Radicals Log - 90 Outfits


I did manual labour today as well helping a mate shift a few pallets of dumbells
1910 cal yesterday
2100 cal today

Should be moving into a new flat soon. Will provide more details when its actually happened.
Its been a lax couple of days

My mum's reaction to me leaving has been to cook eveything i like to eat.

Today was 1950 cal

Previous two days were both cheats at a guess i probably hit near 2500 both days
And fell off with this a lot with the move. Thats shit of me

1600 cal today - barely felt hungry tbh
I finalised a bunch of articles today for thehatfish.com

The most relevant one to others on this forum will be this one:


This is what I would have liked to have read back when i started taking my style seriously. And to some extent what Andy told me.
Yeah I can really relate to the article. I used to build my identity around "I'm not like other shallow guys" by caring about what I wear less. Well, that changed, and when I took what I wear seriously, it felt completely weird. I was really scared of what others thought of how I looked and how they will judge me, now that I'm part of those "shallow guys" I judged so hard about. Turns out, not much people care, and they'd even compliment you lol

Some suggestions: I think you're doing this already, but in case you don't, link your email opt-in offer for your style guide everytime you say "Signing up to my email list" or something to that effect. I was actually looking for the style guide as I was reading it (even if I got it lol), and I couldn't find it.
This time last week ya boy moved to a new UK city: Manchester

Im in the dead centre of town pretty much and walking distance to everything
Last week was more of a blur of moving and sorting my flat out than anything.
Did find the energy and time to relaunch Tinder on Friday hoping to newbie boost and then boost on Saturday

Weirdly I got fuck all matches on Friday (like 10 likes maybe and 4 matches)
Boost on Saturday was a nice little avalanche though - probably like 50 likes from that boost over the night and days following
Hit up about 30 girls total but only got one lead out of it

She just left mine now
Nice girl, very chill to talk to - in fact we talked for like 2 hrs before I moved it into the bedroom and fucked her

Not gonna lie, i feel rusty af in all aspects (expect that to happen if you take a break)
Had weird nerves turning online dating back on after like 4 months in monk mode
Took maybe like 20 openers and chats back and forth for me to feel the groove again

I probably hesitated a little to fuck this girl too just now

Also has to do with her not being incredibly attractive to me - she had a great body (does crossfit style training) but overall like a 6 at best i think. Was happy enough looking at her ass she built up with squats though. All girls should squat

Explaining my monk mode

I feel like I've been the arch imposter the last few months. I made the decision to go into a proper monk mode when my country went back into lockdown and I was living with family - after consultation with KillYourInnerLoser. It made more sense to focus on my website, youtube and the paid work i was doing.

Also I tried dating back in September/October out of my family base and it wasnt going to work logistically for me
I do feel from this time period i have plenty to show on the project side of things with my 365 youtube and thehatfish.com

That said, although I was working on things, it felt weird giving guys advice on online dating and looksmaxxing etc when I had no skin in the game.

Well im back now and im looking forward to the UK reopening in a month or so

Im going to do a video on monk mode and what I learned. This was my first enforced break from chasing girls since I started taking shit seriously and longest dry spell in 3 years.

Most shockingly of all it didnt feel that bad. I'll explain in more detail with a video

SIGMA_1234 not gonna lie man I have no idea how to do that with my email offer.
I have the direct link to the pdf but not to the offer which allows the email sign up
@SIGMA_1234 not gonna lie man I have no idea how to do that with my email offer.
I have the direct link to the pdf but not to the offer which allows the email sign up

Radical I can create a separate page & setup a landing page that collects leads for your email list, with your style guide as a lead magnet. For you, this is a quick job, and I'll do it for free. I'm in the middle of building a website, but I can spare some time for you.

DM me.