderworthy?
3.) I'm happy to hear any kind of feedback good or bad.





ldoser said:
1.) Of the ones below which one do you think is best? (Least bad?)
2.) Do you think any one of them is Tinderworthy?
3.) I'm happy to hear any kind of feedback good or bad.

1 is the best but it’s still very obviously a posed, though at least it feels sorta candid

2 grumpy
3 super posed and not a sexy expression
4 tryhard pose
5 tryhard pose

Whether you can use it depends on your current profile and where it sits. You can only have 2 posed pics maximum, the rest have to be candid.
I am hopefully going to have my photoshoot today and one of the pics I am having trouble figuring out the logistics.

I want to get a good shot of me cooking but I am not sure what angles to shoot and what to tell my photographer. They will probably show up at 5PM sharp.

Here is my kitchen. I am also not sure what I should exactly do in the pic to show I can cook. I made some dinner yesterday, maybe just reheat that on a pan? Buy some vegetables and cut them? Mix some stuff in a bowl? I need a cool shot and I need to look good in the picture.

I also included some example pics I sent my photographer. They aren't necessarily OLD photos but they give the idea of the poses I want.
They better zoom in high and tight, because that is a goddamn depressing-looking kitchen.

You better have a perfectly-plated gourmet meal and really nice dinnerware to make up for it. Otherwise, don't bother.
pancakemouse said:
They better zoom in high and tight, because that is a goddamn depressing-looking kitchen.

You better have a perfectly-plated gourmet meal and really nice dinnerware to make up for it. Otherwise, don't bother.

I do wish I had a nicer kitchen but not everyone is rich.

I made dinner yesterday so maybe I can get a closeup shot of me adding some sesame seeds or green onions to it or something. When you mean high and tight do you mean barely focus on background, and just upper body in the photo? Or do you mean something else
You’re probably better of taking a cooking class and asking one of the hotter girls to take a pic
My photographer fucking cancelled on me. Said she was sick and also was not comfortable coming to my place to shoot. Wonder if I should just go buy my own camera and do this, but I don't want to make a decision because my anger and frustration is still fresh.

If I am getting my own camera, should I ask my friend to help me take photos even if he isn't a photographer?