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"I, SmoothOperator, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously."

Hey guys:

My goal is to:
- Build muscle and be lean
- Fuck hot girls through cold approach and online Dating
- #1: Fuck a big booty Milf (never done this and its a dream)
SmoothOperator said:
"I, SmoothOperator, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously."

Hey guys:

My goal is to:
- Build muscle and be lean
- Fuck hot girls through cold approach and online Dating
- #1: Fuck a big booty Milf (never done this and its a dream)

Welcome. Quick question: are you the same SmoothOperator as from the old GLL forums? Or is the nickname a coincidence?

I've fucked a MILF before (45 years old.) Was no different from fucking any other girl. Have a good profile, show off some muscle and edge, and set your Tinder ages to whatever you want and Boost the hell out of it.
Holden said:
SmoothOperator said:
"I, SmoothOperator, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously."

Hey guys:

My goal is to:
- Build muscle and be lean
- Fuck hot girls through cold approach and online Dating
- #1: Fuck a big booty Milf (never done this and its a dream)

Welcome. Quick question: are you the same SmoothOperator as from the old GLL forums? Or is the nickname a coincidence?

I've fucked a MILF before (45 years old.) Was no different from fucking any other girl. Have a good profile, show off some muscle and edge, and set your Tinder ages to whatever you want and Boost the hell out of it.

No man, I had a different name on GLL. I think Relentless or something like that (changed my name a couple of times).
TBH, this name is not very fitting to me because I am not a Smoothoperator, I am truly a scumbag. My goal is to fuck girls as fast as humanely possible. I like to be extremely agressive that way I screen girls pretty fast.

I will start optimizing everything. Cold Approach is not a problem. Style is ok but could be better. My vibe is alot alot better than it used to be. All I need is to build muscle and good pictures. And inbetween hit on chicks and try to fuck them as fast as possible.
I, thefitguy commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously. my main golas are to make more money, muscles and learn game
I, Edwin commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

Recently been through a break up and 100% willing to get myself off to a good start. I have never been on a Tinder date but I have been on dates. Everytime I attempt to talk to girls, I mostly get stuck or don't really have anything to say. I have been giving myself time to get over myself, go to the gym and talk with family, getting myself ready to go out there and take the world by storm.

My 2 main goals as of now is
1) Going out on dates
2) Working towards my degree in Computer Science
Im Neal
I, Neal, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

23 from the US.
My goal is to ultimately look better and feel better about myself.
I plan on using this forum, dieting and other tips to help achieve this goal.

My short term goal is to drop to around 165 Lbs from 178 to better help achieve my goal BF percentage
Another short term goal is to boost my style from just the same 3 t-shirts I wear everyday.
Im Neal
I, Neal, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

23 from the US.
My goal is to ultimately look better and feel better about myself.
I plan on using this forum, dieting and other tips to help achieve this goal.

My short term goal is to drop to around 165 Lbs from 178 to better help achieve my goal BF percentage
Another short term goal is to boost my style from just the same 3 t-shirts I wear everyday.

Welcome Neil - good to have you with us

Good luck working on your goals

neeeek Hey man, site rules are as follows:

1. Your first post must include this sentence: "I, [your name], commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously."

2. Add a photo of yourself as an avatar.

If you do not do these 2 steps, your account will be deleted within 3 days.
I Devon commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously
22 USA
My goal is to get better with my social skills women and people in general and eventually get laid.
Right now I'm focusing on finishing college studying music and I'm working on getting a car to start traveling and building connections for my career and to make more approaches as I get more comfortable with it(Currently in the AA program)
Hey everyone.

I, Hugh, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

-Move out of my parent's house to Miami/Ft. Lauderdale
-Secure good logistics for getting with women, as well as a job that'll help me get by
-Get better with women (getting comfortable talking to women during the day and going out to bars/clubs at night)
-Drop another 5-10 pounds to see how I look (I bulked a bit over the Winter)
Hello everyone !

"I, Yaxir, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously."

26 years old, currently in Istanbul

Enough is enough, i get one shot at living my life and i am not going to waste it by being shy, timid, insecure and clueless in hopes of being noticed by some girl out of pity !

YUCK ! that's a pathetic mindset !

It's magnitudes better to take the risk of putting myself out there and do whatever it takes to gain something out of this life instead !

Goals :
- Gain Financial Independence and arrange a side hustle for myself
- Become established enough to support my family in any possible manner
- Make a respectable career for myself, something worth positively remembering and reminscing afterwards
- Make progress towards all the research work i have been putting of for ~ 4 years
- Get in shape, physically and mentally
- Gain a fair bit of muscle, lose the belly and obtain a positive, confident body posture
- Improve my sense of fashion in clothing
- Get rid of my severe approach anxiety and limiting beliefs when approaching women with a sexual subtext
- Get comfortable with the prospect of being playful and sexually intimate with women
- Discard all social awkwardness / anti-social tendencies and form a healthy social circle
- Learn to look out for myself, first and foremost ! Make a habit of putting myself and my needs first
- Improve my own perception of myself by working on my Inner Game and sincerely owning the 'no fucks given' ethos
- Start out and get incrementally better at Day/Night game and Online Dating and even social circle game
- Get at least 2 lays or desire sex, from two different women
- Score one FWB before the end of 2021
I Lord Disick commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously

Age - 28
Location - Southeastern USA

Goal - Get laid

Actionable sub goals
Get on Tinder, get better tinder pics
Cold approach more (approach anxiety program?)
Fix unhealthy relationship with porn
Hit the gym hard and consistently
Less laziness, more action

I, Sven, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

Truth be told; I didnt like the thought of registering on this site, because of my stupid pride. But at the end of the day I cant figure it out myself, so I would appreciate the help of guys who are already there.

I have a somewhat weird background, because a few years ago I didnt have any problems getting girls. It was more like they were coming to me, without wanting to sound like a dick here. At the age of 11 I started training everyday, counting calories etc; simply working my ass off to get good at basketball. As a small kid without any muscle mass, born with a little coordination disorder I really wanted to prove a lot of people that Im legit. Starting at age 16 I had a great body, played in a high ranked youth league and because of that had absolutely no problems getting girls. At the same time I thought I look really good, because I got girls (again I dont want to sound like a dick, just want to be truthful about my thoughts here). But after I injured myself a few years ago and afterwards coming back, not being able to play because of corona, I didnt get girls anymore. I realized that I was in many relationships before, because of my life and personality, not because Im really good looking.

Long story, short end; My goal is to improve my looks and get girls again.

Other life-goals:
- complete my masters degree
- play at a pro league
- learn to play the piano
- jump 45 inches and run a sub 4.4 40yard
- learn to cook at a high level

Btw Im from germany so if any of you has any questions about the country because of holiday planning ,political interest etc. ask anytime
Hey everyone!

I, Vincent, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

I'm a 21 year old guy from the northeast US. I'm currently studying computer science and applied math at a top 10 college. I have always struggled with my weight, and the first surge of confidence in my life was from losing ~60 pounds in high school. I have some experience with girls (7 lays, 1 was a girlfriend and 2 were FWBs), but I want to have that feeling like I can get laid if/when I want to.

My goals are:
  1. Continue lifting and take it more seriously. I'd love to hit 225/315/405 for bench/squat/deadlift respectively in the future. I've got a long way to go, though!
  2. Lose some weight. I weigh around 170 lbs at the moment, and I'd like to get down to 150 just to see if I'll finally get the flat stomach I've always wanted. If I have to go further, then so be it.
  3. Improve my social life. I used to be able to make friends with random people with ease, but the pandemic quickly stifled my extraversion. I want my vibrant social life back!
  4. Get some more lays, and gain some more confidence talking with girls. I'd like to be able to hit on cute girls in public, but it's a daunting task at the moment. Also, I need to put more work into my online dating profiles; they aren't giving me great returns currently, and it's probably picture choice/quality that is screwing me.
  5. Acquire a software engineering internship for summer 2022. It's time to play the numbers game and apply to a bunch of places over this summer.

Nice to meet y'all! Let's get to work.
I, Drail, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

25 year old desk jockey. Always had weird issues with women and low self esteem. Andy's tinder guide really helped me get the ball rolling and exceed my expectations with 3 lays in 3 months, which I wouldn't have been able to achieve otherwise. Currently my biggest roadblock at the moment is my really bad psychological erectile dysfunction. It started ever since I first lost my virginity since I lost it in a toxic relationship I knew I shouldn't have been in but I stayed for four years because of my terrible self esteem. Andy's content is part of what helped me leave. I feel if I don't beat the ED soon then I'm wasting what's left of my youth and I'm setting myself up for failure when it comes to getting a quality life partner. Time to get to work.

Beat ED
5 more lays this year
Reach 90 kg lean mass
I, Tom, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

I have a pretty unfortunate past. I don't really want to go into the details since I don't think it fucking matters anyways. Something comparable to Andy's. The only thing that matters is how I go about it now. I have this feeling deep inside of me, maybe of more a knowledge that I have to do certain things or I will killmyself. It sounds a bit dramatic, but I just know that my suffering will be endless if I dont commit to my goals in a serious allin-ish way. I can't supress it, I can't ignore it or accept it. I need to face the demons that I avoided for quite some time.

My goals:
1. Continuing my cut. Then advancing to 120kg bench press, 200kg deadlift and 160kg Squat and 80KG Overheadpress while staying under 15% bodyfat.
2. Studying 6h hours a day.
3. Get rid of my approach anxiety.
4. Make some good photos of myself.

Maybe I need to revisit my goals and see what priority each goal has in comparison to another. And I need to make them more concrete put in them into a small plan. But for now I will take massive action and see after 2 weeks or so what can be improved.

PS: sorry the poor avatar. I will deliever something more presentable when I took more pictures of me. I just wanted to get this over.
I, Josh are on my way to be a goddamn grown ass man.

My past is not the worst but not the best.
I was shy a pussy and nice but not real honest and thats why I didnt really had friends.
In Canada my mind got a crack.
And then I got fucked 5 weeks in the swiss military and then I got kicked out because I was not that what they searched for.
They said that those who got kicked out will achieve great things because we showed we are willing to give more than others and we want more.
At first a was sad about that and started smoking weed again and play videogames (stupid idiot I was in perfect shape).
Now I am aware of it as a life lesson. I can not lose I only can learn.
I am on my way do expirience the world.

My life goals are
1. At my life end to say I earnd it that I became this life and can tell a lot of awesome storys
2. have sex when I want to have sex
3. make a worldtravel and work all over the world in different jobs
4. make this world a little bit better

My more definitioned goals here are
1. Learn shibari
2. get more style
3. make good pictures/ make my own memory gallery
4. get more women

I am a gardener and I have a lot of plans but do not know which one I want to do the most.

I am making a school this year. After that I wanna make an miliz officer. And in between I will start my pilot licences.
Right now I am searching a motorbike and get that licence too.
After that I want to make some charity work in africa or japan or somewhere else (jn planing)

On the way to that all I wanna get a car for my worldtravel.
And I started too get into shibari thats why I ended up here.

My hobbys:
Skydive (should go more but time and money)
outdoor Climbing

So it was not everything but a lot in a nutshell.
Have a nice day and maybe we see us
I, vulfcompressor, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

Goals: get laid.

That's it. I have money, security, a cool place, money generating assets, 11% body fat, a cool background... you name it. I busted my ass at work ever since I was 15 and now at the age of 27 I'm training other dudes and landing them high paying jobs in my area. I don't lack confidence on a day to day basis... but God I suck at dating. Absolutely 0 lays or worthwhile matches on Tinder.

Hopefully this place will put me on the right track.
[*]Get laid
[*]be more social
[*]build a cool social circle

I, JW, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.