READ THIS - You MUST post here before you can post anywhere else.

Hello my name is Ryan. I’m a 24 year old male trying to finish his college degree and maybe pursuit my own business afterwards.

-Want to lose my virginity/get laid
-Improve my looks( I attached pictures of my pics that I’ve used for dating apps)
-Pursue a career Im passionate about.

I would appreciate any feedback on what can I do to improve my looks. Thanks.
rcamp98 said:
Hello my name is Ryan. I’m a 24 year old male trying to finish his college degree and maybe pursuit my own business afterwards.

-Want to lose my virginity/get laid
-Improve my looks( I attached pictures of my pics that I’ve used for dating apps)
-Pursue a career Im passionate about.

I would appreciate any feedback on what can I do to improve my looks. Thanks.

Hey bro, welcome!

Your avatar must be a picture of you. You can blur your face.

Can you do me a favour and correct this. We ban accounts that haven't done this within 3 days.


Hi everyone,I am a 24 years old guy from Southern Italy. My main goals are getting laid and financial freedom.
I' m quite seriously into self improvement: train regularly in my home gym and study many ways of making money online. I' ll make some posts about various questions i have.
Hello, I'm Oktane.

I'm 28 years old from Edmonton, AB.

I, Oktane, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

2023 Goals:

- Get laid with at least 5 women this year
- Gain a secondary source of income to start paying down my debts
- Start making preparations to move out of my parents house as I go back to finish my degree.
I, Pzoli, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

Hey everyone, i'm Parz, 20 and from Canada.

Short term goals
- 10 lays by the end of the year
- Meet friends on the same life mission
Oktane3424 said:
Hello, I'm Oktane.

I'm 28 years old from Edmonton, AB.

I, Oktane, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

2023 Goals:

- Get laid with at least 5 women this year
- Gain a secondary source of income to start paying down my debts
- Start making preparations to move out of my parents house as I go back to finish my degree.

Damn. Not too many Alberta.
Sadly I just moved out of the country.
skitele said:
Hi everyone,I am a 24 years old guy from Southern Italy. My main goals are getting laid and financial freedom.
I' m quite seriously into self improvement: train regularly in my home gym and study many ways of making money online. I' ll make some posts about various questions i have.

Welcome! Glad to hear it, and you're in the right place.

Just need you to edit your post to include Andy's line, which is in the first post in the thread.

Many thanks & welcome aboard

I, Otis, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

22 y/o M

GOALS: lose v card
figure out what im gonna do with my life
Hey guys,

I Al, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously

I used to lurk GLL from back in the day, got to slaying then got some girlfriends, and recently became single again. After the last girlfriend I got rusty and want to get back into the swing of things. I'm a bit rusty where I struggle with not the cold approach, but moving things afterwards

Current short term goals:
  • one new lay a month(currently on track)
  • improve my style, right now it feels a little basic
Wassup mates! I'm Ryan, a 21 y/o lving in Millersville PA, home of corn and not much else 😞. I'll be getting my bachelor's in computer science a month from now, but I know I need to make some radical changes to my self-perception right now.

I know that in the long run, I want to commit to coaching full-time with topics like depression, quitting video games and porn, and gaining muscle if you're skinny, as I've been through all of these less than a year ago. However, just like Andy has stated multiple times, I feel I need to get my social and sex life right before this, if anything for the boost in confidence.

Considering my life is going to be uprooted once I graduate, I'm thinking about taking out enough money to move to a city abroad (much to my parent's disproval), and give 110% of my being to these goals. I need that bit of edge that I'm missing from life right now, but for the time being, I'm working on improving my honesty and outgoingness, and becoming more genuine with my beliefs.

Essentially my goals are:
- Move out in the world, getting my own place
- Get at least five different lays by the end of the year
- Start implementing and teaching what I learn about physical/emotional/social topics via YouTube/Instagram
- Make my first $1k from coaching by the end of the year
- Overall be more mindful of how I feel on a daily basis

Therefore, I, Ryan, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.
I, Frank, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

23 Year old in Ottawa
End goal: is to get a girlfriend I'm satisfied with

Short term Goals
- get laid with a new girl every month
- upgrade my style and get more fit
- create a youtube channel for music (very much on track)
I, Greg, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

24 Yo out of Houston TX.

Currently a mechanical engineering senior.
Hobbies are electric guitar, outdoor biking, hiking, fishing, and camping.

What's up everyone. I'm about to graduate and haven't had a gf. Engineering is pretty stressful and time consuming. So, I'm looking to improve my social life before graduation and meet new friends/ women.

Short term goals:
- Stay consistent with my gym routine trying to gain a minimum of 10 lbs within the next 4 months.

-Meet new women by approaching and introducing myself. (*biggest sticking point*)

Long term goal:
-Have a fulfilling career.
-Start a family.
I, Alexis commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously

23 year old that went from France to Canada to basically obliterate my comfort zone and previous life and to "start" anew, it's going alright so far but I still got much to do.

My main goal is to become attractive to basically everyone and to reach and go above my potential and I don't just mean it in the physical sense of terms.

Becoming someone more fun and interesting is also on the table.

The goal may be abstract and a bit "vapid", but I'm sure by following the advice here I will be in good hands.
I, Rezahonest commit to taking myself and my goals seriously.

Edit/revisited Version : i , rezza , a rapper living in istanbul & recently broke up with my ex of 5 years & gotten into a new relationship with no plan to commit to her & made it clear for her from the beginning ,
that 5-year relationship changed my whole life for the worse so i decided to never again let a relationship affect my life in a negative way when i can easily cut it out .

my main goals for the year are :

-3 live performances with 3-digit+ audience ( one is very near & is almost done already ) .
-Get as many lays as i can.
-remain a healthy income ( $10,000+ ) to eventually make the move to US in 2024 .

I'm quite experienced in instagram game ( given i have over a million followers on the gram ) & quite good at dating, so if anyone needs help i'm down.
rezahonest said:
Hey wassup , my name is reza & looking forward to help people here while also trying to increase my laycount. nice to meet U .

Hey rezahonest, nice to meet you.

You need to put in "I, Rezahonest commit to taking myself and my goals seriously" as per signup rules.

It's a hard rule.

If you don't edit the post in 3 days your account will get banned.
rezahonest said:
I, Rezahonest commit to taking myself and my goals seriously.

Edit/revisited Version : i , rezza , a rapper living in istanbul & recently broke up with my ex of 5 years & gotten into a new relationship with no plan to commit to her & made it clear for her from the beginning ,
that 5-year relationship changed my whole life for the worse so i decided to never again let a relationship affect my life in a negative way when i can easily cut it out .

my main goals for the year are :

-3 live performances with 3-digit+ audience ( one is very near & is almost done already ) .
-Get as many lays as i can.
-remain a healthy income ( $10,000+ ) to eventually make the move to US in 2024 .

I'm quite experienced in instagram game ( given i have over a million followers on the gram ) & quite good at dating, so if anyone needs help i'm down.


Personally, I'm a world-renowned proctologist and can identify bullshit from a mile away.

I, LP, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

21 from the UK,
I want to improve my confidence and be able to approach more women. I hope to use this platform as a means of motivating me to achieve my goals.

Current short term goals
- Bulk to 75kg ( I’m currently around 65kg)
- Approach and close 10 girls

I look forward to tracking my journey on this forum and logging my success!