Svadhishthana's log

Didn't finish my book, but got most everything else done yesterday. Asian girl came over last night and we fucked like crazy. I came, but we kept going - tied her up and used the magic wand on her for a while until she was begging me to fuck her. I tried my best, but just couldn't keep it up for round two. She seemed to enjoy it, scheduled again for Tuesday. Hopefully she sticks around for a while.

Solar is kaput, I think. Talked to the installation company yesterday, and they said I was right to follow up with them about some regulations I though I might be violating. It would be an additional 7-10k for them to tear down and rebuild my deck so they could move my electric meter. So I'm just gonna put it out of my mind now.

Matched with a girl on tinder yesterday, set up a date with her tonight. She has the same name as the Asian girl I fucked last night. This has potential to get confusing, lol.

X Wake up on time
* Meditate
* Prep for day
* PT
* Practice bondage
* Work out, if scheduled
* Eat prepped food, unless scheduled
* No drinking, unless scheduled
X Go to sleep on time

Current goals summary:
1b) submit existing leases to my lender (on hold)
1d) learn everything possible about STRs and explore options in my area (in progress)
3) find at least one girl who wants to stick around.
4) fix bike or get it fixed.
LAY 6 - kind of a surprise. Matched on tinder Friday, set up the date for Saturday. Weird friggin date, though. She's super shy and awkward, but whenever I make moves she... accepts it? She doesn't seem really into it, but her comments are friendly and she reciprocates. We finish our drinks at the bar and I suggest heading to my place. Was totally expecting to get shot down - she didn't seem that into me, parking was a fiasco so we'd have to walk several blocks just to get to a car, and she said she had to wake up early the next day.... but she said she was down? Ok.

We head back to my place, clothes come off, but I find I'm actually not that into her. She's not fat, actually really skinny. But she's just not that pretty, and has not tits and no ass. AND, when she pulled off her pants, she had some funk going on - not *really* bad, but noticable, and a turn off. And then she just didn't have good skin - never thought of this as a turn off, but the skin on her neck was kinda rough and loose, and I was like "ugh". All this to say, I learned some new things about myself, and also, I couldn't get my dick up.

Luckily, she solved this problem with a nice bj. Then we fuck, she cums twice, I get soft, she blows me a gain, I fuck her again and I cum, we high five and call it a night so she can wake up early for work the next day.

Won't see her again, but it was a good learning experience. It's very strange. I seem to be developing... standards?

Log Update:

Spent all yesterday reading books on AirBNBs.

Also, realized I'm wasting a bunch of time just laying around in bed in the morning, and then I end up piecing together my "morning routine" into the afternoon sometimes. So putting a deadline on that.

X Wake up on time
* Meditate
* Prep for day
* PT
* Practice bondage
X ^ Finish by 8
* Work out, if scheduled
* Eat prepped food, unless scheduled
* No drinking, unless scheduled
X Go to sleep on time

Current goals summary:
1b) submit existing leases to my lender (in progress)
1d) learn everything possible about STRs and explore options in my area (in progress)
3) find at least one girl who wants to stick around.
4) fix bike or get it fixed.
LAY 7 - Way better than Saturday. Girl was cuter, had nice tits, and we clicked way better. We meet at the bar, chat for a bit, when we finish our drinks I go for the kiss - she's into it. I invite her back to my place, and she agrees on the condition that I make her another drink when we get there.

This should have been no problem... Except that I was out of beer and wine, so I have to mix her something. I get to my place first and see what's going on inside - just one roomie doing dishes in the kitchen, and she's one of my cute girl roommates, thank God. So I bring my date inside after letting her know she's gonna meet someone - she's cool with it - and start mixing some drinks up. At which point, another of my roommates comes out - he heard some people talking and wanted to socialize, which would be great in any other circumstance, but I'm tryina fuck this girl, and he just stumbled out of his bedroom looking like the antithesis of sexy. So I finish mixing, break the conversation off, and bring my date back to my bedroom, lol. Lesson learned, always have drinks on-hand, ready to go!

We get to my room, sip drinks for a bit more, and clothes come off. After last night, I was kinda concerned about getting/staying hard - but turns out I just like hot girls, and I had no problem this time. I play with her pussy until she's begging for my dick, so I tease her a bit by asking for a bj first. Holy shit does she deliver. Straight up porno bj, complete with saliva strings and the "gluck-gluck-gluck" sound as I hit the back of her throat. Once she comes up gasping for breath and I decide to tease her, asking if she could perhaps take me deeper and stay down longer, and she takes it as a challenge, holy shit!

We fuck missionary, intermission where I use the magic wand on her, then flip her over and cum in her doggy. Then we cuddle for a bit and talk, and after a bit, idly playing with her boobs makes me hard again. We fuck again, I use the wand on her as she rides me cowgirl, then I roll her over and fuck her again until I cum.

Overall, pretty great. Only downside was that apparently she's lost a bunch of weight not too long ago (40 lbs - she currently clocks in under 100), so there were a few saggy bits. And then she was talking about how she wants to gain a bit back because she thinks her ass is too small... Her body, her choice, but I hope she comes around to the fact that ass is made in the squat rack.

Log Update:

Yesterday ended up doing a bunch of chores around the house I wasn't expecting to do, and woke up late, so didn't hammer on my goals near as much as I wanted. However, today is looking better!

X Wake up on time
* Meditate
* Prep for day
* PT
* Practice bondage
X ^ Finish by 8
* Work out, if scheduled
* Eat prepped food, unless scheduled
* No drinking, unless scheduled
X Go to sleep on time

Current goals summary:
1b) submit existing leases to my lender (in progress)
1d) learn everything possible about STRs and explore options in my area (in progress)
3) find at least one girl who wants to stick around (2 prospects)
4) fix bike or get it fixed.
Nice man! I love the detail you put in here, and the lessons you've learned in the process.

You seem comfortable being sexual with girls, which attracts girls who are comfortable being sexual with you. Props and keep the logs coming!
MILFandCookies Thanks dude! I had some previous sexual experience, so I knew I could perform in bed. But I really credit the tinder guide's templates for how easily I can move things forward. Since I'm up front over text, I have permission to just be an awkward, not-smooth-at-all autist when escalating. My signature move is being as obvious and stilted as I possibly can be, lol.

One thing that really jumped out on the last lay was how "being sexy" is a not-serious, fun thing. I basically role-play "being sexy". Like, maybe we're talking about metapolitics in the middle east, and I'm looking up at the ceiling, pontificating like a huge nerd - being myself. Then I can break the conversation, saying "oh yeah, before I forget -" drop vocal tonality, look her straight in the eyes, super serious "God, I want to kiss you right now." It takes the pressure off to "be smooth", and instead just makes it fun.

Definitely gonna keep posting. I anticipate fewer lays in the next couple months, but it's still good keeping me on track with other stuff.

MakingAComeback Thanks dude! I'm loving it! We're gonna make it!

Log Update:

Win yesterday was that I was able to knock out all my todo list stuff before 8, even though I woke up late. But I was pretty tired, and didn't get much done otherwise. Workout yesterday was brutal - super weak, thought about calling it a couple times and did the bare minimum. Might be that I'm coming down with something...

Fit Asian girl rainchecked tonight - said weeknights we're hard, and she needed to train with a friend before coming over if we were doing tonight. No problem for me - totally down to wait a couple days so she can work on getting hotter, lol.

Today, wanna finish my second book on STRs, then start crunching numbers, and get friggin paperwork done. Strange time to be buying a house - prices seem to be dropping (expected in winter), but interest rates are rising due to inflation. Committing to several hundred thousand in debt is never a great feeling - but I'm hoping the market doesn't just screw me over with a collapse in housing prices just after I buy, or a spike in interest rates just before. Otoh, as long as the numbers work it doesn't really matter.


X Wake up on time
* Meditate
* Prep for day
* PT
* Practice bondage
* ^ Finish by 8
* Work out, if scheduled
* Eat prepped food, unless scheduled
* No drinking, unless scheduled
* Go to sleep on time

Current goals summary:
1b) submit existing leases to my lender (in progress)
1d) learn everything possible about STRs and explore options in my area (in progress)
3) find at least one girl who wants to stick around (2 prospects)
4) fix bike or get it fixed.
Svadhishthana said:
I seem to be developing... standards?
standards are awesome. I recently had a fat 18 yr old hit me up and I thought oh maybe she's kinda cute and is 18 but then something came up and I just never rescheduled the raincheck to our date. I think it's a subconscious thing and women can sense that you only fuck other hot women so it's a blessing when you fuck them.
Yeah, youth has it's hotness, but it doesn't override other factors by a long shot. I'd rather be with a smoking hot 40 yo than a meh 20 yo - age really is just a number.

Log update:

Yesterday wasn't as productive as I hoped due to lack of sleep. But still made progress on several fronts. Just two more pieces of paperwork. Almost done with second book. But then stayed up late scheduling a climbing date for Sunday.

Today I have a call with a friend of a friend who has an Airbnb - hoping she'll be able to act as something of a guide through the process. Then have a date with a girl I matched with 3 weeks ago - wasn't expecting this one to come through, but she said she was just out of town for three weeks... She's hot. Hoping she's dtf.

* Wake up on time
* Meditate
* Prep for day
* PT
* Practice bondage
* ^ Finish by 8
* Work out, if scheduled
* Eat prepped food, unless scheduled
* No drinking, unless scheduled
X Go to sleep on time

Current goals summary:
1b) submit existing leases to my lender (in progress)
1d) learn everything possible about STRs and explore options in my area (in progress)
3) find at least one girl who wants to stick around (2 prospects)
4) fix bike or get it fixed.
Went on a date yesterday. Good time, she was cool, but when I invited her back to my place she said "I usually don't do that". I forgot to try to tease her into breaking her rule at the end of the date, but got a makeout session in the parking lot, and strong indications she wants to meet up next week. Best part - got back home and in bed 30 min before my bedtime. Ya'know, fucking girls is cool, but you know what's even cooler? A good night's sleep.

Also talked to a friend and a friend's cousin yesterday about airbnbs - I'm basically copying my friend's idea verbatim, so she's a great resource for my market. My other friend's cousin is also a great resource, since she's currently running multiple airbnbs, so has a slightly different perspective. Almost done with my book. I have a few recommendations for realtors. I think it's time to ring them up. Maybe check a few places out over the weekend. One more thing on my list before that, though, is to make a spreadsheet to calculate feasibility of any given property.

No date tonight - friends are doing a Thanksgiving thing.

* Wake up on time
* Meditate
* Prep for day
* PT
* Practice bondage
X ^ Finish by 8
* Work out, if scheduled
* Eat prepped food, unless scheduled
* No drinking, unless scheduled
* Go to sleep on time

Current goals summary:
1b) submit existing leases to my lender (in progress)
1d) learn everything possible about STRs and explore options in my area (in progress)
3) find at least one girl who wants to stick around (2 prospects)
4) fix bike or get it fixed.
Svadhishthana said:
Best part - got back home and in bed 30 min before my bedtime. Ya'know, fucking girls is cool, but you know what's even cooler? A good night's sleep.

Hahaha, real goals right there! Your log is on fire the past couple weeks, inspirational stuff bro.

Keep it up, loving your log writing style.
Now Thanks dude! I'm happy to share - keeps me accountable.

Log update:

Thursday went to my friend's place for a Thanksgiving thing. No where in Denver is really that rough, but she lives in one of the rougher parts of town. So I pull up in front of her place, and as I'm getting out of my car, this woman comes up to me and I'm like - what the fuck? Am I gonna get mugged?

No. She's just asking for a ride. On an inky dark night. On a random-ass streetcorner. Fucking weird. At first I want to turn her down and just get on with my night, and avoid the possibility that she's gonna try to mug me still. But then I remember that excessive aversion to risk is one of the sins of modern life, and remember all the times people of all walks of life picked me up when I looked like a straight homeless bum on the on ramp. Ok, sure - she jumps in and I turn back and drive her a couple minutes back in the direction I came from.

She's one of those people who makes you really glad about how lucky you've been - especially in your capacity to not make horrifically bad decisions. She moved to Denver 2 weeks ago from Texas with basically no plan, following her baby daddy, who immediately ditched her. She had no job, and was currently not paying rent in a house where seemingly everyone else was a drug dealer or a prostitute. She had 3 kids back in Texas she was planning to bring out here once she got settled. And she didn't realize that Colorado was cold... I wish her luck - she sounds like she needs it.

Had a good time at the party. Probably drank a bit too much and ate a bit too much, but didn't go too overboard and at least got into bed before midnight.

Woke up the next morning hungover and forced myself out of bed - I agreed to do my friend a favor and drive him across the state so he could get his camper van front the shop it had been trapped in for several months.

Chilling at a gas station on the western slope, I decided to stop procrastinating and get in contact with the lead I had for a real estate agent. Holy shit, I forgot what real estate agents are like - she immediately called, set me up on the MLS, and told me about a place that just got posted an hour ago. Really kicked my ass into gear - the time is now. I need to get all my bullshit paperwork DONE so I can start sending out offers. The time is NOW.

- Fucking paperwork. 2 more documents I'm waiting on other people from.
- Operating expenses estimates - did a rough calculation, want to run it by contacts in the space.
- Gross estimates - AirDna has good data, but I need to figure out exactly what is included in their estimates so I'm not overly optimistic or pessimistic.
- Regulations - I need to read through and summarize everything I can find about STR regulations in the places I'm considering buying. The more I know ahead of time, the less research I'll need to do when a property drops, and the sooner I'll be able to lay down an offer.

Asian girl came over again last night. Tied her up with the futomoto. She's great. Super subby, loves when I just grab her and do whatever I want. But she's also an active fucker - when I slow down, she'll start pumping her hips to keep the action going. But she's pretty non-verbal during sex, which unfortunately encourages my own non-verbal nature. Next time she comes over I'll try to be more expressive, which will hopefully also help maintain the relationship.


X Wake up on time
X Meditate
* Prep for day
* Practice bondage
* ^ Finish by 8
* Work out, if scheduled
X Eat prepped food, unless scheduled
* No drinking, unless scheduled
* Go to sleep on time

Current goals summary:
1a) submit existing leases to my lender (in progress)
1b) confirm projected operating expenses
1c) research potential gross
1d) research regulations
3) find at least one girl who wants to stick around (2 prospects)
4) fix bike or get it fixed.
Went up into the mountains to check a couple places out yesterday. Wasn't super hopeful, just trying to get my head in the game, and two places were having open houses.

I show up to the first one, already knowing the price is too high. Tons of people milling about. Really nice place, but I need something I can add sweat equity to, and it ain't here.

Get to the next one. Holy shit it's amazing. It's this sick little cabin built in 1910 with custom cabinetry in the kitchen and a creek *on property*. Walking distance from this place called the Bucksnort Saloon, which is a legit old miner/mountain man saloon that's been in business since the days of the old west. AND it has an unfinished basement that would double the floor area when finished and a detached workshop that could be turned into a studio. The price is a little high, but it seems like the agent is terrible at advertising, since there's *nobody* at this open house. And I'm like !!!!!!. I'm on edge the whole way home, anxious to get to my spreadsheets so I can crunch numbers on this place - it is *so* fucking classic. But then I get home and do some more reading, and fuck... The laws on STRs in the county it's in are annoyingly restrictive. You have to apply for a permit, wait months, and then the permit isn't permanent - you have to renew it every year, and it can get revoked at any time if someone makes a stink. Seriously, Jesus fucking Christ, FUCK the government. These laws were clearly written by some fucking city slicker nimby assholes who can't stand the thought of life having the least amount of unpredictability, controlling people living over an hour away from them for no goddamned reason, depriving these rural communities of much needed development and tourist dollars. FUCK THEM.

Anyway, about to head up and check out another place. Daily routine a bit off the rails rn, but I'll get it back tomorrow.
Holy shit my life is insane right now.

Spent yesterday driving around to dead leads in the mountains of my own accord - just trying to settle into this process. Still need to get pre-approved to actually make moves. Being shot down by government regulations on that place on Saturday was gut wrenching. Combined with the relative scarcity of houses on the market right now has me wheeling about, trying to find workarounds anywhere and everywhere. When I got home, I was overtaken by these emotions, and spent the day not doing much at all - browsing the internet, jerking off, swiping on tinder, letting my head spin in circles. I came up with a bunch of ideas that seemed crazy but that might work, and would go on tangents of cross referencing county zoning codes, public parcel data, air BNB, and Google maps, trying to find some concrete hope.

Eventually I remembered that doing it all alone is the worst. It's stupid. So I screwed on my courage hat and started spraying my problems around to a couple web boards and people I know. These things, of course, have delays - people with valuable things to say have shit to do and typically don't respond immediately. Which amped me up more.

And then the weirdest fucking thing happened. I got this match on tinder. Not that that itself is particularly unusual.

But yeah, so this is one of my insecurities. I've only admitted it to one person in real life, which was my ex, and I only did that accidentally. But this is the place to be raw, so I guess I'll spit it out. Some guys like feet, or leather, or certain races, or whatever. I like buff chicks. A lot. Like, a lot a lot. Now, a girl with awesome tits and ass is amazing. But a girl who can deadlift more than me? Like, holy shit, my dick might just rip through my pants.

So I'm swiping. See this girl - she's jacked. I send her a super like with the sexy opener. I'm not expecting anything to come of it - I just feel like doing so is a good way to gradually feel more comfortable expressing this side of myself. Then I forget about it.

About an hour later, my phone buzzes - holy shit... She liked me back. We go back and forth. I follow the script to a T. She seems engaged and interested, and then I use the "nothing serious" line asking for her number. As I do, I basically give up. It was a nice fantasy. A new high point. But there's no way she was actually interested - she's got way too many options, and her bio was relationship-y. No way.

I'm driving back from the hardware store on the interstate when my phone goes off. No way. HOLY. FUCKING. SHIT. "I'm not looking for anything serious either, here's my number". I immediately pull off on the next exit to follow up with her, because there's no way it's safe for me to drive while this distracted. Time, date, and place confirmed. I immediately go home and jerk off twice in a row, despite already jerking off twice earlier in the day.

Once that was over, I had so much pent up energy that I went and finally pried the carb off my bike and started disassembling it to replace the pilot jet.

Today.... All the things. I'm getting responses to people I reached out to in real estate circles, trying to respond to all of them and make connections. Meanwhile, struggling to get that last piece of paperwork in to my lender. Meanwhile, wanting to escape this mortal coil sitting through extremely onerous work meetings. Meanwhile, doing everything possible to clean up and be perfect for my date tomorrow.

And meanwhile, I'm pretty sure I've had an erection for the majority of my waking hours, and am constantly fighting the urge to jerk off again.


X Wake up on time
X Meditate
* Prep for day
X Practice bondage
X ^ Finish by 8
* Work out, if scheduled
X Eat prepped food, unless scheduled
* No drinking, unless scheduled
X Go to sleep on time

Current goals summary:
1a) submit docs to my lender (one more friggin doc)
1b) research regulations
3) find at least one girl who wants to stick around (2 prospects)
4) fix bike or get it fixed.
LAY 8:
Oh man, a lot to unpack here. And a lot of firsts.

So we're messaging. She's super receptive. Says she just got on OLD for the first time. Pretty sure I'm her first date.

Show up to the bar, and goddammit - catfish. Whatever, get a date rep in, say goodnight and turn in early. I have a beer (she pays - nice of her for catfishing me), and we chat. She actually *is* a competition bodybuilder who almost got her pro card - but apparently covid hit and she went on the bulk that didn't end.

But she's pretty nice, and I'm horny as hell from not jerking it for 2 days, and she shows me some of her comp shots, and the one beer hit hard since I hadn't eaten since lunch, so I was like - fuck it, I'll go for it.

Go for the kiss. She likes it. Invite her to my place. Sure. Get to the bedroom, clothes come off - not great, pretty chunky. But she has nice tits, larger than her pics. I make a comment - turns out she's enhanced to triple D. Turns out fake tits are fun just like real tits.

I finger her, fuck her, make her cum, I cum. Nothing much to comment on. Wham, bam, thank you ma'am. She makes a comment about hookups and I tell her I'm not about them - I look for ongoing things. And then I send her on her way. Chillin' at home by 8.

So -
- First time fucking a bodybuilder chick (even if she was way *way* off season)
- First time fucking a girl with fake tits
- First time fucking a girl older than me (34)

And now... Do I see her again? Well hey, if she did a cut and looked like her pics I'd be more than happy. But as is.... Nah. I'll send a text in the morning being like "Hey, last night was nice, but I kinda feel like I got catfished." Trying to figure out how to say I'd be dtf again if she lost a bunch of weight without coming off like a *complete* dick - but otoh, by the time she loses the weight we both would have forgotten about each other. Hmm... Be honest with her that I wanna fuck her with abs, or be honest with myself that it's not gonna happen?

Overall, kinda conflicted about the whole thing. Oh well. Have a date with a cute 20yo tomorrow, and then a second date (girl from last Wednesday) on Thursday at noon, and then possibly the girl I fucked the Sunday before last is coming by for round 2 on Friday, so not much time to dwell on things.

Otherwise, day was mostly about work. Deadline coming up before the holiday that we apparently need to hit. Spent the day jumping between looking at houses on the market, reading more zoning codes, and actually doing work.

* Wake up on time
* Meditate
* Prep for day
* PT
* Practice bondage
X ^ Finish by 8
* Work out, if scheduled
* Eat prepped food, unless scheduled
* No drinking, unless scheduled
* Go to sleep on time

X Wake up on time
* Meditate
* Prep for day
* PT
* Practice bondage
X ^ Finish by 8
* Work out, if scheduled
* Eat prepped food, unless scheduled
* No drinking, unless scheduled
* Go to sleep on time

Current goals summary:
1a) submit docs to my lender (one more friggin doc)
1d) research regulations
3) find at least one girl who wants to stick around (2 prospects)
4) fix bike or get it fixed.
Girls who are into fitness competitions can fluctuate a ton in weight during the year, in my experience.

I don't see what purpose sending a morning-after text like that serves. The only time I would possibly consider that is if she ends up chasing you hard, but it doesn't sound like that's going to happen.

So, bit of an update - date on Wednesday rainchecked, said she was feeling ill, then the next day said her covid test came back positive. Will ping her back in a week.

Then the date I had yesterday rainchecked - said she had to work a 13 hour shift and that work was crazy in general so she didn't know when she would be free. This one I was more disappointed about, because it was a second date and I was pretty sure I was gonna pull. But still, oh well - I already had dates set up for Friday and Saturday with girls I've already slept with.

So instead, just prepped for the Thanksgiving I was hosting. Got the turkey in the oven, mixed up some eggnog, and snuck a quick workout in. Not a huge gathering - most people I know are either with their families or hanging out in the desert right now, so it was me, friends, and friends of friends. Turkey went in late, so we started the night off getting drunk on various cocktails.

I notice one of the friends my workout buddy brought over was kinda cute. At one point I knock a glass off the counter and it shatters around her bare feet, so I pick her up and carry her out of the kitchen. Not even thinking of sleeping with her at this point, but she tells me later that this is what turned her on. Later in the night, she gets up and sits on the couch next to me. I adjust to be closer to her. She adjusts to be closer to me. I adjust again to be closer to her. She leans onto my shoulder. I give her a playful nudge with my elbow. Then I wait until everyone else is focused on a different part of the room, and put my arm over her shoulders, and she leans all the way into me. Oh yeah - look at me - Mr Smooth Operator. I start stroking her arm with my fingers, she's stroking my leg with hers - I finish my wine and ask if she wants to get more with me in the kitchen.

We get up, walk out of sight of the others, and start making out. Going well, until I decide to push her up against the kitchen counter and she knocks an empty wine bottle to the floor, shattering it - so much for being subtle, lol.

So, clean up *more* glass, then make out some more, then invite her back to my room. She's totally down.

Clothes come off, we start fooling around. She's carrying a bit of extra weight, but it's not bad and she'd be legit hot if she lost a few. Plus she's only 22, so her tits are super perky and fun to play with. She gives me a nice bj, and then I start fucking her, but after a bit she says she's probably not gonna cum. We'll see about that... I blindfold her, fuck her some more, and then get out the wand, and she starts *really* enjoying herself. It looks like she's gonna cum soon, she's making lots of having-a-good-time expressions, and then her expression changes rapidly, and she's like "stop".

I'm kinda confused until she looks down and tells me - omfg, I made her piss the bed, lol! She's super embarrassed, but I'm like "whatever". I pull the duvet off the bed and tell her it's fine. She then "apologizes" by giving me a really long, really good bj. I roll her over and fuck her some more until she says she's getting raw - my blessing and curse is that when I hit a certain point of intoxication, my dick can outlast the girl.

So we cuddle for a bit, I play with her tits some more, and she starts playing with my dick, and *finally* I might be able to cum - so I straddle her, grab both her tits, and cum on her chest and face.

We cuddle a bit more, then peek outside my room to find that everyone else packed up and she lost her ride home, so she spent the night. Dropped her off this morning, and now dealing with the hangover + trashed kitchen.

Pretty happy right now, despite the massive hangover. First lay I've had since my ex in college where I didn't meet her through OLD. This is definitely an area I need to work on in the future, but it was nice to see that I could even do it now, and it wasn't even hard.

But more than that, I remember a couple years ago when I felt like I was just a total fucking failure with women, thinking, "I just wanna fuck 10 women before I die. That's enough to not just be a complete loser." Adding my ex to my lay count, this makes 10. Fuck yeah. It's all gravy from here.

Kinda bombed everything ok my checklist yesterday, but will be getting back on track today. No where to go but up.
Love it!

The random house party lay has only happened to me twice in my life despite hundreds and hundreds of house parties. Unfortunately, it's just not common in the social circles I run in for those sorts of things to happen. To me, those are way more fulfilling than anything online or even cold approach, just because of the sheer randomness of the situation. Would love to have more.
Thanks dude! It's not common in my circles either - just right time at the right place, I guess.

Unfortunately, happy as I was when I wrote that post, the day turned into something of a rollercoaster emotionally.

Had a date scheduled with a girl I'd slept with before who was really kinky and who I'd had a lot of fun with. I was pretty confident she was locked in - she had a good time, we'd been flirty texting back and forth a few times before that. We nail down the actual time on Thursday, so I think I'm solid, and text her 30 min before she's supposed to show up - no response. 5 min after she's supposed to show up, she responds and says she just got back from a bike ride and needed to shower. Okay... And then she's just super slow responding to any other texts, until she eventually just says she's not coming over. Jesus Christ... I shoulda just told her that she needed to get here at a certain time or I was just gonna go to sleep, which would have at least given me permission to stop giving a shit instead of waiting on her responses. Goddammit - lesson learned.

So I'm pretty annoyed at this point, but figure I can still eak some productivity out of the evening, and head over to the hardware store to get a tiny screwdriver. While I'm there I get a text - it's the Asian girl I've seen a few times telling me she's breaking things off. Double fuck. I was looking forward to seeing her the night after, and also thought it was a sure thing because she texted me herself saying she was looking forward to it. But what really stung was that her replies were really terse. I assume she was catching feelings and just trying to protect herself - but all the same I would have liked a little more back and forth. Like, what the fuck dude, I thought we were friends?

So spent some time last night and this morning just sort of feeling sorry for myself. I had matches I hadn't messaged on tinder and hinge, and was just thinking - "Dude, what's even the point? You should be focusing on other things right now anyway."

Which is true. But also I set up a date with a cute girl for tomorrow. Lol.

Got a response from the girl who flaked last night where she admitted she just wasn't consistently "in the mood" lately. I told her that that's fine, but that she should have been more communicative so I didn't waste my time. I assume that's the end of that.

General Log Update:

The holiday threw a wrench in progress on a lot of fronts. Ate too much, drank too much, everything was shut down. But I think I have my last piece of pre-approval paperwork, and I pinged my realtor about a couple places. I think I'm gonna drop practicing bondage from my checklist - I have a few basic ties down that I can practice on real girls now, so I might as well have one less thing to worry about. Will also remove finding a consistent fwb from my current goals list - it's cutting into time I could be spending getting free.

Today my trainer wanted to do something special - burn off the Thanksgiving calories with a hard-hard day. I could barely walk afterwards, lol.

X Wake up on time
X Meditate
* Prep for day
* PT
X Practice bondage
X ^ Finish by 8
* Work out, if scheduled
* Eat prepped food, unless scheduled
* No drinking, unless scheduled
X Go to sleep on time

Current goals summary:
1a) submit docs to my lender (*think* I have it)
1b) research regulations (in progress)
4) fix bike or get it fixed.
LAY 10 - while I was being a mopey jackass Saturday morning, matched with this girl on hinge. I'm not even motivated to message, but eventually am like "ugh, fine. Copy, paste, done." By the afternoon, I'm feeling better (and horny) and she responds. We set up a date for Sunday.

She seems a bit hesitant at first, but we talk for a bit and she warms up. I go for the kiss. She's into it. My place? Sure.

We go back to my place, clothes come off. She's not super expressive - I think she was somewhat nervous - but she got into it. Gave really good head, was really tight, and had a nice ass. She said doggy was her favorite position, and - something I'd never experienced before - she could straight up fuck me in that position. Like, I just hang out and she does all the work. This was partly amazing, and partly concerning, because goddammit now I can't pace myself!

I eventually realized she was just too goddamned sexy and came, then switched immediately to fingering her for a good 15 min. But apparently she takes a while to cum. I ask if she's feeling performance anxiety, she says yes, so we take a break, hang out, and chat for a bit. 15 min later I'm getting horny again, so we fuck, I get her to cum this time, I cum again. We hang out a bit longer, and she goes home with plans to come by again this week.

Log Update:
Checked out some places Sunday, and actually met my realtor in person. Crunched some numbers when I got home. Gonna put in a backup offer on a really great place that went under contract the day it was listed. When I crunched numbers I realized one of the places just wasn't worth offering on since it would require a bunch of work and the location wasn't that great. The last one I saw weirdly had the best location according to AirDna, and was relatively cheap - but was also pretty much a beat up shack patched together by some rednecks for decades, which might damn well slide off the face of the mountain in the near future. Hmmm...

Been feeling under the weather a bit lately. Hopefully not sick...

X Wake up on time
X Meditate
* Prep for day
X ^ Finish by 8
* Work out, if scheduled
X Eat prepped food, unless scheduled
* No drinking, unless scheduled
X Go to sleep on time