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I, Striker, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

I'm 23 years old from the UK, currently studying for a Masters and graduating in January. Outside of academics though my life is a mess. I'm overweight, terrible with women, low self-confidence, lots of bad habits etc.


- Lose a lot of weight
- Exercise regularly (starting with cardio, later adding weights)
- Finish university
- Pass CFA Level 1
- Continue studying and improving at day/swing trading
- Lose virginity
Hey everyone, I'm Ronan, I'm 23 from the Nee England area of the US, I have been on the girls chase forums before this but after listening to Andy's recent podcast with Chase. I thought joining here would be a good second forum for me.

My goals this year are continue to advance at my job, improve my tinder photos and get 2 longer term hookups.

Looking forward to meeting and interacting with all of you.

I, Ronan, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.
Sup guys, I'm CJ, 28 living in the UK. I commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

I'm currently working on
- beating moderate life-long social anxiety
- beating approach anxiety
- improving my self esteem
- building more good habits
- getting into better shape and overall building an abundance mentality towards life in general

Looking forward to being part of the community.
"I Tony , commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously. I am on my journey to beat my approach anxiety
Hey you big cocks and u Australian bastard, I got introduced to your tinder guide a while back and now been listening to your podcast, made it to the 100th episode. You brilliant cunt, it means alot to me that you are putting in the work to help all. I always thought i can work on myself alone, but today decided to make a post. I've been approaching girls and getting numbers here and there, a few dates, no recent lays. my favorite part of the podcast is you keep saying "give yourself permission to fail" and "don't give up, keep going and you will succeed." I'm gonna keep doing that, just like alot of you guys, I have no other option.

I need your guys' help on a topic, i feel like I dont deserve any of this, i'm a great fucking guy, caring, loving, polite, gentle, funny, good bro, good moral/ethics, with a big ass cock ;) but for some reason I've always felt i dont fit in, i dont belong, other people somehow have figured out how to live while i never will, like something is missing, i've felt like this for as long as i can remember, i've associated it with moving to states from middle east in 5th grade, traumatized from leaving my whole world behind, and then trying to fit in, but I know I can't be a average Joe, and i Dont want to be, i love the values i was raised with, at the same time i feel inadequate, like other people have more to offer to girls than i do, anyone else going thru this? what suggestions do you guys have for me. mad love
Hi guys,
I'm Jonathan from Berlin.

I'll be 24 next week and I'm still a virgin. I always had great excuses for my pitiful state: Dad died before I hit puberty, my "shyness"/lack of social skills and my total inability to express myself sexually.

And it bothers me. I can feel that it's holding me back. That I'm scared when the conversation turns to that topic, that I feel inferior to other men and beating myself down over not being able to express myself when I see a cute girl walking by.

Even just opening up to the people closest to me about this was an arduous process (the being vulnerable part, not the actual conversation).

I feel that this has inhibited me for long enough, that I'm ready to put this part of myself behind me.

I, Jonathan, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.
I, Steven, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously. My current goals are:

  • Lose fat
  • Beat anxiety
  • Gain financial independence
I, Coldskye, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

Hi everyone what's up, I'm Wouter, 32 from The Netherlands.

I'm currently on my way to lose more fat and drop to 78 kg in the short term. (I'm 82.4 kg right now)

- Drop to 15% body fat
- Improve my Tinder/dating app game. Taking better photos (I already have a good cam/lenses)
- Beat AA
- Keep building and improving my self esteem

Looking forward to keep learning and interact with all of you.
I, Captain Tripps, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

What's up, dudes? I'm coming at you from middle America. I'm 26, and although I've been mildly successful in life thus far, I'm just now realizing I've never really put any real work into myself, for myself. I always told myself that I'm fine like this, or that I just didn't care what people thought of me. Well, that was a load of bullshit and I'm finally calling myself out on it.

I'm currently burnt-out, depressed, addicted to drugs, not in good shape, lonely, and straight up not the man I want to be. I haven't been taking charge of my own destiny. I've craved validation from others because I hated myself, but I was afraid to change myself. It's landed me in relationships I didn't want to be in and a career I'm sick of. I'm still not 100% who I want to be in life because I've never really thought about it, but I got some ideas on where to start.

  • kick a nasty drug habit
    Improve looks
    Improve physical health
    Change career path
    Better relationships
    Finally seek mental health treatment
    Improve speech(mild stutter)
    Find hobbies I'm passionate about
    Help others in my community
I, Now, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

Hey guys, I'm Ben from Germany. I'm 23 and in the process of moving away from my old life, both on the physical and mental level.
I let a lot of chances slip away in my life because I preferred to wallow in self-pity the shit hand I got dealt in life. I hope to not let that happen again.

Goals, in order of priority
- take responsibility for my life
- move out and to a new city
- stabilize my finances
- eat at least 2.3k calories a day
- go back to the gym 3 times a week
- lose my virginity

Glad to be part of a community that is looking up instead of down.
sup, I'm colgate.

25, in Chattanooga, TN, one of the few places in the world that's sane right now :lol:
I'm 5'5" at 138 lbs and ethnically Indian (but if you heard my voice, you would think I'm a white American).

My main goal is to get laid by meeting a girl in person. Over the past 12 years, I've gone far too deep into the online world, and ignored social opportunities in high school and in university, so I'd like to get out of it and have a REAL social life. Fortunately for me, the city I live in pretty much doesn't give a fuck about this bullshit pandemic and the social scene has been rejuvenating, so I think I'm in a good place for now. Also, I only moved here less than a year ago so I basically have a blank slate to work with.

- Gain weight and look jacked. I'm certainly not underweight and I'm actually relatively fit (last year, I could do 26 pullups in a row), but I think with my height and genetics, I would look much better if I was bulkier and muscular, maybe something around 150 lbs.
- Get into grad school for Fall 2022. Hopefully there will be in-person classes, and this would be a great future opportunity for me to meet more like-minded people, in addition to boosting my finances in the long-term. Listing this now, because I've been having to do a lot of preparation starting now since most applications are due in December.

Some things I've done before joining this forum (in the past few months):
- Deleted my Discord account and logged out of every Internet community I was a part of. The only reason I'm on this one is because its goals are for success in real life.
- Donated 90% of my clothes and selected a solid starter wardrobe for going out. I used to not care about my clothing, but I realized caring about my fashion shows to others that I care about myself. Why should anyone care about me if I don't care about myself? note: my current avatar is 2 years old (but I look pretty much the same right now, regarding body composition). (EDIT: Changed my avatar to something recent)
- Started lifting again. I used to lift 2 years ago, but I stopped because I was too concerned about my numbers (I refused to deload, form was getting bad on lifts, etc). I've had a change of mindset and realized that the important thing is to keep the habit, and pay attention to the intensity of the workout, rather than the absolute number of the load. Since taking 2 years off, my numbers have gotten pretty low, but out of honesty and for the sake of recording, I'll post them now: squat 105lbs 5x5 (I used to be at 240 for 5x5, but I got injured once, and my form was getting really bad so I decided to be humble and start low, but correct), bench 130lbs 5x5, deadlift 285lbs 1x5
- Been going to clubs and taverns to have fun and meet girls. I've gone 3 times solo and 2 times with friends. I can usually get girls' attention and even erotically dance with them, but I've never been able to have the courage or the know-how to advance it to the next level from there (ie: actually having sex). I got a girl's number once, but I made the mistake of "hanging out" with her and her friends too much, which definitely made me seem needy.
- Went to a group dance class last week and was able to take a girl from there to dinner afterwards, but when I tried to escalate (asked for a kiss), she told me she was 10 years older than me (which I actually didn't realize, she seemed maybe 2 or 3 years older). I didn't really know what to do in that situation so I stopped it there.

Tasks for this week:

- Go for a photoshoot. My main goal with this is to have some up to date photos, mainly for you guys to critique my current sense of fashion (again, my avatar is from 2 years ago)
- Go to the mall and buy a few rings. I actually ordered a ring off of Amazon a few weeks ago, but I ordered one that was too big, so I'd like to get one in person instead. Maybe I can even hit on some girls.
- Post some sort of video log about what I'm feeling this week. I realized I have a huge trouble with honesty and suppressing my emotions, so I think doing some kind of weekly video log will help.
- Go to the tavern this weekend and meet some girls. I guess the next step for me would be being able to get a girl who I'm into and is into me off of the dance floor and just us 2.

I, colgate, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.
I, Clint, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

I'm 34, originally from England, now a 'digital nomad', currently in Poland.

My goals:
- Improve the standard of woman that I am able to regularly attract, both online and in person.
- Get over limiting beliefs RE my looks.
- Get over approach anxiety.
I, thriver, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

I'm 26 years old, from a small town in Canada. Currently, I am living in Seoul, Korea as a digital nomad. I own a few online businesses (agency and SaaS).

1. I will get a beautiful kickass girlfriend before the end of the year. Someone stunning, feminine and submissive.
2. I will make $15,000 CAD each month through my businesses by the end of the year.

1. I will buy a necklace and accessories I like by August 31st.
2. I will move into a place with A+ logistics in Seoul by September 14th.

Hey dude, profile pic of yourself is a requirement of signing up to this forum

Can be cropped or blurred

If not i have to ban the account
Hey guys,
Been lurking for too long (both here and GLL). Made my account a little while back, so now It's time to take some real action. Took me a while to actually get started, because until now I didn't feel I was serious enough for this forum, but something clicked.

I'm a 30 year old dude from Norway whose life has been in quite a rut ever since after high school. Been pretty much socially isolating myself, only leaving the house to go exercise. I have been struggling with my self-image ever since I was 15. I am quite introverted, have social anxiety and have very low self-esteem, which makes it very hard for me to connect with people in real life. Managed to become a 30 year old virgin by not taking any action on the romantic and social front. I literally have zero experience, hoping to break that curse in the near future.

I generally exercise a lot, but gained some weight during covid when the gyms were closed (stupid government ruining people's health). Right now I am following the carnivore diet and I am in the process of losing the weight I put on (and more).

My goals:
- Lose weight, approx 10kg or so. Aiming for 8-12% bf.
- Gain back the muscle I lost due to covid restrictions.
- "cure" (or improve) social anxiety.
- Improve self-image.
- Improve style.
- Go on dates.
- Kiss a girl.
- Lose virginity.

I, drifter, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.
You have found the right place. BTW, Norway is awesome, the people there are very cool, and the Norwegian genetics will mean that you are probably model tier compared to many of us LOL. Start a log, work your ass off, you will succeed. I have the same issues you do, but if you ever read my log, I am on a mission in life now and feeling better than I have in probably 10 years. This forum can save your life but you have to take it dead ass serious.

Hey, I'm 32 from Poland, into hardcore self-improvement.
Over the last few years I've been focusing mostly on work and money. I achieved my base goal, I'm working remotely now and I'm location independent and soon to be working flexible hours.
While I'm constantly improving other other areas of my life as well, my success there was limited and I intend to prioritize them now.

My main goals and obstacles:
- Beat anxiety, mental and social issues
- Increase energy levels, drive and physical health
- Improve and accept my looks and athleticism
- Girls

I, DonD, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.