MON-SUN 1-7/11-21
Averaged 2.5 hours on Mon-Wed but got distracted by dates for the rest of the week. My fault. Will try to do dates and night outs more systematically . I know that it is due to it messing up with my sleeping habits. Waking up 9AM and the next day at 4PM really wrecks my habits and goals.
Went through basics in digital marketing and social media marketing from this course on LinkedinLearning:

Will continue with more focus on Facebook Ads (will be my starting point of services I will offer) and that should be enough to start doing some operational stuff such as setting up a web page, logo design etc. Have to admit this is boring compared to when you see your crypto portfolio increase but I am aware that crypto should not be a distraction and means for becoming lazy.

Sold off 10% ($15k) of crypto to help my mom with a bigger bill and to have some extra savings since I have been burning cash faster than I thought. Most costs are mostly for food/drinks (for dates) and tickets to music events. I usually only spend money on rent, food, phone, electricity. My gym is free. Although I did only calcuate that my savings would be enough for the basics only not including the times I started going out more and having dates.

I have started to increase my amount of cold approaches througout the day to 10 at least. I am roughly averaging about 7 now for this week. The best day was Friday where I pushed myself and went for 15 approaches and got 4 numbers. I set up a date tomorrow with one of them. She was really cute.
On another note, approaching during the dark hours is so cozy. That Friday I got so warm respones from some of the girls.

Also I got my 2nd cold approach on Wednesday with a cute 5/10 Swedish girl. Had big boobs.
So basically I got her number on Monday and invited her for dinner at my place. She liked the food I made. We sat down and took a drink while talking and listening to music.
I put my arm around her, played with her hand and went for the kiss after a while. Damn she responded so good and really kissed well.
Went to my bed, unfortunately she had period but wasn't that bad ( my bed didn't get bloody :lol: )
She was so tight, didnt have sex for 2 years ( I am such a savior, ain't I? :) )
Said goodbye and she told me that she looked forward to meeting again. Maybe a future fuck buddy?

Tinder has been bad. I am still using the same pictures and somehow (I guess machine learning) Tinder knows that it's me. On a positive note the matches weren' t that bad. Maybe I should just take some new pictures outside and one in the gym, just to be able to game the system even better.
Also I found out a couple of days ago that you can tweak apps on Android to only use mobile data while in use even if the wi-fi is on. This has prevented my data to run out like it did in October.

One last thing about night game. I have been out at least 10 times last month and still no pull. It is not bad, but is certainly not effective. I waste too much time just to be able to approach the same amount of girls that I can do within 2 hours during day time and it is so random if you get pussy the same night. I've gotten a couple of snaps and made out with 2-3 girls but thats it. Although, it can be fun but has started to get boring,
Same music, same DJs you know. Will try to keep it to once a week and max 2 times/week if it is some kind of cool event or we get girls to tag along with us in the future.

Dies has been ok. I am slowly going down. Goal is 107kg for November. I think I can reach it if I just keep at it and count my macros. My back has been getting worse. Now it is definetly time to start doing mobility exercises and taking regular breaks. Also noticed that my left shoulder starts to hurt after walking for more than one hour.
MONDAY 8/11-21
Got on track, went through FB Ads and conversion calculation. 3hours done!
2/2. Surprised, but disappointed by the volume today. Was very cold and I am already a bit runny in my nose.
First one was a UK girl. Felt like a creeper since I saw her at the library which I visited to get warmer. Once she went out I kind of went for the approach ( like a hunter :lol: ) 2nd girl thought it was on camera but nope it was for real this time ;)
On point!
Today's meals:
-100 g oatmeal with honey
-20g EAA (keeps me full)
-500g chicken gyros, 200g cocktail tomatoes, 125g mozzarella, 100g feta cheese, 5 medium sized tortillas (200g)
-2 portions of whey protein
-+3L of water
Calories: 2130
TUESDAY 9/11-21
3 hours today. Played with the FB ads manager, kind of got a hang of it. Man, this shit is boring. I want to generate the money.
So will continue down the setup checklist from the course tomorrow:
Think about an industry you might like to serve (i.e. – chiropractors) and then look up “online marketing for chiropractors” or similar terms and study what comes up.
-Write out (or type out) your motivation. Why are you interested in starting this business? Answer this with something more specific than “to have more money”. -Get as specific as you can. Don’t skip the mental work!
-List out the amount of money you would like to make in your first month, second month, following months. Include your first year’s goal.

0/0 approaches today. A lot of rain and tbh barely people in the only mall I can go into. Went to H&M and Zara since they sually have nice girls, but no luck this time. Will double down tomorrow.

The dinner date for today got unfortunately cancelled, the girl had a sore throat. She did suggest to meet for the weekend so we'll see about that.
Also got this girl from UK to come for dinner at my place on Thursday. Actually thought she ghosted me before.
The 2nd girl that I approached yesterday was busy this week but suggested next week so let's see.
Tomorrow the girl with big boobs willl come for movies.
Told French girl to set me up with her friend for Friday, we'll see how it goes. Can't really do much since I haven't been with her friend.

I failed NoFap several times and NoPorn after 10 days. I seriously have a dopamine addiction. It feels as if I am some kind of meth head that can't resist the temptation to abuse. Along with that it is also social media and listening to music all day. These 3 things are the negative habits I have in my life.
It would make me much happier if I could quit fap and limit music for the gym and night outs and social media to bus or queues. It will be hard.
Nothing I can suddenly stop without some real effort since I have been having these habits ever since I was like 13 years old.
So will at least restart the NoPorn and limit music to gym only. Don't wanna overload with a shit ton of new behaviours since it usually goes to hell or I get frustrated due to no "nice reward".

Ate 755kcal too much today but still in deficit lol.
Today's meal:
100g TUC crackers (this was the cheat meal, got so fucking tempted) with 1 Zero cal Monster energy drink
500g chicken, 250g spinach, some sour cream, 250g pasta,
2 portions of whey powder
1 orange
1 portion of EAA
+3L of water

Total calories: 2875
Good luck with the no fap. I’ve been jerking off once a week when I’m not having sex so it’s more of a no porn diet. Fuckbuddys help as you’re getting laid you don’t need to jerk off. Ultimate goal would be to just fuck anytime I’m horny. I feel you bro I’m so fucking horny all the time. I literally think of fucking the shit out of every hot girl I see. Im like a wolf on a leash that’s dangling by a thread. Very motivating though to push through goals with pussy being on the other side.
WEDNESDAY 10/11-21
Woke up too late at 4PM and had to go approaching since I had big boob girl coming over at 7:30PM.
Need to be strict with the wake up times especially the morning after a date.
I've said it before but the dating does fuck up my business hours and diet so I am slowly trying to get it more systematic.

1/10 approaches today with better weather. Got number from a cute blonde.
Watched Netflix series with big boob girl. Fucked 2 times. I am too tight for her since I was the biggest one she had so far. It is a bit painful for her. Should I just avoid going to deep or just find a more compatible girl?
Meeting UK girl tomorrow.

Dewm said:
Good luck with the no fap. I’ve been jerking off once a week when I’m not having sex so it’s more of a no porn diet. Fuckbuddys help as you’re getting laid you don’t need to jerk off. Ultimate goal would be to just fuck anytime I’m horny. I feel you bro I’m so fucking horny all the time. I literally think of fucking the shit out of every hot girl I see. Im like a wolf on a leash that’s dangling by a thread. Very motivating though to push through goals with pussy being on the other side.

Fuckbuddies would be the goal here! Although I get more horny after having sex with a girl the day after, but I am getting these habits away seriously now.
So today was first day for getting off porn/fap, social media and music (while not in the gym)!
I need to do this for my drive both productivity and sexually wise while saving more time for more quality activites. I will do this in a fun way by trying to learn new dance/raving moves every time the urge comes. And I know it will come!
Going ok. With the date today, I am around -500kcal.
I will replace the pasta in my meals with rice/potatoes. More filling and less calories making it more flexible with dates.
I will save roughly 500kcal for wine, popcorn or whatever I eat for snacks.
Hoipefully i can keep it at -1000kcal deficit, its getting harder for every week that goes by! (more hungry/moody)
THURSDAY 11/11-21
Woke up earlier around 11AM after big boob girl went home. Cleaned the apartment. Didn't have time today due to date. I am behind 6 business hours for this week which sucks :/
3/10 approaches today. Good turnover!

Had dinner and wine with the UK girl that I cold approached last Tuesday.
Was quite hot and easy to entertain.
Escalated too slowly though. She came to my place at 19, we cooked and ate until 20 and talked until like 22 before I went for the kiss and bed.
You could believe that we watched the whole LOTR trilogy like offwego said.
Then I got the classical "I don't have sex on 1st dates", "Im not that easy". Tried to persist by laughing it away but in the end she had to go due to work in the morning.
Although when I reflect upon it, its probably due to me not screening that hard yet during cold approach. I am still doing basic guy game where I just tell them "Hi, I know this is random, I thought you were really cute" and then I ask for the number.
Got quite blueballzed though :lol: couldn't sleep until 4:30AM
Current weight: 109.4kg
We going forward! Haven't been this light since probably 2019 :D
Slowly improving my lower back flexibility, I believe thats the culprit for my back issues. I can barely have my feet straight while sitting down against a wall unless I go a bit forward with the lower back. Obviously a bad sign :(
FRIDAY 12/11-21
2 hours of business. Was researching different kind of niches.
Heavy industry, health/medical services and home services seems to be the ones I could break into.
I am unsure though since I don't have the experience and would rather take on any client for now.

I set out goals for my first three months: 500$, 2000$, 5000$ per month.
This is important for me and would love to know that I can actually provide real value to someone completely online and independent from employees or any country just like BlackDragon promotes.

Going to continue researching other competitors and see what I can emulate and also what I can do to create my UPS (unique selling point). 7 hours short. I think I can it make up Saturday and Sunday.

1/8 + one snap contact but I don't give a fuck about those.

Had French girl over. First time someone licked my ass and likewise. Wasn't as good as I thought :lol: not gonna do it again.
A bit bad news about the threesome. Apparently the girl she was going to bring was in an open-relationship but that girl got monogoamous with her girlfriend (she was bisexual as well). Something that I observed as well is that I get tired of seeing the same girl more than like 5/6 times even though today was noFap day 3 and I should have been horny like hell.

Going well. 1st time I ever kept my calories in check troughout a day with a date scheduled.
I did it by drinking and eating mostly protein while saving carbs/fats for the food we made later.
Looked like this:
1 orange
50g cashew nuts
2 portions of whey
240g of tuna with salsa
4x slices of bread
2 cider
1 beer

Calories: 2207

I liked the setup and will use it as a default on dates.
Also I am going to the gym 2x a week, but I don't mention it here since it is unnecessary. It is as normal for me as it is going up in the morning since I have been doing it for more than 9 years now.
SATURDAY & SUNDAY 13-14/11-21
3 hours on Saturday and 0 Sunday. Had date on Sunday which made it a bit difficult to put in the business hours (lame excuse prbly).

I found stuff that I wanted to copy from competitiors or even make better for my marketing agency:
-Very clear offer of our services ( easy if I only do FB ads for a certain niche)
-Hard punch-line after logo, very different compared to soft companies out there that makes some lame/comfy punch-line
-Nice logo
-Mention industries/niches in which we operate. Why we chose this particular industry and why you should choose us and how we can help you
-Suitable colors
-Contact info and contact form, at the top and bottom. Alternatives to "Contact us". Something that makes you think that the company really responds quickly and actively.
-Our UPS, builds long-term and strong relationships but we build it up slowly
-Examples of our work. As clean proof of work processes, tools and strategies that we use.
Nice way of displaying it would be from some customer we've done work for. You should be able to get a full impression of what you will get. You should not have to fantasize about or wonder what it actually is. Simply black and white, you get this and we know that it gives results and that we adapt to what will in the future give results if not better.
-About me

This week was lame tbh. Not even 2hours of daily work. Competition will eat me alive. To focus better next week, I have made a schedule (Google Calendar) and blocked in times for business, dating, gym, and admin tasks (making GLL posts, washing, prepping food, cleaning home, reading through GLL/other articles such as those from Mike Mehlman).
It will roughly look like this for a typical day.
09-10: Morning routine
10-13 Business work
13-30 Food
13:30-16 Admin tasks/ Gym
16-18 Approach
18-22 Date/Business work if no date
22-00 Free time (planning next day, doing some random stuff that I put off.

3/20 on Saturday within 2 hours which was once again a volume and speed record and 0/0 on Sunday since it is shit for approaching (maybe another lame excuse?) and I got laid from cold approach again.

LAY #39-Cold approach #3-Hot blonde with great ass
So I did a cold approach on this girl 7-10 days ago, don't know exactly. It was the same one that cancelled last Tuesday due to sore throat.
She agreed on meeting this Sunday and we had the standard eat dinner and drink at my place.
Met her outside to shop for food. Girl looked amazing with a great thick ass, pale skin, blonde and blue eyes.
We made a simple dinner consisting of pasta, cherry tomatoes, feta cheese. She was so easy to talk to, we really clicked so to say.
While eating we put on a movie and afterwards I slowly put my arm around her back, play with her hands and just went for the kiss.
Literally zero resistance throghout the whole escalation. She was definetly DTF. Took our clothes off and she started riding me.
The ass was so fucking nice. She told me she was one of those girls that hates taking decisions and would rather let others make it for her which I found interesting. I guess this is a very submissive girl? Easily the coziest one I have ever been with like really happy all the time and also clever. Would love to have as a plate!

Diet was going well. Like the other date last Friday, I saved some calories for the dinner which paid off since I ate a ton of pasta. Damn my body looks more and more defined. Just wait until I post some progress pics at the end of November.
Weekend went surprisingly well for burning calories. I attended a hardstyle music event on Saturday, woke up the day after and saw that I had walked 22000 steps which is a lot compared to the usual 10k steps I do while approaching.
MONDAY-SUNDAY 15-21/11-21
I have decided to quit this goal. I didn't do anything the whole week. I am going to focus on dating and fitness until the year ends because this is what I really want and I am going to listen to myself for once.
Instead of creating a marketing agency, I will focus on understanding and perhaps find better cryptos. I realized it is better to focus on gaining more money that way while the bull run is still running. If things go to shit, I'll be back with this in 2022.

So while I have been blessed to already have gained 5x my networth, until the year end I will focus on putting everything related to fitness & dating into place while also creating systems and habits I will do passively/habitually in those areas e.g going to the gym with prepared workouts, prepare already researched food on a set day, approach at certain hours, create a stylish wardrobe fully, have maxed out online pictures and habits when it comes to OLD. Will update here on what I will be busy with.

Once that is in place, I will fully focus on business in 2022. No other goals, everything else will run passively in terms of dating/gym/food/health. I feel this is needed since doing online business is cut-throat and its hard to do anything tangible with 2-3 hours of work when at the same time I want to improve dating and fitness routines. Not realistic period.

Been averaging about 6-7 approaches/day this week. Shitty volume due to piss weather. Confidence is growing though. However during cold /rainy days, I definetly have issues with volume, not that I am scared of approaching.
I will either have to put in more time outside of approach windows with max volume, do more audacious approaches inside cafes/gyms :) or simply move to another location during winter months in 2022.

2 girls cancelled, 1 date (no pull due to her going to a BD-party which I didn't know about)

We can check off 2 cold approach lays from the November goal. So 2 more CA lays by the end of the year will be my main focus now. No excuses.

Will set up some simple approach metrics in an excel file, maybe to include OLD metrics as well?

Going well, hovering around 109kg. Will I make it to 107kg by end of month? Let us see!
MONDAY-SUNDAY 22-28/11-21
On hold. Crypto took a dip but went back lately. Completely fine with that. Been focused on approach and fitness.

Focused mostly on buying clothes and creating elegant edgy outfits which took up time. Got some really nice stuff from the BF sales.

I am not sure how many approaches I did but certainly above 5/day this week.
Was away to Stockholm during the weekend. Volume is much better here than in Gothenburg, like 5x more people.
Getting colder as well!
Got flaked on one date from Tinder. Going to re-engage some girls next week.

While approaching I met up with the Ukrainean girl I was once on a date with. This was the 2nd I saw her on the streets. Took her # since she said she really wanted to meed and believed that meeting me so randomly again was a "sign". Said alright, let's see.

Thought Black Friday would bring a spike in volume of hot girls but not so much. Got 0/17 approaches that day.
Going ok. Had an unplanned cheat day on Saturday while I was in Stockholm. Weight is about 108kg. Will miss my goal of 107 but its fine.
My overall year goal was to hit 105 and I am sure I will hit that by the end of the year.
One thing I noticed that even though I went to a caloric surplus of 3500kcal with a total of 5600kcal, I was still 20-30g away from my daily protein needs.
Really tells you how shitty fast food is. No wonder people are skinny fat.

Bought shit ton of whey protein that will probably last at least 6-8 months. Hedge against inflation bros!

I am in this period where I just love the last month of the year. Especially now after I have been focused on money, girls and fitness and it has been going well in all 3. Like back in July, crypto was completely down and I held through. Never approached a girl for real and now its a breeze after doing it every day. Was weighing a lot in July and now I haven't been weighing this low since the start of 2019.
I have never been this focused in life before and it is because I decided to do what REALLY is important to me and decided to skip common people advice of having a job, finishing college, settling down with one girl. "Commoners", fuck you truly.
Going to push it really hard now. 3-4kg more to go, 2 cold approach lays left and hopefully lets do some X's on the crypto portfolio.

BTW is my style of writing confusing to you guys that read my log?
Sprezza said:
While approaching I met up with the Ukrainean girl I was once on a date with. This was the 2nd I saw her on the streets. Took her # since she said she really wanted to meed and believed that meeting me so randomly again was a "sign". Said alright, let's see.


BTW is my style of writing confusing to you guys that read my log?

Reapproaching girls has been responsible for the hottest two girls I've been with in my life. And the girl from two days ago said the same thing about the third time we met being a "sign" or "fate".

I don't find it confusing, no.
MONDAY-SUNDAY 29/11-5/12-21
Whats up guys. Week passed, I did stuff related to dating and fitness. Put up goals for December down below.
On hold until Jan 2022.
My crypto dumped to $85k which is not fun, but I believe it was just to take out leveraged people ($2.5 billion got wiped within 24 hours)
I am still positive and up 4x since I started investing August 2020. Was $190k at the top (start of Nov 2021), but this game is hard to time and I do have high net worth goals ($1 million as a first step after taxes, no big sells until I reach my goals).
Strongly believe this will continue 2022, no reason to stop as long as interest rates aren't getting raised and inflation is ramping.
I set up approach metrics and migrated from Excel to Google Sheets. Metrics are basic; amount of approaches, numbers, dates, instadates, cold approach (CA) lays, online lays, insta date lays and more interesting ones are approach to number and approach to lay ratio. This tracking is done just because I like being data-oriented and I am curious. Definetly not needed for the newbie, just approach lol.

Approaching was lame this week. Did about 20 in total. I was busy doing other things and its fucking cold.
Went on a date with Ukrainean girl finally, was late about 30 mins due to "snow storm" here in Gothenburg. Came to my place for drinks.
Kissed her, moved her to bed, undressed down to panties, but she refused further due to period.
After a while of pushing I just told her to fuck off and leave. Usually I am not this "rude " but that day I whitened my teeth for the 1st time (just for fun and results were good) and had pain in the teeth so I was pissed. She wasn't happy about it but neither was I. She said some weird stuff like "Oh, you failed to seduce me", "I got what I wanted" ( she did suck my dick and I rubbed her pussy if she was thinking about that lol)

Days after I went for a quick booty call with big boob girl and spent Friday/Satuday with the blonde girl I approached some week ago. She is really chill af (smokes a lot of weed though lol) and I am happy that i met her. Really nice to cuddle and have sex with. Easily the best girl this year. Smart aswell.

Also I have finally finalized my wardrobe. I have really put down effort on making the outfits and buying good stuff during Black Friday.
Will post outfits (winter outfits to begin with) gradually as I wear them here in case you wanna know how I dress when I go out.
My style is elegant-edgy.

Weight is dropping. Below 108kg. Really focused now. Also fucking hungry. Here are some progress pics I took. Working on better, cheaper, faster and tastier meal plans which takes effort. Going through Greg Doucette's Anabolic Cooking 2.0 book which seems to have recipes that will fill me up while having good macros and are fast to make.

View attachment 1

-Create meal plan for clean bulking with tasty, fast and perhaps cheaps meals while having good macros. (gonna try with Anabolic Cooking 2.0
-2 lays (let's fucking get this, will need about 100 approaches/week I hope)
-Online Photos (I believe I can do this since I am reaching my goal weight)
-Finish Reading all GLL/MM articles (2022 will be focused ONLY on money so I want to get rid off/put on hold/automate everything else related to dating/fitness
-Read up on crypto in general/defi/metaverse/gaming/nft (need to up my knowledge on this for 2022 which will run hot)

All in all this has been my best year ever goals wise. Never been this motivated to accomplis stuff and really enhance my life for the better. Let's kill this month and finish strong!
Sprezza said:
I set up approach metrics and migrated from Excel to Google Sheets. Metrics are basic; amount of approaches, numbers, dates, instadates, cold approach (CA) lays, online lays, insta date lays and more interesting ones are approach to number and approach to lay ratio. This tracking is done just because I like being data-oriented and I am curious. Definetly not needed for the newbie, just approach lol.

Nice, looking forward to seeing your stats at some point.
MONDAY-SUNDAY 6/12-12/12-21
Whats up guuys, here is a weekly update! a bit late hehe...

Crypto dropped a bit again. Hovering around $80k. Totally fine. Did some reading into possible macro outcomes that could potentially make crypto more volatile. If interest rates go up, everyone is kind of fucked. We'll see on Wednesday. If this Covid shit continues and the supply chains e.g in China get choked, we'll be temporarily fucked. On the opposite if we continue money printing, inflation and prices will go higher and investors/institutions will be forced to either lose money by holding in cash or go for much riskier assets aka the crypto market. My conclusion is that I simply have to be able to hodl for 3-5 years in the worst case scenario and not be forced to sell. I'll take a job if I have to in case crypto dumps so low that I have to cash out more than 10% each time I need money since I am living on crypto now + the 10% in profits that I took out some while ago to be on the safe side and lend my mom some for tax bills. In overall I am positive but times will get volatile either way we go. No matter what I am going full on business 2022. Like Chris from GLL said, only ONE GOAL. I will expand on it with some deeper thoughts next week.
Spent the whole week and some more literally reading all of GLL articles. Damn I can't really thank Chris enough for doing this for free (even though he made a killing on affiliate links but STIIIILLL). So much time put into writing those articles with gold information, its just unimaginable. Eternally grateful for that. Gonna go through MM and Andy's articles and podcasts as well. After that I believe I am done with reading up on dating since I think I got it now to be honest. I feel good about this and now exactly what to do.

Approached 48 girls this last week. Didn't do it Monday, Saturday/Sunday so no wonder I fell short of the 100/girls a week.
My confidence has grown even more. Literally approached girl behind me in line, had boyfriend though. Also approached a girl and a mom, didnt see the mom until the end. I can really say this was a small stepping stone upwards in confidence. Months ago I would get huge anxiety afterwards had I done this.
Approached 3 girls in a row after getting a relatively harsh rejection. Felt fucking good and an "in your face" to the girl that rejected me lol

LAY #40-Blonde Ukrainean MILF
Buuut I got my 4th cold approach lay. This was funny. I was out approaching last Friday, snowing and shit. Was about to give up since I had only approached 4 girls (volume was shit) and was standing on the street 5 minutes away from my place. So I go one last time to scan the opposite street and approach this blonde nicely dressed woman and tell her she's cute. Surprisingly, we exchange numbers, I text her and she agrees on a date for Saturday. Thought all the time she would flake, but she didn't.

We met at a nice bar close to my place, ordered drinks and talk some. I find out she actually has a daughter and is 29 years old, I get to think oh is she looking for some new provider (since I certainly aint and will not be lol) but then I notice that she is quite receptive to me playing with her hand. After some talk she wants to go to some other place, I tell her I happen to live close and that we can share a bottle of wine there. She agrees for a walk and we head my way to my apartment. There I just take out the wine bottle, we sit down in my two seater and start listening to music. We talk and I start to kiss her. She gets on top off me and hesitates a bit, saying "this is going so fast :) we just met " and then suddenly she says "FUCK IT" and gets completely wild taking her shirt off and undressing me hahah

We go to my bed and I feel like I am the one getting fucked since she starts to ride me like I was the last man on the planet. Not bad for a 29-year old MILF. We had sex 4 times throughout the night and 2 more times in the morning lol. Volume record lol! Felt good.
One interesting thing was that she told how the most attractive thing I did was that I approached her in the middle of the street and how brave it seemed. She is keen on meeting up more although she lives 1 hour away with bus.

One more interesting thing was that Iooked at the girls Tinder profile, swiped through 100-200 dudes and its always a good reminder I get on how important it is to have high-quality pictures and be an interesting/juxtaposition type of guy.
They can get anyone they want and really look for that minimum 8/10 guy. I also notice how quickly they get bored of swiping through countless of average dudes. Easy to visualize this if you think through the scope of a woman or make a fake girl account.

Dropped contact with big boob girl and the angel girl since I am not longer interested and the second one cancelled a sleepover without saying anything. Also had a date with some hipster girl I approached that went nowhere like I was the one holding conversation and just got turned off by her disinterest. So I just ended it and went home.

Tinder is fucking with me. Only option is to take new pictures and see if there is any difference at all. Really have no idea how they connect me to the same profiles.

1 more cold approach lay left for the year, let's fucking get it! Have one date setup on Monday with a girl that I cold approached and later gave me a hug, so cuute!

Weight hovering around 107kg which is good (i am gonna make it to 105 arghh!). Made 10 packs of a smoothie blend. Damn so easy like 700kcal and 60g protein in each bag and you can just put in the blender with some almond drink and its done. Finally I found one thing that I will probably drink/eat forever, so tasty, so easy to make.

Carbonated drinks and EAA with water is a diet saver which makes me feel more full. Thanks for that

Doing sessions with a naprapat to fix my lower back. My hamstrings and hip flexors are tight which comes from sitting in front of the computer but also not doing any stretching/mobility exercises which I admit I never do unless needed. So guys save yourself time and money and do some stretching when you're like on your phone or end up like me lol.

Look forward to when the cutting is done. I'll start clean bulking and will have more mental energy/less time being negative to pursue my business goal in 2022. Working on a tasty clean bulking meal plan!
Sprezza said:
Buuut I got my 4th cold approach lay.

And fucking on the first date! Cunt this is crazy.

For me it’s good to see these reports. Very motivating to think real men are just approaching girls and fucking them