Toast's AA log - Completed :) - Reuploading my videos as well

Congrats man!

1 in a million accomplishment.

You just increased your options many thousands (millions?) Fold.

You're not just limited to girls you know or anything like that. Now every girl you see is game.

Like total abundance in just under 3 months.

Really proud man. This is a rarified achievement even on GLL. And best of all there was no luck involved. You started and through effort and perseverance, finished.

It's not just the girls, it's the view of yourself, habits, work ethic, courage, diligence, tenacity, all of that are things you've gained, and it was all earned. Nothing was given to you.

This is the kind of accomplishment you will remember forever and nobody can take it away from you. No matter where you go, no matter what you do, you'll have this undisputable fact of what kinds of things you're able to accomplish.

Excited for what's next. Can't wait to see your approach logs!
Nah dude, that was spectacular. Fucking sucks to lose the first draft, but I bet it couldn't match what you just wrote.

Toast man, you've been a road buddy and an inspiration. Your hustle the last couple weeks has been legendary. Scotty's supposed 6 hour days come to mind, and you blew it away. I haven't been there for you lately. Don't lie, I haven't. Now I regret missing out on a lot of your progress and your growth.

Toast said:
Persistence is key. Never giving up in spite of all the obstacles in front is a huge mental hurdle to overcome. My brain has muscles now from how strong it has become.
Everything you said was on key, and this stands out. You've been the poster boy for persistence. You've been going at it almost every day. Day 46 in like 60 days. What a man. Your baseline has been stable almost the whole time. You've pretty much figured out the secret to reaching any goal you want. I doubt many things will be harder than this, but even if they are, the same principles will apply.

You're going to carry this achievement to everything you do, especially after doing this during COVID as a once in a lifetime bonus on top of it all.

Got more to say but this is an early congratulations. A huge one.
This shit is an inspiration.

Congrats bro, this is a superb milestone, and one very very few guys would have the balls to do.

You are clearly capable of a lot, and no doubt big things will follow.

Best wishes,
KillYourInnerLoser Awesome! Hopefully my journey can be an inspiration to some people out there to give the program a try!

sundleboro Thanks man. You have definitely been a great support this whole time. I cant wait to see you on the other side of the finish line as well.

MakingAComeback Thank you! I cant wait to see how you transform yourself as well.
I'm back from my buddies wedding/mini vacation.

Had a great time, but unfortunately the wedding wasn't really the place to get laid. Small turn out in a country town in Wisconsin.

I did gain some experience points in Madison Wisconsin when I was there with my friends. We were catching up with my friends friend, and she brought along a cutie. We seemed to get a long pretty well the whole time. We all went out drinking and she was definitely into me. My friends said she was always trying to talk to me, and I definitely felt waaaaay more comfortable talking to this girl. As the night went on it was like me and her together, and my other friends hanging out. My friends ran away from us to give us some space, and when we were walking back to the hotel I took the opportunity to kiss her and it went well. It was pretty spurr of the moment. We were just walking together and I looked her in the eyes and she was looking back at me and I went in for it. Felt really natural. Logistically it wasn't really set up for me to bring her back to the hotel since I was sharing a room with my buddies. So I said we should catch a uber to her place. She denied me there, and said that she wasn't into one night stands, and wanted to get to know me better and since I was from Cali and she was here it wouldn't work out. We then met up with my friends again and that was basically the end of the night. The next day her friend said that she thought I was really charming and a really nice guy but that my boldness with my intentions was a little bit too much for her.

Sucks I didn't get laid but I still had a really great time, and honestly I feel like I accomplished something by making out with her. I don't think I would have been as comfortable a couple of months ago. I don't think that she is the kind of girl who just sleeps around, so being able to get her to like me enough to kiss is a good morale boost and shows how much I've grown.

Now to take it to the next step and start cold approaching.

Definitely gotta move out from home though. Not having a convenient place to go back too will be a major cock block. Especially if my house is in a different town 30 min away.
~ Big ol Rant ~

Now that I'm back home and not on vacation mode, I'm kind of reflecting on what life is for me now and what I need to do in the future. All of my focus was on AA and now that is done I need to think about what is next.

Getting a taste of what its like to have fun with a cute girl in a nice town really made me realize how stuck I feel in my current situation. Life at home is not the life I want for myself.

Logistically I feel like its almost impossible for me to get laid. Not only cuz I'm at home, but because there is no bars, or even a night life in my town, and San Francisco is a 30 min drive from my house. My friends are all quite boring as well. Only one of my friends wants to go out and have any fun.

At the wedding I reconnected with a friend I knew from elementary school, and it made me realize how little I have been talking to past friends. I feel confident enough to hit up old friends and maybe go out to grab a drink or just chill. So I think I might start reaching out to past friends to reconnect.

I think what would be best for me is to move into the city, and start fresh there, get on the tinder scene and really work on my dating life, along with cold approaching. Doing this will probably help me add that excitement and fun that i feel like I'm missing in my life. Getting laid would obviously be fun, just just going on dates and meeting new people would be exciting for me as well.

The career will also come along as well. Passed the Sherriff Deputy test so that is moving along. But I'm still unsure if I want to live in California. Seeing how life is outside of Cali made me realize how fucked it really is here. Nothing is affordable, rent is extremely expensive, and crime is extremely high. Ill most likely stick with the SF Sherriff for a bit and see how it goes, since its great money. But if I can take that money else where with me and the experience I've gained. That will definitely be an option I would like to do.

So far with a little bit of a brain storm I would consider New Mexico, Arizona, Texas. If anybody has any input on those states lemme know. It seems like a lot of people here are having a great time in Texas and I've really only heard great things for years about Texas. All of the other cities that I thought about like San Diego, Seattle, Portland, Sant Cruz, Montara, Are expensive as fuck.

I'm also still unsure if I should continue school and go for a bachelors. This may or may not be of use to me. I don't really want to just go into debt for a piece of paper I wouldn't use. Getting a bachelors would allow me to possible move to japan, which was a life goal in my early 20s. So that's kind of one of the reasons I still consider it.

I have a lot to think about with what I want and need to do. For now I think priority number 1 would be moving out from home. Maybe once I'm on my own ill have a little more clarity of what I need to do and how to do it.
I feel a lot of this post.

I wonder if the big question stuff will sort itself out or if its something you need to keep activr tabs on mentally.

But yeah I feel the same way. Moving out is a bottle neck to everything else.
Toast said:
The next day her friend said that she thought I was really charming and a really nice guy but that my boldness with my intentions was a little bit too much for her.
Did you know that it's my dream to have a girl say this about me? That's a badge of honor my guy. Sorry it didn't work out, but that's a testament to the program and your achievement if I've ever seen one. Even if it doesn't feel like it for various reasons.

Congrats on the sheriff's test by the way! For the other stuff, I think you should definitely get bachelor's under your belt if you can, while not losing sight of other opportunities, career or love life-wise. SF is definitely not a good place for you for the intermediate future in my opinion. Needlessly expensive, needlessly fucked. Though the high crime might be a boon for your line of work ;) I hear very good things about Texas and San Diego.

Overall though, the person who writes a post like you just did is well on his way to something good. You're making big decisions with your life and doing something about every aspect of it. You can't really go wrong.

I'd say look into the college thing before you move out. The sheriff's thing is a good thing to have in the meantime while you decide, really happy for you that it's moving along
Gratz man I'm looking forward to get to your level! Your log is inspirational and look forward to seeing more progress! cheers!
sundleboro said:
I don't think that she is the kind of girl who just sleeps around

This is a belief we all have at the beginning and its baseless most of the times. Plus its perfectly normal for a girl to have slept with 1-2 guys all her life and that, after 3+ months of waiting. But then, a guy she likes with the right amount of social freedom and killer instict comes along and boom - the next day she's telling her friends it just happened.

Kudos for going for the kiss. I generally consider kissing useless unless you're already in your place. But thats my preference because I find kissing boring.
sundleboro said:
SF is definitely not a good place for you for the intermediate future in my opinion. Needlessly expensive, needlessly fucked. Though the high crime might be a boon for your line of work I hear very good things about Texas and San Diego.
100% agree. Sherriff Department is a great job, and great money, but sf is definitely fucked. I hope I can get the job and juggle finishing a bachelors.

Master Thanks! I hope you can keep on improving yourself as well

Crisis_Overcomer She seemed like she was down in the beginning, and was openly talking about dating and being on tinder, so I believe she was sexually available. Also we were with her best friend and my 2 friends who like ran ahead to give us space. Maybe it was a logistical thing, like going back to her place is too much for her, but if I had my own hotel room she might have been more down? This is all speculation tho. I'm happy I kissed her cuz this is all really just experience in the long run.
Going to kind of think out in the open about what I need to do. Might be some rambling and unorganized.

My top priorities right now are
1. Moving out
2. Getting finances in order
3. Getting the Sherriff Deputy job
4. Approaching and getting laid
5. Creating new healthy life habits

First off I'm planning on moving out from home very soon. Hopefully like end of April beginning of May. I got a spot lined up in SF. It's a little bit small, but honestly I think I can make it work and having my own spot will really improve my chances of getting laid. So not really a big deal for me at all. Hopefully I wont have to fight off bums on my front doorstep to get home at night. Its not in the worst neighborhood, but SF is fucked so everywhere sucks lol. Its gunna put some stress on my bank account, but I have a some money saved up and my credit card isn't maxed so that's good. Since I don't know exactly why its going to cost per month in Rent, Groceries, Utilities, and other expenses. I'm going to try and see how much per month I can afford and what I'm going to live off per month.

April I am planning on trying to re-evaluate what my monthly costs are, and cut back on all of the non essential spending. I don't really have too many unnecessary expenses, but I might need to change some things and eliminate some reoccurring costs. I'm going to sell my van and that will reduce the insurance cost per month and get me a little bit more cash. I also have a motorcycle I need to rebuild the engine and also sell. So hopefully I can fix that up and make some money off it as well. If not I may just end up selling it for parts. I'm putting a halt on updating my style for now since I feel like I have a decent baseline for what I wear most days.

Deputy job does not really take much effort on my end, besides working out and filling out paperwork. So hopefully that just solves it self. Currently i passed the initial test phase, Now its on to the Physical test and Oral interview. Both of which are happening at the end of April. Woo hoo. Things are finally moving along on that front

Approaching and getting laid will most likely happen passively. Ill still go out and approach, but I don't think it will be my main focus. Maybe one or 2 days of the week ill go out and approach. Moving out and focusing on that is my main priority since it will help me on the getting laid front.

Healthy life habits include
-Teeth whitening routine
-Better skin care routine. Face wash in morning and at night
-Changing my pillow case at lease 1 time a week to improve skin quality
-Running at lease 3 times per week.
-Lifting weights at lease 4 times per week.
Added habits after edit
-10k steps per day
-10 min morning walk
-intake mirco nutrients better. ie, zinc, iron, calcium, fiber etc.
-Fuckin flossing every night
-consistent bed time. 12pm or 1 am
-consistent wake up time. Hopefully 9am, but would like to start waking up at 8am

Right now I just use a Cetaphil face scrub and moisturizer when showering. I want to start scrubbing my face at night b4 i go to bed as well.
Going to hop back on the couch to 10k program. Idk how this will go when I move into SF. The presidio is decently close so i may just run at Crissy Fields. Which is a giant Bay side grass field where people bike and jog.
My home gym will be a 40 min drive from the city to home, so I'm going to have to see how much in gas its going to cost and how much time its going to take to make the commute. I don't really want to spend money on a gym membership when I've spend close to 1k(with some friends help) on a home gym.

I don't think ill have a problem cooking for myself at home, or spending too much on eating out since I'm a fairly decent cook. Just don't really know how much money groceries are going to cost. May have to stop eating fancy shit and just go back to basics and eat a shit load of low cost proteins and vegetables.

I'm planning on picking up some extra days at work, so hopefully that will help with my situation. Going to talk to my supervisors when I go back to work.

~Edited Section~
Something I realized is that I don't eat breakfast until like 12, but I wake up at 9ish. As a result I end up doing a fully fasted workout, or only coffee and preworkout, which probably attributes to power loss in the gym. Idk if I should like force-feed myself in the morning to get some food in my belly. Maybe the coffee I drink in the morning is causing me not to be hungry? Something that may help is getting out and going on a 10 min walk in the morning to get some sunshine and wake up, instead of relying on caffeine.

I also really wanna get back on learning Japanese, but I don't want it to distract me from my other goals. I can see studying Japanese taking up a hour block of my time as either a good or bad thing in my life. On one hand it could replace time that is already wasted watching YouTube and turn that hour into a productive time. On the other hand could that time be better utilized for other productive things? Since I haven't moved out yet, I don't fully know what my schedule will be like.

Accomplishments Thus Far
Since listing all of the things that I need to do makes it seem like I have a lot more to accomplish, which I do, I want to also list the things that I have accomplished to think back on what I have achieved so far. The list may not be large but every success is one step closer to becoming a giga chad.

-Completed AA program - This by far is the largest success of my journey and has had the most impact on my life. It has given me a new outlook on what I want to do and what I think I can do. Really has rocketed my life in a great direction and I don't know where I'm going to end up, but I have full confidence in my self that its going to either be fun as fuck or somewhere that I will be happy.
-Lost 30 lbs to date - I was 215 at the end of 2020 when I started my self improvement progress and started counting calories. Today I weighed in at 185.3 in the morning. I haven't been this weight since like 2015 or sum shit.
-Kissed a girl - Its been quite a while since I've had any fun with a chick. last time I got laid was probably 1 or 2 years ago. oof. So this is a good step in the right direction
-Working out is very consistent and all the weight I'm pushing are Personal Records. I was working out in 2016 and I was doing well, but my friend slipped a disk while deadlifting and we both quit after that. I'm back to where I was then but even better now.
- Updated my style and looks - This one is huge as well. I always dressed like a dork, but now I've gotten confirmation from some people and girls that I actually look good. My friends have given me compliments, my coworkers have noticed, and I think I look a lot better as well.
-Mega confidence upgrade- I've always had a fuck it kind of attitude, or one where I'm pretty nonchalant about everything. That has changed into something else where I am now extremely confident in my self. I think that I have a strong as fuck mindset where if I dedicate my self to something I will get it done. The AA program has shown me that I can truly dedicate my self to doing something with full commitment and do it till its done.
Improved Work Ethic - I feel guilty when time is being wasted now. I feel the need to fill my day with productive activities. Time is the most precious commodity of our lives, and I spent a lot of it just having fun in my 20s. Now im primed to have a successful and invigorating 30, and I'm honestly excited for the future.
Toast said:
First off I'm planning on moving out from home very soon. Hopefully like end of April beginning of May.
Really moving your feet, I like it.

End of April is going to big for you then. Will you be alright stacking the deputy tests with the move out?

Thanks for the couch to 10k program that I never knew about. Programs are the best. Wonder if there’s a gym program too, for getting back in the gym consistently. A lot of the AA program is like an analogy for weight lifting (“just get into the gym”) anyway.

I’m assuming your home gym equipment won’t fit into your new place at all? You’d have to be sleeping on the bench

Toast said:
I also really wanna get back on learning Japanese
Might be something that’s better to do in a college setting, you could do it while you’re getting that degree. Lot of people “teach themselves” a language and you’ve certainly got the discipline for it now, but having it as a class brings lots of good things

Accomplishments list looks great dude, you are looking good. Confidence feeds on challenge though, but you’re challenging yourself with your plans. Now it’s going to be career and life as the main challenges. Apart from the challenges day and physical week we’re going to do, right?
sundleboro Sherriff hiring process is very slow so it wont really interfere with anything. Like the Physical is at the end of the month, and then backgrounds take a while and then polygraph is months after that. If everything goes smoothly then hopefully ill be in the academy by the end of the year. I know that there is another police academy class planned for around june or july. But idk if hiring would be quick enuff for me to get into that.

Home gym definitely has to stay at my house where I currently am. Ill most likely have to commute to workout, since I think gas costs for commuting is less then monthly gym in SF. Also I'm not a big fan of crowded gyms, since ppl r gross and all the squat racks and benches are taken up. Or with the current situation you need to schedule a workout time block of like only an hour. I'm really hoping that this is not going to be a big issue. time will tell I guess.

Something I just thought of would be if the climbing gym reopened then possibly i would get a member ship there, and supplement my workouts there and at home. This is all speculation though.

2nd thing I just thought of is I miss the climbing gym so much. Forgot how many smoking hot climbing girls were at the gym lol.
sundleboro I definitely learn better in a class setting, I already have all the books to learn Japanese. But its hard to set goals and keep my self in check with self study. Without repercussions, like a failing grade, I tend to just slack off or get bored easily.
sundleboro said:
Now it’s going to be career and life as the main challenges. Apart from the challenges day and physical week we’re going to do, right?
Yah its like a whole different set of challenges. I'm excited and afraid at the same time. But honestly I'm like 100% ill manage some how.
I have just read your summary. You have exiting times ahead with the moving to another city. Where are you going too (sorry I missed it, is SF San Francisco)?

Something I realized is that I don't eat breakfast until like 12, but I wake up at 9ish. As a result I end up doing a fully fasted workout, or only coffee and preworkout, which probably attributes to power loss in the gym. Idk if I should like force-feed myself in the morning to get some food in my belly. Maybe the coffee I drink in the morning is causing me not to be hungry? Something that may help is getting out and going on a 10 min walk in the morning to get some sunshine and wake up, instead of relying on caffeine.
If you are doing strength training I would not recommend doing it on a empty stomach. Could milk + oats in a blender as a morning shake be possible? You can add a bit of whey for proteine.

I also really wanna get back on learning Japanese, but I don't want it to distract me from my other goals. I can see studying Japanese taking up a hour block of my time as either a good or bad thing in my life. On one hand it could replace time that is already wasted watching YouTube and turn that hour into a productive time. On the other hand could that time be better utilized for other productive things? Since I haven't moved out yet, I don't fully know what my schedule will be like.
very interesting goal. Why are you thinking about Japanese as a language? Regarding the study time, you could also consider to study 20 or 30 minutes a day. On days you have more time you could study for an hour. Something like that.

Hopefully its okay for a new member to comment like this. I am not aware yet how the community policy of this forum is :)
Relentless I am moving into SF. A spot that opened up that's too good to pass up is available to me, and the City will open more opportunities to meet chicks.

I definitely need to start eating in the morning, even if its something light. From past training experience, I've noticed if I eat anything before a workout I usually get mild nausea so this has probably lead to my bad habits of not eating anything before a workout. I think waking up earlier and then eating something small, like toast or oats and banana like u mentioned, would be a good way to start getting in the habit of eating b4 a morning workout. I feel like even though my numbers are going up for my lifts, I definitely feel a fatigue earlier in the workout session. Food would probably help this issue.

Japanese is my favorite foreign country to visit, and I'm also a big fan of Japanese chicks. So I wanted to learn because i think its a fun and interesting language, also for when I go back to japan, I can pick up chicks out there. Even though as an American you don't really need to know Japanese to get around in japan, or even pick up chicks. My friend got his wife from over in japan and conversed through Google translate for like their first year of dating lol.

Ur fine asking questions like this, as long as your being polite.
Have you seen GLL's skincare routine?
I'm trying his facial rn