Was hit by a car today lolz

Lostcause said:
My point: see it as 'I did not do it because I was afraid' rather than 'there was no good way to do it'.
I 100% understand that it was me not taking action. Didnt mean for my last post to sound like an excuse.

My inaction was the reason nothing happened. Not because of her in any capacity
Getting rejected while making the move is pretty similar to getting rejected on approach. Most girls are pretty nice and gentle about it

On a date when shes come back to yours I find its pretty rare to get rejected

Most likely rejection reason they sometimes give is 'too fast' but even then its a case of slowing down and waiting til she's comfortable
Radical said:
Getting rejected while making the move is pretty similar to getting rejected on approach. Most girls are pretty nice and gentle about it
good to know. I'll keep that in mind next time I have someone over.

This was my first date in a while so I was nervous. Just like with my first approach. All a learning experience in the end. This is not an excuse to not take action tho. I need to be hard on myself so I dont forget todays lesson.
Total Approaches 48

0/14 today for getting numbers
14 approaches in the span of 20-25min
Was aiming for 20

Was really approaching anybody I could. Pretty sure I maybe passed on one girl.

Approached 2 duos and a trio
Trio flat out ignored me. Stood there for a second. They didnt even look up. Moved on.

Was literally running down the street to catch up with some approaches.

Mental clarity post approaching is good. After today I really needed to get out there and clear my mind. The inaction today fuled my boldness with approaches.
That's fast as fuck.

How were the approaches?
Like from behind? From infront? Stationary? Standing?
Manganiello said:
How were the approaches?
Like from behind? From infront? Stationary? Standing?
All types. literally jogging to catch up to a chick i saw down the block. From behind, directly in front. A lot of them were moving thought. Maybe 1 or 2 were standing.

The trio was across the street. At first i thought it was a mom and 2 daughters. Got closer and they were all cute. They passed me and i turned around and caught up to them.

one girl had headphones on so i said hi and motioned with my hand. She stopped and took them off.

Last approach was in target. Girl was shopping and wandered into the bra/underware section. Still walked up to her to approach.

Probably can still be more assertive with trying to get the exchange. One girl said "im not giving out my number" probably could have pushed the approach and asked why.

Still a lot to learn
Night Game Update

Went out alone again. Definitely a night game noob. After getting a drink and trying to spot girls by themselves I chatted with one girl who was really cute and by herself. She unfortunately had 2 friends she was looking after. Very receptive but not able to leave. She did not care about physical contact like grabbing her waist. Tried to pull her out of the bar to get her to follow me, but she wouldn't leave. After dancing for a bit her friends got tuckered out and they all decided to leave. Exchanged contacts. Texted her if she was down to chill and watch a movie. No response.
^this is an example of a girl who is sexually available but not DTF that night.

Probably tried to approach maybe 5 girls if I'm being generous. Don't remember exactly.

Tried to talk to one 9/10 chick who was like fuckin beautiful. Stopped her as she was walking by and said "wow you are like amazingly gorgeous" And she gave me a sexy look and poked me on the nose and walked off. She was leaving the bar so idk if there was anything I really could have done with this interaction.

The goal of today was to try and pull a girl outside or get her to follow me. I probably approached maybe 5 girls. Not enough. GLL standards says you gotta screen like 15 girls for their receptiveness, and 1 will leave with you. I'm happy I tried but I need to try more.

This bar I've been to twice now is so packed its like not really fun to be in. Might not go back and ill explore the lower block which I have not walked yet. There was some outdoor seating but I didn't see any girls sitting outside.

Night game is expensive. I kind of lean towards cold approaching. It is more exhilarating, more fun, more rewarding, and way cheaper lol.
Nice bro sorry we couldn't be there to support you through that one. Night game seems way scarier to me but you killed it. Sounds like it was pretty productive for one of your first times. Very very few people can go out alone.
play_time_is_over Night game is wayyy different then day cold approaching. So tight packed. Everyone has their group they're with. And I'm alone trying to integrate.

It was productive. Definitely every time i go out I'm trying to be more bold. Which stacks experience towards the ultimate goal of being better.
Fucking pushing the envelope again Toast.

It sounds like you were being really aggressive.
Manganiello said:
It sounds like you were being really aggressive.
At least trying to be. A lot to learn

Probably with cold approaching I literally need to just talk to every single girl in the club. Like even if they flat out ignore me. Just move on. At lease one of them will talk to me.
Well you've got the mentality down, which is the hardest part. Just get an edgy haircut and you'll pull in no time
Spazdig Rip my hair haha. Im trying to grow it back out so i can get a good cut.

Mindset and mentality pre nightgame is definitely huge. Also having a game plan and logistics for what to do if something were to happen is key. Winging it during the approach is fine, but a contingency plan for if things start to happen is key.
Total Approach Count 69 (Nice)

Approached at my usual spot. Wasted 15 min parking at the wrong lot and had no women to approach while walking to the area I usually approach.

Having a high volume foot traffic area is literally the most important thing for high volume approaches.

21 approaches
2 trios
1 quad
1 in front of the husband LOL

There were some instances of pushback in my own mind today that i worked through.

Standing in front of the women's section of Zara. Was thinking how do i break through the barrier. At one point i was just like fuck it go in. Walked in walked up the stairs. Saw a cutie asian in leggings. approached. She said she had a boyfriend. Told her ok, call him and tell him it's over. She was taken aback but not like really offended. probably just surprised by my boldness. A good thing.

The girl who i approached in front of the husband was really funny. Walked into Zara again. Saw this really pretty blonde at the front of the store. Chatted with her for like a 30 seconds maybe a min. Asked for her number and she's like "oh i'm married" Husband like came up and was like "thats my wife." What a cuck. I was talking to her in front of him the whole time XD

One number i got today was with the most unreceptive girl i have talked to in a while. Approached, called her cute, and she like didn't even smile and kind of just looked at me.
Asked how her day was going. "good"
What you up to right now? "shopping
How old are you? "what do you think?"
at lease 18 "i'm 30"
small talk finally
Can i get your number? "Sure"
Receptive ness really doesn't seem to matter. It's kind of crazy. Just be being forward probably is what got me the number.
Toast said:
Husband like came up and was like "thats my wife." What a cuck. I was talking to her in front of him the whole time XD

:evil: Haha

Man... I wonder what was going through his head when that was happening.
Manganiello said:
Man... I wonder what was going through his head when that was happening.
Haha same. Some thing along the line of. "fuck is this guy who's like 4 inches shorter than me gunna make my wife cheat on me?"
Listen here you little shit, you'd better slow the fuck down lest you make pussy bitches (like myself) look bad, you hear?!

You've taken it to 100 in no time man, fucking GLL legend material in the making. Keep going lad
Toast the legend Manganiello what you gonna do about it I want it to become a rivalry lets gooooooooooo.

Toast vs Manganiello
Spazdig said:
Listen here you little shit, you'd better slow the fuck down lest you make pussy bitches (like myself) look bad, you hear?!

You've taken it to 100 in no time man, fucking GLL legend material in the making. Keep going lad
Still gotta get laid from all this as well, so no slowing down from me XD

Master said:
Toast the legend Manganiello what you gonna do about it I want it to become a rivalry lets gooooooooooo.

Toast vs Manganiello
Oh man it's been a rivalry since we both finished the AA program. He beat me to moving out on his own. I gotta get a win on somewhere. Its a good thing tho. Great motivation to keep pushing hard
Toast said:
Master wrote: ↑Toast the legend @Manganiello what you gonna do about it I want it to become a rivalry lets gooooooooooo.

Toast vs Manganiello
Oh man it's been a rivalry since we both finished the AA program. He beat me to moving out on his own. I gotta get a win on somewhere. Its a good thing tho. Great motivation to keep pushing hard

It's been a good friendly competition for awhile.

It seems like every othrr day Toast does something qnd I'm like how the fhck did he do that? And then I feel pressure to do something else.

Master you got to finish the program so you can start doing this too.