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NovaLibertas said:
Explore my sexuality with non-females
Cool to see some bi guys on here, I'm in the process of figuring out my sexuality too and it is definitely quite a journey. Welcome!
NovaLibertas said:
Hi MAC! Thank you for the warm welcome. I was struggling with resizing my pic, there you go.

Perfect, thanks for doing that I appreciate it.

Now lets get you to your goals!

"I, Beldrum, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously."

My goals right now are :
- Lose virginity
- Get a FWB
- Improve my body and actually get abs
- Improve my fashion
- Build a great social circle
- Find a fulfilling job for myself
I, BlueWombat, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

I have long struggled with making changes in my life and I want to start to now. I am only 19 but I regret how much of my life and potential I have wasted so far, I hope to waste no more.

My current goals for this term are:
  • Get to 145 lbs, currently 158.
  • Start doing self improvement work. At least an hour a day. Every day.
  • Work through my eating disorder using a CBT book
  • Get all A's this term, and start taking school seriously. Study for all 3 classes every weekday.
  • Stop scrolling and wasting my life on consuming media. Get media consumption down to 15 minutes a day.

Recently I saw that maxim that it takes 10,000 hours to become a master at something. I realized I should be a master of just being a person. I should spend large amounts of time working on myself. I think I can and would feel content with life if I had put large amounts of effort into it.
I, Mister_Dash, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

My goals:
- Lose belly fat, even though I've been losing weight, it's still been clinging there for a while.
- Learn how to drive.
- Lose virginity
Sup all, Undisciplined here.

As the name suggests I'm fucking terrible at discipline.

I, Undisciplined, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

Will take a pic and throw it on the profile per rules tomorrow.
Undisciplined said:
Sup all, Undisciplined here.

As the name suggests I'm fucking terrible at discipline and once again I'm fucking sick of my own shit.

Current sitrep:
- 31, last root was 6 years ago now
- At 25 had to be hospitalized due to overwhelming urge to top myself, diagnosed with major depression and been on SSRI's since
- SSRI's fucked libido and sex-drive been scared to get off them as life hasn't been great. Confidence in a lot of areas evaporated
- Work a shit retail job I hate
- Teeth are cooked
- Gained 20kg last year from binge eating as a coping mechanism and got a fuck ton of stretch marks

I need to overhaul my life. Every aspect.

All my goals (no particular order):
- Get a better income and fuck off my debts - probs Cybersecurity or someshit (seems like the quickest path for my situation)
- Learn programming for no reason at all (I just wanna learn it, I don't even know why)
- Fuck off my better income and create my own income where I earn my comfortable frugal living for no more than 20 hours a work week
- Scale that shit up eventually so I'm earning big dick money on micro-penis hours
- Get some abs and look good
- Fix my teeth and get jaw surgery (need to afford this shit first) aka look good
- Stick my dick in a vagina again
- Stick my dick in lots of vaginas
- Stick my dick in 2 vaginas in quick succession (aka a 3some)
- Stick my dick in a variety of vaginal nationalities

These are a broad overview of all I want to achieve. I'll be starting with and focusing on the whole dick in vagina thing first though.

I, Undisciplined, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously. But especially the dick in vagina goal.

Will take a pic and throw it on the profile per rules tomorrow.

Welcome man!

Sure, get that pic up tomorrow.

You'll be OK dude. I had a lot of work to do also. All will be well.

Hello all,

I StarExplorer commit to taking myself seriously and to work towards my goals.

Right now my goals are keeping the working out schedule and improve my diet, establish a meditation habit and finally solving the getting laid puzzle.

In order to solve the getting laid puzzle I first want to focus on fixing my tinder profile in order to actually start getting on dates For this the first step is getting some cool photos in order to actually get fucking matches.

I already have my Nikon D7000 and my 50mm Nikor Lens but I haven't gotten around to using it.

Anyways. It's great meeting you guys!
Hey all,

I'm 35, living in Amsterdam. I started dating again last summer after an extremely long period of celibacy. Broadly following the kyil tinder guide. Things have gone surprisingly well so far, and my focus right now is getting higher quality (younger, hotter, more interesting) matches on OLD, and I'm experimenting with a few different approaches on different apps.

In terms of more concrete short-term goals I'm working on improving my pics a bit, and also trying to improve my date:match ratio.

I, coronachan, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.
BATCEA said:
hello to all,

im new here and like reading philosophical books in free time.


Lets get this post format corrected, and have a human avatar uploaded. Instructions on page 1.

We ask for this to be done within 3 days or we ban accounts.

I, komeback_kile, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

My goals are to:
- Have plentiful meaningful sexual, romantic, and intimate experiences
- Not be afraid of talking to strangers (men and women)
- Not be afraid of being imperfect (and loving the unchangeable imperfections)
- Continue slimming down (currently at 12% bodyfat but my face doesn't show it)
- Get into photography
- Revamp my goals... I had some really good goals at the beginning of the year, but my life has drastically changed in the recent past. Most are no longer relevant due to the upheaval

I will continue journaling, saying hello with a warm smile, and live a grateful life of love and happiness. I am incredibly fortunate, and I do not want to waste this opportunity. I have also been very blessed to have made a friend recently that is interested in self-improvement and dating as I am. We have different goals and methods of going about it, but I know he is happy to give me the support that I need in real life.
I J134b commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

Goals: More dates/meaningful relationships, switch jobs, lose weight

I'm 31, in Canada.
Make over 200k a year, own a home, and haven't made less than 100k a year since I was 20.
Already lift weights and can hit some heavy ones but I'm still too fat. I think going from 260 to 220 will put me in a good spot.

I want to: switch to a different company, this is in progress already and I'm hoping to hear good news
Start going on more dates and find some proper relationships.
Lose weight, I started working with a nutritionist and lost 40lbs since last year but have stalled, I've also started hitting some other fitness classes instead of just the gym myself.

Hoping to find some motivation and if there's any guys looking to get into trades offer up some of my knowledge.

I, Linden, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

22 y old dude living in Montreal
I like meditating, sports, anime, self improvement, gym, chess, movies/series, going out etc

I want to increase my SMV
One step to doing that is to lose the
Belly fat I got left

Currently 185 lbs
I want to be sub 175 before summer (and onwards)

My MyFitnessPal: growbrotha24

Holla if you’re from Canada too
Holla if you want to keep eachother accountable on losing fat
Good evening or afternoon or whatever time you read this.
I, Matt commit to achieving my goals that I have established for myself.
Goal 1: Getting laid
Goal 2: Gaining muscle mass
Goal 3: Better social life
I'm from San Diego, Big metalhead. I own a successful construction business and have no problem with money, but have sacrificed my social sphere in the process and found out money doesn't bring you happiness. I have cut out everyone but people who could help me peruse my previous goal of earning more. They aren't friends. I have two real friends, I have ZERO female friends. My work involves socializing with zero women and find myself living a life of quiet desperation. I enjoy my work but am not happy with where my life is. I am here to make a change.
I stumbled upon KYIL through chance. I listened to an interview of Aella on the Lex Fridman podcast and something clicked in my head. I researched how to get more attention on dating apps and am thankful I stumbled upon Andy. I'm two weeks into my self imposed improvements.
Hello all,

I, Wolfe, commit to taking myself seriously and to work towards my goals.

Right now my goals are improving my daygame, hitting the gym and working to improve my overall life and SMV