Svadhishthana's log

Hey bro,

I hope I didn't come across as insensitive for not acknowledging your process, I totally understand you are going to work through your own process and have your own set of self-limiting beliefs. I totally, totally respect that, but I will always praise you for doing the work and going forward.

Have your back to the bitter end with this, until you have your dream woman and life. Again, hope I didn't come across as lacking compassion for your challenges, lord knows I have had mine, but as brothers in this community, we are all getting stronger as a unit and walking the path to victory.

Keep hammering,
Thanks guys. Yeah, I think I knew I was being a dumbass even as I wrote that. I was just pissed at myself because I knew I could have tried harder, prepared more, all that. Making those moves is my weak point, and here was a valuable opportunity to improve, and I didn't take it.

As expected, I was able to channel my angst into other pursuits. Got on a climb that forced me onto a weird sloping chimney/shelf system that was tight enough that I could barely rotate my head back and forth, and reeked like a urinal.

As always, grovelthrutching through packrat piss is good for the soul. The next day my partner and I were packing up under a climb and I watched this cute girl strugglebus up the wide section. Before we left, I asked if she was single and went for the number exchange. Was totally not thinking straight, so I ended up only giving her my number, but *this* made me feel good. The world didn't explode, she didn't hate me and call me a creep, and my partner and I made smalltalk about it like it was a normal thing afterwards. Rode that high to one-hang a harder line I'd had my eye on for a few years. It was a good weekend.
Followed up w/ girl from Friday. She was interested in meeting again. But I reviewed out messages and noticed I'd never been explicit about wanting to be casual, which might have played a role in my the date felt so relationship-y. So in my follow-up texts, I made sure I was explicit, so as not to feel like I was leading her on under false pretenses. No response yet, so we'll see.

Upgraded Tinder and Hinge this morning. Clock's ticking to hit my goal deadline. Planning to shoot some more portrait pics tomorrow morning.

- Touring 3 people today for my open room.
- work out
- meal prep
- ping girl with the nice butt who decided not to live in my house
F'd up - stayed up too late and failed to get up this morning to take more pics.

Otoh, my week is now booked. Social events T & W, date planned R. The F & Sa headed down to NM to climb with the one girl. Torn on this one, because I'm wondering if it'll be a waste of time... But goddammit she's super cute and seems really into me. Then the girl I saw last Friday is making the trip down south for a date on Sunday night. Then next Tuesday having a social night with my roommates. So yeah, holy shit I'm busy!

Still gotta squeeze in a workout today. Just toured a guy who seemed pretty interested, so hopefully will have the room signed soon.
Shit guys, I fucked up ... I'm running out of time on my calendar to plan dates. This is not a problem I was expecting to have, lol!

Missed workout yesterday, will make up today.
Ok, I have a date this afternoon. Will confirm after I post this.

I will:
- Confirm.
- Tell her I'm nervous (because holy fuck I am).
- Show up ahead of time, and spend some time mentally preparing.
- Be very up front with flirting, start escalating physically asap.

This should be in the bag as long as I don't fuck it up. I've made it abundantly clear that I want to have sex with her over text. I told her I'm bringing my van so we could make mixed drinks and make out, and she liked the idea. One of her tinder pics is her in a freaking kink outfit, bent over and squeezing her tits together.

I just have to remember. She wants this to happen. We're on the same team. Just have fun. Even if you fuck up, you have another date lined up every day til next Thursday. You've fucking got this.
Well, last night didn't go as expected. For context, the girl I was meeting had immediately gone off script during messaging, and said "I want to go climbing". Ok, sure, I'm a desperate horny bastard, I'll take a gumby out for some toproping. We set a date, time, and place to meet.

I show up 15 min early and get a text - can we push back our meeting time by an hour and a half? Apparently, she's stuck in traffic. Well, I have nothing else today, so I spend time scoping some crags up the canyon and doing a few chores in the van. Hour and a half passes. I'm about to bail when she sends another text. Still in traffic, give me another half hour.

I'm fucking confused. Denver traffic is bad, but it's never *this* bad. I'm 90% sure she's flaking. I start getting paranoid thoughts - her profile was too good to be true, this is just some bored neck beard in Nebraska tricking guys into waiting for hours for dates that never happen. I'm a fucking idiot for putting this much time and effort into a date.

30 minutes pass. Haven't seen hide nor hair. I feel like shit. For some reason, someone was just fucking with me. Maybe she gets off on it, and it's some kind of power trip. I pack up and leave, ready to find a nice secluded park where I could drown my sorrows in whiskey for a few hours. As I'm grabbing a burger at a fast food joint, I get another text - 20 min, same spot? I sigh, remember I a desperate, horny bastard, and return to the same spot.

30 minutes later, a car pulls up. I'm waiting for a cop or a catfish to step out, but instead it's her - super cute just like in her profile. Wtf? Turns out she just has the worst time management in the world, and got stuck behind several different wrecks on the highway.

We drive up together, then when we're looking at approach beta for the crag, I look down at her and say "you sure are standing close to me", and look into her eyes. I can see it. I just lean in and kiss her. She kisses back. We make our for a bit.

Head over to the crag. It's dark now, so we're doing all the climbing by headlamp. I throw down the rope. We basically make out after every pitch and I feel her up, occasionally grabbing her ass or tweaking her nipples over her shirt. We head back to my van, make out some more and then get heavier. Get her up on the bed, shirts come off, I'm turning her on like crazy, pushing my dick into her crotch through our pants. Pants come off, condom goes on, I tease her with the tip of my cock until she's begging. Her eyes roll back in her head every time I put it all the way in. She grabs my hand and puts it on her throat as I'm fucking her. I have to slow down and pull out so I don't cum too soon, which makes her super needy. When she asks why, I use my favorite line "I like fucking you, but I like watching you squirm more." Eventually I'm just too fucking horny, so like the needy beta boy I am, I do what she's been asking me to do and fuck her as hard as I can until I cum.

I ask if she came, and she said "kinda, mostly". I offer to keep going, but she said it was good and she had fun. We make out a bit more and put clothes on. She has really wide hips and perky tits, so looking at her sitting on the bed with shirt/no bra + thong gave me a semi again and I almost offered to go round 2, but it was getting pretty late and we both needed to get home. I drop her off at her car and send a follow-up text. She responded this morning saying she had a good time and wants to meet up again. Definitely will do - it's a point of personal pride that I only made her "kinda, mostly" cum. Next time I'm making sure she can't walk the next day. Plus she seemed really into it when I stuck my fingers in her mouth while fucking her, eagerly taking them all the way into her throat, sooooo...

Lessons learned

First of all, definitely have lower commitment first dates. This one was fine because I was really just going hard and trying to fuck as soon as possible. But if it actually had been a flake, it would have been a huge waste of time. If a girl goes straight for the more involved date in the future, I'll suggest a low investment date as a counter.

Second, I'm reminded of the shocking lack of climbing ability that all gumbies seem to have. I have to keep reminding myself that 5.8 is hard for most people...

Third, I was struck by how shockingly easy making moves was. I just saw an opportunity, took it, and from there she was good to go. Because of forwardness during messaging, and filtering for a girl who was horny, she showed up ready and willing to fuck. All I had to do was have a condom on hand.
This, I have to say, is a major milestone in my life. I'm super happy about finally feeling validated, and actually hitting my goal way before my target date. Huge thanks are due!

First, a huge thanks to everyone who posts on this forum. When you post your failures, it helps me learn. When you post your insecurities, it makes me feel less alone. When you post your successes, it gives me hope for the future. But most important is when you post about your humdrum, punch-the-clock days, because seeing so many guys working so hard, so consistently towards their goals motivated me to rise to the level of the community. I used this pressure to work harder and more efficiently, to push myself mentally and physically, and to remind myself to FIND a way to MAKE IT HAPPEN NOW time and time again. Extra thanks to everyone who posted in my life and Tinder thread with support and advice. In particular, thank you to MakingAComeback . Your constant support and encouragement kept me motivated and consistent, and your own work ethic is truly and inspiration. Keep hammering, you're getting there!

Huge thanks to Rags2Bitches for his invaluable help consistently calling out my bullshit and getting my OLD profiles up to scratch. I'm still working on them, and if you consider them 1/3rd complete right now, I'm absolutely STOKED to see what happens when I make them even better.

Thanks to Radical as well for his style guide, and for pushing me beyond my bullshit anxieties in how I dress. Style is - and probably always will be - my weak point, so having straightforward advice that even a dumbass like me could follow was amazingly helpful.

And of course, a giant thanks to KillYourInnerLoser for writing the tinder guide and creating this community. I have to be honest, and say that I was always pretty confident that I'd be able to get laid... somehow. But the difference between following the guide + joining this forum and doing it on my own was night and day. Before it was like I was tearing though underbrush and brambles, schlepping knee deep in a bog, struggling to move just one step forward. Finding your site was like finding a finely paved cobblestone road through the wilderness full of other pilgrims headed the same direction. The knowledge and community has made the journey far faster, easier, and more enjoyable, and has given me permission to be far more ambitious in my future goals - not only in dating, but also in life as a whole. Most of all, thank you for reminding me of what I already knew - you must go all-in. Not because it will lead to success, as the uncertainty of success is the mark of any goal worth having in life. But because going all-in is the only proper way to live one's life, which would otherwise be the dull, grey, and tepid existence of 1000 regrets on your deathbed.

To anyone reading this who is still struggling, hopeless, and going through hell - keep going! I was able to go from zilch to getting my dick wet with about a month's worth of consistent, moderate effort. But behind that month's effort was about 15 years of struggling to improve myself from an overweight, autistic, smelly, neckbeard teenager into a guy that girls actually want to fuck. However, if I could give my dumbass, teenaged self two pieces of advice, they would be:

First, do stupid things faster. Every cringeworthy thing I ever did with girls in the past, I realize in retrospect, was simply a necessary step in overcoming my own anxiety and limiting beliefs. My progress would have been infinitely faster if I'd just embraced the cringe and kept making mistakes until I figured things out.

Second - ask for help, and then shut the fuck up. I struggled *so fucking much* for *years* because I never wanted to admit to anyone that I needed help. Consistently, every time I've shut the fuck up, admitted I couldn't figure this out on my own, and accepted help from people who knew better, my progress has surged. If you're reading this, you're in the right place, you know what to do - so get to work!

If I'd known that shit back then, it sure as hell wouldn't have taken 15 years to get my first real casual lay.

As for what I'm doing now - holy shit I'm tired! NM girl cancelled, so I'm just gonna take the whole day off and chill like a lazy bum. Since I hit my goal a month early, I'm going to coast on this one and take a psuedo-break where I kind of lazily work on other goals, reading books, side projects, and things like that. Right now I have dates lined up every night for a week out where I've explicitly said we're meeting up casually, and have started scheduling coffee dates in the morning out of necessity. If all these girls want to fuck on a regular basis, threesomes will start happening less out of a desire for an awesome good time, and more out of simple scheduling necessities. So I'm going to start being more selective about girls I actually ask on dates, because I already don't have enough time for the ones I've set up. Of course, I'm going to keep hammering in the gym, and will soon largely shift my focus to squaring away my retirement. Then, post-retirement, it's really on. Max my tinder profile, and AA in my future.

Lay #2 - tall blonde. Meet at a brewery, but I hadn't scoped it properly before and realize too late that their lighting is terribly fluorescent. Good beer, but I'll only plan a date there in the future if the weather is good for sitting outside. We go one round, talk for a bit - it feels a bit relationship-y, but then we get round two, move outside. I realize I'm procrastinating, and just tell her she's cute and ask if she wants to lean in closer. She laughs and declines, saying she feels uncomfortable in public. I ask if she wants to finish the round and go back to my place. She says yes and finishes her beer before I do, lol! As soon as we're outside the pub, she's on me and we start making out - guess she got over her shyness. Go to my place, straight to my room, and we fuck like crazy. We both have a good time, scheduled another date with her for the Monday after this one. So fuckin stoked!

One point of improvement - seem to end up pretty wired after sex, which is making it easy for me to engage in bad habits. Should figure out a post-sex chill routine so I don't throw the whole rest of my life into the gutter.

Another unanticipated problem - I'm constantly horny the next day thinking of the sex I had the night before. But then I remember I can't jerk off because I need to be good to go for the date I have tonight. And then that thought also makes me horny. Best vicious cycle I've ever been in.
Lazy day, got some chores done. Date said she was slammed at work, so it didn't happen. Fumbled the reschedule, so probably not happening.

Funny thing happened yesterday, though. I was working on some stuff in my garage when this woman gets out of her car and walks over - she's delivering some groceries to my roommate. We talk briefly and she leaves. Later, my roommate sends me this screenshot.

Holy. Fucking. Shit. Just set up a date with a stupidly hot girl for Friday. This isn't supposed to be happening. I should have to be better looking, be way smoother, have way better pics. Clearly she's gonna fuck somebody, but it's not supposed to be me. WTF is going on???
Could not be happier for you brother.

Really, really proud of you.

You will have an elite life, I absolutely know this.

Enjoy your success, there is so much more to come.

Thanks guys, it feels great! I was doing some gratitude practice before dinner, and I had to remember - oh shit, I fucked two hot women this week! It seems so surreal, my brain almost thinks the memories were just dreams. When I remembered that it was real, I had a giant fucking smile on my face for like 10 minutes - half just laughing at myself for even forgetting, and half just from sheer joy of remembering *that actually happened*.

Normal log stuff:

Had 3 dates on my calendar today, because I have yet to learn to say no. First was a catfish, but a very nice and friendly one. Second one, I'd put on my calendar, but forgot to hammer out a confirmation. I pinged her, rescheduled. Third said she needed to pull a double at work, rescheduled. This is all actually quite fortunate, because I was quite hungover today from making cocktails with friends last night.

When I realized my poor impulse control was leading me to schedule multiple dates in one day, I was concerned that if the stars actually aligned I wouldn't be able to keep it up for later performances. In preparation for this, I got some toys - looking forward to using them...

I think today, the shock of all this is actually starting to wear off, though. I spent a chunk of the day refocusing, prioritizing some goals and subgoals, and setting deadlines to hit. Glad to be back on track.
Felt good today. Got lots of shit done on the Todo list, life is getting back under control.

2 dates. First wasn't that attractive. I used the opportunity to practice honestly in turning her down. Nothing amazing, but instead of saying 'lets meet again' and never following up, I basically gave a soft no - "I've gotta go, it was good to meet you."

Second date was better. Girl is super cute and attractive. Also really fun and cool. The conversation was too good, and I forgot to make moves until it was time to leave. When we got up, I went for the kiss and we made out for a but she said she'd made plans with a friend for after the date. Of course, unknowable if this was an excuse, an intentional real plan to avoid going back to mine, or just a real plan she made without thinking. Really, based on her personality, it seems like the last, but who knows. She seemed honestly on the fence about bailing on her friends and coming back to my place.

Lessons learned:

1) Sit next to her, not across from her, dumbass. Yeah it's obvious - good! You're making it obvious that you're expecting some smoochin'!

2) Don't tell her ahead of time that the place you're going to closes kinda early, or she might assume that's when the date will end and make plans.

All in all, kinda disappointed in myself for not going for it more. I might have been able to bring her back to mine if I'd started escalating earlier. Oh well - will try to fit her in my schedule and try again.
Ok, 4 of 5 leases converted to year-long. One to go, then the banks will feel better about giving me more money, since I've proved my current investment is stable.

Went through and did some budgeting. Been procrastinating on solar, but I think I'll pull the trigger once I convert that last lease. One last big job...

Toys arrived. In addition to Andy's recommendations, I also got a Bluetooth enabled insertable vibe I researched a while ago. I always wanted to give some direct feedback during BJs, and opportunities for fun in public are numerous... Also, currently reading up on some bondage stuff - I already know a lot about rope and knots, so it seems like a natural avenue to explore.

Friend is coming over to work out this afternoon, then date with the hot girl this evening.

Everything indicates that the date should go well. Confirmed this morning. During messaging, she ran with the opener and said she would only respond to "Sexy" from now on. Seems like a good way to greet her when we meet in person - an inside joke, plus forwardness. Still, I'm nervous as fuck... Maybe I'll say a prayer.

Dear sweet lord baby Jesus, thank you for your gift of penis pumps and vibrators and alcohol and sexy clothes, so we might give hedonic pleasure to one another. Thank you for making sexy women, and for making me a horny, evil white cis her male with the corresponding drive to put my penis in them. Please give me the courage to be direct with this smokin hot babe about how much I want to fuck her, and the mental fortitude to physically escalate as much as possible, so I can take her back to my place, rip her clothes of, and make her cum over and over and over again, for ever and ever. Amen.
Date with hit girl went ok. Got a kiss, but said she just got out of an LTR and wants to take it slow. No problem. Asked her if she's free Thursday, she said maybe, followed up with text. We'll see.

So no pull, but got some confidence with a more attractive girl. Also, I'm getting quicker - in and out in 1:15.
Yesterday, had 3 dates scheduled. One was a 2nd date - she rescheduled, but agreed to come straight to my place. Then evening date "rainchecked". So one date in the afternoon. Didn't go exactly as planned... Place we agreed on had some live music, so it was packed and extremely loud - we decided to go elsewhere, but found a lot of places closed. Additionally difficult, since she was gluten free, so we couldn't just get beer. Convo was also strange - sometimes she'd be into it, sometimes she seemed distracted. Went for the pull, and it was also strange - she waffled for a second between "maybe later today" and "next time" before settling on "next time". Walked her back to her car, got a kiss but she wasn't super into it. Followed up, but no response yet, so I'm not counting on it.

I'm increasingly disliking daytime dates - definitely saps some of the sexual energy from the situation, and I need as much of that as I can get. Also, lesson learned - have a backup plan. Honestly I'm kinda disappointed by the lack of success lately. A few factors might be playing into it.

First, I keep setting up dates too far in advance because I already have dates set up in the nearer term. But this is kind of a bad cycle to be in. Dates set up too many days out tend to flake more often, so I end up with a bunch of flakes. Also, too many days out gives the girl too much time to think about, and then forget about, me - it becomes a chore to do on her calendar that she feels bad about bailing on, instead of something she's looking forward to.

Second, I don't feel as desperate and excited anymore. I got the goal and checked the box and am now just coasting, and am not really pushing myself to go for it. This might be coming off, making me seem less sexual, and therefore, less attractive.

But then, there's also the null hypothesis - I got lucky a couple times early on, but a certain proportion of women simply won't be down, and I'm experiencing regression towards the mean. I will presumably improve over time simply through exposure, and I should just see this as getting reps in.

But really, it's kinda wearing me down. Ate a bunch of crap food last night and drank a bunch - don't even know why. Currently recovering from the hangover. Have another afternoon date scheduled today, but might cancel just because I don't wanna take the time out of my day. Plus, botched the planning, so it's across town. Then in the evening, the tall blonde girl is coming to my place.

What I really need to do is shift how I'm veiwing dates. It's no longer my priority, and I have other shit to do. So when I show up, I need to remember why I'm there - to chill out, have a good time, and figure out if the girl is dtf as soon as possible, because I honestly *do* have other things I could be doing instead.
There is no 'lack of success' lately, you're arranging dates, that is amazing and I'm happy for you. That is success dude.

The more dates you go on, the more experience you get, both just dating and having connection, then possibly exploring intimacy with them on (hopefully) a longer-term basis if they will see you casually until you're ready for serious stuff.

This looks like standard solid self-improvement to me. You're doing very well.

All a process bro. Keep working.
