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I, Bogusz, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously. dat red colour tho

I want to:

1) get laid,
2) be confident and natural with myself around women, spontaneous touch, etc., and...
3) become "that guy" who has it all: looks, status, interesting life and money. The kind of guy who can have most attractive women as girlfriends.
"I, Ory, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously."

Hello, my name is Ory (OJB) and I am a 32 old man living a little west of Chicago. About five years ago my brother drank himself to death. Afterwords, I fell into a major depression. I gained about 80lbs; I stopped going out socially; and gave myself to a job where I've been not making money in order to help my father out. I didn't really realize how bad my life had gotten until (this June) my father asked me to lie (and it was a major lie) and I refused. Things got ugly, and then it really hit me about how unhappy I was. I want that to change. While I've had valuable ( painful) experiences in my twenties, I don't want my thirties to be more of the same. I want to live a long and happy life, and I need to change.

I actually came to find this site through Caleb Jones. He suggested looking up Good Looking Loser is one of his videos, and from there I found this place. So here I am.

I have three goals I would like to achieve over the next five years.

1. I would like to become financially independent. This is my primary goal right now because A. I'm exhausted of always worrying about money. B. I don't like being dependent on other people when it comes to trying to make money. (I started working on this hardcore 2 weeks ago.)

2. I would really like to get back to 200lbs (I about 280 lbs at the moment). I don't feel good. I don't look good. Also, about 10 years ago I fractured my ankle and it never healed correctly. Being overweight, and having to put pressure on that ankle, hurts. Last, I've notice the qualities of my erections have diminished. For a man, this obviously a problem. It's embarrassing and I believe that losing 80 lbs would really help with this a lot.

3. I would like to improve my sexual interactions with women. Before my spiral downward, I was not great with girls, but I did get some dates and have fun (I've been with four girls), but nothing like some of the guys on this site. I don't have a lay count goal, I would just like to be confident and skilled enough to get sex when I want to and to be able to have sexual experiences some people couldn't believe possible (The BDSM thing really sold me to the site.)

That's my introduction. I know it is a lot, but I really want to be accountable and open about who I am, where I'm coming from, and where I want to go.
Thank you,

-OBJ (you can call me Ory, I do prefer my real name.)
25 Asian dude in open relationship

- better photos for tinder
- more (quality) lays


I, S8onic, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.
KillYourInnerLoser said:
s8onic said:
25 Asian dude in open relationship

- better photos for tinder
- more (quality) lays


Hey mate, welcome. Don't forget to include this line, otherwise your account will be deleted in 2 days:

"I, S8onic, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously."

Added it in.
I, spinaroonie, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

Looking to improve my success on dating apps (Tinder, Bumble, Hinge etc.)
My goals are gaining muscle first as I'm already skinny, then lose the excess fat.

Glad to have found you guys.

I, Boris, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

I, Noel, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

So. I'm Noel. I work retail full-time, and have been flying solo for almost 3 years now.

It's been a bit of a rough ride. I kicked out my psychotic, drug-seeking sister, lost the nice townhouse I had, gave up my car, then got dumped by my ex out of the blue. I started going to the gym (out of spite!) I went from a size 38 to a 33 in just over a year, but with the pandemic, I ended up putting 15lb on. I figure I've got about 20lb to get rid of still. Definately need to fix the diet somewhat, and be more consistent with the home workouts.

I'm also a professional balloon twister, but that's never gotten me far with the ladies, lol.

Goals: Lose Weight, look more awesome, and get laid!
Welcome to the forum mate

Have you got a specific weight target?
And are you tracking calories?
My target is 180lb, I'm currently hovering around 200. I haven't tracked calories in a while, but I'm starting that back up now. Also, actually scheduling my workouts so I actually do them. ;)
20lbs will fall off in no time dude if you are consistent with it

Always keep in mind it's mostly a diet thing
I, DJ, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

My current goal is to be able to have an abundance mentality when it comes to women and just get laid in general a whole lot more.
I, Chris, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

Mostly here to get some game going on tinder and in real world settings. Also need help with better tinder pictures haha. Been a while since I’ve been laid and need to change that. I also need to get in shape (already lost 25 pounds). SW 200.5 CW 175.5.

Can’t wait to get started!
I, RogerRoger, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

27M USA. Same as on GLL. I'll be posting monthly updates on here.

I have a near endless list of goals. But my #1 goal for the next month or two is to submit two journal articles.
RogerRoger said:
I, RogerRoger, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

27M USA. Same as on GLL. I'll be posting monthly updates on here.

I have a near endless list of goals. But my #1 goal for the next month or two is to submit two journal articles.

Hey! Nice to see you come here aswell!
I, Marvin commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

I was bullied in school, 135kg fat und never kissed a Girl till 20.

Now im;

and got about 85 lays, almost solely of cold approaches. (The problem is, i never fucked Girls i REALLY want, or only very few.)

i live right now in Göttingen Germany (118k People).

for 2 years now i live of social warefare and smoke weed daily / only do fun stuff.

-Complete my Trainer Licence so i can get a Job
-Move to Berlin, so i can push my Sex live as hard as i want to
-Fuck more High Quality Girls and make money trough Porn with them
-Powerlifting 600kg Total (443kg right now)
-Get a higher Libido (tipps?)
-Join a Volleyballclub and make more Friends (in Berlin)

My laystrategy: Direct Numbersgame - invite to date and fuck them - (bulletproof) | i never chat with Girls, i just invite them instantly.

Pictures of me:

of Today:
View attachment 1

when i was Fat
View attachment 2 (dont have more, because i hated myself and was crying all the time)

how i go outside
View attachment 4

other pics:
View attachment 3
View attachment 5
View attachment 6
View attachment 7
I, S, commit to my goal of taking myself seriously.

I'm 24, based in the UK. I have a career I'm happy with, enough money coming in, a car I love (little mx5, pretty good for 24 I think), and hobbies I enjoy, including music and gym.

What I do not have is enough of a social life, a good match rate on Tinder or enough lays under my belt.

Essay incoming, I want to take it serious:

My goals:

[*]Improve in gym.
I have a home gym (best decision I made in COVID), and I've made pretty solid progress from when I started. I only started it seriously seriously during lockdown (March, so 6 months). Right now I'm bulking, because I'm too small. I'm sitting at 9% bodyfat, and that's after some bulking time. I want to improve my physique, and the only way to do that is to bulk when you're skinny (and cut when you're not). My 6rm lifts currently are: Deadlift 115kg/253lbs, Squat: 100kg/220 lbs, bench: 67.5kg/149lbs. Deadlift is low because home gym plates cost a lot, and I only recently got some 25kg plates. It's going up quickly, as is squat, bench is slower.
My issue with this one, is although I've made a lot of good progress from starting from nothing is this: I have a baby face. Andy says leaner gives better face and he's right. My issue is I'm already somewhat lean, and if I get much leaner, my lifting progress will be stunted.
I'm upping my protein intake all the time, hoping that maybe I can cut a little soon and not lose too much muscle, whilst losing all the fat that gives me that baby face.

[*]Improve face
I've also made a LOT of skincare progress in the past few months. Honestly Andy, recommendations to anyone who has bad skin or acne is to try Hyram's youtube channel. He's a flamboyant gay dude, but he knows his stuff when it comes to skincare. Even in only a couple of months, my bad skin has cleared up massively, not perfect but it's better.
I also chew a LOT of chewing gum to work my maseters, I think it's worked.
Next, I want to improve my beard, which is basically non-existent. I'm trying minox tomorrow, like you suggested. Hopefully it won't fuck with my other skincare.

[*]Improve fashion to be taken seriously.
This one I struggle with. I'll need to read more. I hate the idea of jewellery, piercings and tattoos. I'd like to get over that...

[*]Improve social life/ get over my (mild) agoraphobia.
Not so easy with a pandemic going on.

[*]Improve tinder photos.
I am saving for a camera, next month.
Currently, I have (what I thought was) 5 awesome photos, but I very recently got tinder back and bought gold (following the guide), my matches have been below average at best, and no real conversations that last more than a message.
One fat girl laughed at me for looking 16. I unmatched her immediately, but she has a point. I do look too young.

[*]Improve social life.
I have a handful of very close friends who I adore.
The problem is they're based far enough from me that I can't see them every week.
Also, there's a pandemic going on.

[*]Get laid.
I'd be happy with a steady gf, as long as she's pretty, shorter than me, and kinky af.
I'm 5'8, I've tried height boosters, it works a little, but if you add 3 inches in your shoes, people DO notice when they're looking at them. I'm comfortable with the 1 inch ones, but they're also dangerous to drive in.
I had a pretty loving LTR when I was 20-23, great sex, a good time.
It went south, and I've not had any real action since.
That needs to change.
Realistically, I'm happiest in a good relationship, but part of me thinks I should up my lay count (of 5) before that.
LTRs are hard mode unless you have that confidence, or she really is a good girl.
I've never done much cold approaching, in day or pubs, only clubbing when I was at uni, but I dont enjoy it anymore. Again, not much you can do for that in a pandemic. Tinder seems like the only option, and my pictures are not good enough YET.