Spiderโ€™s Progress Log ๐Ÿ•ท DAY 366: Continuation Log Link โ›“๏ธ

Spider Jerusalem said:
I'm chalking this up as a big personal win

This is great man. I actually smiled when I saw this update.

Great work.
Good things happen to those who put in the effort.
Day 169: 29/03/2022 โœ…

Future Plans, 'Lock-In' Sex Arranged ๐Ÿ”’ and a Flake Returns to Spider's Web ๐Ÿ•ธ

I had to have a shot today at the doctor's office due to an ongoing medical issue (nothing serious), so I'm currently lying in bed shivering with a sore arm ๐Ÿ’‰

I always have a bad reaction to these kind of things and I've never been good with pills, meds or injections ๐Ÿ’Š so I've taken the time off to be productive and make the most of the 'dead time' whilst I'm sat on my ass recovering and type this post out ๐Ÿ’ป I've also noted down some ideas and I am having a good think about what I want whilst I am off work at the minute for a few months ๐Ÿ’ก

Early Wake-Up Fail โฐ

I failed to wake up at 05:00 A.M today which I'm a bit down about, but I'm gonna keep trying and I'm not giving up. I got up a bit earlier than previous days - woke at 8 A.M today, so it's a minor win ๐Ÿฅ‰

A Flake Returns to Spider's Web ๐Ÿ•ธ

Followed up with a Tinder prospect - I Chatted to this Rope Bunny ๐Ÿชข๐Ÿฐ last week. I did post on here about her for a spell, but I stopped texting her after she flaked on me an hour before our arranged meeting time. She cost me 5 bucks on a train ticket, so I thought 'Whatever' and just didn't reply as I thought that was a bit cheeky ๐Ÿ‘Ž

She's recently got back in touch and wants me to come over to her place on Friday as she's home alone ๐Ÿ  Bit sceptical on this one as she flaked once already, but I might give her a second chance. She's been sending a lot of nudes my way as her idea of 'apologising' for flaking, so I'll see how it plays out ๐Ÿ“ท

I haven't sent any nudes back as it's not my thing and I've been taking the advice of everyone on the forum who says it actually reduces the chances of meeting. This is also something I've found from personal experience and learnt the hard way ๐Ÿšซ๐Ÿ“ธ

She just sends these to me unsolicited which I'm guessing is an indicator of interest ๐Ÿšจ She's about half hour away travelling time, so not a million miles. She's got great tits and a decent ass, so I'm pretty tempted ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿˆ I'll be making sure to send a confirmation text on Friday morning most definitely and if she bails again, she'll be getting shown the door ๐Ÿšช๐Ÿ‘ˆ

Lock-In Sex Arranged

Professional Girl got in touch just as well. We had hoped to meet the weekend if she had time, but she's asked if I'm around Thursday night after she finishes work as she 'Wants to have sex again' (text below for proof) โฌ‡๏ธ

Works for me as I get my Sunday back and I can get laid sooner ๐Ÿ›Œ This will be the second time I've seen her and from reading Holden's log where he discusses Caleb Jones (The Black Dragon) ๐Ÿ‰ and his lock-in retention theory, this will increase the chances of keeping her around as a 'lock-in' which I'd be happy to do as she's kinky, got a high sex drive and she's local, so easy to get to ๐Ÿ—บ

Future Plans

Thought I should make a note on here of what I would like to get done whilst I'm off, so I'll drop the list I wrote out today whilst convalescing here: ๐Ÿ“

- Reset my sleep pattern to get 7 Hours a night *Minimum*: ONGOING
- Manage my anxiety/mental health: ONGOING
- Drink more water: STARTED
- Work on my diet NOT YET STARTED
- Start running NOT YET STARTED
- Hit the gym NOT YET STARTED
- Book driving refresher lessons and start driving NOT YET STARTED

As you can see above I've started some of the 'easier' tasks e.g. drinking more water ๐Ÿ’ง I'm still figuring out some of the timescales for these and when I'd like to have them completed by to give me a target to work towards, but I will definitely be posting my progress etc. on here for the purposes of accountability โœ…

Other Developments Today

- Spoke to another Tinder prospect. 43 Year old cougar. See how this plays out, but she's up for a date this weekend. Might oblige now I'm seeing Professional Girl Thursday instead of Sunday ๐Ÿ†

- Filled out some more of my Therapist's paperwork/questionnaire ready for my next session. Keeping on top of this and taking it seriously as it's a big deal in my life at the minute that need's addressing properly. Trying to be an adult about it and not 'blow it off' ๐Ÿ“

- Got my medical shot today. Pain in the ass, but needed doing ๐Ÿฅ

That's it for today's post ๐Ÿ“

Thanks for reading ๐Ÿ“–

Spider ๐Ÿ•ท
Holden said:
That's an awesome text to get man


Thanks dude! It was quite validating and good for my self-confidence/esteem. Definitely came as a surprise when my phone pinged and I read the message - especially as someone who usually has to put the grind in and work a lot harder than that to get laid ๐Ÿ’ช

The second date lay seems to be working quite well for me as a rule and is kind of my preference as I get to make sure they arenโ€™t a crazy bitch (Iโ€™ve had quite a lot of bad experiences in the past).

Myself and KillYourInnerLoser discussed on my podcast back in December how a lot of the Red Pill Community and a fair amount of pickup artists obsess over the 1st date lay. If anything, just a coffee for date 1 takes the pressure off and I come across as more relaxed and sociable - this puts the girls at ease and increases my chances for date 2 lay as the pressure is taken off both me and the girl โ˜•๏ธ

The insight Iโ€™ve gained from your log as well as the techniques Iโ€™ve been implementing has served me better than I believe any pickup artist course ever could.

Real grateful for your consistent and detailed posts and how Iโ€™ve benefitted from them ๐Ÿ’ฏ

Many thanks! โฌ†๏ธ

Spider ๐Ÿ•ท
Day 170: 30/03/2022 โœ…

Looking After My Body Part 1: Recovery ๐Ÿฅ A Realistic Diet Plan and a New Date

Recovery ๐Ÿฅ

Was hoping to go out today, but I'm still recovering after my minor medical procedure yesterday. Arm feels like Mike Tyson took a swing at it, so I'm taking it easy and recovering today ๐ŸฅŠ I've had flu like symptoms throughout the night so didn't get much sleep at all. Nurse said this was to be expected. Hopefully it eases off in time for tomorrow for the lock-in lay I've arranged with Professional Girl. I can still function anyway, just won't be using my second favourite drinking arm much ๐Ÿ’ค

A Realistic Diet Plan

Took the time today to write out a new, more realistic diet plan. Diet plans in the past that I have designed have looked great on paper, but have generally had the following problems:

- Too much cooking/Prep work (I hate cooking)
- Expensive
- Too much food
- Too many food shops required
- Boring/Bland Food that felt like torture to eat
- Not enough calories - I'm a hard gainer

With the new plan, this will address all of these problems I have had in the past:

- I will only have to meal prep twice a week.
- Mix of both clean and dirty bulking
- Lots of fruit, water, carbohydrates to fuel workouts
- Includes supplements such as protein, multivitamin and Omega 3-6-9

If I'm eating enough, then I should feel well-fuelled and hopefully, my mental health will improve. I've dropped a photo below of my meal plan as well as the accompanying shopping list ๐Ÿ“

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Meal prep days will be Sundays and Wednesdays where the bulk of the cooking will be done. The rest of the food will be made fresh.
Shopping Days will be Sundays and Tuesday Nights ๐Ÿฅ˜

A New Date?

I mentioned on yesterday's update that I was talking to a 43 Year-Old Cougar ๐Ÿ† We've been having the back and forth and it turns out she's off this weekend. I've pitched the idea of bringing a bottle of wine over to her place to celebrate her birthday which she seems up for. I got this tip from Holden's log where he'd schedule wine and movie nights. Really learnt a lot from re-reading his log recently and I'm now just starting to implement some of the techniques that he uses โฌ†๏ธ

It's early days on this one and I'm still trying to swing the logistics on it, but I have a bit of an advantage:

This girl is in the Emergency Services - I used to work for the Emergency Services. Did my 7 years before I got out the start of 2020. ๐Ÿ‘ฎโ€โ™‚๏ธ

I've been using this to my advantage and we have a lot in common. I'm making inside jokes relevant to that kind of work and culture which she understands. Not sure if anything will come of this and she could change her mind before the weekend as 2-3 Days is a long time when trying to keep a chick interested, but I'm gonna play this rapport card and use it to try close the deal. She's proposed a pub date which I'm not opposed to for a first meet so we're just working out the logistics now. I'm happy with a second date lay, but if the vibe is right I'm not opposed to going back to hers if Saturday goes well ๐Ÿคž

Any Other Business

- Ordered some supplements that are cheaper to get online as I got a 2 for 1 deal which I'm happy with
- Kept the mess down in my bedroom which is helping my mental health - clean environment, clean mind

Thanks for reading ๐Ÿ“–

Day 171: 31/03/2022 โœ…

CBD Gummies ๐Ÿป Workout Clothes ๐Ÿ‹๏ธ and The Lock-in Lay

Felt like shit last night. Dizzy, headache and burning up ๐Ÿ”ฅ Thankfully, woke up feeling much better today. Arm's still a bit sore, but the flu bullshit has decided to go away mostly, so I've tried to be productive again and I've actually succeeded quite well. I've also text Professional Girl and confirmed we're on for tonight for the Lock-in Lay.

CBD Gummies

I ordered some CBD Gummy bears yesterday and they have come today ๐Ÿป I used to take CBD back in 2020 during the lockdown and I noticed some benefit with muscle aches/pains and the anxiety that I was suffering with as a result of Lockdown.

Found a really good deal where I get a 2 month supply for 22.50 Bucks and that's with postage. There was a 2 for 1 offer on which I took advantage of and saved a fair bit of money ๐Ÿ’ต Starting to try look after myself and my health a lot more now after the health scares that I've had ๐Ÿฅ I'll start taking these in due course. I've been taking my new antidepressants for about 5 Weeks now ๐Ÿ’Š I think they are starting to kick in. Maybe the CBD will help things along too โ˜ฎ๏ธ

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Workout Clothes ๐Ÿ‹๏ธ

I went through my wardrobe and chest of drawers today to organise all of my clothing. Over the past few months, I've just ironed my clothes as and when needed e.g. 1 t-shirt and pair of jeans at a time. This was pretty stupid and counterproductive as well as time-consuming, so today I got all my clothes out and ironed everything that needed it. I'd kind of neglected my clothes due to being depressed and anxious and just thrown them into the wardrobe and drawers with no organisation, leading to them getting creased as hell.

It took me 2 hours, but I've now gotten everything neat, ironed and organised. One thing I have made a point of doing is setting aside a specific drawer for my gym/workout clothes. I've now got everything ready for when I start working out and there'll be no 'got nothing to wear' excuse ๐Ÿ‘Ÿ

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The Lock-in Lay ๐Ÿ”

Meeting Professional Girl shortly. I sent a confirmation yesterday evening and have followed up with one today to make sure she's good to hang. This will be the second time I'm seeing her, so hopefully it'll be the Lock-In Lay. I'm going to have a conversation with her lately regarding what she wants with me and what I want from her so we can establish those boundaries kinda thing so we know where we both stand as I'm genuinely curious. Not sure if she wants to date as well as just Fuck or what she wants going forward. I'll update on here tomorrow with a post as to how the lay goes and what she wants from me ๐Ÿ’ญ

Any Other Business

- Bought Manscaping cream for Men - hair cream. I'm a guy, so I get hair. I'm trying to keep it under control now I'm dating more ๐Ÿช’
- Bought a book from eBay. I'm trying to read more going forward

Thanks for reading ๐Ÿ“–

Spider ๐Ÿ•ท๏ธ
Day 172: 01/04/2022 โœ…

โญ๏ธLAY 5โญ๏ธSPIDER FUCKS 2 GIRLS IN 24 HOURS: The Rope Bunny and The Lock-In Lay

Well guys, I ended up getting laid AGAIN with a different girl today. Plus last night's Lock-In Lay means that I have Fucked 2 different girls within the space of 24 Hours ๐Ÿ’ฏ

Here's 2 Lay Reports in 1 post which is something I thought I'd never be typing up when I joined the forums โฌ‡๏ธ

The Lock-In Lay

Saw Professional Girl Last night. She came and picked me up at just after 5 again which was nice of her. Ended up going back to hers. We drank Columbian coffee together and then went upstairs to get into it pretty much straight away ๐Ÿ‘„

After lots of kissing, she was teasing me with her lips and tongue from head to toe. She then got on top in Cowgirl and teased my Cock for a while. Eventually she rode me CowGirl for a while and then I Fucked her Doggy. I went down on her to finish her off, chatted for a bit and then I got changed dipped out ๐Ÿšช

Lay was good, but not as good as the first time. Think it was because it had a been a while since the first time with this girl and the novelty has worn off a bit. She's text and says she wants to hang again after her period has finished, so it looks like lock-in has been achieved with this chick ๐Ÿ‘

Lay 5: The Rope Bunny๐Ÿฐ

Lay 5 was the Rope Bunny ๐Ÿฐ who I have mentioned previously. She ended up flaking on me an hour before our last arranged meet which Fucked me off a bit, so I didn't reply for a while ๐Ÿ‘Ž She ended up getting back in touch and she asked me to come over today as she's got the place to herself. Didn't want to mention much about this sooner and I kept it quiet as I honestly expected her to just flake on me again and it wasn't worth mentioning ๐Ÿ’ญ

Sent a confirmation text yesterday and followed up this morning. I wasn't taking any chances after she bailed on me last time. She ended up confirming via text and I thought 'Fuck it'. It's a couple hours out of the house if nothing else. I made a backup plan to buy some Omega 3-6-9 Capsules and some Multivitamin Pills in case this chick bailed on me again - I ended up picking these up on the way to hers anyway ๐Ÿ’Š

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I went round and she answered the door and was greeted by this slim, tall girl with a great ass and perky ski-slope tits. I could tell she was nervous and admitted to me that she hadn't been with anyone since November, so I took an hour and a half just talking to her and putting her at ease ๐Ÿค

She then said she wanted a shower as she'd been at work ๐Ÿšฟ I just chilled on the bed and scrolled through these forums making use of the time. I popped a Viagra whilst she was in the shower as a backup. As I got laid very recently (last night) I thought I'd drop one just in case as I've had the flop in the past when seeing a girl too soon after another and I have tried to learn from experience โฌ†๏ธ

I was waiting in her room for her to finish and she ends up walking in wearing a string see-through black bra and matching thong. It was go time. Started kissing her and working my way along her neck and shoulders, stripping her off, down her body working my way to her pussy and damn this girl was sensitive. My beard kept tickling her and making her squirm. She had a cute little triangle patch on her pussy and I went to work with my tongue ๐Ÿ‘…

I gave her head for a good 20 minutes and she was moaning and squirming the whole time. Eventually she came and collapsed onto the bed. I started to Fuck her missionary, then legs on shoulders. Noticed that during oral and whilst Fucking her, her eyes rolled into the back of her head and I could see the whites of her eyes. Had a break for a bit and just chilled and talked. I went down on her again and Fucked her doggy then onto prone. She was moaning the whole time throughout and the bed was soaked ๐Ÿ’ฆShe collapsed into a heap after and we both napped for a bit and spooned naked which was nice ๐Ÿ›Œ

We both woke up after a nap and had a catch-up for a bit. Few interesting points ๐Ÿ“

- She said I made her come twice with my tongue - never happened before with somebody who she met first time
- Said her ex-partner made her come 3 times in the 6 months that they were together
- She said my Cock is huge and she felt like a virgin again - I always thought it was average. I've never been one to brag
- She said I made her eyes roll back into her head - looks like I wasn't just imagining it!
- She's a part-time model who does kink photoshoots who also has a girlfriend (She's Poly)
- She showed me her modelling photos and she looks pretty Fucking good!
- She's good with rope and she's offered to teach me how to do Shibari and tie her up.
- I brought her a book on erotic photography which I have to look at (ice-breaker). I've let her borrow it.
- Has said she'll 'definitely be seeing me again'

Lots of potential to learn from this girl. Particularly the Shibari rope stuff which I've had an interest in. Maybe even 3somes with her girlfriend who's also cute. Maybe we'll see how this plays out. Sheโ€™s also left scratch marks all over me as she said the orgasms were so intense ๐Ÿ’ฆ

Photo below of the nice text she sent me

2 small negatives which I'll drop briefly here:

- I came home smelling of cigarettes as she's a heavy smoker. It's her place and I wasn't about to be a dick and say 'ooh don't smoke near me!'. I live with smokers, so not a massive deal. Just got smoked out the whole time! ๐Ÿšฌ ๐Ÿ‘Ž

- I ended up having to get a taxi home as there was a train fire and all the trains were cancelled. Cost me 15 bucks, but I had a good day anyway, so Fuck it. I'm not bothered about it. I didn't have to buy her coffee, date her etc. so I think I got a good deal. Also got some of my supplement shopping done, so this was a job done. Don't do first date lays very often as a rule, but this was certainly a positive experience ๐Ÿ’ญ

Any Other Business:

- Bought Berserk Manga Deluxe Volume 10 from eBay. I now have the complete collection - can't wait for it to arrive! ๐Ÿ“–

- I've been actively trying to give advice on other progress logs to help people along. I've been helped a lot recently so want to help back if I can by encouraging others โฌ†๏ธ

So that's 2 different girls in 24 Hours. I'm now going to get some very much needed sleep ๐Ÿ’ค

Thanks for reading ๐Ÿ“–

Spider ๐Ÿ•ท
Glad to see you are back at it.

Honestly this whole dating thing is as easy as the last few has been for you. It really surprises me that a guy having their shit together and knowing how to be a guy on a date is apparently not as common as we would all think.

Keep going and you will eventually hit the tipping point where you say this is too much I need to slow down, I hit that point a while back and slowed down my dating so that I had time to do other things in my life (really I had 6 dates in one week and remember thinking, I could literally just do this full time, there were so many options but I would never have time to do anything else). I want you to hit this point, because at that stage you will never doubt yourself in this area again and you can then focus on putting that motivation into other areas of your life.

Great work, you put the time in and now it's starting to pay off.
nice good shit Spider. Happy for you.
Brother_Tucker most young men are raised by women at school and by the computer at home these days, it doesnt surprise me at all. Look at porn, literal poison for a young male's mind but yet we let 10 years old have acces to hardcore material at a whim. disgusting. many such cases!
Doing great mate! Checking in after a minute and glad to see you're doing better.
So good to see how you climbed from the deep end of your own darkness to the light through your own efforts.

Congrats on the success
Olafsmash said:
nice good shit Spider. Happy for you.
@Brother_Tucker most young men are raised by women at school and by the computer at home these days, it doesnt surprise me at all. Look at porn, literal poison for a young male's mind but yet we let 10 years old have acces to hardcore material at a whim. disgusting. many such cases!

Here's the thing, this is true but it isn't my problem. I have control over what I do and how I live my life. A great quote I heard on a podcast was that "if only you have to deal with the consequences of your actions, why would you do anything anyone else tells you and not just do what benefits you?"

You need to be listening to Wii fm (What's in it for me) and not worry about the rest of the stuff. You cant change internet porn, you cant change teaching so don't care about it. Just decide what you want to do in life and work on that. The boys you talk about will eventually wash up here or another community and will have to sort themselves out and the cycle will continue, or they wont and you lived a life you wanted and just don't care.
KillYourInnerLoser said:
I knew you were capable of greatness. Keep pushing.

KillYourInnerLoser Thank you Andy - really appreciate you dropping into my log and encouraging me along!

Brother_Tucker said:
Glad to see you are back at it.

Honestly this whole dating thing is as easy as the last few has been for you. It really surprises me that a guy having their shit together and knowing how to be a guy on a date is apparently not as common as we would all think.

Keep going and you will eventually hit the tipping point where you say this is too much I need to slow down, I hit that point a while back and slowed down my dating so that I had time to do other things in my life (really I had 6 dates in one week and remember thinking, I could literally just do this full time, there were so many options but I would never have time to do anything else). I want you to hit this point, because at that stage you will never doubt yourself in this area again and you can then focus on putting that motivation into other areas of your life.

Great work, you put the time in and now it's starting to pay off.

Brother_Tucker Real good to hear from you again! This is something I really hope to achieve one day and I think ultimately it will make me more attractive to women - the abundance mentality means you come across as a guy who gets laid and are in high demand from women. Women want to be with that kind of guy. Thanks again for the continued support!

Olafsmash said:
nice good shit Spider. Happy for you.

Olafsmash Thanks man appreciate the support!

Dewm said:
Doing great mate! Checking in after a minute and glad to see you're doing better.

Dewm Thanks Brady! Good to see you - hope your trip to Rome went well!

SpongeBob said:
So good to see how you climbed from the deep end of your own darkness to the light through your own efforts.

Congrats on the success

SpongeBob Thank you my man! Appreciate the encouraging words - definitely something I will reflect on going forward. Think I hit my rock bottom recently and I'm glad I'm starting to climb out after a tough time.

Holden said:
Sounds like an awesome lay bro, keep pushing

Holden Thanks dude! What I've learnt from you and your logs definitely helped me get these lays in the bag!
Day 173: 02/04/2022 โœ…

A Big Thank you, Tinder swiping and a productive day โฌ†๏ธ

Like to start today off by saying a big thank you to everyone who commented yesterday or gave thanks on my recent lay progress. After a shitty month or 2 with my mental health, it meant a lot to me that you all came and provided words of encouragement and assistance and I'm very grateful to you all

Now OJB Dewm Manganiello Crisis_Overcomer Holden KillYourInnerLoser Brother_Tucker Olafsmash SpongeBob

I'm hopeful that I'll continue to pick up mental health wise and I can start moving on with my life and getting things done. I'll never be perfect, but I'm going to try to get near as damned to it.


After the past 2 days of fun-filled Tinder shenanigans, I decided to take it a bit easy today, as I am, quite literally, Fucked.

I've never had 2 different women in the space of such a short time before and it's definitely taken it out of me. Took today as time to rest. Could've met that 43 year-old Cougar this weekend, but I'm just too tired and need to rest up. She started going on about how she's not happy about the bar I picked and left it up to me to choose somewhere else, so I just could not be bothered to put the effort and play chasey chase and it kinda killed the vibe for me. No real guarantee of a lay out of it anyway, so I just thought 'Pfft. Hard pass' ๐Ÿ‘Ž

Woke up to a nice text this morning from The Rope Bunny ๐Ÿฐ who has said she's excited for next time. Looks like I'm slowly building up some kind of Harem. If I can Fuck this girl again, might have 2 lock-ins. She seems up for it, so we'll see how it plays out. It's a 10 minute journey from my town to her town, so it's not so bad. Worth it for the decent lay. Text posted below for evidence ๐Ÿชข๐Ÿฐ

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Tinder Swiping

I've been back on Tinder to try and get some more prospects on the go as I seem to be on a decent streak lately. I had some crazy feminist bitch tell me that paying for Tinder Gold and Boosts etc. was 'desperate' and 'akin to prostitution'. I just laughed at her, told her I hope she works her issues out and wished her all the best before I unmatched. Fucking lol. Few prospects, but nothing solid for now. Will update in due course if anything decent comes my way and another lay is on the cards. Used a boost tonight before getting off to sleep, so I might get some decent results tomorrow. See what happens โšก๏ธ

A Productive Day

Took the time out to do some Chores today and there was a couple of other bits and pieces I've done, so I'll drop a quick list here ๐Ÿ“

- Gave my room a proper clean as I now do every week ๐Ÿงน

- Listened to Joe Rogan's Podcast Episode #3 whilst cleaning ๐ŸŽง

- One of my books arrived today which I've started reading - Hells Angels by Hunter S. Thompson. Gripping stuff ๐Ÿ“–

- Set my alarm for 5 A.M Tomorrow to try and reset my sleep pattern โฐ

- I'm on Day 2 of No-Fap after a relapse - I'm not counting sex as a relapse โฌ†๏ธ

Thanks for reading ๐Ÿ“–

Spider ๐Ÿ•ท๏ธ
Day 174: 03/04/2022 โœ…

Tinder Boost โšก๏ธ A Japanese Pet-play Princess + 4th Lay of the week with Professional Girl ๐Ÿ›Œ

Tinder Boost โšก๏ธA Japanese Pet-play Princess

Did a Tinder boost last night before I went to bed and it was pretty disappointing.

Most the girls I matched with are either miles away or just not attractive at all. There was only one decent prospect who was this Japanese chick I've matched with who's disclosed to me that she's into pet-play:

She's also mentioned that she likes being 'told what to do' as well as being choked etc. So she's a little bit kinky. Dyed hair, emo clothes etc. She's definitely different. It's quite rare to come across a Japanese girl who's open, honest and into this kind of thing, particularly so close to where I live ๐Ÿ‡ฏ๐Ÿ‡ต

It's early days yet, but I'm gonna try and push forward with this one if I can. I've already dropped the hint about an anime night which she seems keen on, but I've told her I'll meet her for coffee first in public as she's mentioned she's been catfished a few times. So I've arranged a coffee date with her in the city for Friday at 6:30 P.M and we'll take it from there. A cute Asian girl has been on my 'to-do' list for a while and they are hard to date where I'm from. She seems like a cool chick as well and I'm enjoying getting to know her. Gonna try play this one out and keep updated on here how it goes. It would save me a trip to Thailand/Japan! I'll watch Andy's video on Pet-play if it's looking like we're gonna be going down the sex route ๐Ÿ›Œ

Another Lay with Professional Girl ๐Ÿ›Œ

Professional Girl text me earlier asking if I'd like to come round and Fuck her again. Told her I can come for a few hours but won't be stopping for long as I've got to be up early tomorrow. She says that's cool, so looks like I'm getting laid again tonight โฌ†๏ธ

Text below as evidence โฌ‡๏ธ

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Iโ€™ll drop a post on tomorrow with an update on how it goes. I've gone from not getting laid since January to getting laid 4 times in one week this week.

Any Other Business

- Didn't manage to get up at 5 A.M today, but I got out of bed about 8 A.M which is better than previous days. I think 05:00 is a little too ambitious to start with, so I'll maybe look at 06:00 to start with for a couple of days then drop back down to 5 and gradually get up earlier. It's going to take a while to get back into my 'pre-depression' sleep schedule, but I got the time now. I want to get it fixed in time for me getting a new job so I can plan my life around it e.g. Morning Gym sessions etc. โฐ

- Went clothes shopping today as I wanted to get out and get a few bits and pieces. Picked up a couple shirts, shorts etc ๐Ÿ’ต

- Something that pissed me off earlier: Couple weeks ago, I was told by my family that I need to be more accessible and not shut myself away in my room and try engage more. So I came downstairs and showed my father some of my Manga book that I've been reading (Berserk). The response? 'Get that shit out of my face I'm busy'. Worked wonders for my self-esteem. Just putting it down on here as I don't wanna cause an argument in-person. Last time I try make an effort ๐Ÿ‘Ž

- No-Fap progress - I'm on Day 3 now. Having a good go at it this time โฌ†๏ธ

- Read some more of my Hell's Angels book. Really enjoying it ๐Ÿ“š

Thanks for reading ๐Ÿ“–

Spider ๐Ÿ•ท๏ธ
Day 175: 04/04/2022 โœ…

Last Night's Lay, Dentist, Vacation, Feeld ๐Ÿ“

Last Night's Lay

Lay last night was okay - was pretty beat as it was the 4th lay of the week, but I managed to perform. She came once, I came once, fair deal in my opinion. One thing I don't like about this chick is that she's very left-wing and feminist. We ended up watching South Park and she went off about how 'the social commentary on this isn't the right narrative...' and I was just like 'okay...' it's a Fucking comedy show, it doesn't have to be 'right'. ๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™‚๏ธ

Woke up this morning to a text saying she 'wants to meet for a coffee to talk about the sex'. She's said how she feels I'm not being dominant enough, but she also told me recently that she's not submissive and doesn't like dominant men. Don't think I'm gonna bother meeting this chick again. Too many mixed signals and drama. I'm considering cutting my losses and running as I'm not feeling it with her๐Ÿ‘Ž


Had the Dentist today too. It was just a check-up, but the Dentist is something I have historically neglected. I've only ever gone when I've had a problem as my teeth are very white, very healthy and check-ups cost me money and time. Thought I'd start going now as it's only 28 Bucks every 6 months and at least the dentist can check all around my throat etc. and tell me if he sees anything wrong. My recent health scares have made me want to look after myself a lot more โฌ†๏ธ

Gums, mouth and throat all healthy. Got given a scale and polish and my teeth look pretty damn good. I'll keep looking after them. Girls often do comment that I have lovely teeth ๐Ÿชฅ


Oh yeah, looks like I'm also going to the Canary Islands on vacation in about a month. Got offered to go with my family on a cruise and I thought 'Fuck it, why not?'. I was supposed to go abroad in 2020 but then the World's Governments went full retard with the Lockdowns. Might as well get something out of this year ๐Ÿšข

I'll be on a cruise ship for 14 Nights. Hopefully there'll be some decent chicks on board ๐Ÿ’ฏ Gonna try get and get a few goals done

- Get Laid on Board
- Take some decent Tinder/Instagram Photos
- Hit the Gym on the ship
- Go for Runs on the ship
- Take a few books to read
- Relax

Most of the time I'm going to be at sea, so be good to take the opportunity to get a few things done on the days I'm not at a port ๐ŸŒŠ

I may have to stack my daily posts as I believe I'm only going to have internet on certain days e.g. Might have to release 3 days of posts in one go so I can keep in line with my 365 Project, but it's the best I can do to make it count. I can pretty much plan the days out in advance as it's a vacation itinerary, so we'll see ๐Ÿ“


Joined Feeld and bought premium membership (8 Bucks for 1 month trial which I've now cancelled before I forget). It's pretty dire, but I thought I'd try it out. I'll update on here if there is anything of note, but I'm not very hopeful. Can write it off as an experience if nothing else โฌ†๏ธ

Any Other Business

- Berserk Volume 10 arrived - now got the complete collection! ๐Ÿ“–

- Day 4 of No-Fap still going strong โžก๏ธ

Thanks for reading ๐Ÿ“–

Spider ๐Ÿ•ท
Day 176: 05/04/2022 โœ…

Showing a FWB the Door ๐Ÿšช๐Ÿ‘ˆ and Planning Dates: Spider Learns From His Past Mistakes ๐Ÿ“

Ended up ditching my FWB today. I've got quite a few prospects on the go and my new abundance mentality has meant that my tolerance for drama and bullshit is incredibly low at the minute. I haven't been happy for a while with this girl, so I decided to politely and swiftly end things ๐Ÿ‘‹

I've also scheduled 2 dates for Friday night and Saturday Night with girls who seem more receptive and just generally 'nicer' and more agreeable if that makes sense โœŒ๏ธ๐Ÿ•Š โ˜ฎ๏ธ Details follow below ๐Ÿ‘‡

Showing my FWB the Door ๐Ÿšช๐Ÿ‘ˆ

So I broke things off with Professional Girl today. She said a couple of things which really put me off the past couple of times e.g. 'White men are evil', 'White people are a terrible race', 'You shouldn't make those kind of jokes or say that...' etc. I just wanted to have fun, but instead I got told what to do, how I should be acting, what I can and can't say and how because of my skin colour, I'm a terrible person. She thought it was okay last time to dictate what I could and couldn't say, yet it was acceptable for her to spout those kind of comments I've just mentioned. I would not dream of making those kind of comments to anybody. Had to bite my tongue a lot over the past week ๐Ÿ‘Ž ๐Ÿคฌ

Red flags were piling up high ๐Ÿšฉ๐Ÿšฉ๐ŸšฉI stopped enjoying the sex as well as her company. I had an epiphany last night and I just thought to myself: I'm not putting up with this shit ๐Ÿšช๐Ÿšถโ€โ™‚๏ธ๐Ÿ‘‹

I text her today to say I'm not meeting her again, that I'm not feeling it anymore between us and it's best we part ways. I kept it short and civil and said there were no hard feelings, that I'm just not what she's looking for. She was a little pissed off I think, but accepted it - I could tell by the many full stops in her response paragraph. Won't be speaking to her again. I'm glad I cut this off now when I did as I can see this would've turned into drama or an argument. I don't tolerate drama or arguing from chicks. After reading Caleb Jones' articles on 'soft/hard nexting', this is something I will implement going forward at any sign of bullshit. Looks like I've learnt from my many past mistakes. Probably should of cut this off sooner, but you live and learn ๐Ÿ˜Ž

Looking forward to putting this one to bed and moving on...

Planning Dates for the Week ๐Ÿ“

Date 1

โ€ฆand moving on I am.

Japanese pet-play princess ๐Ÿ‡ฏ๐Ÿ‡ต and I have been hitting it off and she seems up for booking a hotel room with me Friday night. I'm not booking it until we've met and she's up for it 100% though. Today's post is definitely about learning from my past mistakes as I've booked a room before and the girl bailed last minute and I lost 70 bucks. It'll be a 'let's get out of here and get a room' spontaneous decision if it happens. Not taking any chances. Getting weary in my old age ๐Ÿจ ๐Ÿ’ต

Date 2

Also got a date arranged Saturday with an Italian Girl ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡น who has come back into my life. I bailed on her last time due to my ongoing mental health issues, but she recently got back into contact. Told me she's having no luck with the dating etc. and wants to meet. Told her we'll go to a wine bar. Might grab something to eat whilst we're there too. She's a pole dancer and seems quite interested. I haven't had a dinner date in about a year, so I don't mind getting out the house and socialising. Kinda feel like I need to meet her as I feel bad for bailing last time. She's smoking hot too. Not getting my hopes up, but we'll see how it plays out. She's sent me nudes unsolicited, so I'm taking that as a good sign ๐Ÿ“ท

I'm not sending anything back until I've Fucked her (if it happens). Keeping the power in my hands.

Again, learning from the past.

Any Other Business ๐Ÿ“

- Been playing around with Feeld. The level of entitlement on there is pretty overwhelming and a bit off-putting. Lots of profiles have demands listed. I've had a few 'connections', but nothing really grabbing my attention. I'll try it a bit longer whilst my trial period of the membership is ongoing ๐Ÿ“ฑ

- Saw some cat ears which I've bought in a shop for Japanese pet-play princess. They were like 2 bucks so thought 'ah, why not?'. I used to have a few pairs I've given to girls to wear as they are quite cheap. They've done me really well in the past and scored points. Might help me get laid plus they make the girls look even cuter. Failing that, I'll keep hold of em' until the next girl. Italian Girl has got a cat, so she might be into that kinda thing. Planning ahead works wonders ๐Ÿˆโ€โฌ›

- Another Hunter S. Thompson book came today that I'd ordered. Looking forward to working on this one after the Hell's Angels one. I might take this one on the cruise and read it there ๐Ÿ“–

View attachment 1

- No-Fap Day 5. Strong urges last night, but I'm pushing through. Italian Girl sending pictures of her ass didn't exactly help! ๐Ÿ‘

- Booked Chiropractor for tomorrow at 17:00 Hrs. Originally planned for Saturday Morning, but if I get laid Friday night and stay over somewhere that ain't gonna be happening! ๐Ÿ›Œ

- Hit up the Rope Bunny to check-in. Might go round her place for a booty call at some point depending on how I'm feeling. I'm exploring the other 2 prospects at the minute though ๐Ÿชข ๐Ÿฐ

- Been actively swiping on Tinder. Nothing of note to be honest. Will update if anything comes of it ๐Ÿ”ฅ

- Bought some more condoms - I'm actually running low! ๐Ÿ›Œ

- Bought some more Viagra from an online pharmacy - running low and I like to keep some around for emergencies ๐Ÿ’Š

Thanks for Reading ๐Ÿ“–

Spider ๐Ÿ•ท