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Radicals Log - 90 Outfits

SIGMA_1234 said:
@Radical I am just curios as to why you're writing a hostel guide. What do you do for a living? Seems like you travel around, from what I've read about you.

I work insurance/finance roles. Currently sales.

I explain more about my travel background in the guide. Coming very soon.
1803 cals today

Hostel guide is done
Posting tomorrow after work
Clocks in at 4800 words
A lot to me but Andy is no doubt like 'pffft is that all?!'

Done & posted. One big task off my to do list. Apparently its a 10-20 minute read depending on your level of speed. Enjoy lads.

Working on a hobby project next. My defence of travelling in general as an option for the KYIL or GLL man will be done after that.

1860 cal today
KillYourInnerLoser said:
I'm not you. I'm not David Goggins. For many of us, starting is fucking HELL every day (especially writers).

David Goggins fights procrastination too. Or does procrastination fight Goggins?

Great article! I never banged a girl from hostel hustling though I did smash a girl who was a hostel owner (and in her hostel). If I was then your article reveals all the juicy details! Nice work.
chado said:
do you have pics of your physique

He's in decent shape right now. Once he leans down I believe he will be about as muscular as Andy. So he will be good to go once the cut is done.
I naturally hold a bit more muscle than Andy. Not a huge lot more but I think I'll end up at a higher weight than him at the same bf %. We are about the same height.

I cant foresee me going down near 70kg for instance, it would be 17kg to lose
I hold a lot of my muscle in my back and legs so typically front body shots dont favour me
1874 cals today

Having a very productive week so far.

I haven't really stopped to pause since i started writing my hostel guide. Once I finished that I started on another passion project which I am now 5 days of work into. (not 5 full days as my current job steals 8 hrs from me - only 3 weeks left)

Typically I come home, rest from work for like an hour and try to refresh my brain. After that I start work, keep going until im satisfied with my efforts and then go to sleep.

This project is a long term thing and Im now committed to trying it out for the next 6 months - especially if corona doesnt fuck off.

Only negative was that this girl couldnt make it tonight as she has some personal issues. Not sure if she is dropping off but I believe she isnt lying to me. Either way I didnt let that distract me and took action.
1600 cal day

Productivity still good. Although it started out a slog this evening and I had to use Pomodoro again to get shit done.

First time in 3 nights as my motivation was on point all week before
Nope not really

Never hungry until like 3 hrs after waking up. If I space the meals properly and eat high volume low cal food I've found I can get away with fucking low total cal amounts

Makes me crash energy wise though at times
Radical said:
Nope not really

Never hungry until like 3 hrs after waking up. If I space the meals properly and eat high volume low cal food I've found I can get away with fucking low total cal amounts

Makes me crash energy wise though at times
Smart you're doing this. Eating the right volume foods can make dieting cake. A lot of people self sabotage by eating calorie dense foods. glad to see you’re not one of them.
Keep up the diet you’re well on your way to being ripped up.
Feel like I'm getting somewhere

Just need some sun and more mt2

Or you know a country that hasnt banned sunbeds