Radicals Log - 90 Outfits

Radical said:
That said, although I was working on things, it felt weird giving guys advice on online dating and looksmaxxing etc when I had no skin in the game.

No dude, come on.

Most of us were complete disasters in certain areas when we joined the forums. So even basic advice goes a long way. You don't need skin in the game to help guys like these -> http://prntscr.com/10d3x16
Crisis_Overcomer yeah never doubted my advice just dont like not living the life im advising

1950 cal today
cheat day - Friday
1770 cal - Saturday

I also did that video i promised about monk mode

Like 2400 cal today

Was a bit of a slip. Was a bit too harsh yesterday I think being under 1800 cal
2050 today

Been doing at least 2 hrs walking every day as well. Cant sit inside for too long tbh
Now that I track what I eat, I greatly appreciate what it takes to eat 2k cals properly everyday. Damn, that's a lot!
2300 - these numbers are creeping up and i need to be more disciplined

SIGMA_1234 tbf man theres too much junk in my daily diet. Im also a fair bit bigger than you (6 ft 2) so my baseline is more
2k cal friday
Cheat Saturday - big one as well
1800 cal today

Date - all covid dates are kinda weird tbf

Trying to go a little slower with girls now, its not that rewarding to have girl come over for sex as a first date and then not see her again.

Pitched a coffee date for saturday. She rearranged though and could only do 8 30pm today.
We walked around the town chatting - that was it. She was cute and nice, kind of a lack of chemistry though but thats not unusual for 1st dates sometimes

I had planned not to invite her back but when i decided she was hot enough to sleep with, I went against this
She declined the invitation though - which is like the first time in the last 10 girls this has happened

Weird moment for me. Kinda like a 'oh i can still bleed' sort of thing lol

I think in future i will stick with making a decision pre date and going through with it, not trying to half heartedly make a girl come over at the last minute. I think i switched cause she was actually a bit hotter than the pics on tinder (not mind blowing but a pleasant surprise)

Id be surprised if she agrees to meet again, just from a vibe I got. She said she kind of wanted a boyfriend at one point, and me being like 'oh i plan to travel again when its allowed' probs didnt click with her.

I was also irritable leading up to the date and not on best form tbh. Im gonna hit her up during the week but yeah surprised if it yields anything

Got one other active lead which i will try to make happen and still have matches to hit up. Plus i fired Hinge back up again which is a whole new world to try and get through
Monday - 2200
Tuesday - 2000
Today - 2200

Im upping my target to 2100-2200 per day moving forward. I feel a lot better hitting around 2200 than trying to keep in the 1800-2000 range daily. If i see no weight loss at all with these cals I will go back down.

This is factoring in about 2 hrs walking a day still

Also I quit smoking for a new 2 month stretch (at least). The goal eventually is to be able to have a cig or two on nights out without going back to smoking like 10 a day.

To be extra accountable this was todays vid:


Girls: Working a few leads currently. Will report if anything comes off.
Radical said:
Monday - 2200
Tuesday - 2000
Today - 2200

Im upping my target to 2100-2200 per day moving forward. I feel a lot better hitting around 2200 than trying to keep in the 1800-2000 range daily. If i see no weight loss at all with these cals I will go back down.

This is factoring in about 2 hrs walking a day still

Also I quit smoking for a new 2 month stretch (at least). The goal eventually is to be able to have a cig or two on nights out without going back to smoking like 10 a day.

To be extra accountable this was todays vid:


Girls: Working a few leads currently. Will report if anything comes off.

As someone who had to quit cigs in the past. I recommend closing the door entirely so to speak.

Don’t let them come back into your life. I noticed when I did that. Other old negative happens creep back in.

Just my two cents. Good luck with your goals buddy.
DNPTHC Im bound to get off my tits at some point after lockdown and nick a fag off someone tho. Its why im not approaching it like an abstinence mindset. Did 2 months no smoking January and February. Shouldnt be an issue doing it again
Long streak on the cigs keep it up - I agree that an ideal point will be when you can do one or two every once in a while and not get dragged back into it - but do what you need to for now. Some people need abstinence their whole life.

I've heard and seen a couple studies saying that quitting nicotine is harder than heroin - so hats off (not literally) to you for holding out for so long
Sup guys

Confession time, fell off a bit logging cals

I know Thursday is 2300 but no idea what Friday or Saturday were
Today was 2200

Two things are currently annoying me

Tinder is flake city rn
Nicotine withdrawal

Ive had a ton of matches and pulled about 10 numbers off Tinder the past 2 weeks... but none of them have gone anywhere. If it wasnt for the quick lay I got within a week of being here, id be writing Manchester off as a shit place to date.

I know lockdown is having a big effect but for me (dont judge yourselves by this standard if you're a newbie) getting 10 numbers and only getting 2 dates and 1 lay out of it is piss poor.

Pitching mostly walk/coffee dates atm.
I might go back to screening for 'come straight to my place'. Less numbers likely but also less fuckarounds will give their number.

Nicotine withdrawal sucks.
Im super restless and I cant get rid of the feeling. Basically its like having an itch in your muscles that never goes away, anyone that has restless legs syndrome will understand the feeling. My mood is swinging way more than usual as well.

Got a keep an eye out for my appetite too as this is known to get out of control when you are going cold turkey from smoking

The two things are obviously affecting each other. Im irritable and cant catch a short term break

Its just short term issues though, its like poker again - everyone has downswings and they will be random and unexplainable.