Svadhishthana's log

MakingAComeback lol, you're right. I'm being a dumbass. The hedonic treadmill strikes again!

I have to remember that this is all part of the process. I'm still in the mindset that I need to "convince" girls that they want to sleep with me, which I guess is what I'm really fretting about. Instead, I need to loosen up my filter and enjoy the ride, but that'll come with time and practice.

Another win - now that I've had some success, I'm being more open with people in my life about dating. This really happened almost by necessity, since I needed to explain why I always had plans I was scheduling around. Not totally open about it - I think most of the people I've talked to think I'm just aggressively pursuing an LTR, and I haven't told anyone I'm going after younger women for fear of being judged. But I'm actually quite happy I've been able to express this much, and it's a good step on the path of bringing my life in harmony.
Lay #3:

Petty good, weird night.

Last night I was looking forward to date 2 w/ the tall blonde. But she says she's on her period and asks to rain check. No problem - we reschedule for Thursday, the only day I have open this week.

A couple hours later, I get another text. Girl had flaked on a date last week saying she was sick, asked to reschedule, then stopped responding. Figured she ghosted. Then she texts back today, saying she's feeling better. Crap, my week's booked. She's got weekend plans. Damn, so looks like I'm penciling her in for next week? She comes back and says she:s free today, too...

Fuck it. I schedule her for early afternoon, so I'll have 2.5 h before my already scheduled date.

She shows up, and she's ready to fuck. Sits on the same side of the table as me even when I'm a dumbass and don't initiate it. Wrapping her legs around mine under the table. At one point we just mutually go for the kiss, pound the remainder of our beers, and head to mine.

I use the wand on her. She loves it. And she's pretty loud, too. Walls here are pretty thin, so definitely anyone home heard her telling me to fuck her harder. Sent her on her way after tentatively scheduling another date for next week.

Then turned around, showered, and jumped in the car just in time to get to my next date. Was kinda excited by the possibility of fucking two girls in one night, but this date turned out to be a dud. Nothing really wrong, but I wasn't super attracted to the girl, and we had extremely platonic energy. Actually a cool person, but it wasn't going anywhere.

Now tired and pretty happy, and making a note to look into how to properly sanitize sex toys.
Yesterday was a struggle. Woke up at, like, midnight and went through the day like a zombie. Tried multiple times to take a nap, but then 5 min in something would pop into my head and I'd jump up and start doing it, and then feel exhausted again.

Went on a date. Wasn't attracted to her. Had to remind myself not to beat myself up for not making moves and "practicing". Instead, just tried to focus on not giving a shit and being unfiltered. Wrapped up pretty early, which was good. But then I was on edge and overate - bad habits die hard. At least I went to sleep at a decent time.

Honestly, there's a lot of chaos in my life right now cause by meeting all these girls, and it's taking away from my time and mental capacity to pursue the goals I need to be pursuing right now. So I'm gonna stop setting up dates with new women unless they're either extremely attractive, or seem like people I'd just genuinely get along with. It's something my brain is having a hard time wrapping itself around, but I genuinely don't have the time to date everyone who's willing to date me.

Tall blonde girl is coming over tonight. Looking forward to a relaxing evening of fucking a girl, instead of going out and meeting someone new.
Well, had my first honest-to-goodness flake last night. And I am *mildly* annoyed. I'm confused, because we already slept together and all indications were that she had a great time and wanted to come back. But whatever, maybe she has her reasons, but they are unknowable. I'm also angry, because why the hell would you make plans *and then* ghost? I could have been doing other things, instead of wondering if she was gonna come around. Like, what the hell? Very rude. I'm gonna text her today to tell her to keep me in the loop about STIs/pregnancy, and that'll be that. Shitty, but I knew this was gonna be part of the game from the start, so at least I've had my first exposure to it.

Otoh, that meant I got to go to bed early last night. Good thing, since I have 2 dates tonight, with one being at the unreasonable hour of 10:30 at night.
These are the ones that hurt more imo, the ghostings that happen after you hook up

To some extent its good you are getting a bit of exposure to it
It could be anything and it's not always your fault.

  • She inexplicably "didn't feel a connection" despite the fact that you felt an amazing connection
  • She's also dating a prospective boyfriend and wants to get a "bad boy fuck" out of her system before she gets serious with this guy
  • She had a great time and felt a good connection but saw another girl on your social media the day after, and decided to ditch you for that
  • She was blown away and realized she might get feelings if she keeps seeing you so she just dumps you instead

All of these have happened to me. You could argue none of these are my fault, but knowing you did everything right and it still doesn't work out is a shitty feeling in its own right.
Holden said:
She was blown away and realized she might get feelings if she keeps seeing you so she just dumps you instead
I have a strong feeling this happened with my last hookup. Glad to see it's more of a common problem then I realized.
Thanks guys, I was definitely feeling all of that. It's just life - you can do everything right and still get hit by a truck.

However, I actually have an update on that - sent her a text saying "hey, its cool if you don't wanna see me again, but keep me in the loop about STI's/Pregnancy", and she got back to me. Said she was still on her period and had just had a busy week, and apologized for not responding. She said she "maybe" wants to meet up again, and she'll contact me when her life is less hectic. I'm kinda assuming this is a soft no, but w/e, getting any response was really nice.

Ok, Regular log updates:

Had a bunch of dates set up for the weekend.

B early Friday evening
T late (10:30) Friday evening
R Saturday morning (climbing date)
Sh Saturday night
D Sunday afternoon
So Sunday night

Friday, sent two confirmation texts to both dates. B said she'd double booked me because she's bad at scheduling, so I bumped Sh (who I wasn't super stoked on) and rescheduled for Saturday evening. T was an enthusiastic yes... when her shift ended, 30 min away in Boulder. Not ideal logistics, but she was hot and liked the fact that I was pushing the conversation forward. Since logistics were bad, I tried to be as blunt as possible, asking if her place was good to go afterwards. She was giving me all green lights, so I was pretty hopeful. But actually showing up, I realized later that the bad logistics had put me way out of my depth.

Late at night - I try to go to sleep at 10. So at 10:30, it was a battle to maintain any kind of energy levels.

After her shift - her shift ran long, so she was harried when I met her and I just had to chill while she finished up. Not ideal for setting a mood.

In a place I didn't know. This was the worst one - since I don't know the Boulder bar scene, I basically put the ball in her court, and she took it *aaaaall* the way in her court. Went to a loud bar where she's a regular, where she seemed to know about half the people there. I was way too low energy for this environment and super stiff.

With all this, I found it difficult to snap into gear and make moves, and ended up delaying by drinking more. It seemed the two of us had very different plans for the night - I knew I had to wake up early tomorrow, but she apparently wanted to stay up late and get wasted. After dragging my feet for too long, I went for the pull, got turned down, and headed out.

Retrospective -

Someone more skilled than me definitely could have made it work, I think. She was physically attracted to me, but my stiffness and our different plans for the evening blew my chance. If I'd pushed for better logistics, I probably would have gotten them, but I didn't because she was giving me so much positive feedback earlier. Even if I agreed to the bad logistics, I should have been clear that I had other things to do, and wouldn't be closing down the bars with her. So I failed here on two fronts - the lesser failure was that I didn't pull. But the bigger failure was that I wasted a ton of time and cut into my sleep for no reason because I wasn't explicit enough about what I wanted. Lesson learned.

So I get home too late, chug water, and set 3 alarms for 6am. 6am comes far too early, and I chug some more water while throwing shit in the van. Get to the meeting spot with R right on time. I always kinda roll my eyes when I read PUAs talk about "high quality women", because they're clearly just trying to pretend like they aren't the shallow motherfuckers they are. So it was funny to me that I was on a date with their platonic ideal of a "high quality woman". R was hot, and came from a wealthy family, and was working on her PhD in Chemistry doing research on enzymes for manufacturing biofuels. She's also a gumby, but she had some basic skills for sport climbing - perfect.

Date plan was that I would rope gun The Young And The Rackless - super classic 5.9 sport climb. My only worry was that we might get stuck with a bunch of other parties on the route, which would kill the mood. But holy shit, everything went perfect. When we show up at the base, we're the only ones there - I use the opportunity to kiss her the first time. She's kind of shy, and apologizes that she's bad at kissing. Awww. Just as I tie in, two old guys walk up, planning on doing the same route, and we make some friendly chit chat at the base. I'm pretty sure they know *exactly* what's going on, and they end up winging for me the whole route - giving us space so we can make out at the belays, helping her out with rope management when I'm on the next pitch, giving me compliments about how strong I am in front of her. I kiss her at every belay, and start grabbing her ass while reracking draws. We simulrap on the decent and I put us in position to kiss during a free-hanging rappel, too. We pack up, head down to the van, and make out for a while on my bed while I feel her up. She says she's on her period, so we can't fuck. We also talk a bit - she's looking for a relationship and wouldn't have given me her number, except that I invited her to go climbing, which she's into right now. She was down for a fwb relationship, but not if I was going out with other girls. I said I was, she said it's good I'm honest. We go out again and climb a few more pitches, make out some more. At one point she smacks my ass while I'm bent over flaking the rope. We go to the van again, make out more aggressively, clothes come off. No fucking, but she gives me a hj after I strip her down to her panties.

Now, some feminists have argued that defining sex only as when a penis enters a vagina is a patriarchal viewpoint - after all, are lesbians scissoring not having sex? So in the interest of fighting the patriarchy, I'm gonna count cumming on this girl's stomach while I was squeezing her tits as LAY #4. Thank you, feminists, for increasing my body count.

This date also checked a minor item on my bucket list - the belay ledge make out - which is only on there because it's one of the ongoing battles in the climbing community culture wars.

So I wanted to tick that box for the lulz.

It was kind of weird, though, because she was pretty non-communicative/non-expressive. She was leaning into it, feeling me up, but she never made any sounds or had much of a reaction to anything, mostly just smiling coyly the whole time. A couple times I asked her if she was having a good time, if she liked X, how I could make her feel good, but each time she just kind of diverted the question, saying things like "no, but this feels nice". The impression I got was that she was inexperienced and nervous, but didn't want to admit it. In the future in this situation, I think I'll push harder to get a straight answer so I can make sure she's having the best time possible, but at the end of the day, I can't really force her to talk about it if she doesn't want to.

Anyway, we clean up and she takes a nap in the back while I drive us out of the canyon. I drop her at her car, head back to my place, shower, and go straight to the bar to meet my next date with B.

The contrast is striking. B was just a legit badass who had just finished up a day of soloing an enchainment of the flatirons. The conversation is pretty good, but I'm still pretty nervous - we finish our drinks, ask what she wants to do now. She says "whatever you want". Lol, perfect opening, so I lean in and kiss her. Massive, massive contrast with R, B reacts A TON to even the slightest stimulation. Each time we kiss, she seems to go into a trance that takes her a couple seconds to wake up from when we break apart. She's moaning into my mouth just from me feeling her up on her waist or thigh. At one point she moves my hand and just puts it straight on her breast under her jacket, so now I'm getting to second base in the bar. BUT, when I go for the pull, she turns me down. I have an inkling and ask if she has a "not on the first date" rule. "Maaaaaybeeee". Yeah, probably a good call for her. We leave the bar and head over to her car. She's a tiny Asian girl (I'm betting Filipina), and can't possibly weigh more than 100 lbs. So when we kiss good night I pick her up and push her against her car, and she's *really* into it. Scheduled another date with her next week. I'm stoked!

Later that night D sends me a text cancelling for tomorrow. This would have been our second date, and she's agreed to come straight to mine. But she said after our date she realized she really was looking for something long term. I said no problem. Then we expressed mutual disappointment that we no longer had an excuse to hang out. I'm honestly bummed about it because she *was* really cool and I was looking forward to hanging out with her.

And now today, I have a break from stuff which I'm gonna use to help my friend paint his house and work on my bike. Then just one date tonight, thank God!
One date last night. Set it up on a whim, kind of. I shouldn't have, since it didn't meet my criteria for not possibly being a waste of time - only shot of her body was a single shot from a distance, where when I zoomed in, I thought she was probably hot. She was super nice and cute, but was dressed in baggy clothes. I think she put on a fair bit of weight recently, which made sense since she'd recently started working at a startup and was 6 weeks out from a concussion that had stopped her completely from exercising. Sucks because the conversation was good, she was a cool person, cute, had a lot in common, good kisser - but as a partner for casual sex, the weight puts a big speedbump in my desire. Right now, just gonna wait for her to make the next move, and if she does, I'll figure out where to go from there.

Sent two followup texts this morning. No response from one yet.

The other was a girl I'd slept with last week who'd been semi-committed to coming over again. She said she probably wouldn't be able to make it on the day we talked about. I pushed her a bit about her availability on some other days, and she admitted she was having second thoughts. After we'd fucked last time, she asked what was going on later in my week, and I, pushing my honesty boundaries, admitted I had some other dates lined up. She said when she'd heard that, she felt shitty, like she was nothing special, but hadn't said anything at the time. I replied that, in fact, most of my dates were bad, and that she was really fucking awesome (which is completely true). Now she's talking about meeting up again tomorrow or wednesday. Unfortunately, I still fucked up - I told her she was really cool, and I liked her, and I was looking forward to seeing her again, but I failed to mention that if we met again and had something ongoing I would *still* want to see other girls. So when/if she replies again, I'll make sure I'm up front about that so I don't waste her time.
Crisis_Overcomer said:
How did you screen her on Tinder?

Well, Hinge. But I used the standard template - Hey, you're sexy.... Not looking for anything serious. She was fully aware this was casual from the start, and was into getting physical before we even left the bar. But she did say she "doesn't usually do this."

Something to talk about with her if we meet up again. But my best guess at this point - she's a triathlete who recently recovered from hip surgery, only to discover that she now needs the same surgery on her other hip (something genetic). She might have only had LTRs before this. But now she's single, unhappy with her life, and lost her outlet, and decided to give fucking a random guy a shot. Also, she's hot, so this might be the first time a guy didn't make her his only priority. She probably gets 1000 messages a day on Hinge, and might have dropped everyone else once she decided to go on a date with me, and assumed this was what everyone did.

Now that I'm thinking about it, I'd actually like to know....
Svadhishthana said:
and they end up winging for me the whole route - giving us space so we can make out at the belays, helping her out with rope management when I'm on the next pitch, giving me compliments about how strong I am in front of her.
Funny! :lol:
Svadhishthana said:
So in the interest of fighting the patriarchy, I'm gonna count cumming on this girl's stomach while I was squeezing her tits as LAY #4. Thank you, feminists, for increasing my body count.
Hey bro, its penis in vagina ;)
Svadhishthana said:
Well, Hinge. But I used the standard template - Hey, you're sexy.... Not looking for anything serious. She was fully aware this was casual from the start, and was into getting physical before we even left the bar. But she did say she "doesn't usually do this."

Then stop thinking you somehow fucked up.

For every 1 reason a dude will find to not see a girl again, girls will find 1,000 that almost never make sense ("your nipples remind me of my highschool crush who ended up making out with my bestie....😭😭😭") Unless she was using Google Translate to decipher your message, she knew what you were looking for. If she didn't, she could have asked you to clarify.

Your reply to me is your rationalization hamster trying to make sense of the typical schizophrenic behavior most women have. You even tried to guess her previous sex life. Don't. The last thing you want at this point of your journey, is having lingering oneitis. There are decent girls out there but you'll have first to go through a ton of dorkettes.
Lol, you're right. Definitely a hamster. Will fire off a text to her this morning and let the chips fall where they may. No oneitis, though - if anything, I caught it for the Asian girl I dated last Saturday.
Alright, I've had a nice little "break" recently after getting my first lay from OLD - which has really been less of a break and more of an emotionally stressful time where I accidentally overcommitted myself to meeting a bunch of women and got a good deal of real dating experience. I'm feeling better about it, actually getting my systems down, and realizing the tolerance for what I can push for an how fast is actually beyond what I thought possible before. That's the upside.

The downside is that constantly dating has seriously thrown a wrench into the rest of my life. I've been drinking too much - not only on dates, but also as a coping mechanism to get my brain to chill the fuck out during the constant emotional rollar coaster of "will she answer", "will she show up", "are we gonna fuck", "what about next time". I think this will calm down next time I really start pushing dating a lot again, as my brain will be used to it. Also been eating too much - especially fast food - as a coping mechanism. Also got back on reddit, which I know I have an addiction to (deleted account for the nth time a couple days ago), and have been sleeping poorly. And I've really been struggling to put any effort in at all at work.

Now I'm not pushing dating nearly as hard, and it looks like my area is actually drying up for some reason... far more unattractive women showing up on Hinge, and I'm matching mostly with thai girls on tinder. But as far as I'm concerned, this is a good thing, since it means I won't be able to compusively overbook my evenings. Next week is my birthday - the big 3-0, so I'm gonna give myself a birthday present. My friends are planning a climbing trip to Utah the weekend after that, so I'm gonna make it a mini-goal to send a project out there that I had last year. Then once I get back, I'll have a meeting with my lender to hammer out my pre-approval number, and go heads-down focus on buying another house that will work as a STR.

A few other things going on in my life I want to spit out to clear up headspace:

A couple things around the house need some work. Get those knocked out. In particular, I've procrastinated the solar stuff long enough. I don't think it'll really effect my ability to get another loan, so I'm gonna read through the contract and review installation instructions, and decide whether or not to pull the trigger.

Haven't had time to really dedicate to fixing my bike. Gonna try replacing the pilot jet in the carb (ordered) and running carb-cleaner through the engine, but if that doesn't work I'm just gonna have a mechanic take a look. Not ideal, since I need to learn to work on it myself, but time is kinda important here, and I have the rest of my life to learn how engines work.

I went to a physical therapist on Tuesday to talk about a nerve issue in my foot I've had for a few years. When it flares up it feels like a knife going through my foot, and it's really been holding me back from pursuing bigger objectives. I think this guy actually knows his shit (unlike every other PT I've ever been to), so I'm gonna do what he says and try to get this issue resolved. He says he estimates a 6-8 week timeframe for recovery, which I'm hesitant to believe... but hey, that would be great if it works out!

Also - I haven't taken a real vacation since before covid, so I just have a ton of vacation days built up. So I decided to take Fridays off for the rest of the year. This is gonna be soooooo nice.

Current goals summary:
1a) wrap up misc projects on house, clean up for roommate move-ins next month
1b) clean up finances and paperwork to be good to go to meet w/ my lender
1c) look into solar
1d) learn everything possible about STRs and explore options in my area
2a) Send Rock Lobster
2b) clean up diet and limit drinking
2c) go to sleep on time, stop snoozing in the morning, meditate each day
2d) do PT exercises and communicate w/ PT
3a) keep setting up and going on dates, but don't let it dominate life
3b) find at least one girl who wants to stick around so I can have regular sex while working on other goals.
3c) practice basic bondage ties daily to ingrain muscle memory for good performance.
4) fix bike or get it fixed. Then I can at least get a good price for it if I end up needing to sell it.

Current calendar:
10/29 - second date with super-sensitive asian girl lined up. 1 drink.
10/30 - Friends are having a haloween party. 3 drinks.
11/2 - first date with a girl I matched with this week (scheduling issues on her end pushed it back)
11/3 or 11/4 roommates are talking about doing some drinks for my and one of my roommates birthdays. Coincidence that our birthdays are only one day apart. 3 drinks.
11/4 or 11/5 - leave for the creek. No drinking until I send or fail to send. Once I send, probably drink to excess.
11/4 to 11/6 - new roomie moving in during this date range. Need to make sure I'm prepped for that.
11/8 - nose to the grindstone

Daily checklist:
- Wake up on time (6am)
- Meditate
- Prep for day (bed, shower, etc)
- PT
- Train hands, tight hands, ring locks on crack machine
- Practice bondage
- Work out, if scheduled
- Food prep if needed.
- Eat prepped food, unless scheduled otherwise (eg, party)
- Don't drink, unless scheduled
- Go to sleep on time (10pm)
Current goals summary:
1a) wrap up misc projects on house (done)
1b) clean up finances and paperwork to be good to go to meet w/ my lender
1c) look into solar
1d) learn everything possible about STRs and explore options in my area
2) Send Rock Lobster
3) find at least one girl who wants to stick around.
4) fix bike or get it fixed.

Current calendar:
10/29 - date. 1 drink.
10/30 - Meal prep again. Halloween party. 3 drinks.
11/2 - date. 1 drink.
11/3 - date. 1 drink.
11/4 roommate social time. 3 drinks.
11/4 or 11/5 - leave for the creek. No drinking until I send or fail to send. Once I send, probably drink to excess.
11/4 to 11/6 - new roomie moving in.
11/8 - nose to the grindstone.

* Wake up on time
* Meditate
* Prep for day
* PT
* Crack machine
* Practice bondage
* Work out, if scheduled
* Food prep if needed.
* Eat prepped food, unless scheduled otherwise (eg, party)
* Don't drink, unless scheduled
X Go to sleep on time

Knocked out all tasks yesterday, plus fixed a few things up around the house. Only miss was going to sleep on time, since I matched with a girl on tinder and *of course* she only responds to messages after 10. So set up the date and went to bed at 11.

First day working rings on the crack machine. Taped up index fingers to protect the skin there, but didn't realize I also should have taped my thumbs. I ended up peeling back the skin around my thumbnails until it was weeping blood. Will take today off rings and focus on hands and tight hands to let the area heal, and will tape up going forward to make sure I can keep training.
LAY 4 (for real this time). Tiny badass asian girl. I went in feeling pretty damn confident, considering I got to second base in the bar on our first date. We show up, get some drinks, chit chat a bit, and start making out. She has a sweet tooth - says she wishes she could go to the cheesecake factory. I say I wish we could go back to my place. She starts drinking way faster, which is adorable, because apparently all carbonation goes straight out her nose. I walk her back to her car, pick her up and push her against it, and damn near start sucking on her tits in the street.

She's hot and enthusiastic and TIGHT - can barely get a finger in at first. Unsurprisingly, she's super sensitive everywhere and so it's easy to get her going. Once I put my dick in she goes crazy - I think I'm hitting the back of her pussy when I push deep, and every time I do she goes crazy.

But for some reason, I can't cum. So we go 3 rounds, and then on the third I finally cum. She didn't, which I found very strange based on her constant reactions, but said she almost never cums. We talked a bit more, I said I'm learning bondage, she said she likes it rough but hasn't done much. We started playing a game where we'd go in for the kiss and then she'd back off and smile, teasing. Brat. And then she liked it when I forced it. CNC.

She seemed very down to meet again, so stoked about that!
Current goals summary:
1b) clean up finances and paperwork to be good to go to meet w/ my lender
1c) look into solar
1d) learn everything possible about STRs and explore options in my area
2) Send Rock Lobster
3) find at least one girl who wants to stick around.
4) fix bike or get it fixed.

Current calendar:
10/30 - Meal prep again. Halloween party. 3 drinks.
10/31 - date. 1 drink.
11/1 - friend in from out of town. 0-1 drinks.
11/2 - date. 1 drink.
11/3 - date. 1 drink.
11/4 roommate social time. 3 drinks.
11/4 or 11/5 - leave for the creek. No drinking until I send or fail to send. Once I send, probably drink to excess.
11/4 to 11/6 - new roomie moving in.
11/8 - nose to the grindstone.

* Wake up on time
* Meditate
* Prep for day
* PT
* Crack machine
* Practice bondage
* Work out, if scheduled
* Food prep if needed.
* Eat prepped food, unless scheduled otherwise (eg, party)
* Don't drink, unless scheduled
X Go to sleep on time

Asian girl left around 10 and I was still wired, but managed not to indulge in bad habits by drinking or eating more. But stayed up til 11 again setting up another date I got just after she left.

New jet came in for the bike this morning, so bike work will be a reward for doing bullshit paperwork.

Skin around thumbnails still isn't fully healed. Will lay off rings for one more day. Will consider experimenting w/ super glue.