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Svadhishthana's log

Got last dog pic. Thank God. Even had a brief chat with a nice lady when our dogs wanted to meet, didn't even mention the camera. I was a fuckin' silent bob for the most part, half since I was nervous, and half since I'd not had my first pot of coffee for the day yet.

Keto day 6: 182.1
Today I was pretty wrecked. Dunno why. Just not a lot done. I think all the stress from shooting in public might have taken an emotional toll I need to recover from or some shit. Workout today was extra hard - volume with no carbs.

Emailed my lender today. He said my earliest possible close date would be January 9th, 2022. So I can probably start offering in November or something. Might be getting freedom for Christmas.

Sorted a few more shots.

Travel 10:


These honestly came out pretty good, especially considering they were taken mid day. My shoulders look friggin jacked and you can barely see the flab right above my shorts. A tan would have improved things, and better lighting might have made them less washed out, but really I'm pretty happy.

Travel 11:


Pretty meh. I didn't have the right light. Also, missed that the model's right hand is actually dangling or something. Both hands in both pockets looks awkward as fuck.

Tomorrow I start physique shots. This is gonna be ridiculous.
Pretty unproductive day yesterday again. Something something stress something something.

We *finally* delivered some code at work, but then the users came back immediately and said the bug was still there. Omfg. Computers were a mistake. We should go back to stone tablets.

Met with my lender. That was the big thing. I now have clarity in my life. I closed on the house I'm currently in on 3/9. Laws for federally backed mortgages say I need to wait a full year before changing residences, but there's a loophole that says I can close on another house 2 months before the end of the year, and then officially change residences after those two months. So my earliest close date is 1/9. Since closing contracts are for 1 month, that means I can start making offers on 12/9 without potentially committing mortgage fraud and going to jail for 5-10. So now I have my deadline - get *everything* ready to go by December 9th. Additionally, I'm meeting again with my lender in early November to lock in my pre-approval, so I need to have my finances all squared away to make that work.

- Get everyone on long term leases, which will help the lender get me a better deal.
- Get all financial stuff squared away. Finish changing banks, go through my statements and cull any unnecessary recurring expenses.
- Read up on general principles of STRs
- Read up on principles of interior decorating
- Find an agent.
- Crunch numbers to figure out my boundaries for making a profit.

Got my workout in with my coach. She's stoked on teaching me to clean, and I'm stoked on learning it. Workouts remain the highlights of my week.

Didn't shoot at all yesterday. Need to get back on that horse. However, I did finish sorting and editing my backlog of photos.

Casual 2:


Messed up the framing of the shot here a bit. Should have been more diligent about that. It also feels like there is something "off" about my shot. Part of it is probably that the model is wearing more expensive pants than me, and so it doesn't quite look like he's wearing tights. But I think the other is that the model's excess ink is doing the job of contrasting with the white clothes he's wearing.

Casual 3:


Messed up the framing on this one too. Here, I accidentally set the focus too close to the camera when lining up my shot, so all my good shots have me taking up too much of the frame compared to the shot I'm reproducing. Also, I should have shot from a higher angle. The model's expression in the reference shot is curious, humble, maybe a bit surprised. But the lower camera angle makes me give off a looking-down-my-nose-at-you vibe. Not necessarily the worst for a dating pic, I suppose, but not what I was trying to reproduce.

Casual 5:


I have a habit of looking too far to the side in a lot of shots. I think when I'm doing a shot that requires looking to the side, I need to, review photos often to make sure I'm getting my angles right. As I mentioned in a previous post, the hoity-toity city slicker look really ain't my jam, so when getting the outfit for this shot I just went to the thrift store and grabbed the first coat that fit me well enough. As a result, in this shot I look like the captain of a fine sailing vessel, perhaps destined for the East Indies. I might actually keep the coat for costume parties.

Casual 6:


Fucked up the angles again. My body should be rotated more camera left. Also, looking to far off to the side. Shots are a bit overexposed, too, so I should have stepped down the shutter speed a bit more.

Casual 7:


I think it's the pose more than anything, but I look fuckin' slick in these shots. And yeah, watch is on the wrong wrist because I reversed the shot. Overall, these came out pretty good.

Casual 8:


One minor thing here is that my legs are spread too far apart to match the model's. The bigger issue, though, is the expression. The model's expression conveys a vibe of empathizing with someone or maybe giving advice. Most of the expressions in my shots were on point in the regard that it looks like I'm responding to someone, but miss the mark in that my expression says "are you shitting me?" Might just say something about my personality.

Dog 7:


Fucked this one up for sure. Unfortunate because it *should have been* the easiest dog shot. But my pose is totally off the mark - I'm giving off nice guy vibes, instead of the I-might-sic-my-dogs-on-you-for-fun vibes of the model. Also, absolutely fucked up the shot itself, as I forgot to increase the depth of field to account for two subjects, so Lulu is blurry in all the shots.

Dog 8:


I gave up on trying to get an exact replica here, since Lulu is not puppy sized, and would have *hated* modelling this shot. I settled for having her lay down in my lap. Went ok. Never really got the right angle unfortunately.

Dog 10:


This one was always a long shot, and I was actually pretty surprised with how well a lot of these shots came out. Except that I didn't notice my boxers riding up when I was shooting. Fuck. I could crop them out, but it would have been better if I just noticed during the shoot.

Dog 11:


Lulu doesn't have nearly enough floof to really get this shot right, but the law of large numbers was in effect, and I actually got a few semi-decent shots. Unfortunately, the best ones look like I'm going in for a romantic kiss with a dog.

Hobbies 4:


Weird problem in this shot - I really had to filter out a lot of shots where I look too confident or aggressive, and instead find shots where I look more nervous and apprehensive to match the model's expression. Also, fucked up the focus somehow... My shoe is more in focus than my face, which is annoying.

Hobbies 11:


Absolute trash. I was just rushing to get my shot in for the day.

Sports 2:


I simply couldn't get the camera back far enough to get my whole body in this shot. Real issue is that the model and I have *very* different proportions, and I think his bench is just legitimately taller than the one I had on hand. Low light made this shot a challenge, with the requisite longer exposure time resulting in a lot of blurred images. Should have experimented with bumping the iso a bit more.

Travel 7:


Not bad. The bench was higher than the one in the reference shot, so I had to make some adjustments. Also, it would have been better if I just bought some white shorts instead of using the cargo shorts I had on-hand. The real challenge was getting the glasses in the right shot. When shooting, I just repetitively took them off - but way too many of the shots ended up with either glasses all the way on, or all the way off, limiting the number of shots I had to choose from later to match the reference shot. Instead, I should have tried posing in the exact position I wanted, or else taken the glasses off very slowly through the range I was trying to capture.

So, on the docket today:
- Tour a girl, see if she'll sign.
- Meal prep for the week
- Go through all the shots I took, see if any could go on my OLD profiles
- Get a physique shot
- Go through credit card statements to find cullable charges.

Oh yeah, and small victory - after working out with my friend Monday, we were hanging out in the kitchen while I still had my shirt off. My cute female roommate gave me an up-down with her eyes when she walked in. Really really obviously a case of don't shit where you eat, but a nice ego boost nonetheless.

Keto day 8: 180.5
Tired. Got everything done though. Shot today was kinda half-assed and really just punching the clock. Kinda just dragged myself up to my feet with my camera. As I was setting up, I had this surreal feeling - like I was finishing a task I started in a dream. Found the thought coming into my head - what the fuck am I doing? Spending all this time and energy on some weird fantasy that doesn't even exist. Had to shake it off.

With the spark of the idea, and the intention, and the willpower, you can make it happen.

Got the shot. Body 7:


Lighting was poor. Should have bumped the iso more so I could have decreased shutter speed. As it was, I got a lot of blur and darkness.

Tomorrow, touring some more. Get another shot. Workout. Maybe go to sleep for once.
hey man, i haven’t followed your log but just looked through all the pics

obv would take a year to write about each set but broad strokes:

the good: you have an above average face and body. sometimes you get the poses and technical details of the photo right. you clearly have no problem putting in effort and i bet you’ll succeed soon

the bad:
as someone above me said, you don’t look like a guy who gets laid in almost any of the photos. to me, you look like a lovable eccentric who chases insects or collects rocks or w/e. most girls are less discerning and will just feel that something is off. you have photos that would be good that are completely useless because of what you’re wearing

your hair and beard look decent in a few of the photos, not ideal in others. when your hair gets too long it looks kinda unkempt/greasy. not a beard expert so not my area to comment, but something is weird about how high it goes and how it connects.

i can see what you’re going for in the shirtless dog photos but none of them get it right. either the dog looks uncomfortable or when it looks happy you’re hard posing for the camera. the best dog photo is DSC_6853, you and the dog are interacting, you look good in it and it doesn’t look posed.

i also like DSC_4435. shows off your body in a more natural way. DSC_4010 is a decent hobby pic as well

a couple of the travel photos would be decent if not for the atrocious orange and blue shirts. those also shouldn’t be posed. may be able to crop one of them to make it useable for now though

one of standing up suit photos is salvageable with some editing. not thrilled with that background but it’s ok.

priorities are getting a couple of portraits with grooming/style on point (one of them looking at the camera) and then a photo with other people
If you want help with pics make it easy for us to look at them, not 14 separate links which also then require clicking through to another file to get to the photo

Agree with Rags2Bitches, you clearly put effort into the style but frankly its not coming off and isnt going to play great with online
had my guy edit suit pic referenced above..would test, think it provides another dimension to hobby photos for now.

Rags2Bitches - Appreciate the feedback! For context, I've mostly been doing these shots to get reps in with the camera, so good to know that I'm getting it right sometimes!

Style is definitely my weak point - downloaded Radical's guide a couple days ago, will read through it asap.

Hair - all my recent pics were taken in the past couple weeks, so dunno if length is the differentiating factor. Might be that sometimes I've really been laying on some styling product to keep it in place when shooting, especially when the wind picks up. Will be more judicious in the future.

Beard - tried trimming the edges down a bit so they run parallel to my jawline. Will continue to experiment. Anyone's feedback is appreciated.

Will put the pics you suggested in a rotation to test. Thanks for the edit on the suit pic! It makes me super uncomfortable, as it is diametrically opposed to my personality, but into the testing rotation it goes!

Radical - noted. Updated all links to go directly to the folders containing the raw images. Put a selection of embedded images on my tinder-specific thread here:


Style is on the todo list.


Keto day 8: 178.7

Updated tinder profile with some new pics yesterday and got a match. Updated profile this morning following Rags2Bitches' recommendations in my other thread. Will boost tonight to see how it goes.

Out of good leads for the room that recently opened up. Will renew my ad and fire off messages to people during work today. Can hopefully set up a bunch of tours for the weekend and have dry ink by the middle of next week.

I think I'm keto-adapeted now. Had one night last week where my stomach didn't feel hungry, but I was having really strong cravings for food. Those cravings have dissipated, and now I feel just a mild hunger in my stomach when I think about it. But it feels like just information my body is sending me, rather than having an emotional component, and the feeling that I need to eat. Obviously, I'm losing way too fast for this to be healthy, and am probably losing a bit of muscle mass - but it's only for a couple weeks, and I'm impatient. I'm definitely losing fat still - I hold a lot in my thighs, ass, and under my abdominal wall, and you can see my love handles shrinking in my progress pics. However, my abs actually seem to be getting less defined. I doubt I'm actually losing muscle mass that quickly, and instead am guessing that this is due to my current glycogen deficit. Body has limited sugars, so it's not wasting energy keeping my muscles pumped and "ready" all the time. I have meals prepped until Wednesday next week, and I'm betting I'll hit my GW, at which point I think I'll finish my cut off by doing the potato hack, either to or until the end of the weekend. Pure carbs will be a nice change of pace, and I'm betting I'll get a pretty decent pump then. Then I can do some shooting over the weekend, before transitioning back to my more relaxed maintenance diet.

Got body 2 yesterday, but rushed it, and I doubt there are any technically good shots in there. There definitely aren't any really good shots, since I don't have the physique to pull it off.

To do today:

- Post ad and send messages
- Get another body shot
- Read the style guide
- Work out
- Boost this evening

Keto day 9: 178.9

Saw my first real progress last night! Woohoo! Boosted twice and the matches just started tumbling in.

Most responsive all night was a milf explicitly looking for something casual. She dropped off after I asked for her number, but this does seem to indicate my pics give off a sexier vibe than before.

Another girl responded to the "sexy" opener by calling me sexy and intriguing.

So that's the good. New high point!

The bad - still no numbers. I assume this can be attributed to still not having a good profile. Last night was a good ego boost, and motivating, but I know that the reality is that my profile has gone from terrible to mediocre, and I still have a lot of work to do to make it acceptable.

Also yesterday, wrapped up some stuff at work, posted a new ad for an open room in my house, worked out. After working out, the guys that were there working out with me suggested watching Kung Fu Hustle. So bad it's good. I sipped bubbly water and had a relaxing night in. Would be a good movie to put on with a girl - funny enough to put on and be entertained, but bad enough that you don't get distracted by it and can engage in extracurriculars.

Ok, so today:

- Message people so I can move the soon-to-be-vacant rooms in my house.
- Get 6 body shots. I'm considering that it might be more efficient to bail on completing this project and instead focus on the things others in the thread have suggested. However, I committed to it, so now I feel like I want to complete the task before committing to something else. Aiming to finish all the shots by the end of the weekend, then refocusing on filling in the gaps pointed out by Radical and Rags2Bitches.
- Read Style Guide. Started reading, but not through it yet.
- Read messaging theory section of Tinder Guide.
- Boost again tonight.

Keto day 10: 177.5

Got some fucking numbers! Whaaaaaaaat? So friggin stoked! Currently setting up dates via text. That's the good news.

Bad news is that I wasn't nearly as productive at shooting yesterday as I hoped. Got a late start, got body 1 and body 5. While shooting body 1, I committed a mortal sin - the shot called for drinking a beer while looking at the camera, so I got a 6 pack of Corona. But I'm on keto... so every time I took a shot, delicious, delicious beer would hit my tongue, and I would feel a pang of sadness each time as I spit it out. Clearly, such wastefulness angered Bacchus, since while shooting body 5 my camera battery died. Stupid. I hadn't charged it in a while - I should have made a habit to put it on the charger at the end of every day, or at least made a habit of periodically checking the battery level. So I went home, put it on the charger, immediately ordered two extra batteries from amazon, and finished reading the style guide.

With my battery dead, I tried to figure out what else I could do that would be productive. Since it was Saturday night, I decided I could go around some of the various hotspots in town and try to scope what was fashionable in my area, and just try to normalize the idea of wearing jewelry in my head. The hardest part, funny enough, was just slowing down - I've habituated myself to walking at a 3-4mph pace everywhere because I have shit to do. I had to remind myself that I should be meandering and noticing, rather than charging ahead like my life depends on it. My main finding from this anthropological expedition was a confirmation of what I've heard here already - the vast majority of guys dress poorly and wear no accessories, and there is a strong overlap between this group, and "guys who don't look like they get laid". Of everyone I saw that night, I think I saw maybe ten guys total who were looking sharp and on their own. The majority of good looking guys were with a girl. The notable exception was the black guys, who were almost universally dressed pretty sharp and accessorized. I think I even saw one black guy who was following Radical's guide to the T. And then I wandered around for an hour and a half at my last location because I forgot where I parked my car. Doh. Thank you, oh Fortuna, for helping me burn additional calories last night.

Still feel weird about accessories, thought. The ones I picked up for camera practice feel inauthentic. For context, last summer I was interested in reading the Tao Te Ching. I assume I could find the text free online. And I could have ordered an number of translations off Amazon. But those options were aesthetically distasteful, and felt fundamentally wrong. The only proper ways of obtaining a copy of the Tao, I thought, were receiving it as a gift, finding it somewhere unexpected, or buying it used. So I went to the nearest independently-owned book store that sold used books, and found it exactly as it should be - slightly worn around the edges with yellowed paper and several dog-eared pages. I think I feel the same way about accessories. Just going out and buying a t shirt, a pair of pants - whatever, no big deal. But accessories feel more personal - like they are the way you tell people who you are and what you're about. And yeah, I know, I know - just chill the fuck out, it's no big deal. It's just little bits of metal and fabric and you can take them off if you want to. But the idea of going into a mall or department store and walking out wearing their jewellery just fills me with an absolute, visceral disgust. Probably because I've always despised malls and departments stores, which to me seem impersonal, sanitized, inauthentic, soulless hell holes. It's in the air as soon as you walk in - slightly too cold, passed through a filter so it has no smell, like you just walked into a cleanroom, completely devoid of life. And expressing myself with their wares would implicitly be saying to the world that I align with their values. I should probably just get over it, but honestly it might just be easier to get some tattoos and piercings, which I've wanted to do for a long while and have a bunch of ideas for. I have a friend who was working for a while on launching a jewellery business on etsy - maybe I'll ask her for some guideance.

Nothing much moving on renting rooms. Middle of the month plus the weekend seems to be the slow time. Hopefully will be an uptick in interest on Monday. Never letting people move out mid-month again - it's a pain in the ass to find someone who wants to move in in the middle of the month.

- Get more shots, try to make up for yesterday.
- Time permitting, head to Zara to follow style guide.
- Read messaging theory
- Workout.

Keto day 11: 175.3 - So close to my GW!
Crap day yesterday. Got a late start, then got tied up messaging people on fb and touring for one of my rooms, and then worked out and went to sleep. Balls.

Ok, I wanna get this shit done. Time to go hard. Get body 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 today. 3, 4, and 6 tomorrow morning before work. Then I can check this box and focus on other things.

Todo today:
- Get work out of the way
- 2 tours
- 5 shots
- pack everything needed for shots tomorrow morning. Prep coffee.
- Set alarm for just before first light.
- Buy potatos.

Keto day 12: 172.3 - goal weight smashed! Will stick with my meal prepped food until Wednesday as planned, though. Then, potato hack through the weekend. I still have a fair bit of flab around love handles and on my ass and thighs, but I don't want to keep dieting this aggressively for much longer, since I'd start eating into my muscle significantly.

Alright, knocked out body shots 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12. Woke up at 5 this morning to drive up to the foothills to get some of the ones with backgrounds done. While hiking to a good shoot location, saw two young bucks practicing their jousting in the morning mist. Just shot 8 left now, and I'll consider this project done. Should be able to get 8 today during or after work.

Set up dates with both the girls I got numbers for. Unfortunately, travelling for both.

J: 18, going to CU Boulder, no car. Set up a coffee date near her place Thursday morning. Based on location, I assume nothing will happen, but plan to ask if we should go back to her place anyway. Will at least go for the kiss. Oddly, I have little hesitation about pdas as long as I know I'm not gonna get publicly rejected. Actually a bit of a turn on. I think I might be something of an exibitionist. One of the hottest things my ex ever did was give me a bj on the sidewalk outside some random peoples' houses when we were stumbling home drunk one night. Or giving me road head while we were passing other cars on the interstate... Good times...

M: 23, yoga instructor + works at the rock gym. Assume she's a runner based on the ultravest she's wearing in one of her pics. Ink, dyed hair, pixie cut - I'm super into it. That's the good. The bad: she lives in Santa Fe, several hours drive away. But setting up a date with her anyway a couple weeks from now to climb and check out some hot springs. I'm assuming worst case is she tells me she's flaking before I leave town, or if we just don't click, I'll guilt her into still climbing with me. So, doesn't matter, went climbing.

Got a funny message on tinder yesterday, too...

Now, obviously this is just a pretty common opener, but the fact that it was a word-for-word match off Andy's template made my heart stop for a second. Girl also had some really good, really sexy photos. So I actually do wonder - did she read Andy's guide? Maybe she reads my log...?

Hi K***a, I hope we can go be slutty together sometime!

Ok, Todo:
- Messaging theory (still)
- Get clothes outlined in style guide
- House stuff (think I found two people to sign on leases).
- Workout

Keto day 13: 177.9
I think my scale has actually been broken the last day or two, lol. Oh well - I'm still pretty damn close to my GW.

View attachment 1
Match with a girl yesterday. Super cute, has a pic of herself on a sport bike. She seems distracted while I'm messaging her, but I'm laying on the flirting really hard and she keeps responding. Get to the "where are you located" part.... Nebraska. Motherfucker. Apparently she was just in town for the weekend. Got her number anyway. Once I fix my bike up, I wanna do some extended touring. I like travel and completion-based goals - maybe I should try to fuck a different girl in all 50 states.

Got the last shot for my photo reps project. Finally. Now will just look through them all to see if there's any worth keeping, and close the book on this project, shift focus to other things.

- Buy clothes
- Sort pics
- Bake potatos
- Clean my life up (my room and car are just absolute pig sties right now, due to trying to hammer out photo project and get tenants)
- Send confirmation text for date tomorrow morning

Keto day 14: 177.8
Keto ends today. Plain potatos for dinner tonight.
Whew! Photo proj complete. Body shots sorted and uploaded to my drive


A few of my more recent shots might be good enough to go on my OLD profiles, which I'll post in my tinder thread. Happy to be done with this so I can move on to more focused shooting.

Bought the things outlined in Radical's style guide, either in person or online. Online will take a couple days to ship, though. Enjoy your affiliate $$$ dude.

Got another lease signed. Just one more til I can relax on that front for a bit. Signed it to a cool chick, too - she's gonna build out a skoolie in the back yard.

Date I was supposed to have Thursday rain checked for this Tuesday. She seemed genuinely apologetic, so I'm actually hopeful this reduces the chance of a flake. This is probably naive of me, but I'm trying to give optimism a spin here so my heart can be properly broken when the time comes.

Things now on the overarching to-do list:

- Portrait shots
- Group shots
- Edge (research parlors in town)
- Boost again this weekend

Todo today:
- Work out
- some tours
- run boost
- things in the above list

Potato hack day 2: 176.6
Knocked out yesterday, but it wasn't that hard.
Ran boosts. Will discuss results in my tinder thread, but not stellar.

Weird thing - 2 different girls asked for my Instagram. Kinda awkward, since I basically don't have one. It started getting popular when I was about halfway through college, at which point I'd realized social media was a huge time sink, so I didn't start an account until several years after that. When I did make and account, I just threw up my fb profile pic and only used it when I wanted access to look at various things I might be researching. Now it's coming back to bite me in the ass, since girls think it's weird, and I literally don't even know how to send private messages on the app. Computers were a mistake... But I guess this means I should start fleshing it out. Now that I have a camera, I was considering doing this anyway with shots I would take outside a dating context.

Working on portraits today. Shooting to get a minimum 1, maximum 3. Unfortunately, most of my clothes are still in the mail, and I have no goddamned idea what I'm doing with accessories - but luckily it's all about getting reps in. Not trying to be perfect. I only want to care about Pretty Good, and Better. I'll do my best to make these shots pretty good, and then I can work on Better for the rest of my life.

Will also be researching tattoo parlors today. That's more of a chill out activity, since really it will just be browsing through the gram.

Potato hack day 3: 176.0


I think I'm gonna call my hard cut complete. I'm one lb shy of my goal weight, I'm looking pretty okay, and I don't wanna lose muscle mass with the stupid crash diets I'm on. Plus a friend invited me to a game night tonight and I wanna be social.

After this I'm gonna go back to my "normal" diet - still meal prepping, still avoiding garbage, but drinking and social eating allowed in moderation. However, will keep tracking my weight for the next 3 weeks to make sure I don't bounce back.
Svadhishthana said:
Weird thing - 2 different girls asked for my Instagram.

Just give Cagri's Insta : sacredscoutss

(thats an inside joke and you can ignore it till you start cold approaching)

Dont feel awkward. Most girls who ask Insta werent gonna meet you anyway. Unless you really want to start and keep a profile, you can invest your time elsewhere
Crisis_Overcomer said:
Svadhishthana said:
Weird thing - 2 different girls asked for my Instagram.

Just give Cagri's Insta : sacredscoutss

I 2nd this. If they're not giving a number when asked then the social request is a soft rejection.

You can still reap benefits by plugging Cagri:


Thanks guys. I think I'll follow 80/20 - throw up a few more pictures of myself, friend some of my friends so I look like a real person, and then call it a day. Even if most girls are just doing a polite decline, I figure I should still put in minimal effort in following up on the off-chance it actually works out. Plus, might be handy in other countries, though I've heard WhatsApp is the go-to for that stuff.