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Svadhishthana's log

Current goals summary:
1b) clean up finances and paperwork to be good to go to meet w/ my lender
1c) look into solar
1d) learn everything possible about STRs and explore options in my area
2) Send Rock Lobster
3) find at least one girl who wants to stick around.
4) fix bike or get it fixed.

Current calendar:
10/31 - date. 1 drink.
11/1 - friend in from out of town. 0-1 drinks.
11/2 - date. 1 drink.
11/3 - date. 1 drink.
11/4 roommate social time. 3 drinks.
11/4 or 11/5 - leave for the creek. No drinking until I send or fail to send. Once I send, probably drink to excess.
11/4 to 11/6 - new roomie moving in.
11/8 - nose to the grindstone.

X Wake up on time
* Meditate
* Prep for day
* PT
* Crack machine
X Practice bondage
* Work out, if scheduled
* Food prep if needed.
* Eat prepped food, unless scheduled otherwise (eg, party)
X Don't drink, unless scheduled
X Go to sleep on time

Slept in yesterday due to accumulated sleep debt. Not a great start, but eventually got around to knocking things out. Got most of my shit done, helped a friend buy a car, then went to a Halloween party. Messed up and ate and drank too much - should have used my one-drink-one-water trick to pace myself better. Oh well. Back on track today.

Today I def need to read through the solar contract, finish research, and come to a conclusion so I can move on. Been procrastinating too long.
Ugh. Wrench in the works. Was hungover yesterday, not getting my shit done, and then my date rainchecked - great! So I was able to check all my boxes, was laying down to go to sleep, when I got a message.

My new tenant who was *supposed* to be moving in in a few days is apparently bailing... because she's pregnant? This seems so otherworldly that I'm doubtful it's actually true. What 25 year old girl in this day and age gets pregnant and doesn't immediately know she's getting an abortion? But whatever, unknowns are unknowns, now I just need to fill the room again. Unfortunate, because I was enjoying the free time I had. Doubly unfortunate because I was counting on her signed contract and rent payments to boost the amount I could get for my next mortgage. So first order of business is to contact my lender, see what's up, and go from there.

Really got some emotional whiplash, too, because just before I got that message, I had a vision of sorts. It came to me that it was possible to dream again, and my mission should be to go to Cochamo, Chile and put up a first ascent next winter. I was giddy, and felt like I was going to explode with excitement and anticipation. The juxtaposition of that high, and the low of needing to fill a room again, defines life I suppose. Accept the bad. See the good. Realize it is all part of the process.

I need to harness the energy and excitement I had, and direct it towards the daily tasks that move me towards my goal. Mopping the floor so I can show my place off is just as important as loading my pack for the hike in, or setting my alarm for the alpine start. When I'm feeling unmotivated or hesitant to do something I know I need to, I just need to remind myself - Cochamo, Cochamo, Cochamo, Cochamo. You gotta catch the vision.

Also, listened to an interesting podcast episode about the causes of depression. Might resonate with some people here:


X Wake up on time
* Meditate
* Prep for day
* PT
* Crack machine
* Practice bondage
* Work out, if scheduled
* Eat prepped food, unless scheduled otherwise (eg, party)
* Don't drink, unless scheduled
X Go to sleep on time

Current goals summary:
1b) clean up finances and paperwork to be good to go to meet w/ my lender
1c) look into solar
1d) learn everything possible about STRs and explore options in my area
2) Send Rock Lobster
3) find at least one girl who wants to stick around.
4) fix bike or get it fixed.

Current calendar:
11/1 - date. 1 drink. Friend in from out of town. 0-1 drinks.
11/2 - date. 1 drink.
11/3 - date. 1 drink.
11/4 roommate social time. 3 drinks.
11/4 or 11/5 - leave for the creek. No drinking until I send or fail to send. Once I send, probably drink to excess.
11/8 - nose to the grindstone.
LAY 5 - Had a date with girl who rainchecked yesterday. A bit of a revelation - first girl I slept with who I wasn't really attracted to. Super cute face, but she was dealt a bad genetic hand - blocky body and no boobs, plus she was a bit chubby. But she showed up ready to fuck. I met her outside the brewery, hugged, and then used the line I'd been thinking of using for a while while still holding her - "so, wanna get the awkward part over with?" She smiles, we kiss, bam. She looked alright in the clothes she was wearing, I did some physical escalation while we drank so I knew she was at least somewhat athletic under her clothes. We finish up our drinks, head to my place, straight to my room, and she's eager. Like, she doesn't need that much making out, she's taking my shirt off, then going for my pants, then blowing me. And now I can say from experience - indeed, no one gives head like a chubby girl. We fuck, cuddle for a bit, and she heads out. Won't follow up, because I really just wasn't that attracted to her... but damn, that was easy. And she said I was hot.

Good day today otherwise as well. Messaged with my lender about the exact paperwork I needed to compile and set up a time to talk to him about pre-approval for a loan. Messaged with my insurer about solar insurance. Talked to my PT about moving forward.

Pinged this girl on Facebook about the room I just found out yesterday that I had to fill. She showed up 2 hours later with her adorable and shockingly well behaved dog, and was basically ready to sign on the spot. Seems she had a similar situation where a place she signed on for flaked at the last second so she's scrambling. And now fate has brought us together. Just need to ring up her references for DD, and then get her to sign on the dotted line.

Worked thin hands and rings on the crack machine. Figured out how not to peel back the skin around my thumbnails, and a way to dial in the difficulty level so I can train effectively instead of going al muerte each time.

* Wake up on time
* Meditate
* Prep for day
* PT
* Crack machine
* Practice bondage
* Work out, if scheduled
X Eat prepped food, unless scheduled otherwise (ate a packet of M&Ms left out by my roommates)
X Don't drink, unless scheduled (had 2 beers with my friend)
* Go to sleep on time

Current goals summary:
1b) clean up finances and paperwork to be good to go to meet w/ my lender
1c) look into solar
1d) learn everything possible about STRs and explore options in my area
2) Send Rock Lobster
3) find at least one girl who wants to stick around.
4) fix bike or get it fixed.

Current calendar:
11/2 - date. 1 drink.
11/3 - date. 1 drink.
11/4 roommate social time. 3 drinks.
11/4 or 11/5 - leave for the creek. No drinking until I send or fail to send. Once I send, probably drink to excess.
11/4 to 11/6 - new roomie moving in.
11/8 - nose to the grindstone.
For some reason woke up wrecked yesterday. Spent the whole day chasing down paperwork for the girl who might move in. Just need one more bit and I'll sign her. Date rainchecked, so I went to my friends' place and hung out in their hot tub - good time, but I fucked up because they fed me tacos and sake and I got home a bit late.

Paperwork is just being a beast because of how tired I am. Just gotta grind through it.

X Wake up on time
* Meditate
* Prep for day
* PT
* Crack machine
X Practice bondage
* Work out, if scheduled
X Eat prepped food, unless scheduled otherwise (eg, party)
X Don't drink, unless scheduled
X Go to sleep on time

Current goals summary:
1b) clean up finances and paperwork to be good to go to meet w/ my lender
1c) look into solar
1d) learn everything possible about STRs and explore options in my area
2) Send Rock Lobster
3) find at least one girl who wants to stick around.
4) fix bike or get it fixed.

Current calendar:
11/3 - date. 1 drink.
11/4 roommate social time. 3 drinks.
11/5 - coffee date. leave for the creek. No drinking until I send or fail to send. Once I send, probably drink to excess.
11/8 - nose to the grindstone.
Much more productive yesterday because I overslept a bit. Actually got anything at all done at work. Helped my newest tenant move in. Then went on a date.

Really cute black girl. She was super shy when I kissed her and told her she was cute. Good convo too - she was into cooking and fashion, which are normally topics I find very boring, but she liked experimenting and doing everything herself, so talking about the process and principles sucked me in. As we finish our second beer, I invite her back to my place. She says "I'm not that kind of girl." I walk her back to her car and give her a goodnight kiss, which turns into a long makeout session against the wall of a building. She says she wants to keep hanging out, but doesn't want the pressure of going back to mine. But it's getting cold, so staying outside won't work. Neither of us are hungry or interested in drinking, so restaurants and bars are out. It's 9:30 at night, so basically everything else is closed. So after going around in circles of "I wanna keep hanging out but there's no where to hang out" a few times, I give up and we call it a night.

On one hand, I'm like, whatever - calling it a night was the right call so I could go home and get some sleep instead of staying with a date that was going no where. Otoh, she seemed really into me, and I keep wondering if there was some extremely obvious hint I was missing.

X Wake up on time
* Meditate
* Prep for day
* PT
* Crack machine
X Practice bondage
* Work out, if scheduled
X Eat prepped food, unless scheduled otherwise (candy - gone now)
X Don't drink, unless scheduled (2 beers on date)
X Go to sleep on time

Current goals summary:
1b) clean up finances and paperwork to be good to go to meet w/ my lender
1c) look into solar
1d) learn everything possible about STRs and explore options in my area
2) Send Rock Lobster
3) find at least one girl who wants to stick around.
4) fix bike or get it fixed.

Current calendar:
11/4 roommate social time. 3 drinks.
11/5 - leave for the creek. No drinking until I send or fail to send. Once I send, probably drink to excess.
11/8 - nose to the grindstone.
Yesterday was *not* good for my goals. But oh well. It was my birthday. I'm now officially thirty, and my life is over. It was a good run, boys, but it looks like I'm never getting laid again.

A bunch of friends came over, and I got absolutely trashed and ate way too much. Still recovering from the hangover today, at 5pm.

Went on a coffee date this morning. Really annoying, because I spent a ton of time scheduling and rescheduling this date, and then she shows up and I'm totally unattracted to her. Plus I was super hungover, and she was kinda dumb and annoying. Oh well, just another rep. Day didn't get much better after that - trash diet to deal with the hangover, and just a lot of laying around not doing anything.

Now, pulling myself up to pack for the weekend. Then driving to Utah. Will be back Monday.

* Wake up on time
* Meditate
* Prep for day
* PT
* Crack machine
* Practice bondage
* Work out, if scheduled
* Eat prepped food, unless scheduled otherwise (eg, party)
X Don't drink, unless scheduled
X Go to sleep on time

Current goals summary:
1b) clean up finances and paperwork to be good to go to meet w/ my lender
1c) look into solar
1d) learn everything possible about STRs and explore options in my area
2) Send Rock Lobster
3) find at least one girl who wants to stick around.
4) fix bike or get it fixed.

Current calendar:
11/5 - leave for the creek. No drinking until I send or fail to send. Once I send, probably drink to excess.
11/8 - nose to the grindstone.
Svadhishthana said:
Yesterday was *not* good for my goals. But oh well. It was my birthday. I'm now officially thirty, and my life is over. It was a good run, boys, but it looks like I'm never getting laid again.

Can confirm. I'll be 33 tomorrow and haven't gotten laid in 2 years and 364 days.

Happy birthday man.
Svadhishthana said:
Also got back on reddit, which I know I have an addiction to
dude i feel yah, reddit is just a porn rabbit hole for me at this point. Sometimes I get dates out of r4r subreddits but it's the same i would get on tinder. Does feel classy though almost like an old school personal ad.
Svadhishthana said:
no one gives head like a chubby girl.
10,000% agree I think it's cause they're so hungry so they love to eat cock!

Also welcome to your dirty 30's you stud.
Good weekend in the desert. Got spanked, didn't send. Didn't even try, since I got thrashed on the warm ups. My technique and strength were alright from work on my home crack machine, but I was lacking the endurance necessary to move for 80 feet and place gear. Also was lacking the finesse required by the ballbearing sandstone of Utah. Oh well - it was a good time with friends. Away from the world and out of cell range, with campfires and clear skies and fear sweat and no running water.

Unfortunately, got back late last night. That was the start of my bad day today. I was hungover Friday, so didn't squeak my workout in, so I made it up this morning. Then work was on fire - no one knows what's going on, but everyone wants results. Had a meeting with my lender - he said my situation looks great, I just need to get him the paperwork, I should pull the trigger on solar, and I could actually start offering asap. On one hand, this is good - the sooner I can start offering, the more opportunity I have. On the other hand, it throws off my schedule and introduces more uncertainty in my life - should I offer sooner knowing less, or learn more first and offer later? It's a big decision that shouldn't be taken lightly, but it is also time-sensitive.

Then, just as the work day was coming to a close, I get pinged by IT. I need to run windows updates, and get it done today for some kind of audit. But windows is getting some bullshit error when it tries to update, so I spend an hour and a half troubleshooting. Fucking hell.

Throughout the day, I'm swiping and messaging on tinder and hinge, plus with the Asian girl from before, trying to set up dates. Dunno why I'm doing this. Actually, no, I do know - I'm bored and stressed and killing time and looking for validation. But unless I can emotionally detach from it, all it does is add more stress to my life - I'm matching and messaging with some stupidly hot girls. No idea why. But I'm getting numbers, trying to set up dates, and they go dark. Fair enough, I guess - they're under no obligation to continue interacting with me if they don't want to. But it leaves me on fucking edge... Plus I had to reschedule a date because a roommate is moving in on Tuesday.

And my elbows are a bit tweaky from all the pulling I've been doing lately.

And I ate a bunch of cupcakes today.

Any other sins I'm forgetting....? I'm sure I'll think of them later.

Right now, taking a break from the workout I was meant to do today. Then sleep. I can't wait to go to sleep. Then tomorrow, get back to surfing the chaos.

Current goals summary:
1b) clean up finances and paperwork to be good to go to meet w/ my lender (in progress)
1c) look into solar (in progress)
1d) learn everything possible about STRs and explore options in my area
3) find at least one girl who wants to stick around.
4) fix bike or get it fixed.
Yesterday, I was tired, didn't sleep well. But got most of my paperwork together, made some progress at work, ran some errands, and moved a new roommate in. Catching up on this treadmill called life.

Today I expect I'll finish getting paperwork together, and then I'm gonna start reading the books I have on STRs.

* Wake up on time
* Meditate
* Prep for day
* PT
X Practice bondage
* Work out, if scheduled
* Eat prepped food, unless scheduled otherwise
* Go to sleep on time

Current goals summary:
1b) submit existing leases to my lender (in progress)
1c) look into solar (in progress)
1d) learn everything possible about STRs and explore options in my area
3) find at least one girl who wants to stick around.
4) fix bike or get it fixed.
How close are you to retiring, if you don't mind me asking? (Referring to the goal in your signature)
Pretty close. I have a good amount of money in index funds. Then my current place will bring in about 2k/mo gross after I move out. Hoping an AirBNB will gross about 3 or 4k /mo. That doesn't account for expenses to run the places, but it's enough of a buffer that after some figuring-things-out, I should be able to fully automate and still skim enough off the top for a subsistence income. Plan is to live purely off of RE income, and just let passive investments compound in the meantime.

The other side of the equation is that I can live pretty cheap. Probably 1k or 500/mo if I'm really hurting. Not hard if I just park my van out in the desert or skip off to SE Asia. And if I want more money - say, I want to go to the Himalaya or try my luck banging girls on NYC - then I can always pick up something part time and more or less enjoyable, with the option to quit whenever I feel like it.

Right now the big obstacles are buying a second house - which will be the big lift this winter - and getting everything squared away at my current place. Once I buy the house and feel confident I can list it, I'm putting in my 2 weeks at my 9-5. Anticipating that will happen sometime in Jan/Feb.

Some guys on here might scoff at this level of passive income. Maybe saying living on less than 10k/mo is just scratching by and would be miserable, or that I'm "not really retired" if I might pick up some work occasionally. But whatever. The point is that I'll be financially free - if I work, it'll be because I choose to, doing something I actually give a shit about. And personally, knowing I don't have to answer to anyone on a Monday morning is worth more that having a private jet. Plus, every FI guru has noted it's stupid easy to make money when you don't need it. Once you dgaf about the actual job part of the job, employers are excited to hire you, and opportunities just land in your lap because you spend all your time meeting people and doing things you enjoy.
Awesome man. I completely empathize with living on little. I want to lock in a nice place and have some time/funds left over for travel, and that's about it for me. Anything more would just be a bonus. It's the freedom I'm after.
Was just messaging with a match on Tinder. She said gen Z skips dates, and just facetime and then hooks up. Anyone here hear about this? Is it common? I guess I could give it a shot if it's the standard, but I hate video calls with a passion...
Svadhishthana said:
Was just messaging with a match on Tinder. She said gen Z skips dates, and just facetime and then hooks up. Anyone here hear about this? Is it common? I guess I could give it a shot if it's the standard, but I hate video calls with a passion...

Sounds like something a catfish would say.

Let's suppose it is common (it's not). Why do something you hate? Plus she's 99.99% likely to either ghost or find an excuse to not meet after the call.
Crisis_Overcomer said:
Sounds like something a catfish would say.

That's the impression I got. Maybe it was a thing briefly during covid, but then everyone realized they loath video chats. Just a sanity check for me, since I've heard of this phenomenon from literally no one, but <insert out of touch meme>.

And yeah, probably a catfish. I realized she had no body shots and was about to pull Andy's move of asking for a pic before we meet to validate she's hot, because I honestly don't have the time or mental energy to get catfished right now, lol.

Log update:

Yesterday was trash. Super tired all day. Overate. Went grocery shopping, but caved in the dumbest way and bought a frozen pizza for dinner. It was cheap garbage, made my stomach feel trashy, didn't taste that good, and burned the roof of my mouth. Hopefully writing that down will remind me next time that it's a stupid idea.

Got almost all my documents ready for my lender - need to re-ping a couple tenants to get some paperwork from them. Started reading a book on STRs - need to ping my friend's aunt who does it already to see if she has any good advice. Still dragging my feet on solar stuff - will ping them back again today. Forced myself to make a few small steps on fixing my bikes carb. Need to meal prep today. Then a friend has invited me out to hang tonight - will go since I haven't seen him in forever, and apparently he's been recovering from a fractured scull after he endoed on his MTB.

Missed waking up on time today, which is bad, but I'm feeling much more rested. Strange how all my goals seem much more reasonable and achievable now.......

* Wake up on time
* Meditate
* Prep for day
* PT
* Practice bondage
* Work out, if scheduled
X Eat prepped food, unless scheduled
* No drinking, unless scheduled
X Go to sleep on time

Current goals summary:
1b) submit existing leases to my lender (in progress)
1c) look into solar (in progress)
1d) learn everything possible about STRs and explore options in my area (in progress)
3) find at least one girl who wants to stick around.
4) fix bike or get it fixed.
Yesterday was much better because of sleep.

Today, goal is to meal prep, meet with my lender again to get pre-approved, and finish the first book I have on STRs. Then, Asian girl is coming over tonight.

X Wake up on time
* Meditate
* Prep for day
* PT
* Practice bondage
* Work out, if scheduled
* Eat prepped food, unless scheduled
* No drinking, unless scheduled
X Go to sleep on time

Current goals summary:
1b) submit existing leases to my lender (in progress)
1c) look into solar (in progress)
1d) learn everything possible about STRs and explore options in my area (in progress)
3) find at least one girl who wants to stick around.
4) fix bike or get it fixed.
Svadhishthana said:
Was just messaging with a match on Tinder. She said gen Z skips dates, and just facetime and then hooks up. Anyone here hear about this? Is it common? I guess I could give it a shot if it's the standard, but I hate video calls with a passion...

Yeah I did this during lockdown last year: get them on Facetime for 30 minutes to an hour, chat and vibe with each other while you have a glass of wine or whatever then ask if they want to come over or if not some other time for drinks at yours.

I stopped once bars opened again because I like going out for nice cocktails but I don't see why it wouldn't work now.